“Yurr” is a shoptalk normally utilized in New York and New Jersey as an approach to saying “wassup” or as an approach to hello to your companions. It can likewise be utilized as an approach to saying ”howdy” to your companions or hello to them.
At the end of the day, ”yurr” can likewise be utilized to say ”yes” to somebody. This truly means that assuming you are messaging somebody or you are in a discussion with the person and you would rather not say OK, you can just say ”yurr”. Like that, you have said exactly the same thing however you just utilized shoptalk.

It tends to be utilized in various settings, however, you really want to know the right setting to utilize it so you don’t utilize it wrongly. On the off chance that somebody tells you ”yurr” and you don’t have the foggiest idea about the correct method for answering to the person, you ought to peruse on. I will make sense of for you the different ways you can answer when says yurr.
20 Best Replies to “Yurr”
When the person means ‘’wassup’’

1. Hello
At the point when somebody says ”yurr” and the person is attempting to say ”wassup”, you can answer by telling the person welcome! Like that, you are additionally attempting to welcome the person back. In the event that the person says wassup, he is attempting to ask you how you are doing or welcome you, you can basically say ”hi”.
That is a basic method for hello the person consequently. You want to understand what the person means prior to utilizing this answer.
2. Howdy
In the event that the person implied ”wassup”, which additionally implies ”how goes it with you”, you can just tell the person ”hi”. It is one more approach to saying ”hi, what’s going on with you?” Like that, the person will comprehend that you are attempting to welcome back or return the hello that he gave.
This is another basic answer that you can utilize. With this answer, you will actually want to discuss effectively with the person.
3. How do you know me?
Somebody you only met interestingly won’t tell you ”wassup” from the start, he might express something like ”greetings” or even attempt to be more formal yet in the event that the person says ”wassup”, it implies that you both unquestionable necessity known one another for some time.
In a circumstance like this, you can answer by asking the person ”how would you know me”. Most times, just somebody you definitely realize will converse with you by saying ”wassup”.
You are basically on the right track assuming you answer by inquiring as to whether the person knows you. This is on the grounds that you didn’t anticipate that I should welcome you that way. On the off chance that the person really knows you.
4. How are you doing?
At the point when the person tells you ”wassup, you can feel free to answer the person by asking ”what’s going on with you”, that is an approach to showing the person that you likewise care and that you would simply prefer not to welcome the person and continue on.
At the point when you show the person that you give it a second thought, he can try and know you more. At the point when the person lets you know how he is doing, you will actually want to get a more profound association with the person and you both will begin to talk more.
5. Hello, I would like to know you more
You can essentially let the person know that you might want to know the person more. Assuming the person said ”wassup”, just answer by saying ”hi” I might want to know you more. That shows you have an interest in finding out about the person and you would simply prefer not to welcome the person and continue on.
Like that, the person will comprehend how profoundly intrigued you are to find out about him. This is a decent answer that you can utilize.
6. Nothing much, just doing some work
”Wassup” could imply that the person is attempting to ask what you are doing. You can tell the person that you are occupied with something or that you can’t talk now. Like that, you have previously let the person know what you are doing and you have spoken with the person also.
7. Let us talk when I am less busy
Assuming that the person says ”wassup” as an approach to letting you know that you both ought to hang out or you both ought to meet, you can just let him know that you both ought to talk when you are less occupied.
You ought to possibly utilize this answer on the off chance that you are truly occupied and you believe nothing or anyone should occupy you by then.
8. Nothing much, just the same old me
The person could be attempting to inquire as to whether there is anything new happening around you. Assuming there is the same old thing, you can basically let the person know that not a lot is continuing and that it is only the standard, worn-out you.
9. I am not in a good mood
At the point when the person says ”wassup”, he is additionally asking you how you are doing. When the person asks you and you need to let the person know how you are doing, you can essentially let him know that you are not feeling great in the event that you are genuinely not feeling great. It is great that you can tell the person precisely the way in which you feel.
10. I am so happy, and I do not know why
You can likewise utilize this answer assuming you are so cheerful and you maintain that the person should be educated that you are blissful.
Assuming that is what is going on, just let the person know that you are cheerful and you will actually want to tell from the person’s answer that he grasps your answer.
When the person means ‘’yes’’

1. Really?
When the person says ”yurr” as an approach to saying ”yes” you can answer by saying ”truly?” This shows you are curious as to whether the person makes certain about what he is talking about.
Like that, you are imparting to the person that you are shocked that the person said OK quick. At the point when you say ”truly”, you will actually want to get an answer from the person on the off chance that he truly intended what he said.
2. Thank you for agreeing
Assuming what the person consented to do was in support of yourself, it will check out to tell the person much obliged. Like that, the person will comprehend that you value what he did.
This is a straightforward method for valuing the person for saying OK.
3. Okay, so what next?
Assuming the person expressed yes to your solicitation, you can answer by saying ”OK, so what next?”. This shows that you are attempting to understand what is next despite the fact that the person has proactively said OK.
Like that, you are being proactive and you additionally need to understand what it is that the person is attempting to say. At the point when you utilize this answer, you ought to anticipate that the person should let you know what next.
4. How come you agreed so easily?
It could happen that you requested something you think will be a piece challenging to get, just for the person to express yes to you without contemplating it.
At the point when you ask the person why he concurred with such ease, he will offer you a response and he will actually want to explain to you the justification for why he concurred so quickly.
With an answer like this, you ought to hope to find every one of the solutions that you need. On an ordinary day, the person will be unable to answer effectively to such a solicitation, yet since the person has concurred without any problem.
5. You should have at least asked questions before saying yes
This shows that the person didn’t want to pose an adequate number of inquiries prior to saying OK. In your answer, you can basically let the person know that he ought to have essentially posed inquiries before he concurs.
At the point when you let the person know that he ought to have posed inquiries prior to saying OK. It will cause him to notice the way that he ought to have sought clarification on pressing issues.
6. Yep, I will be happy too!
In the event that the person is letting you know indeed, you can answer by telling the person “That’s right, I will be blissful as well”.
It may be the case that the person expressed yes to something you have a very cheerful outlook on, on the off chance that you are truly blissful about it you can just let the person know that you will be cheerful as well. Like that, the person will see the way blissful you are about what he told you.
7. Cool, you got it
This is a basic method for letting the person know that you likewise concur with the way that you are glad that he said OK. The point when you say “cool”, shows how blissful you are about the reaction. This is a decent answer that you can utilize.
8. No Problem!
It is basic, no issue! That is the very thing you are attempting to convey to the person. On the off chance that he said OK, you ought to trust him and let him know no issue!
At the point when you say no issue, it implies that you approve of what the person said. This is likewise a decent answer that you can utilize.
9. I like that, I will be happy if you want to help
You can utilize this answer in the event that you advised somebody to assist you with some help and the person said OK. Tell the person in your answer that you are glad that he needs to help you.
This will show how thankful you are that the person needs to offer you some assistance. Ordinarily, you will be cheerful when somebody consents to help you out on something.
At the point when you utilize this answer, the person will actually want to receive the message. Now and again, when people help you, it feels so great that the person can require some investment to help you.
10. How do you say yes when you barely know me?
At times, persons can be pleasant to such an extent that they can express yes to you even without having a ton of insight into you.
In the event that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the person and you ask the person for some help then the person expresses yes without knowing you, then, at that point, you want to ask the person how he had the option to express yes to you without having a ton of familiarity with you.
Final Words
At the point when somebody says “yurr”, it could mean various things. It could imply that the person is saying “wassup” or the person could be attempting to say “OK”.
It is great you know the importance before you even get to know the correct method for answering. In the event that you don’t initially know the significance, you won’t know how to answer.
There are various implications to “yurr”, contingent upon the setting there are various ways of answering to the person. There is a method for answering the person on the off chance that the person signified “wassup” or on the other hand on the off chance that the person signifies “yes”.
For that reason I composed this article, it will put you through the different ways you can answer when somebody says “yurr”.
Whenever you are in a discussion with somebody, it might really be in text, and the person says “yurr”, in the wake of perusing this article, you ought to definitely know the most ideal way to answer to the person.