You may be considering what response you’re to give when somebody asks what you will do about a specific circumstance.
Your response will decide whether you’re going to follow through with something or on the off chance that nothing at all would be finished.
This article will distinguish 30 articulations that are the best responses to the expression “What are you going to do about it”.
A basic response is “The reason would you like to be aware”, which is a request regarding the reason why the person needs to be familiar with your best course of action. You can likewise say “Nothing” to tell somebody that you have no plans of doing anything.
Not fulfilled? You can look at our rundown of responses here.

30 of Our Best Replies to “What Are You Going To Do About It”
1. Why do you want to know?
This is a question that is being posed to know why somebody needs data. You’re asking a person for what good reason they need to have a thought of what you will do.
This shows that you don’t believe the person should understand what you will do. This request expects to decide the purpose of the prerequisite for your arrangement.
You are asking someone questions because they want to know what you are going to do. This shows your need to keep your arrangements from the other person.
2. Nothing
This is a direct response. It merely states that you will not take any action. It infers that you would rather not make any meaningful difference either way with it or you don’t have plans of making a difference either way.
It’s an adverse response to a specific circumstance. This shows that you would rather not make any move toward a specific circumstance.
That only implies that you will not act or that you are unwilling to act. A response shows that you have no expectations to do anything.
This shows that you don’t want to do anything about a problem.
3. You wouldn’t want to know
At the point when you answer as such, you’re advising somebody that they won’t prefer to understand what you’ll do. This shows that you don’t believe they should be aware. It infers that you don’t believe they should know what you’ll do.
By answering along these lines, you are telling the other person that they won’t care to figure out what you’re going to do. This communicates your longing for them to stay ignorant.
4. What will you do if I tell you?
Here likewise, you’re scrutinizing the person’s capacity. You need to understand everything that move the person would make assuming you say to them what you have as a main priority to do.
You wouldn’t fret about letting somebody know what you’ll do about it yet relying on the prerequisite that the person lets you know first what they’ll do. On this occasion also, you cast uncertainty on their capability.
On the off chance that you share your arrangements with somebody, you need to understand what game plan they would take. Assuming somebody lets you know what they will do first, you wouldn’t fret about letting them know what you will do about it.
5. Nothing that concerns you
Here, you’re telling the person that what you will do about something doesn’t concern them.
You’re telling the person that they don’t have to understand what you will do because it doesn’t influence them.
You are implying to the person that your actions in this circumstance will not have any effect on them. You are conveying to the person that their opinion may not be required by stating that they do not need to know what you are about to do because it will not affect them.
6. You’ll see
By saying “You’ll see”, you’re advising somebody to show restraint to understand what you will do. you’re advising the person to stand by and watch what you will do.
This suggests that you’re genuinely going to follow through with something, even if you don’t unveil how you will treat the speaker.
At the point when you say “you’ll see,” you’re encouraging the other person to hold on until you do what you say you will do. You’re mentioning that they pause and see what you’re going to achieve.
7. You know already
This response demonstrates that the person already knows what you intend to do. it implies that the person understands what you will do right now.
It shows that before that time, the person understands what you will do. By giving this response, you might tell that the other person is as of now mindful of what you will do.
Hence, it infers that the other person knows about your ongoing plans.
8. I don’t know yet
This response implies that you don’t have the foggiest idea of what you will truly do at present. Realizing likely in the future means you’re going.
However you hope to understand some solution for something later right now, you don’t have the foggiest idea. It shows that you have no clue about what to do presently however you’re certain of knowing later.
Your response shows that you are as of now uncertain about your subsequent stages. That suggests that you will most likely discover the information later.
In any event, when you expect to understand some solution for something tomorrow, you are uncertain at present. It suggests that while you are uncertain of what to do at present, you will be aware without a doubt from here on out.
9. Nothing because I don’t care
This is another negative explanation that shows you will not make a difference. It shows you have no plans of doing anything.
This articulation additionally expresses the motivation behind why you will not follow through with something. It suggests that you won’t make any move about something specific since you couldn’t care less about it.
This implies that something is of less significance to you, so you won’t make any move for it. It demonstrates that you lack the drive to act.
Additionally, this phrase explains why you will not act. It recommends that you couldn’t care less about anything enough to make any move because of it.
This just demonstrates that something is less vital to you, and accordingly, you will not make any kind of difference.
10. A lot of things
By saying this, you’re let the speaker know what you’ll do. You’re telling the speaker that you have plans of following through with something.
It implies you will do countless things concerning a specific circumstance. It’s anything but a negative proclamation as it shows that you have countless things as a top priority to do.
You are just illuminating the speaker regarding your arrangements by expressing this. You are informing the speaker of your intention to carry out some action.
It suggests that there are numerous actions you will take depending on the circumstances.
11. The right thing
This response additionally shows that you have plans to follow through with something. For this situation, what you trust or maintain that should do I only common decency. So on the off chance that you will act, it must be the correct thing.
This remark additionally shows that you have aimed to make a move. Anything you trust or believe should do in this present circumstance is only the legitimate thing.
Consequently, assuming you will follow through with something, it should be the appropriate thing.
12. I’ll try harder
This response shows that you’ll invest some preferable energy than you did the last time. This suggests that the activity you required some investment wasn’t sufficient, and because of the speaker’s question, you’ll improve this time.
With your response, you’ve shown that you’ll work harder than you did already. This proposes that the activity you did the last time wasn’t satisfactory or enough and that this time, in reply to the speaker’s question, you’ll improve.
13. Nothing can be done
This answer is an end that you can’t hope to make any meaningful difference either way. This might be a consequence of a circumstance by which you’ve attempted each mean conceivable however it yielded no arrangement.
You can utilize this answer when you’ve made an honest effort to follow through with something. This response suggests that you can’t do anything about it.
This may be the result of a situation where you attempted each choice however there was still no goal. You can respond this way after putting in your best effort on anything.
14. I have no clue
This statement demonstrates that you are unsure of your response to a given circumstance. In this situation, you have no clue about how to try and begin handling the issue.
This infers that there’s a high opportunity of you not making any kind of difference with it since you don’t know precisely how to begin.
This articulation shows that you are uncertain of how you will deal with a particular situation. You don’t have the foggiest idea where to start in this present circumstance to tackle the issue.
Because you are unsure of where to begin, this suggests that you are highly unlikely to act.
15. Let’s ask someone first
You’ve decided to ask another person because you don’t know how to proceed. This response shows that you need to get the point of view of another person.
You need to hear from someone else before you settle on some solution for a specific circumstance. You’re deciding to ask another person since you have no clue about how to approach making it happen.
Your remark shows that you are keen on others’ viewpoints. You want to hear what another person has to say when deciding what to do in certain situations.
16. Let’s not talk about that
This response demonstrates that you are not interested in discussing a specific circumstance. You may understand what you will do yet you would rather not discuss it.
You may be excessively involved in having that discussion.
17. Is that supposed to be a question?

This assertion demonstrates that you do not anticipate that question to be asked. This implies you’re going to take care of a circumstance, so you don’t anticipate that the speaker should ask you.
18. I’ll show you
This response suggests that you will act. With this assertion, not exclusively will you follow through with something, but you’ll like the speaker to observe it.
You’re telling the person that they’ll see what you’ll do and you’ll jump at the chance to show them moreover. This response recommends that you make a move.
With this expression, you’ll make a move as well as believe that the speaker should see it. You’re telling your desired person to show them as well as what you’ll do.
19. What should I do?
You don’t know what to do here. You’re asking another person what you ought to do about a specific circumstance. You’re looking for somebody’s viewpoint and thoughts on something that you’re likely befuddled about.
20. Wait and see
Here, you’re advising the person to hang on and see what you’ll do about it. This implies you understand what to do however you would rather not say it, all things being equal, you believe that the person should see it.
21. You’d be surprised
This assertion shows that the speaker would be shocked by what you intend to do. What you intend to do would be viewed as a shock to the speaker. You are implying to the speaker that what you will do will astonish them.
22. Whatever I want
With this response, you’re telling the speaker that you’ll do whatever satisfies you. You don’t have a specific arrangement yet you’ll do what you need.
23. It depends on …
This assertion shows that what you’ll do about a circumstance relies upon something different. Here, you’re thinking about your activities given specific things.
This suggests that certain factors will determine what you do or what action you take.
24. Not sure
This answer shows that you’re unsure about the thing you will do. in this answer, there’s a little type of uncertainty, since you’re unsure of your choice.
It may be the case that you’re considering a few things before you make any move.
25. I don’t know you. Why are you interested?
By saying this, you’re telling the speaker that you have no clue about who the person is. You’re likewise asking why the person would have an interest in the thing you will do.
This assertion comes as a shock since you didn’t anticipate that an outsider should pose you a such question.
26. Leave that to me
This response demonstrates the way that you can deal with the circumstances yourself. By saying this, you don’t believe the speaker should stress a lot over you. It demonstrates that you are in control of everything and would know what to do about it.
27. Didn’t know you’d ask
This expression demonstrates that you did not anticipate the person asking you what you would do. It demonstrates surprise at what had been said.
This response doesn’t respond to the question, it doesn’t say if you’d follow through with something or not. It just shows shock.
28. I’ll try something new
You’re telling the speaker that the main thing you can do about it is to have a go at a new thing. It shows that you need to take a stab at another thing to check whether you’ll get fruitful.
It suggests that you intend to act in a different way than you did previously.
29. I didn’t know I’d need to do something
This response suggests that you had no clue that you ought to take care of business. It shows that you’re simply getting to realize that you’re intended to take care of business from the speaker.
30. I told you already
At the point when you utilize this response, you’re helping the speaker to remember what has been said or talked about before.
It infers that you’ve prior informed the speaker regarding what you intend to do.
This demonstrates that you and the speaker have previously discussed you doing something.
We have painstakingly inspected every one of the 30 responses and what they mean. You can use these responses in a formal or informal setting.
The outcome of the conversation will be determined by your response.