At the point when somebody wishes you a safe journey he is attempting to hope everything works out for you and is likewise trusting that you get to your objective securely. Somebody who wishes you a safe journey means well towards you.
At the point when somebody wishes you a safe journey, you ought to be content about that, you ought to likewise show the person how blissful you are about the way that they had the option to wish you a safe journey.
You can say ”much obliged” to tell the person that you are cheerful about the great wishes that he shipped off to you.
Investigate the different answers that you can give when somebody tells you ‘’have a safe journey’’.

25 Best Replies When Someone Says “Have A Safe Journey”
1. Thank you
‘’Thank you’’ is an approach to let the person know that you truly do see the value in everything he said to you and that you wish he would constantly let you know that when you are going on a journey.
Saying thank you will make the person continue to wish you well whenever you are going to head on a journey.
2. I Will
This response demonstrates your assurance of a safe journey. Perhaps you have security with you or you have previously ensured that your vehicle is in the right condition before you leave on the journey.
Along these lines, you are certain that you will have an incredible journey. This is a decent answer that you can give just when you are certain that you will have an incredible journey.
3. I always do
This is an answer you can give on the off chance that you have forever been having a pleasant journey right from time. You can say in your response that you always have a pleasant journey if the person does not know that you have always traveled safely.
At the point when you answer along these lines, the person will comprehend that you have forever been having a safe journey and you are certain to such an extent that you will have a safe journey.
4. That depends on the driver
Some of the time, when you are leaving on a journey, If you are going by street, you should rely on how rational the driver is and how he drives. Assuming that the person advises you to have a safe journey, you can see the person who relies upon the driver.
You can utilize this answer, particularly assuming you have no say on how safe your process will be, most times, the person driving the vehicle has full command over how safe all of you will be.
5. I am working towards that
On the off chance that you are dealing with having a decent journey and somebody advises you to have a decent journey simultaneously, you can essentially tell the person in your answer that you are pursuing that.
At the point when the person sees that you are pursuing that, he will comprehend that there might be a compelling reason to advise you to have a safe journey.
6. Do I ever have a bad journey?
This is a way to let the person know that you never have a bad trip and that no matter how you travel, you always have a good time and a good trip, whether you fly or drive.
Like that, the person comprehends that you generally have a decent journey and you are attempting to let him know that in your answer.
7. Sure, I will hire a good driver
This is an approach to let the person know that you will recruit a decent driver to ensure that you have a decent journey. It is an answer you can utilize if you don’t want to drive yourself to your objective.
If the person advises you to have a safe journey, simply advise him that you will enlist a decent driver.
8. Thank you for wishing me well
Along these lines, you are saying thanks to the person for hoping everything turns out great for you. Even if they are aware that you are about to set out on a journey, not everyone will wish you a safe journey. This answer will tell the person that you are blissful he wished you a safe journey.
9. I Trust God, I will
This is a way that you can perceive the person that you trust God will safeguard you while you set out on a journey.
Along these lines, the person comprehends that you so accept that God will safeguard you and you will have a safe journey.
10. Well, The road is smooth, so I guess I will have a good journey
You can utilize this answer assuming you make certain of how the street is and if you realize beyond any doubt that the street in front of you is smooth. At the point when you are certain that the street ahead is smooth, you will be sure that you will have a safe journey.
11. You already know that I drive carefully
If you are the one driving and are confident that you will drive safely, you can simply inform the other person that you will drive carefully and ensure your safety when they tell you to have a safe trip. Like that, the person will comprehend that you are a cautious person.
12. I like that you wish me well
This is an answer let the person know that you like how he takes as much time as is needed to hope everything works out for you. The way that the person wishes you well shows that the person has you in their heart and needs awesome for you.
The more you let the person know that you like how he wishes you will, he will wish you well whenever you are setting out on a journey.
13. You are one of those who wish me well
At times, it may be the case that a couple of persons wish you well when you need to set out on a journey in any event when a ton of your companions know that you are leaving on that journey.
It is normally great when you have people who hope everything works out for you, regardless of whether it is only a couple. This demonstrates that a few people are interested in you.
14. I had fun staying with you
You can utilize this answer assuming you are going to pass on that person to travel elsewhere, and assuming the person is somebody you love, you can answer by letting the person know that you partook in your time together and that you will miss him. This is a decent answer you can give on the off chance that the person advises you to have a safe journey.
15. I will let me go fix my car to make sure I have a safe journey

On the off chance that you don’t know that your vehicle is in great shape, you might have to fix it before you are certain you can have a safe journey.
That is everything you ought to say to the person in your answer. Let the person know that you will fix your vehicle to ensure that you have a safe journey.
16. I wish you a safe journey too
You can utilize this answer assuming you realize without a doubt that the person is likewise voyaging, you can say that you likewise wish the person a safe journey.
The person will be pleased that you are also wishing him safe travel in this manner. This is a decent answer.
17. Thank you, I will text you when I arrive
This is an approach to saying thanks to the person and simultaneously letting the person know that you will message him when you show up. You should also be kind enough to inform the person that you have arrived safely because they care enough to wish you a safe journey.
After you have safely arrived, you will have reciprocated the person’s care by texting them.
18. See you soon
This response demonstrates that you are aware that you will see the person days after your arrival or that you will return shortly from the trip. Assuming that is the situation let the person know that you will see him soon.
19. Thank you for being such a caring person
Along these lines, you are expressing gratitude toward the person for being so mindful. That way the person will be happy that you were a particularly pleasant person and you focused on the person to such an extent.
Since you have said thanks to the person for being so mindful, the person won’t hold back from focusing on you sometime later.
20. I hope the road will be nice to me
This shows that you don’t have full command over having a safe journey. In such a circumstance, you can respond by expressing your hope and prayer that the road will be kind to you.
21. Why not? I will
This answer shows that there is not a glaringly obvious explanation for why you won’t have a safe journey and you are likewise let the person know that you are almost certain you will have a safe journey. This answer will cause the person to comprehend how sure you are that you will have a safe journey.
22. You always remember to wish me well, I like that about you
This answer shows that the person generally recalls that you particularly when you are going to set out on a journey, the person won’t hold back to hope everything works out for you. Assuming you like that about the person, you can essentially tell him.
23. My God will keep me safe, thank you
This shows how well you accept that God will guard you. This answer additionally imparts to the person how truly you take your profound convictions.
You could utilize this answer and the person will see precisely the exact thing you mean. This answer is a decent one.
24. You do not need to wish me that, I know I will
This shows how certain you are that you will have a safe journey. You can also say in your response that the person does not even need to wish you a safe journey before you do so you already know that you will. This shows how you have arranged for the journey.
25. Give me a goodbye hug
This demonstrates that you are going to miss the person so much and want to give them a final hug until you see each other again. Before the next time you see each other, that hug might be the last time you see them.
Final Words
On the off chance that you are going to set out on a journey and somebody advises you to have a safe journey, saying thanks to the person for wishing you a safe journey is great.
Not every person will show restraint enough to wish you a safe journey, to that end you want to tell the person that you are happy he wished you a safe journey.