Have you been attempting to sort out what to say when somebody wishes you a “Happy Monday”?
Do you accept your response to this sentence needs to change?
This post is for you since it will educate you on multiple ways of noting the assertion “Happy Monday.” It’s a thoughtful approach to wishing somebody a decent week ahead or empowering them to capitalize on their time that day.
The numerous responses to this sentence will be talked about in this article alongside certain cases.
The best answers to this articulation incorporate “Happy Monday to you as well,” “Why, thank you,” and “An extraordinary week ahead for you as well.” With these direct responses, you might respond to the speaker right away and, surprisingly, express your opinions consequently.

30 Best Ways To Respond To Happy Monday
1. Thank You
This is a basic approach to valuing a person for wishing you a happy Monday. With this answer, you’re making an effort not to take the discussion any further. It is an incredible method for keeping your answer short and basic. It is an awesome and straightforward method for valuing a person for hoping everything turns out great for you. For example;
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thank you. See you later.”
2. Same To You
One more suitable solution to “Happy Friday” is “Same to you.” This is because of the way that it proposes that the speaker needs to claim something relating to her ownership. It’s a brief and smart response to “Blissful Friday.” It suggests that you are wishing the other person the equivalent.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Same to you. I appreciate that”
- “Happy Monday”
- “Same to you. You look good.”
3. Happy Monday To You Too
The least difficult technique to respond when somebody wishes you a “Happy Monday” is to simply say “Happy Monday to you tool” back. It is brief and clear while additionally passing your need on to end the discussion.
It just implies that you need the other person anything they wish for you. It is likewise a fast strategy to offer your thanks to the person who originally hoped everything would work out for you.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Happy Monday to you too.”
4. Wish You The Same
The response is the equivalent when you express “Same to you.” ” Wish you the same” is a reasonable reply to “Happy Monday.”
This is because of the way that it proposes that the speaker needs to claim something relating to your ownership. It is a brief and smart response to “Happy Monday.” It suggests that you are wishing the other person the same thing.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Wish you the same. Have a wonderful day”
- “Happy Monday.”
- “Wish you the same. Please see me later”.
5. A Marvelous Monday To you Too
This assertion is one more pleasant method for answering “Happy Monday”. This is because it suggests that the person has a magnificent and superb Monday. This shows that you will have a wonderful Monday, so you would like something similar to happen to them.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Oh dear! A marvelous Monday to you too.”
- “Happy Monday”
- “A marvelous Monday to you too beautiful.”
6. Why Thank You
This is a reasonable response to offer your thanks to the person. This answer is likewise an approach to saying thank you yet with a little kind of an unexpected treat. You can utilize this response when you aren’t anticipating any commendations or wishes.
It infers that you’re a piece shocked by what you heard. You can utilize this assertion to show a gentle shock when somebody you don’t expect or somebody that you frequently don’t converse with wishes you a happy Monday.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Why, thank you. I didn’t know you were so nice.”
7. I Appreciate It
This is another basic and short response you can give. This response shows the amount you are appreciative of what the person said.
It suggests that you’re profoundly appreciative that the person is wishing you well on Monday. It proposes that you know and comprehend the worth of somebody wishing you “Happy Monday” and you’re likewise appreciative of it.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Oh, I appreciate it. Thank you so much.”
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thank You for that. I appreciate it.”
8. Thank You! Happy Monday
This answer is about you answering to a person who desires you well on Monday by showing how thankful you are and wishing the person a “Happy Monday” as well.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thank you! Happy Monday”
9. Oh! Thank You. Have A Great Monday too
This answer shows a touch of shock. It likewise infers that you value the wish and you wish the person an astounding Monday as well. It proposes that you need the person likewise to have a great Monday. This is a cordial answer to somebody who has recently wished you a Happy Monday.
“Happy Monday”
“Oh Thank you, sir. Have a great Monday too.”
10. I Hope You Have A Happy Monday Too
A response like this infers that you anticipate that the person should have an astonishing Monday very much like you’re having at present.
It implies you’re now having a pleasant Monday and all you wish for the person is to have a decent Monday as well. A cordial answer to a person method you wish the person too a happy Monday.
- “Happy Monday”
- “I hope you have a happy Monday too. Enjoy your day”
11. I’ll Do That, Thanks
At the point when you utilize this assertion to answer “Happy Monday”, you’re guaranteeing the person that you’ll for sure have a Happy Monday. You’ve let the person know that no doubt, you will have a great day.
- “Happy Monday”
- “I’ll do that, thanks so much for your wish.”
- “Happy Monday”
- “I’ll do that, see you later.”
12. Thanks, And You
This is a viable strategy to wish the speaker a “Happy Monday” consequently. It passes your need for them to take joy on Monday similarly. This articulation just conveys that you wish the other person well as a trade-off for their lovely comments to you.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thanks, and your darling”
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thanks, and you. Have a nice day.”
13. A Great Week Ahead For You Too
This response shows that you’re having an extraordinary week and you would like the person to have an incredible week as well.
Here, you’re not just wishing the person well for the Monday alone, but on the other hand, you’re wishing the person well until the end of the week. This implies that you believe the entire week should work out positively for the person.
14. Thank You. Happy Monday

This response recommends a type of gratefulness to the person. It is great and shows that you wish the person back “Happy Monday”.
This is a pleasant articulation that you can utilize when you need to recognize this commendation. It is a decent approach to offering your thanks to a person who has hoped everything would turn out great for you.
15. Thank You Dear
Saying “Thank you dear” suggests that you perceive the person as somebody significant. It implies you consider the person to be somebody that makes a big difference to you. This answer shows that you’re expressing it to somebody you care such a huge amount for.
It is one more approach to showing your demeanor of appreciation to a person who has hoped everything would work out for you. This is generally a relaxed response and it is for the most part utilized for companions, family, partners, or accomplices.
16. And To You!
It is like saying “You too!”. It is utilized to answer a decent wish and for this situation, the great wish is “Happy Monday.” You can utilize this answer to end a discussion or to prevent it from going any further. ” What’s more, to you” implies that may a “Happy Monday” happen to the person too.
- “Happy Friday”
- “And to you! Thanks”
17. Thanks A Lot
It’s truly simple to apply this response, particularly assuming that you wish to get praise from others. It incorporates any reassuring comment and isn’t restricted to “Happy Monday.” You can utilize it to offer thanks for somebody’s thoughtful wishes.
It is commonly utilized in relaxed environments and sets up a cordial air. While you’re endeavoring to offer thanks for anything somebody accomplished for you, this articulation is good to use. Notice the models underneath;
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thanks a lot. Happy Monday dear”
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thanks a lot. You’re so nice.”
18. Cheers
Since it could be utilized casually among companions and colleagues, this comment is viewed as casual. It is a method for offering your thanks for the speaker’s great remarks. To say “thank you” without holding back, you could say “good health” all things being equal.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thank you. Cheers.”
19. Have A Great Week Ahead
Saying “Have a great week ahead” as an answer to “Happy Monday” shows that you wish the person a momentous week. It implies the remainder of the week ought to go well to the person. This implies that you trust that the person’s week will be great and pleasant as well.
This assertion additionally recommends that you’re advising the person to partake in the wide range of various days of the week similarly as he is appreciating Monday. Here, you’re wishing the person a charming week and having a great time. It infers that there’s an approaching week.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Have a great week ahead. See you on Friday.”
- “Happy Monday”
- “Have a great week ahead. Cheers”
20. Wish You A Nice Week
This is you wishing the person a good week. This expression implies that you ought to have a decent and pleasant day the entire day of the week or the remainder of the week. It tends to be utilized both officially and casually.
You’re advising the person to partake in every one of the times of the week and that incorporates having a “Happy Monday”. You’re wishing that the person lives it up over time.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Wish you a nice week. Friday will be here soon.”
21. I Wish You Well This Week
This shows that you’re wishing the person a wonderful time during the week. This assertion is an articulation that shows a longing for somebody’s prosperity that week.
It implies that you trust the person gets along admirably or prevails in all he does that week. It is an approach to saying that you wish everything is great with the person this week. You believe the person should have a useful Monday and week.
“Well” in the explanation could likewise allude to a person’s well-being. It could imply that you’re wishing the person great well-being this week.
- “Happy Monday”
- “I wish you well this week. Thanks”
- “Happy Monday”
- “Thanks very much, I wish you well this week.”
22. My Pleasure
“My pleasure” is one more cool method for saying “thank you” when somebody tells you “Happy Monday”. It is extremely amenable and vehement. It is for the most part utilized for formal discussion. You’re essentially letting the person know that you’re cheerful about Monday.
- “Happy Monday”
- “My pleasure”
23. Yeah! Thanks
This comment indicates a sensation of appreciation for the other person’s desire. It is chivalrous to return the “Happy Monday” welcome with this answer as it is extremely short and basic.
You can pleasantly recognize this commendation by utilizing this expression. It’s an effective method for showing somebody your appreciation for their great wishes. This answer is additionally one of those you can utilize when you would rather not take the discussion further.
- “Happy Monday”
- “Yeah thanks. It’s good to see you”.
24. Have A Great Monday Too
This response conveys that you’re partaking in your Monday and that you believe the other person should partake in theirs too. For this situation, your great wishes are restricted to Monday. This communicates your longing for the person’s whole day to find actual success.
- “Happy Monday”
- “That’s kind of you. Have a great Monday too.”
25. Oh! Thank You. Hope You Enjoyed your weekend.
Here, you’re valuing the person for the desires and you’re too inquiring as to whether the person made some decent memories during the end of the week. This response is frequently utilized for a person that you wish a “Blissful Friday” the earlier week.
Presently, it’s another week and the person comes to you and says “Happy Monday”, it would be ideal to answer with this expression as it lets the person know how caring you are. Answering first with “Much obliged” and afterward finishing it by getting some information about the person’s end of the week is a demonstration of affection and care.
It is likewise an approach to determining the status of somebody. Likely, the person enlightened you regarding their arrangement for the end of the week. This may be an effective method for getting some information about the end of the week.
“Happy Monday”
“Oh! Thank you, dear. Hope you enjoyed your weekend.
26. Hope You Had A Great Weekend
Here, that is no joke “Happy Monday” by inquisitive concerning how their end of the week was. This response is as often as possible given to somebody you wished “Cheerful Friday” to the week earlier. It is like “Trust you partook in your end of the week”.
It would be superb to respond with this comment when somebody wishes you a “Happy Monday” toward the start of the week since it shows them how kind you are by getting some information about their end of the week.
To show warmth and concern, you can begin your response by saying “Thank you,” and afterward ask how their end of the week was.
It might likewise be utilized to monitor somebody when the person undoubtedly educated you regarding their end-of-the-week plans. This may be a successful strategy to ask about somebody’s end of the week.
27. It’s So Sad the Weekend Is Over
With this response, you’re communicating your lament that the end of the week is finished and you’ve begun another week. It suggests that you had some good times during the end of the week yet everything needed to conclude since Monday is here as of now. This answer just shows that you’re not satisfied with Monday.
28. Welcome Back To Work
Here, you’re welcoming a person who has been away from work for quite a while and presently returns on a Monday. It’s a well-disposed and relaxed approach to hello to somebody when they show up working after quite a while.
29. I Can’t-Wait For It To Be Over
This answer can be utilized when you for the most part have a bustling Monday. It demonstrates the way that you can hardly hold back from being finished with Monday’s exercises. This answer is generally involved by companions and partners as involving it for your supervisor might give a false impression. This shows that Monday isn’t one of your number-one days.
30. Yeah! It is. Happy Monday To Us All
You can utilize this answer when you need to sum up your answer. Most likely, you need to wish everybody in the workplace rather than that person alone. You’re sending the desires to everybody around including yourself.
Here, we’ve illustrated different responses you could utilize on the off chance that somebody wishes you a “Happy Monday.” Some of them can be utilized authoritatively, that is to say, for business targets or at work environments, while others can be utilized all the more nonchalantly, or at least, for social purposes.
While certain responses can simply be a person rehashing a commendation or charming comment, others might be a statement of appreciation and to show concern and love.