20 of the Clever Comebacks When Someone Says They Want You

At the point when somebody lets you know they want you, it very well may be both an undeniably exhilarating and tension-prompting experience. You might end up in a hurricane of feelings and not know how to answer.

It is beautiful to have a close relationship, but it is critical to ensure that feelings are shared and that both parties are on the same page.

It’s vital to be aware of the other person’s sentiments and ensure that you don’t do or express anything to cause them to feel awkward. All things considered, it’s likewise fundamental to impart your sentiments sincerely and straightforwardly.

To assist you with exploring this sensitive cycle, I’ve ordered a rundown of 20 incredible responses when somebody says they want you.

From genuine and sincere articulations of appreciation to cheerful jokes, this rundown has something for each circumstance.

Whether you’re hoping to make an enduring association or basically share a giggle, these responses can assist you with easing the heat off and show the other person that you care about them.

In this way, if somebody communicates their longing for you, investigate my rundown of 20 extraordinary responses when somebody says they want you.

They Want You

20 Great Responses When Someone Says They Want You

At the point when somebody lets you know they like you, it very well may be both energizing and nerve-wracking. You probably won’t know precisely how to answer, or you may be stressed over putting them in a terrible mood if you don’t feel the same way.

Nonetheless, it’s vital to be straightforward with your sentiments and to convey them transparently and genuinely to the other person. The following are 13 extraordinary answers when somebody says they want you assuming that you want them as well:

1. I’m so glad to hear that you feel the same way. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and I’d love to see where things could go between us

The reply I’m so glad to hear that you feel the same way. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and I’d love to see where things could go between us. is an extraordinary response when somebody says they want you on the off chance that you like them as well.

It is an ideal blend of energy and regard, conveying that you are keen on the capability of the relationship while not being excessively pompous or forward.

It is a legit articulation of your sentiments and shows that you are eager to see what could come straightaway, without fundamentally moving too soon.

All things considered, it is the ideal response to tell somebody that you feel the same way and that you would be available to investigate a relationship.

2. I’m really happy to hear that you like me too. I’ve been looking forward to the possibility of starting a relationship with you

When someone says they want you and you say you’re really happy to hear that they like you too and you’re looking forward to the possibility of starting a relationship with you, it’s a great reply.

It shows that you’re both keen on fostering a relationship and that you’re available to investigate it further.

You’re additionally communicating that you esteem the other person and are eager to see what the future could bring. It’s a good, hopeful response that permits the other person to feel seen and appreciated.

3. I’ve been hoping that you felt the same way. I’m excited to see what the future could hold for us

When someone says they want you, there is no better reply than I’ve been hoping that you felt the same way. I’m excited to see what the future could hold for us.

This response demonstrates not only your interest in the other person but also your willingness to investigate the possibility of a relationship.

A positive and hopeful response communicates your energy and excitement for the possibility of being with this person, while likewise leaving space for idealism and expectation of the potential outcomes that could come.

It’s an ideal response when somebody communicates their longing for you, as it conveys certified interest and excitement without seeming to be excessively enthusiastic.

4. I’m so glad you feel the same way. I’ve had a great time getting to know you and I’d love to take things to the next level

At the point when somebody you like says they want you if you like them as well, it’s a truly thrilling second. Hearing that somebody wants to take things to a higher level with you is an incredible inclination. You can answer with a genuine and earnest I’m so happy you feel the same way.

I’ve lived it up getting to know you and I’d very much want to take things to a higher level. This answer tells them that you’re feeling the same way and that you want to take the relationship to a higher level as well.

It’s a great way to show them how much you care and that you’re ready to move on from your relationship with them.

5. I’ve been hoping you felt the same way. I’m looking forward to seeing what a relationship with you could be like

If someone says they want you if you like them as well, it’s a good sign that they share your feelings and are open to expanding their relationship. saying, “I’m so glad you feel the same way,” in response.

I’ve lived it up getting to know you and I’d very much want to take things to a higher level is an incredible answer. It shows that you are delighted in getting to know them and that you are keen on investigating a more committed relationship. It’s also a nice way to express your emotions without being overly aggressive or outspoken.

6. I’m really happy to hear that you like me too. I think we have a lot of potential and I’d love to see where things could go between us

At the point when somebody lets you know that they want you, it tends to overpower you. Yet, answering such that conveys your own sentiments and shows your appreciation for the other person is significant. expressing my sincere delight at learning that you also enjoy me.

I think we have a ton of possibilities and I’d very much want to see where things could go between us is an extraordinary method for communicating your own sentiments while being available to the potential outcomes that could emerge out of being together.

It shows that you are keen on getting to know the other person better and that you are sure that there is potential for something uniquely great to create.

7. I’m so glad you feel the same way. I think we have a strong connection and I’d love to explore a relationship with you

I’m so happy you feel the same way. I’d love to talk about starting a relationship with you because I believe we have a strong connection. is an incredible answer when somebody says they want you if you like them as well.

It shows that you regard the other person’s sentiments and will carve out opportunities to get to realize them better. It likewise shows that you are available to the possibility of a relationship, yet aren’t hopping into anything without finding an opportunity to get to know the other person first.

It’s an extraordinary method for showing that you esteem the other person and will get some margin to fabricate areas of strength for a with them.

8. I’ve been hoping that you felt the same way. I think we have a lot in common and I’m excited to see what the future could hold for us

This response conveys both energy and truthfulness while communicating that you both share a ton practically speaking and there is potential for a solid future together.

It’s a great way to show that you care about the future and are looking forward to it. Additionally, the message suggests that you are willing to spend time getting to know one another and that you have the potential for a long-lasting relationship.

The answer is an extraordinary method for showing that you are available to the chance of a relationship and that you will investigate the conceivable outcomes together.

9. I’m really excited to hear that you like me too. I’ve had a great time getting to know you and I’d love to take things to the next level

This answer is the ideal method for answering when somebody says they want you on the off chance that you like them as well. It conveys energy and fervor while likewise being immediate and fair.

It conveys a readiness to take the relationship to a higher level, while likewise recognizing that you have delighted in getting to know them and value their advantage. It shows you are intrigued and eager to figure out what’s on the horizon.

10. I’m so glad you feel the same way. I’ve been thinking a lot about us and I’d love to see where things could go between us

Your enthusiasm and interest in the other person, as well as your willingness to develop the relationship further, are reflected in this response. It additionally shows your regard for the other person and your receptiveness to investigating the conceivable outcomes together.

The message conveys optimism and hope, and it can be a great way to share your own feelings with another person while also giving them a chance to do the same.

11. I’ve been hoping that you felt the same way. I think we have a strong connection and I’m looking forward to exploring a relationship with you

I’ve been hoping that you felt the same way. I think we have a strong connection and I’m looking forward to exploring a relationship with you

This is a smart and certified method for communicating your sentiments and let them in on you’re keen on getting to know them better. It’s an incredible method for showing that you both consider and want to additionally investigate your association.

12. I’m really happy to hear that you like me too. I think we have a lot of potentials and I’d love to see what a relationship with you could be like

This answer shows that you are available to the chance of a relationship, yet in addition that you esteem yourself and have regard for the other person.

It conveys a feeling of good faith and energy for the future, as well as a readiness to investigate the conceivable outcomes and see what the relationship could turn into.

It is an incredible method for answering somebody who has communicated their affections for you, as it shows that you are intrigued yet in addition that you are taking things gradually and cautiously.

13. I’m so glad you feel the same way. I’ve been thinking a lot about us and I’d love to take things to the next level

This response shows that you are keen on taking things further and that you have been contemplating the relationship. It can show that you are significant and prepared to commit a responsibility.

It can likewise show that you genuinely care about the other person and want to cause them to feel loved and appreciated.

14. I really appreciate your honesty and vulnerability in telling me how you feel. However, I’m sorry to say that I don’t feel the same way, I value our friendship and I hope we can continue to be friends

This response is clear and earnest. It tells the other person that you esteem them as a companion, yet that you don’t have heartfelt affections for them. It likewise invites a proceeded with fellowship, which can be significant in the event that you care about this person.

15. I’m flattered that you feel that way about me, but I’m not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship at this time, I hope you understand

This response is like the first, however it adds a touch of distance by saying that you’re not keen on chasing after a relationship right now. This can be useful assuming you embrace a new lease on life could attempt to seek after you sincerely even after you’ve said you’re not intrigued.

16. I’m sorry, but I don’t feel the same way, I value your friendship, but I don’t think a romantic relationship is right for either of us

This response is like the first, however it includes a smidgen more accentuation the way that a heartfelt connection isn’t right for both of you. This can be useful assuming the other person is by all accounts overlooking your limits or on the other hand in the event that you feel like they could attempt to adjust your perspective.

17. I’m sorry, but I don’t feel that way about you, I care about you as a friend, but I don’t see us as being romantically compatible

This response is like the third one, yet it adds a smidgen more insight concerning why you don’t view a heartfelt connection as being conceivable. This can be useful on the off chance that the other person is confounded about why you don’t feel the same way.

18. I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be anything more than friends

This response is like the first, yet at the same it’s a smidgen more unambiguous. It lets them know that you are not interested in a romantic relationship and acknowledges their feelings.

19. I’m sorry, but I don’t see us as a couple

This response is a piece blunter, but on the other hand, it’s immediate and fair. It tells them that you’re not intrigued without glossing over your message.

20.  I don’t think we’d be a good match

This response is honest, direct, and polite at the same time. It recognizes their sentiments while as yet clarifying that you’re not intrigued.


Taking everything into account, it’s vital to be careful when somebody says they want you. It’s a major step and thoroughly considering your responses, both at the time and in the future is significant.

We’ve shown you a lot of extraordinary responses that can assist you with exploring what is happening and anything that you pick, recall that your response ought to come from a position of mindfulness and regard for both of you.