20 Clever Comebacks to “Who You Tryna Get With”

“Tryna” is shoptalk that signifies “trying to”. ” Tryna” is just communicated as “trying to”. “Who you tryna get with” is a question that can be posed about who you need to get into a relationship with.

This shows that some heartfelt connection has likely been continuing or will start between you and another person.

While you’re getting with somebody, having a coquettish communication with the person implies you’re beginning. The articulation is essentially a method for asking who are you trying to connect with.

This expression can also be utilized when you need to get to know somebody or have some familiarity with a person. This implies it doesn’t need to be a close connection yet to a typical everyday cooperation.

You can attempt to get with a companion or a partner.

One of the most outstanding responses to “Who you tryna get with” is “Somebody I like”, which just lets the speaker know that you’re trying to get into a relationship with a person you respect.

There are more ways you can answer the expression separated from the ones recorded previously. Look through the article to see them.

Who You Tryna Get With

20 best ways to respond to “Who You Tryna Get With”

1. Someone I like

It expresses that the person you’re trying to get to know is of high repute to you.

This articulation just illuminates the speaker that you’re endeavoring to date somebody you view as praiseworthy. As per this, the person you’re looking to get to know is somebody you respect.

2. Why would you like to know?

Here, you’re essentially asking somebody for what reason they need to have a thought of who you need to coexist with. This could be a consequence of disliking the possibility of the person having significant insight into your undertakings.

You’re simply inquisitive regarding the reason why somebody needs to know who you need to coexist with. You might be doing this because you don’t want that person to know anything about your private life.

3. None of your business

By saying this, you are only telling the other person that their assessment of your concerns is unimportant. You believe that the person should keep off from what connects with you.

You are simply telling the other person that their assessment of your concerns is insignificant. You only believe the person should avoid whatever has to do with you.

4. You’ll know soon

By saying this, you’re telling the person that quickly, you will tell the person who you need to get with. You’re telling the person that very before long they’ll get to be aware of something.

By expressing this, you’re indicating to the next person that you’ll tell them in no time who you need to get together with. You are telling the person that they will find out about something very soon.

5. You won’t believe it if I tell you

At the point when you say this, you’re inferring that assuming the speaker becomes more acquainted with the person you’re trying to get with, the speaker would find it hard to accept.

This indicates that the person might be taken aback at the end of the day. At the point when you say this, you’re inferring that the speaker would find it challenging to accept assuming they looked further into the person you’re endeavoring to get with.

This demonstrates that after the day, the person could feel frightened.

6. My crush

This answer is short and basic. You’re essentially letting the speaker know that it’s your crush you’re trying to get with. It’s an immediate answer and answers the question.

7. The girls/guys from last time

You are trying to invoke a specific person in the speaker with this response. You’re returning the person’s brain to the last time they met someone in particular.

At the point when you say this, the speaker would comprehend who you’re alluding to. You’re endeavoring to make the speaker consider someone in particular with this response.

You’re making the client review their latest experience with the objective person. Just the speaker would comprehend who you are alluding to when you say this.

8. You know already

You can be sure that the speaker knows who you are by saying this. You’re saying that the speaker as of now has a thought of what the person is inquiring.

You should rest assured that the speaker realizes who you’re going out with by hearing them say this. You’re inferring that the person posing the question knows the response.

9. Wait and see

This answer infers that the speaker ought to show restraint toward you. If the speaker is patient enough, you are reassuring them that they will know the person you are trying to get along with.

This response infers that you ought to show restraint toward the speaker. The speaker will eventually get to know the person you’re trying to get along with if they are patient enough.

10. You would be proud when you get to know

You would be proud when you get to know

This response guarantees a person that they’ll be dazzled when they get to realize who you’re trying to get with.

You’re certain the speaker would love to know the person you need to get to be aware of or get into a relationship with.

This response ensures that when a person realizes who you are endeavoring to get with, they will be intrigued.

You can risk everything would be happy to meet the person you wish to get to be aware or begin dating.

11. No need to tell you

This response shows that there’s no pith in telling the person who you’re trying to coexist with. You don’t see the need to tell the speaker, this could be a consequence of a previous event.

After what has occurred before, you don’t want to tell the person about anything. It could likewise be that you don’t simply believe that the person should be aware.

12. Just a friend

This is another short and basic response. You’re saying the person you’re trying to coexist with is a companion and that’s it.

You’re getting to realize the person in light of kinship reasons. This response suggests that you and I are not in a committed romantic relationship.

13. Wow! You seem interested

This answer comes as a shock. It’s possible that you didn’t anticipate the speaker asking about the person you’re trying to get with.

You’re stunned that the speaker appears to be keen on asking you that. Rather than addressing the question, you first express your shock by offering this expression.

It’s conceivable that you didn’t expect the speaker to raise your heartfelt aims. You’re astounded that the speaker asked you that and appeared to be keen on doing so. You begin by expressing your surprise rather than responding to the question.

14. Why would you care to know?

Here, you’re likewise posing a question. You’re asking why the person needs to realize who you’re trying to coexist with.

You need to know why the person is keen on realizing who you’re trying to get with. This shows that before you let the person know who you’re trying to get with, they should initially explain to you why they need to be aware. What piques your curiosity?

You’re likewise representing a question on this occasion. You are inquiring as to why the person would need to know who you are endeavoring to coexist with.

You need to know why the person is interested in your target. This shows that before you tell someone who you’re trying to get with, you should find out why they want to know.

15. What would you do about it?

This is another question that shows that you wouldn’t believe the person should be aware of your undertakings.

You’re asking concerning how the person would manage a snippet of data that would be given by you.

At the point when you say this, you anticipate an answer from the person. You are asking the person how they would manage the data you would give them.

You expect a response from the person when you say this.

16. You may not like him/her

This is previous information regarding potential future events. This suggests that there’s a plausible of the disliking or interest in the person you’re trying to coexist with.

By saying this, you feel there’s a high opportunity of the speaker not being friendly with the person. You might allude to this because of who the person is or a characteristic that you realize the speaker would detest.

17. I’ll tell you later

This response alludes to a period later on. It shows that you have an aim of letting the speaker know whom you endeavor to coexist with however not right now.

You’re just guaranteeing somebody that you’ll give a specific sort of data sometime in the not-too-distant future or eventually.

This response alludes to a future period. It suggests that you plan to illuminate the speaker that while you attempt to coexist with them, you can’t at present.

You’re simply encouraging to provide somebody with a particular sort of information sometime in the future or later on.

18. Didn’t know you’d be interested in that

This is another response that communicates shock and shock. It shows that you never anticipated that the speaker would be keen on your issues.

This could be a consequence of your relationship with the speaker. You’re saying you had no clue that the speaker would be worried about who you’d coexist with.

19. Can you guess?

With this response, you’re not responding to the question straightforwardly. You’re giving the person the opportunity to accept or assume who you’re trying to get with.

You maintain that the person should think and figure out who you’re coexisting with. You maintain that the person should expect whom you’re trying to get to be aware.

You’re not straightforwardly answering the question with this remark. You are allowing the other person to guess or presume who you are trying to get together with.

You want the other person to think about it and decide for themselves whether or not you get along with each other. You need the person you’re endeavoring to get to be aware to assume that.

20. You should know the answer to that question

You anticipate that the person will have the response to the question. There’s an assumption or a forecast that the speaker ought to have a thought of what is being asked.

Parting Words

That’s what we’ve said “Who are you tryna get” is a question that looks to ask who you need to get into a relationship with.

It is also used to ask who you need to coexist with. Getting some information about a heartfelt connection and easygoing friendship can be utilized. This article has analyzed 20 different ways that you can use to answer this expression.


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