16 Best Ways to Respond to “That’s Good to Know”

There are a few clauses that just end conversations because the person being referred to doesn’t know what to say. A few statements needn’t bother with a response, nonetheless. That’s Good to Know.

When a person says That’s Good to Know, how would you answer? When you have shared the information with another person or are discussing something that you and that person have just discovered, this statement is made.

You have most likely heard this more than once in a discussion that incorporates no significant data. That is because certain persons say this provision when they don’t have anything to say.

On the off chance that you don’t think the discussion needs to end there, you are most likely right. The following is a rundown of potential responses you can provide for That’s Good to Know.

That’s Good to Know

16 Great Responses to That’s Good to Know

1. Thank you

You can simply respond with “Thank you” when someone says, “That’s good to know.” It is essential to know that, more often than not, this statement is said when the discussion is going to end. This clause brings an end to the conversation 90% of the time.

In this instance, there is no ideal response. There is a high opportunity that the person who said this proviso is purposeful in finishing the discussion.

Assuming you feel like you are compelled to simply say something, you can say Much obliged. Disregard getting a response from him/her. Assuming that the person will proceed with the discussion, the subject will change.

If you truly have any desire to keep talking, you can change the subject yourself. The fact of the matter is the proviso (That is great to be aware) has denoted the finish of that subject. Although saying “thank you” is not always appropriate, it is something you can do.

However, if That’s good to know was meant as a compliment, a thank you is acceptable. You might have referenced something important to you. It very well may be a piece of you or an accomplishment.

According to assuming the person, That’s good to know, you can answer with Much obliged. The subject will likewise change from that point.

2. Didn’t you know?

At the point when you say That’s good to know in the wake of getting data from a person, you can be answered with this inquiry. This question suggests that the person didn’t intend to pass on data. Instead, he or she was considering talking about the information.

At the point when you say That’s good to know, it lets the person know that you had barely any insight into the data. On the off chance that the person was meaning to illuminate you about something, this inquiry will not be posed.

You could likewise give this response assuming a person comes to give you the data that he/she recently got. The person can enthusiastically refer to that the data is great to be aware of.

This response infers that you had some awareness of it. It very well may be a joke, nonetheless. The person could inquire as to whether you had some awareness of it, and then, at that point, you can say you didn’t know all things considered.

3. You mean Great

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can answer by saying You mean Perfect.

A person can say That’s good to know assuming that you share some blissful news with him/her. By answering with this, you are showing that you are extremely amped up for the data. The data isn’t only great to know but Perfect to be aware of.

This must be a response to blissful news, in any case. On the off chance that the other person doesn’t find the data invigorating, it will appear to be abnormal to see you jubilating about it.

4. Nice to meet you

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can express Good to meet you. This response is not appropriate for every circumstance.

Most of the time you hear That’s good to know the point at which a person doesn’t have the foggiest idea what more to say regarding a specific subject. To this end, it is normal for aliens to say That’s good to know while acquainting themselves with one another.

They can say this commendation after one person discussions about a piece of oneself. Whenever this is said, the point presumably changes or the person expresses more about the commendation part of oneself.

At the point when an associate says That’s good to know and the discussion seems as though it will end soon, you can express Ideal to meet you. At any rate, that closes the discussion. A superior choice to move the discussion along is to pose an inquiry.

5. I know, right?

At the point when a person says  That’s good to know, you can give this response. This response is most usually utilized in texts. It is truncated as IKR.

This will work better if you are answering a text. This articulation is utilized when a person expresses a reality that you concur with. You can say Yep, no doubt. It demonstrates that you agree with the person.

You can share data that appears to be energizing to you with a person. Assuming the person answers with  That’s good to know and seems, by all accounts, to be similarly energized, you can say Yep, no doubt.

It suggests that you know the worth of the data as well and you concur that it is great to be aware.

6. It’s my pleasure

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can answer by saying It’s my pleasure. This isn’t the most ideal response in all specific situations however it is a genuine one. You can say this when you share data with a person.

When someone says, “That’s good to know” in response to exciting information, there is a good chance that the conversation will not end right away. You can see that when the person keeps on discussing the data.

At the point when you get invigorating data, it just remaining parts energizing briefly. Inevitably, you will be quiet about it. At the point when you share the data with somebody, the person can answer energetically yet you will be quiet.

Assuming the person enthusiastically says That’s good to know, you can answer with It’s my pleasure. There is a high opportunity for the person will pose more inquiries and continue to discuss it.

In any case, the person can likewise say That’s good to know with less energy. You can in any case answer with this however the discussion will in all probability end there.

7. Right. It’s nice to know

Right. It’s nice to know

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can answer by recognizing that it is good to be aware.

At the point when you share data with a person, he/she might answer that it is great to be aware. On the off chance that the person is amped up for it, the discussion might proceed.

In any case, assuming the person looks marginally lighthearted with the way he/she says That is great to be aware, you shouldn’t show your fervor all things considered. You can just say it’s ideal to be aware.

There are a few situations where the data isn’t energizing. Notwithstanding, the person says it’s great to know since he/she can’t imagine some other response. You can just answer by expressing this with a similar energy.

8. Cheers

You can respond by saying “Cheers” when someone says “That’s good to know.” Use this in an extremely exciting circumstance.

Sharing invigorating data without acting incredibly amped up for it is typical. Assuming that a person responds to great data by saying That’s good to know, an experienced response you can give is Cheers.

Cheers has a few implications. In this instance, it means well done. A word is said when persons are praising an accomplishment. Toast can also be made with it.

9. Same here

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can express Same here. It’s a very uninteresting response, but it’s okay if the other person also seems uninterested.

You can share energizing data and anticipate a cheerful response yet get a wearing one out. You might feel inept to keep showing your fervor thus, rather than doing that, you simply offer back a similar energy.

Without a doubt, you will become weary of attempting to drive a discussion with the person. Giving this short response shows that you couldn’t care less about the discussion any longer.

10. I’m happy too

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can say how blissful you are about the same thing. When you share information with someone, you might get a genuine sense of excitement.

However, there are times when you do not want to celebrate. Rather than seeming exhausting, you can wear an intriguing grin so the person doesn’t feel like he/she is compelling you to have a discussion.

At the point when you utilize this response, utilize a similarly invigorated tone and wear a grin except if the person isn’t looking amped up for the news by the same token.

11. You’re welcome

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can answer by saying You are gladly received.

At the point when a person responds to invigorating data with That’s good to know, there is a high opportunity that the discussion isn’t concluding right away. When the person continues to discuss the information, you can see that.

At the point when you get invigorating data, it just remaining parts energizing briefly. You will eventually become calm about it. The person you share the information with may respond enthusiastically, but you will remain calm.

Assuming the person enthusiastically says, That’s good to know, you can answer with My pleasure. The person is likely to keep talking about it and ask more questions.

12. Sure it is

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can answer with Sure it is. Another uninteresting response. Be that as it may, it is alright to say this on the off chance that the person seems exhausted as well.

You can share energizing data and anticipate a blissful response however get a wearing one out. It’s not unexpected to feel idiotic to keep showing your fervor thus, rather than doing that, you ought to simply offer back a similar energy.

Without a doubt, you will become weary of attempting to drive a discussion with the person. This short response shows that you couldn’t care less about the discussion any longer.

13. Anything else?

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can inquire as to whether there is anything more you can assist with.

After you are assisted with important information, an acquaintance frequently states this clause. Assuming the person says That’s good to know, there is a high opportunity the discussion will end there except if one of you poses an inquiry. You can inquire as to whether there is Anything more.

14. I’d get me something sweet if I were you

At the point when a person says That’s good to know, you can mess with the person by saying this. After assisting a person with data or sharing invigorating news, if the person shows some fervor and says That’s good to know, you can give this response.

This might assist you with proceeding with the discussion.

15. Yes, and we like good things

This is another amusing response you can give. At the point when you share some uplifting news, a person can answer with That’s good to know.

The person can show fervor with his/her voice however without showing it on the face. It could likewise be displayed on the face however not in the voice.

At the point when you give this response, the person will no doubt grin about it. This doesn’t ensure that the discussion will proceed, notwithstanding.

16. Do you think so?

You can say this assuming you share data that appears to be typical to you yet get a response of energy from somebody. The person can say, That’s good to know while showing such a lot of fervor.

On the off chance that you fail to understand the reason why the person is so invigorated, you can say this. Additionally, assuming you think it is terrible information and the person says That’s good to know (even without showing fervor), you can say this.


This provision closes discussions 90% of the time however it doesn’t need to. Some of the responses in the list above can be of assistance to you if you want the conversation to continue. However, some responses do not continue the conversation.

You can use some of the list’s funny responses or questions to temporarily stall the conversation. Some of them might even spark a new discussion. That is useful information, right?


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