In most events when somebody asks you “Are you still alive”, you might be left confounded because of the inquiry.
This is because the subject of death and life remains a point that many persons avoid having. For the vast majority, it appears to be that talking about death is inseparable from gathering it, or no difference either way.
Notwithstanding, I’m certain the person who posed you that inquiry didn’t mean it in a real sense. The inquiry presently is, what it implies when somebody asks you “Are you still alive”.
Responding to this question presently carries us to the primary bone of content in this article which is the 15 best responses to “Are you still alive”.
We’ll be taking a gander at every one of these, beginning with the significance of “Are you still alive”. Remain with me!

Are You Still Alive Meaning?
Are you still alive is a mocking, clever, and fairly hilarious approach to saying that you have not seen somebody in that frame of mind while.
Thus, when somebody poses you this inquiry, they’re attempting to convey their shock and worry about not having seen you for quite a while. It implies the person focuses on you and needs to realize how you’ve been faring.
Be that as it may, the discussion encompassing the subject of death and life makes it fairly difficult for certain persons to answer when somebody asks them “Are you still alive”.
They will generally avoid it, particularly if the person has major areas of strength for a fairly strict foundation.
Yet, in the genuine other of things given the context-oriented importance, when somebody says the inquiry “Are you still alive” as far as you might be concerned, it implies they haven’t had their eyes on you for a significant length of time, sufficiently long to puzzle over whether you’re at this point not alive.
15 Best Responses to “Are You Still Alive”
Staying quiet when somebody asks you “Are you still alive” is certainly not an optimal line of activity for anybody. Considering that, it is relevant that you have a response in this present circumstance.
In any case, it doesn’t just end with having a comment as your response must be sufficient to address your degree of knowledge.
The absolute best responses to “Are you still alive are; ” indeed, what were you anticipating?”, furthermore “Truly, yes… Inwardly, I question.”
Nonetheless, underneath is a feature of the 15 best responses to “Are you still alive”. Moving along, we should plunge into them.
1. I Wouldn’t Call It Living, but I’m Surviving
Life has an interesting approach to making us walk dead; especially not in a not-so-great kind of way. When somebody asks you “Are you still alive”, it implies that they’re inquiring “Where have you been?”.
Indeed, it very well may be life hasn’t been reasonable for you, and your choice to vanish for some time was a result of that.
On the off chance that that is the situation, you can involve this line of response for the person. This answer places that all you’ve been doing, while they’re not watching, is ‘making due’.
This response serves right since it sets you up to give the examiner a heads up on what’s going on with you, consequently getting them free from the possibility that you’re presently not alive.
2. And What if I’m not?
Life has an intriguing way to deal with making us walk dead; particularly not in a not completely ideal sort of manner. When someone asks you “Are you still alive”, it suggests that they’re asking “Where have you been?”.
Without a doubt, it might be life hasn’t been sensible for you as well and your decision to disappear for quite a while was a consequence of that.
If that is what is happening, you can include this line of response for the person. This answer puts that all you’ve been doing, while they’re not watching, is ‘making due’.
This response serves right since it positions you to give the inspector a heads up on what’s the deal with you, thus getting them liberated from the likelihood that you’re as of now not alive.
3. LOL, Funny you. Well, That Is What It Looks Like
Fairly entertaining for somebody who hasn’t seen you in that frame of mind to end up asking you “Are you still alive?”.
Maybe, this person being referred to doesn’t know anything about your line of activity, and they’re shocked to see you after quite a while of focusing on you.
The interesting part comes on the off chance that you’ve been around however scant and the person who posed you this inquiry didn’t understand that. To answer, you can see the person that it is what it resembles.
4. What Does It Seem Like to You?
You can involve this inquiry as your line of response to the person who asks you “Are you still alive?”. Here, you’re asking the person what they can’t help thinking that you’re doing.
I realize it sounds a piece discourteous, however, this is quite possibly the best response you can serve the person as far as question-like responses.
This question is one more approach to let the person know that you’re as yet alive since you are which they can see as well.
5. How Are You Doing Fam?
Without offering a one-sided and not excessively reasonable response to the inquiry “Are you still alive?”.
You can rescue by involving this inquiry as your response. It is a quick and reasonable blacklist of the person’s underlying inquiry to you.
Here, you’re asking the person how they’re faring. I’m certain the person will zero in on this consequently, making you not answer the inquiry once more.
6. Of Course, I Am. How Else Would I Be Able to Answer Your Questions?
With this response, you’re letting the person know that you’re alive. Besides, you’re laying out the confirmation of your living by inquiring as to whether you were not alive like they’re hinting.
7. Yes. What Were You Expecting?
This response is a confirmed answer to the person that you’re alive. It likewise goes further to ask them what they were anticipating… your death?
8. More or Less. Either Way, I’m Still Standing and Breathing

To sound strong with your response when somebody asks you “Are you still alive”, you can utilize this line of response.
It doesn’t dive deep into the subtleties of what you’ve been doing yet certifies you’re as yet alive.
9. I just traveled for a While, so It’s Not a Cause for Alarm
This response bears the cost of you the possibility making sense of what you’ve been doing, to the person who asked you “Are you still alive”.
With this response, you’re saying that you voyaged which represents the person’s investigation.
10. I’ll have to go home and Check. I’ll Get Back to You Later
If you’re searching for a clever response to “Are you still alive?”, here you have one for yourself. You’re letting the person know that you really want to return home to check assuming you’re as yet alive… haha.
11. My Snapchat Was Hacked, My Life Wasn’t Too
Nowadays, people contrast online entertainment presence with being alive. Maybe, you have been missing from Snapchat (an online entertainment stage) graciousness of a hack activity that got your record.
On the off chance that you choose to have some time off from opening another record, your adherents and companions could accept for a moment that you’re dead. Assuming that is the premise of the person’s inquiry, you can dispel any confusion with this response.
12. Barely! You’ve got Some Palliative for Me?
Life’s difficult, in any event, for the well off. Assuming that you’re having your piece of struggles and somebody asks you “Are you still alive?”, make sure to them with this line.
13. I Was, Not until You Started Pissing Me off with Your Questions
If you’re aggravated by somebody asking you ‘Are you still alive?’, you can utilize this line to answer when somebody offers that conversation starter to you.
14. We’ll need a Stethoscope to Verify That
This is one more entertaining response to ‘Are you still alive’, as this response cleverly requests that the examiner carry with them a stethoscope to know regardless of whether or not you’re as yet alive.
15. Physically, Yes…Emotionally, I Doubt
I know many persons who are truly torn and solid, yet entirely sincerely torn and confused.
Assuming you end up in this class of profound pariahs, you can attempt to open up to somebody who asks you “Are you still alive?” To do this, you can answer with the assertion above.
Wrapping Up
We’re here at the finish of this post, which stresses the best responses you can give when somebody asks you “Are you still alive?”
Before we went into that, we did equity to the genuine significance of the expression “Are you still alive”; where we laid out that generally utilized when somebody hasn’t seen you in that frame of mind while at long last does.
I’ll humor you to properly utilize any of these lines. Nonetheless, you’re allowed to utilize a couple of the lines at a go, on the off chance that you so wish.