You might be considering what the saying, “a fish out of the water” signifies.
A lost soul” is a typical colloquial expression that depicts what is happening.
You can likewise utilize different articulations to portray what is going on you don’t fit in, very much like a fish isn’t intended to be out of water. In this way, on the off chance that you want phrases like “a fish out of the water,” you’re perfectly located.
In this article, I’ll take you through a few expressions that you can use to supplant this articulation.

Meaning of “A Fish out of Water”
“A fish out of water” is a colloquial articulation people use for off-kilter circumstances when a person or thing shows up awkwardly.
This expression is casual and you can utilize it around your loved ones.
This is the appropriate expression to use when you don’t feel confident in your actions or helpless in a situation.
Here is an illustration of the expression:
- Jimmy seems as though out of place standing standoffish from his companions.
- I felt like a fish out of water because I dressed differently today than the other students.
Subsequently, this articulation implies you’re in a better place or circumstance that you’re not used to. Along these lines, it’s challenging to mix in.
15 Phrases Like “A Fish out of Water”
1. Ill at ease
At the point when you’re in a climate you’re not used to, possibly, you will not be loose. ” Ill at ease” is an articulation that portrays a sensation of distress and apprehension.
“Ease” is a condition loose and liberated from stress, so when you’re unsettled, it implies something is upsetting your solace, keeping you stressed.
Thus, this is an articulation that can supplant the expression, “a fish out of water.” Whenever you’re removed from your usual range of familiarity, or a circumstance feels insufferable to you, you’ll feel unsettled.
The following is a method for utilizing the articulation:
- I felt antsy with every one of their eyes on me
- Catherine was antsy as she horrendously safeguarded herself
2. Feel Strange
This is another articulation you can use to portray what is going on. It’s a clear expression you can utilize when you’re not used to something or you’re acquainted with a novel, new thing.
A fish out of the water is in a bizarre environment, so it’ll battle to make due. Thus, this expression is an option in contrast to the saying, “a fish out of the water.”
At the point when you feel like an outsider in another climate, you’d have to try to adjust.
The following are ways of utilizing this articulation:
- This new job feels strange to me, I’m yet to get the hang of it
- It feels strange waking to a new house every day
3. Uneasy
“Uneasy” is one more articulation that you can use to supplant the expression, “a fish out of the water.”
At the point when you feel uncomfortable, it implies you’re stressed over something. For example, on the off chance that you step into a spot interestingly and you feel awkward, you can say you’re uncomfortable.
It’s an articulation that is inseparable from “apprehensive” to depict when you are apprehensive about something or removed from your usual range of familiarity.
Here is a method for involving this articulation in a sentence:
I felt uneasy immediately I stepped out of the car
The paparazzi at the club made me uneasy
4. On Edge
Another brilliant articulation that portrays phenomenally a circumstance that makes you apprehensive is “on edge..” At the point when you’re nervous, it implies you’re tense and not quiet.
Thus, this expression can supplant the expression, “a fish out of water.” On the off chance that you’re not used to something or you’re new to a spot, it can keep you tense until you change.
Likewise, on the off chance that you’re not happy with somebody or feel threatened, you’ll constantly be nervous with them.
Here is a genuine illustration of ways of utilizing this expression:
- I was on edge while discussing with him
- The new boss keeps me on edge
5. Apprehensive
“Apprehensive” is one more articulation that you can use rather than “a fish out of water.”
Anxiety at the sight of something is the meaning of this word. A feeling of helplessness can keep you Apprehensive.
At the point when you’re in a spot where you don’t appear to fit in that frame of mind, in a tight situation with no conspicuous way out, you can become uneasy.
Along these lines, this articulation functions admirably to depict a badly arranged or deplorable condition.
Here is a method for utilizing the articulation:
- His silence kept me apprehensive
- Daniel is very apprehensive about his interview tomorrow
6. Uptight
“Uptight” is a word that can likewise attempt to depict what is going on. It can likewise depict one who responds irately to circumstances.
In any case, in this present circumstance, you can utilize it to supplant the maxim, “a fish out of water.” For instance, assuming you show up at your new school and you can’t manage the looks, it can keep you fretful.
It’ll try and be more terrible if everybody does things another way and you don’t appear to follow. In this way, you can utilize “concerned” to portray how uncomfortable you feel.
The following are two models with the articulation:
I was so uptight throughout the meeting that I couldn’t say a word
Jane’s uptight expression shows she’s yet to blend in with the rest
7. Self-Conscious

“Self-conscious” is another incredible articulation that can portray somebody who feels awkward.
Some self-conscious will focus on themselves superfluously. This sort of circumstance emerges when one is awkward.
For example, you can become reluctant in a circumstance where everything around you appears to be weird to you.
At the point when you don’t squeeze into a spot, it can make you mindful of yourself. Therefore, you can substitute this phrase for “a fish out of water.”
The usage of this phrase is as follows:
She became self-conscious when the teacher asked her to stand in front of the class
I feel self-conscious about my attire
8. Sheepish
“Sheepish” is one more articulation that you can use to supplant, “a fish out of water.”
This word, which comes from the word “sheep,” implies that the person is like a sheep; that is somebody mild or timid.
In this specific situation, this articulation depicts somebody modest or humiliated about something. At the point when you don’t squeeze into a put or fail to see what’s happening, you can become humiliated.
This is an appearance that is normally portrayed on the face and in non-verbal communication. As a result, a shy person will act in a way that reflects their feelings.
The following is an illustration of ways you can utilize the articulation:
- I felt sheepish standing alone at the door
- I looked sheepishly at the stranger
9. Out of Place
“Out of place” is a great method for portraying a lost soul. As I’ve previously laid out, the normal spot or natural surroundings for a fish out of water, so when it leaves its home it starts to battle to reside.
This situation applies to daily existence. It’s normal for people to feel uneasy or like they don’t belong when they step outside of where or what they’re used to.
In this way, a decent expression that’d work likewise is “awkward.” At the point when you are new to a spot, you’re probably going to feel awkward. Feeling awkward means you’re yet to become acclimated to your new climate.
The following are instances of this expression in a sentence:
- Daniel felt out of place with the neighbors
- I shouldn’t have followed them out, I felt out of place amidst the paparazzi
10. Odd One Out
Another great articulation that’d attempt to depict when you’re new to a spot and don’t fit in is “odd one out.”
This expression depicts what is going on when you’re an outsider in a gathering. For example, on the off chance that you join a gathering interestingly, you can feel the odd out when everything seems peculiar to you.
Additionally, this feeling can emerge when you seem unique about persons around you, either in your approach to dressing, talking, or thinking.
The following is an effective method for utilizing the articulation:
- I felt like the odd one out not knowing their language
- I was the odd one out as they all appeared in black and I chose white instead.
11. Embarrassed
To be “embarrassed” is to experience a sense of shameful unease. Here, you’re awkward as well as awkward in a despicable manner.
This indicates that you want to conceal your face in addition to being shy or feeling out of place.
These feelings can emerge when you’re new to a spot or a thing. Additionally, this happens all the more frequently when persons around you don’t assist you with feeling calm, either by overlooking you or ridiculing you.
Thus, this is an articulation that can supplant “a lost and forsaken soul.”
The following is an illustration of this word in a sentence:
- I was embarrassed when they ignored my question
- Catherine and the others were left standing embarrassed at the door of the club after underdressing.
12. On Tenterhooks
A tenterhook was a kind of snare in old times used to hold garments to dry on an edge called a tenter. The expression “on tenterhooks” required importance at some point in the eighteenth hundred years.
At the point when you say on tenterhooks it implies being in anticipation, anxiously sitting tight for something, or being tense. The importance of this articulation is gotten from the way that the garments suspended on the fasten are strained and extended.
Thus, this is another great expression you can use to supplant “a fish out of water.” It will be effective in describing an uncomfortable waiting situation.
You can involve this articulation in the following manner:
- She was on tenterhooks as she stood by to hear the news
- Dan was left on tenterhooks at the emergency clinic
13. In Distress
Here is another articulation that can attempt to depict somebody confronting a few troubles adjusting to another climate.
To start with, the word trouble makes sense for a ton of things incorporating being at serious risk. Nonetheless, this unique situation, implies somebody confronting some uneasiness.
In this way, you can be in trouble when you’re driven away from your shelter and made to attempt a few new things.
Here is a genuine illustration of this expression in a sentence:
- She was in distress staring at words on her screen
- I have been in distress trying to understand how things work here
14. In Turmoil
You can also substitute this expression for “fish out of water.” Similar to the preceding, this phrase conveys a state of disorder and discomfort.
At the point when somebody is in disturbance, it could mean they have a ton going through their psyche or they’re going through a ton. They could be concerned, restless, or confounded.
These feelings can emerge when one is confronted with some troublesome undertaking they’re not used to.
The usage of the phrase is as follows:
- Her mind was in turmoil throughout the event
- The adventure kept him in turmoil
15. Nervous
Another easy way to describe someone who doesn’t feel at ease is with this simple term.
At the point when you’re new to a spot, you can become nervous. At the point when you’re defied with something you need information on, you can become nervous.
Thus, this articulation depicts somebody restless and befuddled when they don’t have the foggiest idea of what to do in a circumstance.
The following is the way to utilize the articulation:
- I became nervous upon stepping into the hall
- Their gazes kept me nervous
End Note
There are endless articulations to use to portray and reword the expression, “a fish out of water.”
Thus, when you’re not inside your usual range of familiarity, whether it’s working or in any conditions, you’re like a fish out of water.
Furthermore, the above articulations are likewise genuine models that can portray these circumstances. Thus, go ahead and utilize the expressions as fitting.