WYLL just means ”what you look like”. persons frequently use it when they are in a discussion with you and they need to ask you for your photographs or recordings or some other data about you.
Rather than asking straightforwardly for your photographs and recordings, the person can basically say ”I need to know WYLL”.
Somebody who doesn’t have the foggiest idea about what this implies would in all probability request that the person expound. Yet, assuming the person gets it, he will realize that the person is attempting to request your photographs and recordings. On the off chance that you didn’t have the foggiest idea of what it implies previously, you ought to have the option to be aware at this point in the wake of understanding this.

Additionally, assuming it happens that somebody told you “WYLL” and you don’t have a clue about the correct method for answering the person, you can essentially utilize any of the answers that I will make sense of in this article.
In the wake of perusing this article, you ought to have the option to know the correct method for answering when somebody tells you “WYLL”.
20 Best Ways To Respond To WYLL
1. What exactly do you want to know?

At the point when somebody is asking you what you look like, the person needs to understand what you look like in the image and, in actuality. In any case, at times, you may not be aware in the event that the person is requesting that you send pictures or recordings or some other data about yourself.
For that reason, you want to ask in this answer what the very person needs to be aware of. Like that, you would understand what the person has as a top priority.
2. I cannot send you my pictures
This is a clear answer that you can give the person if you are the sort that could do without sending your photos to somebody. Like that, the person will receive the message that you would rather not send your photos to the person. This answer is immediate and keeps you from blabbering.
3. But why are you asking about that? We barely know each other
You can utilize this answer assuming you all recently began talking and you have hardly any familiarity with this person. You are allowed to ask the person for what good reason he is getting some information about that and you don’t anticipate that he should get some information about your photos in light of the fact that you folks recently met.
On the off chance that you scarcely know one another, he ought to sit tight for quite a while prior to requesting your photos. You can see this and cause him to comprehend that you are not content with the way that he continues to get some information about your photos and recordings when you scarcely know him.
4. So Quick?
That could be so speedy since you both are not so near the degree that the person would request your image. This answer shows that you are shocked that the person rushed to ask you for your image and recordings.
5. Okay, do you want videos or pictures?
Saying that you need to understand what a person resembles without explicitly assuming you believe the person should send pictures or recordings is obscure. For that reason, you want to answer along these lines and inquire as to whether the person believes you should send recordings or pictures. Like that, the person would have the option to tell you precisely what he believes you should send.
6. I barely take pictures, if you want to see me let us meet somewhere
Certain persons seldom take pictures or recordings, and it’s anything but another thing by any stretch of the imagination. To that end, you want to let the person that you scarcely take pictures and recordings and you like to meet genuinely if he has any desire to see what you look like.
Tell him this, to see what you look like, he will consent to you both gathering someplace. Like that, he will actually want to see what you look like.
7. Well, I may not look like what you expect
You can utilize this answer on the off chance that you don’t believe the person should see what you look like. You can just let him know that you may not look like. something he expects, like that, he will bring down his assumptions and he won’t anticipate that you should seem to a model or like a glamorous lady.
If you would rather not send it to him you could say it, let him know that you would rather not send it to him and he will comprehend.
8. You can check my Instagram for my pictures
On the off chance that you are somebody who utilizes Instagram a ton and you have posted many pictures there, you can essentially let the person know that he ought to really take a look at your Instagram to understand what you look like. Since you have a ton of pictures and recordings of yourself there, then, at that point, he ought to go there to see what you look like.
9. What do you intend to do with my photos and videos?
This is an effective method for answering to the person. You can utilize this answer assuming that you scarcely know the person. Ask him how he expects to manage your image, recordings, or some other data about you. At the point when he has told you precisely how he needs to manage it, you can go on to impart it to him if you feel like it.
10. But you already have my photos, why do you want new ones?
You can utilize this answer assuming you are certain that the person has your photos and recordings as of now. You want to ask the person for what valid reason he needs new ones. Like that, you would be aware assuming he actually has your old pictures and recordings in his control.
The person will actually want to speak with you better and you will know why he really wants your new pictures.
11. You seem to ask that too much, I will not give that to you
You both may have been talking for a significant length of time and the person has forever been requesting that you send pictures and recordings of yourself only for him to know precisely exact thing what you look like.
If the person asks a lot that appears to be irritating, you can let him know that he asks excessively and you won’t give it to him since he asks excessively. Like that, he will comprehend the motivation behind why you would rather not give it to him.
12. I will not send it till you tell me why

You have let the person know that you need to know why he is requesting that you send your photos and recordings, despite the fact that he needs to know precisely the exact thing you seem to be, he ought to let you know his thought process and what he desires to accomplish with that.
13. My pictures and videos are for me alone and my close friends to see
You can utilize this answer assuming you are the sort that mainly shows your photos to your dear companions and you don’t let persons who are not so near you see your photos and recordings or try and understand what you look like.
Perhaps you can show the person your recordings, pictures, or some other data about you when you are near the person. This is likewise something else you can tell the person.
14. I do not like it when people ask me directly about my pictures
On the off chance that you could do without it when persons straightforwardly ask you what you resemble or for you to send your photos and recordings, then you ought to tell the person in your answer. Like that, you have previously told the person your brain and what you believe the person should comprehend.
15. Why do you want to invade my privacy?
If your photos, recordings, and other data about you are private, you ought to tell the person that it is private and he shouldn’t attempt to attack your protection. Educate the person that you can’t share data concerning yourself and that it is private.
The person would comprehend and he wouldn’t ask you for your data once more. This is a basic method for telling the person no if you don’t believe the person should see your photos and recordings.
16. You should know me already, what do you want?
This is an answer let the person know that he ought to have known you as of now and what else does he need? You are to utilize this answer assuming you and the person have known one another for quite a while and you realize beyond any doubt that this person knows things about you yet requesting your data. Ask him what he needs since he knows you.
17. You can have it, just check my phone
This shows that you are free with the person and that you don’t care either way if the person has any desire to understand what you look like. You just let him know that he can have it and that he could in fact go on to really take a look at your telephone for the photos and recordings.
The person as of now comprehends that you trust him and you can impart confidential data to him.
18. You know I am not secretive, which one exactly do you want?
You are directly telling the person that you are not secretive and you are willing to share anything the person wants to know. You will ask the person what exactly he wants to know and you share it with him. This is a good reply you can use if you already trust the person.
19. I am not so beautiful, so do not even bother
You can utilize this answer on the off chance that you are a woman and you don’t believe the person should have a lot of familiarity with you. At the point when you let the person know that you are not so gorgeous and that he shouldn’t actually annoy you, he won’t irritate you similarly as you said.
Like that, you have made the person not keen on understanding what you look like. This answer functions admirably.
20. Am I that handsome? I do not think so
If you are a fellow and a woman asks you if she needs to understand what you look like, on the off chance that you genuinely don’t believe she should understand what you look like, you can essentially let the person know that you are don’t know whether you are that attractive and you would rather not send your image to the person.
Final Words
The point when somebody tells you “WYLL”, basically implies that he needs to understand what you look like.
This is utilized significantly in text or while visiting via virtual entertainment. If it happens to you and you don’t have the foggiest idea about the correct method for answering the person, you can utilize any of the answers that I have made sense of in this article.