Have you ever heard words that make you wonder what the speaker is referring to?
One of these expressions is “Don’t trip the chocolate chip.” This articulation doesn’t have anything to do with chocolate chips. You must be wondering what it means, too.
You need not be concerned because I will explain the meaning of this expression in this article. What’s more, assuming that you want phrases you can use rather than “don’t trip the chocolate chip”, this article got you covered.

What Is the Meaning of “Don’t Trip the Chocolate Chip?”
The idiomatic expression “Don’t trip the chocolate chip” is used to tell someone not to worry about something.
It’s anything but an exceptionally well-known express, so you may not go over it frequently. This articulation doesn’t have anything to do with chocolate, yet rather it’s a figure of speech expected to make a joke.
It’s very much like expressing, “Harmony out, young lady scout!” This is another punny informal articulation.
In this way, “Don’t trip the chocolate chip” signifies, “Don’t stress over it.”
15 Phrases Like “Don’t Trip the Chocolate Chip.”
The phrase “don’t trip a chocolate chip” is one of many. At the point when you need to tell somebody not to stress, there are various ways you can say it.
You can straightforwardly tell them not to stress over something, or tell them not to worry about it. Likewise, you can tell them not to get in a fold.
The following are 15 comparable expressions to “don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
1. Don’t Worry About It
“Don’t worry about it” is one of the ways of saying, “Don’t trip the chocolate chip.” This articulation is the thought behind this colloquial expression.
A mindful assertion is expressed out of empathy for somebody. Loads of persons go through a ton every day and many are continually stressing north of one of two options.
Therefore, you can use this kind of statement to tell someone to stop thinking about a problem.
It may be the case that they grumbled about an issue at work, you could energize them by getting some information about it. In this situation, you’re acting that all will be well.
Furthermore, you can utilize this assertion to give an answer to their concern or handle something they should deal with.
For example, you could let your companion know that grumbled about an issue at work and not stress over it since you’d converse with the director.
The following is an illustration of how to utilize this expression:
- A: I was unable to get my work finished today
- B: Don’t worry about it I’ll converse with the manager tomorrow
- A: I feel terrified, consider the possibility that it doesn’t end up working.
- B: Don’t worry about it it’ll turn out great
2. Don’t Stress Over It
“Don’t stress over it” is another articulation you can use to advise somebody to stop stressing over something.
At the point when somebody continues to hit on a specific issue, perhaps they’re irritated that their compensation hasn’t yet shown up, you could tell them not to worry about it.
Additionally, it is a reassuring phrase that can be used to encourage someone to focus on the positive rather than their worries.
What’s more, like the abovementioned, you can utilize this expression to tell somebody not to make a fuss over something you’d deal with.
This is an illustration of the way you can utilize the articulation:
- A: I actually can’t track down my record, what’s happening!?
- B: Don’t stress over it, it’s somewhere here.
- A: I don’t seem to know what to do here.
- B: Don’t stress over it, I’ll send you a sample.
3. Don’t Bother Yourself
This is one more articulation that you can use rather than “don’t trip the chocolate.” It’s one more pleasant approach to telling somebody not to stress over something.
At the point when somebody is excessively worried about a circumstance, you could inform them not to irritate themselves. You can utilize the explanation when you can help them out of the circumstance or when you simply need to comfort them.
Notwithstanding, contingent upon your tone, you can utilize this assertion to communicate your annoyance about somebody hesitant to adhere to the guidelines you give them.
The expression can be used in the following ways:
- A: I have a great deal to do, I don’t see myself going to the store now
- B: Don’t bother yourself, I’ll go later
- A: I can’t go to the store, kindly find another person
- B: Don’t bother yourself, you’re simply excessively lethargic
4. Don’t Flog the Issue
“Don’t over-flog the issue” is another informal articulation that you can use rather than “Don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
It’s an articulation you can use to tell somebody not to harp too long on an issue that has been settled or has lost importance.
Assuming it’s the situation that somebody continues griping about the same thing again and again, even after advising them to be quiet, this is a suitable response for them.
Here, you’re advising them to stop discussing it since it isn’t required. Presumably, because you vowed to settle it or you feel there is no hope about it once more.
The idiom can be used in the following ways:
- A: I rehashed this multiple times to her. She shouldn’t have made it happen.
- B: Stop over flogging the issue, I previously consented to converse with her
- A: How could Mike do this to me? I must see him,
- B: Don’t overflow this issue, it’s over as of now
5. Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk
“Don’t cry over spilled milk” is another extraordinary articulation that can supplant “Don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
This is an old axiom that is utilized to advise somebody to quit focusing on or stressing over something that can’t be scattered.
Let’s take the idiom literally. We are aware that any liquid milk that is spilled on the ground is useless. You can’t return it to the cup, nor could you at any point drink it from the floor.
Thus, stressing or crying over it wouldn’t return it to the cup. Thus, this expression is reasonable for circumstances that can’t be rescued.
It’s a reassuring assertion you can tell somebody to stop stressing over their disappointments and attempt to improve all things being equal.
This is the way you can utilize the articulation:
- A: I got an E on my outcome, it’s so terrible. I have no idea what to do
- B: Don’t cry over spilled milk, center around improving this meeting
- A: We lost the match yet I won’t fret over anything. I am looking forward to our next game against
- B: that is the soul
6. Take It Easy
The expression “don’t trip the chocolate chip” can be substituted with this one.
Assuming it’s the situation that somebody continues onward endlessly because they’re worried about an errand or an objective they need to meet, this is a suitable articulation for them.
You are instructing them to relax and not be overly concerned about the task at hand here. Likewise, It’s a decent assertion you can use on somebody you’re concerned is exhausting themselves.
It’ll act as a wake-up call to them to dial back and rest.
This is the way you can utilize the articulation:
- Take it, simple man, you continue to discuss this race, you’ll get along nicely
- You want to relax sibling, working this way will just influence your wellbeing
7. Don’t Sweat It
This is one more method for telling somebody not to stress over something. You can use this expression to tell someone to relax when they keep complaining about something that isn’t going well.
If you plan to deal with the circumstance, it’s additionally a fitting response for them. This expression can also be used to reassure someone not to worry about something that cannot be changed.
Thus, it’s a decent option to “don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
This is the way you can utilize the expression:
- A: I figure something should in any case be possible about this
- B: Don’t sweat it man, this is futile
- A: I’m apprehensive about our tests tomorrow
- B: Don’t sweat it, we’ll get along admirably
8. Don’t Panic
This is another expression you can use to tell somebody not to stress over something. For this situation, be that as it may, the person has become excessively restless and apprehensive.
Therefore, you can use this soothing phrase to encourage them to unwind. Additionally, it’s an uplifting comment to somebody when you believe they should comprehend that things will be better so there’s no requirement for them to overreact.
Also, you can express it to somebody to console them about something you’ve dealt with or will deal with.
This is an illustration of the way to utilize the expression:
- Don’t panic, the specialist understands what he’s doing
- Don’t panic dear, I’ll converse with your instructor tomorrow
9. Don’t Get in a Flap

To get in a fold means to become stressed or despondent over something. Thus, “don’t get in a flap” is another colloquial articulation that can supplant “don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
At the point when somebody becomes over-restless about something, this is the most ideal expression for them.
Likewise, when somebody becomes despondent about the result of something, this is something to let them know if you have any desire to be quiet.
This is the way you can utilize the articulation:
- Don’t get in a flap about things like this
- My mom told me not to get in a flap about my meeting tomorrow
10. Don’t Dwell on It
Another way you can advise somebody to unwind and not stress over something is to tell them not to harp on it.
At the point when somebody has an issue and continues talking or mulling over everything, it becomes unfortunate since pondering it isn’t useful. Thus, “don’t dwell on it” are empowering words to share with them to assist them with feeling improved.
- Don’t dwell on the past; the future is bright.
- Don’t dwell on what happened yesterday; we’ll figure it out when she gets here.
11. Don’t Flog a Dead Horse
“Don’t flog a dead horse” is another informal articulation that you can use rather than “Don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
This old saying advises people not to waste time or effort on activities that are certain to produce negative outcomes.
For example, you can utilize this assertion with somebody who continues bringing back an old conversation, telling them it’s an exercise in futility.
You literally can’t sell a dead horse to get it to work for you because it’s already dead and it would be pointless.
This is the way to utilize this informal expression:
- A: I can’t this man bombed me, I’ll proceed to converse with him tomorrow
- B: There’s no point flogging a dead horse, rather read harder for your next papers
- A: I endeavored to converse with Mike, however, he wouldn’t tune in
- B: Don’t flog a dead horseDon’t try to sell yourself short; Mike has moved on.
12. Don’t Fret Over It
To worry means to be apparently stressed or excessively restless over something, that you could start to shake or give indications of destabilization.
At the point when you’re apprehensive about an activity when you’re worried about a meeting, you can start to worry about it if you have zero control over your feelings.
In this way, “don’t fret over it” is an articulation you can use to tell somebody not to stress over something, and a decent option to “don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
This is the way you can utilize the articulation:
- Don’t fret over it, it won’t help
- Having tests doesn’t mean you ought to worry about them, you just need to peruse
13. Take a Chill
“Take a chill” is another informal articulation that you can use to supplant “don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
When someone is upset, stressed, or worried, you can say it to them to calm down or relax.
It’s a variety of “take a chill pill.” Therefore, you can tell someone to calm down when they are upset or worried about something.
This is the way to utilize the articulation:
- You’re stressing over nothing. Take a chill, I’ll deal with it
- Take a chill, you’re simply getting back from work
14. Loosen Up
“Losen up” is another way to tell someone to stop worrying about something.
At the point when somebody is strained or restless about something, you can advise them to relax. The idea behind this expression is to get somebody to unwind and be quiet.
This is the way you can utilize the articulation:
- Loosen up, there’s a compelling reason to stress over it
- I can see you’re anxious, Loosen up, dear, I don’t chomp
15. Calm Down
Another phrase you can use to encourage someone worried or agitated to unwind is “calm down.”
It’s a pleasant method for soothing somebody confronting a few troubles, allowing them to comprehend that things can improve.
Thus, this is a decent option to “don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
This is the way you can utilize this articulation:
- Calm down, okay? all that will be okay
- Calm down, something should in any case be possible about it
Wrap Up
There are different ways of telling somebody not to stress over something and rather be cool-headed. Thus, different expressions can supplant, “Don’t trip the chocolate chip.”
Thus, when somebody around you is agonizing or worrying over a circumstance, utilize any of the above articulations suitably to loosen up them.