Frankly, the banality expression referenced in the point is too platitude to be just called a buzzword.
Since we may have used it once or twice in our lives and may use it a billion times more before falling into eternal sleep, we probably all know what it means. One alternative is to say, “I don’t mean to be rude.”
This article will assist you with 10 different articulations that pass a similar message as ‘No Hard Feelings’. Even though this may seem pointless, it’s important to know if you think the phrase will be misinterpreted.
In the rundown underneath, you will track down milder articulations and more straightforward articulations. Along these lines, you get to pick how your message is gotten.

10 Other Ways To Say “No Hard Feelings”
1. No resentment
To begin with, saying ‘No hard feelings’ is more similar to telling a person not to think you are angry while you genuinely are. Nonetheless, it doesn’t need to intend that.
You can always say it if you think your comment or what you’re about to say might come across as hostile or enmity. You don’t want to end up in people’s bad books.
Saying ‘No resentment let your audience know that you are doing whatever it takes not to show any type of scorn, even though you figure your later or recently expressed remark will seem like you despise the person in question.
Similar to “No hard feelings,” this may not stop the person from thinking that your statement is just an attempt to show resentment when you can’t hide it. It is frequently stated before making the remark that is being referred to. In any case, is normally presented as a combination.
- “No resentment except for I think you are settling on a genuinely terrible choice here, sibling”
2. I don’t mean to be rude
This is a remark that frequently merits a ha response and I have an inclination that everybody knows why. It is very like the choice expressed before concerning mockery, albeit not generally.
Around 90% of the time a person proposes this assertion, the person is in many cases attempting to do something contrary to what the person in question has said. When a person expresses this to you, anticipate that the person in question should offer something shockingly impolite to you.
Saying ‘I don’t mean to be rude’ frequently implies you are going to bring up a reality that might sound impolite or may not be messed with by your audience. It’s also possible that you’re just being rude while defending your actions.
After saying you don’t intend to be discourteous, you will add the ‘however’ combination and say the most certainly impolite assertion you have as a top priority. When someone says, “No hard feelings,” it rarely changes. The audience is supposed to consider the following assertion inconsiderate or scornful.
- “I feel terrible for saying this, and I don’t mean to be rude, but your painting looks terrible; it needs to be completely changed,” the artist responded.
The assertion above brings up a reality in an impolite way. It is perceived that the speaker doesn’t expect slight however the message that should be passed is certainly not a light one and will be viewed as inconsiderate by whomever the person is alluding to.
- “I don’t mean to be rude yet I find your way of behaving very narrow-minded.”
The speaker’s feelings about the listener’s actions are reflected in the aforementioned statement. It’s anything but a reality that everybody might concur with yet an activity has evoked the sentiments in the speaker and the person is communicating it discourteously.
3. Listen!
This is a short yet compelling one. In contrast to ‘No hard feelings’, this one is very direct and has a significant implication that is rarely mixed up. At the point when a person says ‘No hard feelings’, you ought to comprehend that the person needs to pass a message.
Aside from the way that it could be found rude or angry by the audience, likewise a message is viewed as significant. Rather than saying ‘No hard feelings’ and offering something that might make your audience suspect something, one can decide to not express it by any means.
Notwithstanding, it is generally utilized when the reality should be brought up. While “No hard feelings” is kinder and more polite, “Listen” is often rude and direct.
By saying Tune in, you are letting your audience know that the person needs to hear a hard truth that you are going to say. It is in many cases an impolite assertion without any demonstration of regret for saying it.
In the wake of saying ‘Listen’, you needn’t bother with the ‘however’ combination. You can simply feel free to express out loud whatever you need to say.
- “Listen, sir. I don’t feel that a work of art of yours is qualified to be flaunted. It is truly awful and should not be considered art at all.
The assertion above brings up a reality in a rude way and shows no regret. You can continue to add ‘No offense’ toward the finish of your assertion, however, it will not help.
- “Listen. I find your way of behaving very childish.”
The assertion above obtusely specifies how the speaker feels toward the audience. In this instance, “No offense” can also be mentioned.
4. I’m not angry
At the point when a person says the person isn’t angry, it could be valid. Be that as it may, it is typically obvious from their look.
A person can say this when the explanation that the person is going to make next will reprove the audience or on the other hand in the event that the remark will address something deserving of their resentment.
This will sound less disrespectful than the other options on this list, or it may not even sound disrespectful at all. It might essentially say how the speaker feels about something.
Saying I’m not angry frequenty discusses what is going on applying to both the speaker and the audience while zeroing in on the speaker’s sentiments and the audience’s incitement. Additionally, the discourteousness of the following assertion by the speaker is frequently legitimate.
Since the person listening to you might be sorry for what they did to you, this might be the best course of action. In any case, assuming what you are alluding to had nothing to do with your displeasure or the Audience’s effect on your sentiments, this response would be unsatisfactory.
- ” not angry however I don’t track down that taunting grin of yours truly moronic.”
The assertion above remembers an inconsiderate remark for the audience. Nonetheless, it very well may be deducted that the speaker is as yet furious and the audience ought to comprehend that the person in question has incited the speaker as it were.
5. I mean no disrespect
This can be utilized in present or past tense, that is all there is to it might precede the apparently discourteous assertion you are alluding to or later. The other options are almost all the same, but they are usually used before the statement, while this one might be used after it more than others.
At the point when a person offers this expression, it is frequently on the grounds that the person in question understands what will be said or has been said will appear to be impolite to the person tuning in.
Saying I have nothing but good intentions is in many cases used to simply quiet the audience down while the speaker really expects to offer something ill-bred.
Nonetheless, it might likewise be an eruption that sounds insolent to the speaker solely after the person has offered the expression. In that case, an apology can be made by saying, “I MEANT no disrespect.”
This likewise frequently manages the speaker’s sentiments and responses to what the audience has done. It frequently passes the message that the audience entirely misunderstands followed through with something; Sufficiently wrong to be slighted for.
- “I have only good intentions however that is certainly not an extremely savvy comment, taking into account the gatherings engaged with this conversation.”
The speaker warns about his disrespectful comment above. It lets the audience know that what the person has accomplished is something that warrants affront. It will in any case be viewed as impolite.
- Speaker: ” That was not exceptionally astute, sir.”
- Listener: ” What’s the significance here?”
- Speaker: ” I had only good intentions.”
Here, the speaker says the discourteous assertion first, then, at that point, says ‘I had nothing but good intentions’ as a type of statement of regret.
6. Don’t get mad
This appears as though a possible antonym for ‘I’m not furious’ referenced above however it isn’t totally obvious. At any rate, not in the circumstance we will discuss. The two articulations will work in basically the same manner in this present circumstance however the two of them can’t work in similar settings.
As referenced before, ‘I’m not angry’ will in general zero in on the speaker’s sentiments combined with the Audience’s incitement. Then again, ‘Don’t get mad’ is much nearer to ‘No hard feelings’ insignificance. Nonetheless, there is as yet a slight distinction.
While ‘No hard feelings’ unequivocally says you hold no disdain, ‘Don’t get mad’ expressly says the person might be disturbed or furious about what you have said or are going to say.
When you say, “Don’t get mad,” you’re saying that your next or previous statement might make your listener angry. Nonetheless, it likewise suggests that you have a justification for offering your remark. What’s more, if may likewise be combined with an expression of remorse later on.
Even though there isn’t much of a difference between it and “No hard feelings,” you can use either when you think your statement will make someone angry.
- “Don’t get mad. Your artwork truly looks bad to me”
In the articulation over, the speaker’s remark would get the audience pissed. As opposed to as a mollification, the first expression capabilities as an advance notice.
7. Hold no grudge

Grudges and hard feelings are synonymous, giving the impression that they are the same thing. Really, this assertion can work in a few settings in which ‘No hard feelings’ can come in except that it won’t fit on the whole. At the point when a person says ‘No hard feelings’, it could allude to outrage, disdain, and desire.
You can say ‘No hard feelings’ at the point at which your remark sounds underhanded. In any case, ‘Grudge’ is ‘Grudge’ and will thusly not be capable in passing some other message aside from outrage and scorn.
By saying you hold no resentment, you are let your audience know that your past or next remark isn’t because of outrage or scorn. It can likewise be said after your audience has accomplished something fit for getting you annoyed.
It is basically the same as ‘I’m not angry’ and will no doubt zero in on the connection between the speaker and the audience. In any case, that isn’t required.
- “Your response to the performance made no sense, but I hold no grudge against you.”
The assertion above centers around how the speaker feels towards the Audience’s incitement.
- “I hold no grudge resentment except for your canvas isn’t adequately alluring to be shortlisted.”
The listener is informed by this statement that the speaker is unaffected by negative emotions.
8. I’m not trying to argue.
This perspectives the conversation in another light. Essentially each of the choices referenced before centers around giving straightforward surveys. Notwithstanding, this one can fit impeccably inside a contention.
A person can say ‘No hard feelings’ while attempting to go against what the audience has said. Saying this won’t forestall a contention, in any case. Rather, it functions as a prefix to set out your point.
Saying ‘I’m not trying to argue’ infers that your remark can prompt a contention however you wanted to express it without culpable the audience.
This might be a more pleasant method for saying ‘Listen’, however, they can’t be utilized conversely in all specific circumstances.
- You are wrong about the Civil War, and I’m not trying to argue against it. I saw it.”
This assertion goes against what the audience has previously said.
Nonetheless, it begins with a well-mannered provision that tells the audience not to be outraged.
9. Don’t mind me
Another very polite way to say what you have to say while letting the person listening know that they can ignore you if they want to. This functions as a commendable substitution if ‘No hard feelings’ has been utilized to offer one’s viewpoint which may not be trifled with by the audience.
By saying ‘Don’t mind me’ Don’t care about me’, you are telling your audience not to be annoyed by what you have said. It is much of the time said after you have left your viewpoint about something that has to do with the audience.
- “I don’t really approve of enlisting with this gathering. Don’t mind me.”
The assertion above makes reference to how the speaker feels about what the audience is going to do. The additional expression proposes that the speaker’s perspective might be just in view of feelings.
10. This may upset you
This is an immediate method for dropping your straightforwardly impolite assessment with no regret. At the point when you say this, you are just getting the person arranged for the impolite remark you are going to say.
By saying ‘This may upset you’, you are recognizing that you realize how inciting your remark will sound. In any case, there is an implied idea that you want to say it and you will love saying it.
- “This may upset you. Nobody needs you here.”
The assertion above drops a message that the audience won’t be satisfied with. The first statement readies the audience, however deficiently.