Many tracks down it is very easy to respond to an inquiry concerning their government assistance. Some don’t try to consider their reaction before the words come flying out of their mouths.
Nonetheless, Certain persons actually have difficulties with answering inquiries like [What’s up?]. One might ask why it must be hard since there are so many single-word reactions utilized for the inquiry.

This happens on the grounds that the person wants to dazzle the person posing the inquiry. They attempt to sound wry or interesting with their reactions and they wind up annoying their minds.
This is normal among folks who are attempting to prevail upon young ladies or sound clever. Assuming you are that person, this article has been extraordinarily arranged for you.
The following is a rundown of clever and coy reactions you can say when a young lady asks [What’s good?]
25 Flirty Responses to “What’s Good?”

1. Not me and it’s your fault
At the point when you are asked [What’s good?], You are supposed to discuss yourself. It is essentially exactly the same thing as [What’s up?] so the person needs to understand what you’ve been doing, how you have gone through your day, how you feel at the ongoing second, and what you intend to do.
This is the thing the inquiry should mean however it has been utilized frequently to the point that persons just express it as a type of welcome.
To give a coy reaction, you might need to involve the strict importance of the significant word in the inquiry. This will make it sound like a clever conversation starter.
Meaning: This infers that you’re not feeling better as a result of the young lady you are conversing with. She will inquire as to why then you can begin being a tease.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Not me and it’s your fault]
2. My day but you can make it better
You can address the inquiry as it ought to be replied yet find your strategy for getting around making it sound coquettish.
One of the most incredible ways of making a coy line hit hard is to give a heartfelt reaction all of a sudden. Basic inquiries like [How was your day?] What’s more, [Are you having fun?] won’t expect something coy.
The second you can get your young lady’s mouth to expand in shock. You can be a tease.
At the point when you say this, she will be amazed to hear you say the commendation. She will presumably ask how and you can without much of a stretch bother.
Meaning: This infers that your day is now going extraordinary yet the young lady before you is going to cheer you up
[Young lady: What’s Good?]
[You: My day yet you can make it better]
3. Both of us together
Now and again, short reactions hit harder than long ones. They can appear to be so interesting when you offer something messy so rapidly and carry on like it’s nothing and everybody is gazing at you contemplating whether they heard you right.
At the point when a young lady, or anybody, asks what’s great, you are supposed to discuss yourself or give some data.
The person is in a real sense requesting some significance. At the point when you answer with this expression to the inquiry, she will contemplate whether she heard you right. You can undoubtedly continue to prod from that point.
Meaning: This suggests that both of you together will be something to be thankful for.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Both of us together]
4. I was wondering till you showed up
This sounds extremely wry and young ladies like brains so it will work impeccably. It likewise utilizes some kind of heartfelt insinuation that may not be seen right away.
There is dependably a reaction to [What’s good?] what’s more, other government assistance questions so saying you’ve been pondering as of now makes it amusing. You likewise by implication toss a commendation at the young lady.
She may not understand it rapidly yet you can go on with the allusions till she comprehends that you are being a tease. She would be in it as of now.
Meaning: This suggests that you haven’t considered anything great till the young lady appeared. Clearly, she’s the main beneficial thing you’ve seen up to this point.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: was wondering till you showed up]
5. Everything is on you. You’d wonder what’s in there

There isn’t anything more surprising than a sexy allusion in a second suddenly.
This is interesting as it utilizes the strict importance of the word as opposed to addressing the inquiry. It tosses a commendation to the young lady in a sexy way.
If you don’t watch out, you might appear to be frightened. That relies upon the sort of young lady you are conversing with, nonetheless. This will make pictures in her mind and she might be stunned for a couple of moments.
You can make it more clever by imagining you said nothing serious. Then, at that point, you’d simply continue to toss erotic insinuations at her while keeping a stoic expression.
Meaning: This suggests that you accept the young lady’s great searches in her dress and anybody would consider what is taking cover behind the dress she’s wearing.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Everything is on you. You’d wonder what’s in there]
6. Not the chick in front of me. She’s bad!
This response also throws a compliment at the girl. She will be surprised and flattered to hear it. You can keep flirting as she smiles at your first statement.
It is also slightly sarcastic since [bad] in your statement means she is attractive to you. You can make it funnier by saying it like you hate [bad].
In other words, you can make it sound like you are using the actual meaning of bad, and when she asks you why you said that, you can say [Good is not enough to describe your beauty].
Meaning: This implies that you believe [Good] is not enough to describe the girl in front of you.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Not the chick in front of me. She’s bad]
7. I’d be gossiping about you if I had to answer that question
This is another sweet reaction that may not be seen right away. It is marginally entertaining and snide yet you will not be getting the normal response till the young lady comprehends what you mean by this assertion.
You are suggesting that you would rather not answer the inquiry. She might gaze at you for a couple of moments attempting to comprehend what you mean. Then, at that point, you can say [If I need to discuss beneficial things, I won’t quit discussing you]
Meaning: This intends that assuming you need to respond to the inquiry, you should continue to discuss her with everybody. It suggests that she’s the main beneficial thing to you.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: I’d be gossiping about you if I had to answer that question]
8. Right now, it’s the creature I’m staring at
This is an entertaining reaction you might consider. It isn’t the wittiest reaction on the rundown yet the young lady will comprehend what you mean right away and will be complimented to hear the commendation.
That isn’t the reaction expected so she will be shocked for a couple of moments. She will presumably thank you and continue to grin for some time longer. You ought to think of more coy moves before this reaction gets lifeless in her mind.
Meaning: This implies that the young lady is the main thing you think about right now.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Right now. It’s the creature I’m staring at]
9. I’m down for some fun
This is a typical reaction. It doesn’t dive deep into being a tease however it is equipped for rousing heartfelt considerations in a woman. By saying this, you are proposing that you both ought to have a good time, despite the fact that you are allowing her to conclude whether you both hang out.
Meaning: This suggests that you will spend time with the young lady before you.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: I’m down for some fun]
10. Just you and the meal I had last night
This is an interesting yet coy reaction you can consider saying when a young lady asks you what’s a benefit. You are answering with a commendation. This will get her complimented since she isn’t anticipating it.
Notwithstanding, discussing your dinner will make it exceptionally interesting. It might invalidate the possibility of tease yet she might see the value in the commendation. The being a tease shouldn’t end there.
You can add another coy line and say it like it’s not intense. Assuming you proceed along these lines, she will continue to get your heartfelt thoughts till the discussion is finished.
Meaning: This suggests that you like the young lady, the earlier night’s dinner, and that’s it.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Just you and the meal I had last night]
11. You are!
This is essentially as amusing as it sounds. The young lady will be complimented to hear the commendation however it might seem like a joke.
To keep the tease from terminating here, you can add more commendations and allusions. They might be amusing ones as well however she will continue to get heartfelt thoughts.
Meaning: This suggests that you like the young lady before you. Your appearance can likewise show your energy to see the young lady before you.
[Young lady: What’s Good?]
[You: You are!]
12. I don’t know but I’m sure you’re not bad.
This tosses a commendation back at the young lady. She will be complimented since she isn’t anticipating the commendation. Be that as it may, this may not appear to propose anything heartfelt to her. You can fix this with your look and the words you say straightaway.
This is wry on the grounds that you have utilized something contrary to this word to mean a misrepresented form of the word [i.e. Not awful suggests she is looking incredibly attractive].
Meaning: This tries not to respond to the inquiry and, all things being equal, says the person is solid.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: I don’t know but I’m sure you’re not bad]
13. Probably you. We only get to know in bed
This insinuation proposes exotic action between the both of you. Few out of every odd woman will endure this joke.
You can say it like it is relaxed talk and cause it to appear as though you are considering something more serious. She will most likely gaze at you for a couple of moments and keep thinking about whether she heard what you said.
You can say other coy proclamations however keep your serious appearance all over. At the point when she appears to be removed, you can offer something more serious and less coy, then, at that point, you can switch once more.
Meaning: This suggests that the young lady might be great in bed yet you possibly get to know when you’re both in bed.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Probably you. We only get to know in bed]
14. Definitely not you. I’m lovesick and it’s your fault
This will sound very entertaining to the young lady you are alluding to. It will appear to be very surprising. She might cooperate with the joke and you can continue to play with her.
To keep her from considering everything as a joke, attempt to change to something serious rapidly. Not long after, you can be a tease once more. Continue onward with this till you’re worn out.
Meaning: This implies the young lady is awful in light of the fact that she made you experience passionate feelings for her.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Definitely not you. I’m lovesick and it’s your fault]
15. Aside from you? Let’s see… You plus me. That’s even better
This is amusing. It isn’t just startling however you will seem like you are saying something you are not kidding about. At the point when she asks what’s great, the principal facetious inquiry you say will make her grin. It is an aberrant and surprising commendation.
At the point when you say [Let’s see], she will continue grinning while at the same time gazing at you and hanging tight for what you need to say. At the point when you add [You in addition to me. That is even better], she will think that it is extremely entertaining yet she will get the heartfelt thought.
You are encouraged to say more pickup lines. Say a few jokes and talk about serious things. The heartfelt thought will endure longer than you suspect.
Meaning: This implies the young lady is great yet can be better assuming you are together.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Aside from you? Let’s see… You plus me. That’s even better]
16. We’ll be making good babies
This recommends a drawn-out relationship with her and it will be taken as a joke. To abstain from appearing to be frightening while at the same time saying this, you shouldn’t rehash it frequently and you shouldn’t appear to be serious while saying as much.
Rather than rehashing a similar assertion or thought, utilize more pickup lines and jokes.
Meaning: This implies you respect the young lady before you and will get a kick out of the chance to have a drawn-out relationship with her.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: We’ll be making good babies]
17. Just having a nice time looking at you
As referenced before, [What’s good?] gets some information about the thing a person is doing or the way in which a person is feeling. This answers the inquiry however not in a normal way.
The young lady will be astounded to hear you say this. She will be complimented in light of the fact that it is a roundabout commendation.
You can do a fast change to serious mode and answer the inquiry as she expects, then add one more coquettish proclamation inside.
Meaning: This implies you partake in the second you are enjoying with the person.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: Just having a nice time looking at you]
18. What we have together
This is one more lovely reaction that recommends a connection among you. It is a short reaction so you can say it rapidly like it’s nothing. She will be astounded to hear it and she’ll need to understand what you assume you both have together.
You can keep your reactions as coy as conceivable as you speak. You can do consistent changes to difficult issues so it appears as though you are kidding. This will cause her to feel less awkward with your coquettish talk.
Meaning: This suggests that you have a lovely relationship with the person regardless of whether you.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: What we have together]
19. What’s good? We are not bad, obviously
This allusion might be very difficult to see so your look might finish the work of getting the young lady to grasp you.
This is wry on the grounds that it utilizes something contrary to [good] to misrepresent your point. Wearing an enchanting look while saying this will cause her to see better. You can stop it anyway by expressing serious things prior to going on with being a tease.
Meaning: This infers that a connection between the both of you would be perfect.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: What’s good? We are not bad, obviously]
20. I would have to show you in bed but you might sleep off next to me.
This is an entertaining erotic allusion. It will be entertaining and very surprising to the young lady. It is marginally snide on the grounds that having your accomplice work off adjacent to you can be deciphered in countless ways.
You are by implication gloating about your exhibition in bed. Nonetheless, it is fitting to utilize different types of heartfelt allusions that are not sexy and discuss a few difficult issues as well. This will make the talk keep going as long as you need.
Meaning: This infers that a sexy movement among you will be great to the point that your accomplice will work off close to you.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: I would have to show you in bed but you might sleep off next to me]
21. Every moment with you
This is a lovely reaction that will get the young lady complimented. It can likewise inspire her to go ballistic in the event that she’s not keen on a relationship with you. To try not to make the second off-kilter, you can wear an interesting look, kid about your reaction, and giggle about her response.
You can discuss a few difficult issues and return to coquettish conversation starters. The resulting coquettish lines you say won’t get serious responses since you previously caused the first to appear to be a joke.
Meaning: This suggests that you partake in the time you enjoy with the person.
22. How would I see when there’s a bad chick in front of me?
This is a sweet non-serious inquiry. It will get the young lady complimented. She will be amazed since she wasn’t anticipating this reaction. It is wry in light of the fact that you have utilized something contrary to [good] to misrepresent your point. She will comprehend what you mean, nonetheless.
You can remark about her being a [bad chick] and tell jokes for some time. You can discuss serious things as well so she doesn’t become weary of your coquettish talk.
Meaning: This suggests that you appreciate the young lady and she has your consideration.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: How would I see when there’s a bad chick in front of me?]
23. If I had to hold everything good, you’d be choking in my hands
As negative as it sounds, it has heartfelt importance. That makes it mocking and silly. The young lady will be complimented and similarly stunned to hear you say this. You can wear a serious seem to be a chronic executioner prior to chuckling about the joke.
Meaning: This infers that you respect the young lady and need to clutch her.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: If I had to hold everything good, you’d be choking in my hands]
24. I almost missed you. That’s dangerous
This is both snide and amusing. You are communicating your deference for the young lady with this articulation yet you are making it sound negative.
It will make the young lady snicker unquestionably. As referenced before, young ladies will generally fall head over heels for brains so this reaction might do exactly that.
To sort out the ideal coy reaction, all you might need to do is offer something amusing. She will presumably inquire as to why it is hazardous.
This allows you more opportunities to be a tease. You can incidentally change to serious points while dropping heartfelt proclamations as frequently as could really be expected.
Meaning: this infers that you continued to consider the person and you needed to control yourself.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: I almost missed you. That’s dangerous]
25. You and what I’m thinking of doing with you right now
This might be quite possibly the most entertaining reaction you can imagine in a circumstance like that. It will bring up a great deal of issues in her mind yet a concise enticing look all over can give her a thought. She might in any case need to ask how you are considering doing her.
You can try not to respond to the inquiry however much as could be expected or you can give a clearly absurd reaction. She will receive the arousing message in your explanation.
Meaning: this suggests that she is lovely to you and you wish to exotically do delightful things with her.
[Girl: What’s Good?]
[You: You and what I’m thinking of doing with you right now]
10 Sarcastic Responses to “What’s Good?”
1. My day, though. Anything better than this hell is suicide
Mockery can come in numerous ways and the assertion above utilizes more than one thought. The assertion is mocking in light of the fact that it has addressed the inquiry in its contrary importance.
While utilizing [better] may infer that the person is having an all-around great day, looking at his/her day to damnation proposes in any case.
Meaning: this implies that you are having a very bad day.
2. Trust me. You can’t guess wrong
While this assertion doesn’t seem, by all accounts, to be in a real sense wry, meaning a few things can be utilized.
This assertion might imply that nothing has happened to you and not really that speculating wrong is incomprehensible.
Meaning: this suggests that the person will take care of business on the off chance that he/she attempts to think about what is up with you despite the fact that it’s false.
3. I can say a ton of things that are the opposite of that
This answers the inquiry in an alternate structure. While the inquiry is about a person’s government assistance and not really the thing is going perfectly for a person, this answers the inquiry zeroing in on something contrary to [good].
Likewise, saying a lot of things doesn’t mean you can make reference to a ton of things however its significance is clear.
Meaning: This suggests that you are having an exceptionally terrible day
4. I’m still trying to guess
This doesn’t respond to the inquiry. It is wry on the grounds that there is generally a response to an inquiry regarding your government assistance and you ought to never need to think about how you feel about your life or what you’ve been doing.
That offers this expression snide and interesting.
Meaning: this infers that you can’t highlight anything intriguing right now.
5. I feel as good as I look right now.
You can make this mocking by wearing a dislike on your face. It will be seen as amusing in any case.
On the off chance that you are having a terrible day, you can utilize this reaction rather than essentially saying you’re disturbed.
Meaning: this infers that you are not feeling quite a bit better.
6. Aside from your beautiful face?
This answers the inquiry in a surprising way. [ What’s good?] ought to be about the person who has been posed the inquiry and once in a while a person can share news all things being equal. In any case, saying a commendation back is strange.
This is wry on the grounds that you will discuss the person posing you an inquiry as opposed to about yourself.
Meaning: this infers that you appreciate the person you’re conversing with.
7. My day is going as badly as I expected.
The construction of this assertion frequently proposes inspiration yet the importance of this assertion is very negative
Meaning: this infers that you are abhorring your day and you anticipated it.
8. Your absence… oh. That’s bad.
This is amusing and mocking. This deliberately specifies what you think about terrible however in a roundabout way responds to the inquiry. Since the inquiry is about your government assistance and how you feel, this suggests that you missed the person talking.
Meaning: This infers that you didn’t partake in the person’s nonattendance over the day.
9. I am just as curious as you are
This is like speculating on your government assistance. It must be utilized as a joke however you can be serious with this on the off chance that you are having an exhausting or terrible day
Meaning: this infers that you can’t highlight anything intriguing right now.
10. Since today? I’m still looking
This is wry because it’s responding to the inquiry in its exacting setting by zeroing in on [good]. This is entertaining and it tends to be utilized in the event that you don’t feel significantly better right now.
Meaning: this suggests that you are detesting your day.
8 Funny Responses to “What’s Good?”
1. I’ll tell you when I find something close
By saying this, you mean you have not tracked down anything great about the day. It is entertaining on the grounds that you are promising to illuminate the person asking you when you find something near great.
2. Not me. I’m still as bad as ever
This is a mocking reaction and that makes it interesting. While the initial segment of the assertion dismisses the possibility of you being [good], the subsequent part utilizes [bad] to mean you are showing improvement over [good]
3. Yesterday was. Today’s funny
This is interesting. It addresses the inquiry straightforwardly. You can say this if you don’t appear to be having a decent day.
4. It’s a secret. I don’t even know it yet
This might suggest that your day has been exhausting. It is interesting in light of the fact that you should be familiar with your government assistance.
This can be a method for trying not to respond to the inquiry. It might likewise suggest that your day has not been exceptional.
5. Anything better than your backside is angelic
What makes this entertaining is that it is startling. It is significantly more stunning thinking about its exotic importance. This suggests that you find the young lady alluring.
6. I have seen a billion good things and you’re 98% of them
Express this to somebody you respect. Aside from being surprising, this reaction is amusing on the grounds that the estimation isn’t possible.
Whoever you advise this to will have his/her psyche stray briefly before understanding the computation is pointless.
7. You’d sleep off if I told you all
The misrepresentation in this articulation makes it entertaining. It might imply that you are having a delightful day. It might likewise mean the inverse. The person will in all likelihood ask what you mean.
8. I’d be happy to tell you if my bed were part of the good things.
This takes what is happening to an alternate level. You can say this on the off chance that you experience difficulty resting. This reaction is startling and will be viewed as funny.
8 Cute Responses to “What’s Good?”
1. What do you think?
This suggests that nothing extraordinary has occurred in your day and the person can figure without any problem.
2. Tell me about your day
This maintains a strategic distance from the inquiry however tosses it back to the person.
3. Nothing’s good. I feel off today
This infers that you are having a terrible day.
4. Guess what happened today
This suggests that you have a story to share. It tends to be utilized wryly when you in the end say [Nothing happened].
5. I’m doing cool
This infers that you are good with your day however It is frequently said rashly and may not be valid.
6. I’m hanging on
This suggests that you are hating your day however you are overseeing and expecting a positive change.
7. Everything’s sweet. How’s your day going?
This infers that you are having a decent day and furthermore tosses the inquiry back.
8. I’m enjoying my day
This construes that you are having a good day and moreover throws the request back.