However straightforward as it seems to be to respond to an inquiry concerning your government assistance, certain persons get anxious when they are posed like [What’s up?]. This is not because there is too much to discuss or because they do not have answers to the question.
This happens when a person hastily needs to intrigue the person posing the inquiry.
There are multiple ways of giving a basic response to [What’s up?]. Nonetheless, it is typical to need to give various responses to basic inquiries when you are attempting to tease or sound clever. Assuming you are that person, this article is hanging around for you.
When you hear the phrase “What’s up?” the following is a list of possible responses.

22 Flirty Responses To What’s Up
1. My Blood pressure and it’s your fault
When someone inquires about [what’s up?], you can give this interesting and coquettish response. You are suggesting that he/she is the explanation for your circulatory strain even though it is false.
It will not be accepted however the person will be complimented. The response might be off and startling, notwithstanding, if the person has a tasteless funny bone or is uninterested in anything coy with you.
2. Looking at you, it’s something down there
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], If you’re a man, you can respond in this ambiguous manner. She will be confounded by a piece as her psyche attempts to consider what you mean. You don’t need to make sense of it, nonetheless.
There could be no greater method for beginning a coquettish visit than with a sexy insinuation. In any case, a few women might get irritated by the exotic nature as would be natural for you so it’s better not to sound excessively intense.
You might utilize the technique for bringing a concise transformation into a difficult issue and gradually returning to your coquettish jokes.
3. I am so fixed on you. I can’t check
When someone asks, “What’s up?” you can give this charming and complimenting response. This infers that you can’t check what is up because you are occupied with taking a gander at him/her.
The person will be elated to hear this from you. A woman who has a good sense of humor will respond positively to this, even if she is not interested in flirting or having a relationship with you.
4. I’m lovesick
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], you can give this coquettish response and wear a wiped-out look. The person will find it entertaining from the beginning. If he/she asks whom you are missing, simply keep your debilitated look on and incline nearer.
The person will be complimented. You ought to just involve this for somebody who as of now endures your coquettish moves. If she isn’t keen on playing with you, this might crack her out.
5. I was busy missing you
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], This can be said. This answers the inquiry however not in a normal manner. The person will be complimented to hear this.
This infers you are picking him/her as the main significant thing right now. The circumstance might get abnormal if both of you say nothing more.
Before going back to flirting, you can get around that by trying to raise a more serious issue. To keep her interested in the conversation, choose a subject.
6. Counting how long it’ll take for you to fall in love with me.
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], You can reply with this and give the impression that you are busy. The person will think that it is entertaining and may ask [How much you have counted?]. You can answer by saying you lost count at zero days [That implies it has begun].
The person will be complimented to hear you say this. This as of now seems like a joke. You might like to keep it as such to try not to get dismissed. It’s possible that flirting is not an option if you want a serious relationship. Simply go focused.
7. I’m still in bed. If you were here, you’d be up
At the point when a person asks you [What’s up?], this is another uncertain and coquettish response. You can express this over a text on the off chance that you are a man.
This is an erotic insinuation and she may not get it right away. Try not to make sense of assuming you are inquiring. Simply send a smiley emoticon. This is very complimenting and amusing yet might be viewed as frightening on the off chance that the young lady isn’t keen on having at least something to do with you.
8. It’s just you again
At the point when a person asks you [What’s up?], you can begin a coquettish talk with this response. The person will inquire about the situation. Then, at that point, you can begin being a tease.
The response might be off and unforeseen, be that as it may, assuming the person has a dull funny bone or is uninterested in anything coquettish with you. By constantly switching to serious topics, you can make your flirty conversations appear to be just jokes.
9. You tell me
At the point when a young lady asks you [what’s up?], You can flirt with her with this straightforward response. Wear a tempting grin and continue to be a tease.
Your alluring grin is sufficient to spring thoughts in her mind yet she needs to respect you assuming this will occur. If not, you might seem dreadful to her.
10. I was just thinking about you
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], you can answer with this complimenting articulation. The person may not trust you however he/she will be complimented to hear this.
This doesn’t need to be valid assuming you are simply hoping to be a tease without anticipating a genuine relationship. To prevent the girl from reacting strangely, you may also need to indicate that you are joking.
11. Busy waiting for your text so I can reply
When someone inquires about [what’s up?] over an instant message, you can answer with this coy assertion. You won’t believe it, but this statement makes it easy to start flirting.
If the young lady isn’t keen on talking with you, you might get overlooked.
12. You when my punchlines pick you up

At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], this response works impeccably to compliment her. You must take care of business to utilize this. You might get tested in the wake of saying this so you need to get ready for conversation starters.
This as of now seems like a decent conversation starter so you might put a grin all over with this. Sadly, all the pickup lines on the planet might not be able to get a young lady who isn’t keen on you.
13. I’m having a shower alone
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?] in a text, this basic response can begin a coquettish visit. It is like an exotic insinuation yet with straightforward words. He/she will think about what you mean by it.
It will evoke a sensual image in their mind, but you shouldn’t carry on with sensual thoughts. Certain persons may not be open to discussing the point, particularly with somebody they are not sincerely keen on.
14. If I had a picture of you, I’d be staring at it
At the point when a person asks you [What’s up?], you can utilize this response to compliment the person in question. This infers that you would be in the middle of gazing at his/her image assuming you had one with you.
The person will be complimented to get this startling response from you.
15. Nothing important except you
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], With this, you can start a flirty conversation. The person may not comprehend you right away. It infers that the person is the main significant thing that is up.
The person might see this as complimenting yet it could be the inverse if the person is unequivocally against having a relationship with you. In this situation, all types of being a tease will be dismissed.
16. It’s either you or nothing I care about
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], you can answer with this coquettish assertion. The person will see this as entertaining. It infers that the person is the main thing you are pondering and nothing else means a lot to you right now.
It may not be accepted yet the person will be complimented to hear you say this.
17. Just having a nice time looking at you
When someone inquires about [what’s up?], you can answer with this senseless assertion. The unexpected response will make the person laugh. From the person’s, response you can figure out whether the person is keen on your coquettish visit.
This assertion suggests that you simply appreciate gazing at the person in question and nothing else merits discussing.
18. Your head and mine
At the point when a person asks you [what’s up?], this is an entertaining assertion to answer with. You won’t be addressing the inquiry true to form and the person will think that it is interesting.
Wear an enticing grin and you can go on with conversation starters and other coquettish proclamations.
There isn’t anything surprisingly coquettish. It turns out to be a lot more straightforward to get a woman complimented in the wake of making her snicker.
19. What’s up? It’s down there if you want to check
At the point when a person asks you [What’s up?], you can answer by expressing this as quietly as you can while peering down rapidly like you are concealing something.
There could be no greater method for beginning a coy visit than with a sexy insinuation. This one is flawless. You ought to possibly utilize this on the off chance that you are a person. The young lady might comprehend this right away yet you shouldn’t make sense of it.
She might chuckle at the joke assuming she comprehends and you can be a tease. Your fast look at your feet and your crotch will make her comprehend.
On the off chance that a young lady doesn’t respect you or doesn’t endure playing with you, you can anticipate an odd response.
20. If it’s not your chest dots, I have no idea.
At the point when a person asks you [What’s up?], you can answer with this coy assertion. You must take care of business to say this. There is a high opportunity for the lady will comprehend you right away.
She will find it entertaining and her response will let you know if she can endure a coy visit or not. She might make it more entertaining by inquiring as to why you need to contrast her chest air pockets and specks. Assuming that occurs, you can say you were alluding to the spots on the air pockets.
21. Time to cuddle
At the point when a person asks you [What’s up?], This can be said. The person will think that it is entertaining. This infers that the time has come to nestle.
You can say this if you are with the person, as opposed to in an instant message. You might open your arms after this however don’t anticipate getting an embrace.
The response might be crazy and surprising on the off chance that the person is uninterested in anything coquettish with you. The second you open your arms like you need an embrace, you might be sending that you are not simply being a tease.
22. I would have to look up for your sake but I don’t mind
At the point when a person asks you [What’s up?], you can give this senseless response. You won’t be addressing the inquiry true to form. The person will think that it is senseless and entertaining however it will similarly compliment.
This suggests that you need to admire and know what’s up however you wouldn’t fret doing it for his/her purpose. You can begin a coquettish talk with this.