When a person says Hi to you, what response strikes a chord first? The way people respond to greetings varies. Some answer by just making proper acquaintance. Some pick different words.
Hi has no unique response. It has a similar significance as a few other hello words in the word reference and can be utilized in more ways than one that might warrant various responses.
The response to Hi on a telephone might be unique to the response to Hi in an actual gathering. You can use the suggestions below to respond to Hello.

27 Great Responses to Hello
1. Hello
Hello is one of the most widely recognized words utilized for hello. You can stand out enough to be noticed with this. With this, you can start a conversation.
You can likewise say this when you show up at a spot. The most well-known response given to Hi is Hi. The word has no English interpretation except that it is by and large acknowledged as a hello word.
At the point when Hi is said on a call, you can’t be tested for answering with Hi since it is now a typical response.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an instant message, you can answer with Hi however it is more sensible to express more than that except if you are purposefully showing your reluctance to talk.
At the point when Hi is said behind an entryway, you can in any case answer with Hi yet it might sound very outrageous. Rather, you can pull the entryway open and make proper acquaintance.
You can also say “hello” in a physical meeting, but the person must be close. A person can decide to stand out by expressing Hi in a good way. It’s not a good idea to respond by howling, “Hello!”
2. Aye
Aye is a very comparable word to Hi in the manner it is frequently utilized. However, it has a different meaning. The word is utilized to say [Yes].
You can say this when a person requires your consideration with [Hello]. This will demonstrate your attentiveness. You can likewise involve this as a hello [e.g. Aye, what’s up?]
On a phone call, you can say “Hello” at the beginning of the conversation. The person may likewise express Welcome to be aware assuming you are tuning in, saying Affirmative additionally attempts to show that.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an instant message, you can say this if you are certain the person has expressed Hi to be aware on the off chance that you are focusing on the discussion. It doesn’t function as a response to an underlying hello.
At the point when Hi is said behind an entryway, this response will show that you have heard the thumps or the voice and you will take care of the entryway soon.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an actual gathering, you can likewise say this whether the person is near you or distant.
3. Hi
Hi, can be considered as one more method for saying [Hello]. The two hello words are utilized conversely in beginning discussions.
At the point when Hi is said on a call, It is now normal to say Greetings regardless of whether you know who’s conversing with you.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an instant message, you can begin a discussion with this response. You can likewise show a person you are focusing on his/her texts.
If you don’t first open the door, when someone says “Hello” from behind the door, it will sound strange. This doesn’t prevent you from playing a joke with the person.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an actual gathering, you ought to possibly say this on the off chance that the person is close by.
4. Ayo!
Ayo is utilized to show shock so you might sound crazy on the off chance that you answer [Hello] with this constantly. Whichever response you go for needs to communicate how you feel.
At the point when Hi is said on a call, you might say this however it will sound better on the off chance that it’s somebody you are shocked to hear from.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an instant message, you can likewise express this to show your shock toward getting the message.
This response will sound extremely stupid when uttered in the shadow of a door. Simply answer the entryway.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an actual gathering, you can say this regardless of whether the person is close to you however you must be shocked to see him/her.
5. Good Morning
At the point when you are welcomed, the most widely recognized method for answering is to welcome back.
At the point when Hello is said on a call, you can say Great morning for however long it is morning time.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an instant message, you can say this as well. A more relaxed response might be wanted except if you are having an authority discussion.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, you ought to just express this in the wake of noting the entryway.
At the point when Hi is utilized in an actual gathering, you can say [Good morning] if the person is near you. Assuming the person is a long way from you, this might sound peculiar except if there is no other person around.
6. How are you doing?
This inquiry is normally posed toward the beginning of discussions while two persons are as yet welcoming. This makes it a decent response when somebody says Hello to you.
You can say “Hello” when talking on the phone, but you have to say it to someone you know.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an instant message, you can pose this inquiry on the off chance that it is a companion, a family member, or a colleague.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, this response will be crazy. Assuming that you should pose any inquiry, it must be [Who’s there?].
When greeting someone in person, you can say “Hello” if they are nearby. You can’t yell this inquiry to a person who is kilometers from you and anticipate a response.
7. Good afternoon
If it’s not morning time, you can say [Good afternoon]. You simply need to take into consideration the time if it is not afternoon. It is a formally OK hello articulation so you might need to think about this.
This works in all settings where [Good morning] works.
8. Me?
This is an unusually short question. You have likely heard a person pose this inquiry. It’s anything but a response you ought to expect yet it is a potential response you might need to utilize contingent upon the circumstance.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or an instant message, this response may not be perceived. Nonetheless, you can reword it and pose a similar inquiry [is this call/message implied for me?] assuming you figure the person who welcomed you didn’t plan to address you.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, there is not an obvious explanation to pose this inquiry so it will sound extremely strange.
When someone says “Hello” to you in a real meeting, you can ask if they are addressing you, especially if they are a stranger.
9. I’m still here
This is a statement that you are as yet tuning in or focusing on somebody
The point when Hello is said on a call could be to be aware of the event that you are tuning in or focusing on. You can say you are as yet focusing. When someone greets you in a text message, the same rules apply.
This response works in no other circumstance.
10. Gotcha!
This is a casual word you can use among dear companions. It is for beginning discussions so you can answer Hello with this.
At the point when Hello is said on a call, you can begin the discussion with this.
You can also text this when saying “Hello” in a text message, but it sounds better when said aloud.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, you can’t say this except if you have opened the entryway and you are currently gazing at a close buddy.
When greeting someone in person, you can say this if they are walking toward you. You need to remember that it is casual.
11. My man!
The point when Hello is said on a call or in an instant message, this response works for this situation if it’s somebody you haven’t heard from in quite a while.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, you don’t have the foggiest idea what its identity is yet so this response might be unnecessary.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, this response works best. It demonstrates your excitement about meeting the person and will be appreciated.
12. Good evening
This is a hello frequently said in the evening time. You simply need to understand what season of day it is. It doesn’t just capability as a response to Hi yet can likewise begin a discussion. It can respond to itself, just like Hello does.
This statement applies to any situations in which “Good morning” and “Good afternoon” are used. You need to utilize the right period so you don’t appear to be confounded.
13. Howdy
This is another casual hello word. You can utilize this among companions. Very much like [Hi], it tends to be utilized conversely with Hi. You can stand out enough to be noticed with this word. You can begin a discussion moreover.
However, because it is typically used to initiate conversations, it may not be appropriate in other settings.
At the point when Hello is said on a call, you can express Hello toward the beginning of the discussion. A similar applies if Hi is sent as a message.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, you are expected to answer the entryway first before giving this response.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, this works impeccably. You can say this tenderly assuming the person is close. It additionally sounds good to yell Hello assuming that the person is a long way from you.
14. Good day
You might want to think about saying “Good day” rather than “Good morning” or “Good afternoon.” You might concur that it is normal to know nothing about what season of day it is. This is the articulation that works for any season of day.
It works in any situation where “Good morning” and “Good afternoon” can be used as responses.
15. What do you want?

This sounds like a threatening gathering however it’s here on the off chance that you want it.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or an instant message, you can express this to show that you are not keen on the discussion. Try not to answer with this dull inquiry on the off chance that you are. The second you utilize this, the person will accept you are not ready to talk or visit.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, you can say this in the event that you don’t need anybody upsetting you.
This response will indicate that you are unhappy to see the person greeting you or that you are concerned about something when used in a physical meeting.
16. Who’s there?
This is in response to the door being opened. You can’t say this while chatting on a telephone or as an answer to an instant message. Additionally, since you can already see who is greeting you, it does not work in a physical meeting.
At the point when a person expresses Hello while remaining behind an entryway, you can pose this inquiry before going to open the entryway.
17. Ciao
This is another hello word that can supplant Hi in certain specific circumstances. Ciao is a greeting word like “Hello.”
Very much like Welcome, Ciao can be a response to Ciao. Notwithstanding, Ciao works on appearance and flight. Likewise, it sounds good to express Welcome while remaining behind an entryway however Ciao would sound strange.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or a text, Ciao is an OK response.
When saying “Hello” behind a door, you must first answer the door before saying “Ciao” to the person who is waiting. When saying “Hello” in a real meeting, “Ciao” is perfect, but the person who is waiting must be close to you so that you don’t sound like an idiot howling the strange word.
18. I can hear you
This is a statement that a person has your consideration. persons frequently express Welcome on a call and trust that a response will be aware if the other person can hear.
When there are network issues, you can hear them say [Hello? Might it be said that you are there? Hello?]. For this situation, you can just answer by saying you can hear the person except if you can’t hear plainly.
This response is just acceptable for a particular circumstance and can’t begin a discussion.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, this response doesn’t work except if you know what its identity is and you know he/she is attempting to let you know something.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, this response might cause you to seem hurried. You ought to possibly utilize it on the off chance that you accept the person is attempting to let you know something or you can utilize a more pleasant or more normal response.
19. Holla
This is another casual word that can supplant Hello in practically every unique situation. The essential distinction between these two words is that Hello might be endured in an authority climate while Holla will no doubt be viewed as excessively relaxed.
You can start a conversation by saying “Hello” when someone says it on a phone call or in a text message.
You can say “Hello” before you go to the door when it’s behind a door. It can also be used after you have answered the door.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, you can answer with Holla whether the person is close or far.
20. What’s up?
When two people are still greeting each other, this question is posed at the beginning of a conversation. It can likewise turn into a significant hello when a person skirts the part where he/she makes proper acquaintance and simply says [What’s up?]. As a result, it makes an excellent hello response.
You can say “Hello” on a phone call or in a text message if you are speaking with a person you are familiar with.
In any case, it isn’t required since many will quite often pose inquiries rashly without anticipating a response.
At the point when Hi is said behind an entryway, this response will sound strange except if you know what its identity is. On the off chance that not, your inquiry ought to be [Who’s there?].
At the point when Hi is utilized in an actual gathering, you can express this as long as the person is close to you. You shouldn’t yell this inquiry to a distant person from you.
21. Yes?
Although your expression can alter how it is perceived or heard, this sounds rather impolite. To certain persons, it will seem like [What do you need? Be speedy and quit upsetting me]. You ought to wear a grin and make a point not to sound rushed.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or in an instant message, you can say this on the off chance that you think the person has a unique justification behind contacting you.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, this response will show that you have heard the thumps or the voice and you will take care of the entryway soon.
In a physical meeting, you can say “Hello” to show that you are paying attention to what the other person has to say.
22. Wow! It’s been a while
This is a remark on how long you have met or visited with a person. At the point when you are saying this, you need to mean it so on the off chance that you are conversing with your sibling who gets you up each day, consider another response.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or in an instant message, this response communicates your energy to talk with the person. It shows that you have missed him/her.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, you can express this after noting the entryway and seeing what its identity is.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, you can say this if the person is close to you. It must be somebody you haven’t heard from or met with in some time.
23. How far?
This is like [What’s up?]. It doesn’t just get some information about a person’s government assistance however it can likewise supplant Hi in certain unique situations. Be that as it may, this is simply because of how it’s frequently utilized and isn’t linguistically supported.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or in an instant message, you can say [How far?] as long as it is a person you know well. It can likewise be utilized to proceed with a discussion that had been begun before.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, this response doesn’t squeeze into the specific situation.
When greeting someone in person, you can say “Hello” if they are close to you. It likewise must be somebody you profoundly know.
24. Good to see you
This remark frequently comes during the snapshot of welcome toward the beginning of a discussion.
At the point when Hello is said on a call, you can’t say this except if it’s a video call. You can’t express this over an instant message either except if you have seen the person before and you are alluding to that second.
Unless the person behind the door is a stranger, you can say “Hello” after answering the door.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, This response works for this situation on the off chance that it is somebody you know. The person must be close so you don’t need to yell this.
25. Nice to hear from you
This comment may be made during salutations, but it is typically communicated via text message or phone call rather than in-person meetings. It can likewise come toward the finish of a discussion.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or in an instant message, you can say this you haven’t heard from the person in some time.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, This response will sound ludicrous.
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, you ought to utilize [Good to see you] all things being equal.
26. Can I help you?
Be careful who you say this to and how you say it because it may come across as rude and dismissive.
At the point when Hello is said on a call or in an instant message, this response can cause anybody to expect you are not keen on the discussion.
At the point when Hello is said behind an entryway, you can express this after noting the entryway on the off chance that the person is an outsider
At the point when Hello is utilized in an actual gathering, you can say this however it must be a more bizarre or a colleague.
27. Who’s knocking?
This possibly functions as a response when Hello is said behind an entryway. You can involve this as a relaxed joke when you answer a call or in an actual gathering when you are called by a companion.