There is no exceptional importance when a person lets you know that the person is leaving for work. In this way, it doesn’t need to feel off-kilter when a person illuminates you prior to leaving for work.
At the point when a person lets you know he/she will work, no extraordinary reaction is expected from you. Some of the time, you should simply recognize that you’ve heard everything the person has said to you.

At the point when a person says this, the person in question is on the exit plan so the statement has been utilized to supplant [Goodbye].
You can basically answer the manner in which you would answer [Goodbye]. The following is a rundown of thoughts on what to express back to [I’m going to work].
25 Great Responses to I’m Going To Work
1. Good luck, then
[Good luck] is an expression that is in many cases said when two persons are separating. It can mean different things as well.
A person might be going on a mission to play out an egregious or almost incomprehensible undertaking so you can say [Good luck] as the person leaves.
Nonetheless, saying [Goodbye] is frequently utilized. Similarly as [Goodbye] can be a reaction to [Goodbye], [Good luck] can be a reaction to [Goodbye] yet it isn’t utilized as a reaction to itself. It would sound silly all things considered.
Likewise, a person can say [I am going to work] as a splitting explanation. While it is constantly utilized in its exacting importance, it is generally said when a person is leaving a spot or someone else.
In the event that you can say [Good luck] as a reaction to Farewell, you can likewise say [Good luck] when a person says the person will work.
The expansion of [then] proposes that you both were in a discussion before the person offered their remark about leaving for work. This isn’t significant, be that as it may.
2. Alright. Goodbye
At the point when a person lets you know something that the person is going to do that doesn’t influence you in any capacity, you can just say OK.
At the point when a person lets you know something you ought to be aware of yet doesn’t have to answer, you can express OK to show that you heard what the person shared with you.
At the point when a person illuminates you that the person will work, a reaction may not be requested or expected yet an affirmation that you heard the proclamation would matter.
Aside from showing you heard, certain persons need to realize that you give it a second thought. A straightforward word like [Goodbye] would make a difference to them so this basic reaction would be far superior to remaining quiet.
3. See you later
[See you later] is another expression you can say while leaving behind somebody or when a person is leaving your place.
It is inseparable from [See you soon] however the contrast between Soon and Later has the effect between the two expressions.
This expression infers that you are isolating yet you can see each other later.
It is even utilized reciprocally with [See you around] however this equivalent word will be improper for this situation, similarly as [See you soon] may not sound sufficient.
At the point when a person needs to go to work, it typically takes some time before the person in question gets back so [See you later] fits better. Notwithstanding, if you intend to appear at the person’s work environment for some explanation, you can say [See you soon].
[See you around] implies you need to leave behind a person however both of you will be close to one another so you might in any case see each other while strolling around.
4. When will you be back?

This is an inquiry however it recommends that a person is separating. At the point when a person illuminates you about leaving for work, the person would like you to recognize that you heard.
While you can essentially say [Okay] or [Goodbye], this question demonstrates consideration.
At the point when you request the time a person will get back from work, it shows the person that you give it a second thought, regardless of whether you pose some other inquiries. In any case, this isn’t an inquiry you can utilize frequently so you don’t sound crazy.
Posing this inquiry recommends that you don’t reside in a similar family as the person and you don’t have the foggiest idea when the person gets back from work.
Be that as it may, you can utilize this while remaining in a similar house as the person assuming that the person picks an opportunity to leave the workplace.
5. I should be leaving soon too
[I’m going to work] can suggest that a person is going out. It might likewise act as a reason to early leave a spot. This reaction is great yet it must be utilized in the right circumstances.
At the point when you say you would leave as well, it might suggest that both of you are in a spot that isn’t the home of both of you.
Thus, when the person passes on the spot to go to his work environment, you can likewise leave the spot and go any place you need.
The expression above may likewise be utilized when you both live in a similar house. Nonetheless, it suggests that you are additionally going to work and you will take off from the house soon.
In the event that this isn’t true, you are presumably heading off to someplace else that the person definitely knows about.
6. Where is your workplace?
This question doesn’t just recognize that you heard the person yet it addition shows that you give it a second thought. You need to ask no different choices.
Then again, the person can inquire as to why you got some information about the area of their work environment. You may essentially say you simply needed to be aware and bid farewell.
You can likewise recommend that you couldn’t imagine anything better than to visit sometime or another and inquire as to whether that is permitted in his office.
This question will sound odd assuming that you should be familiar with the area as of now.
Be that as it may, assuming there is not an obvious explanation for you to definitely know the response, you can get some information about the person’s working environment prior to expressing Farewell to him/her.
7. Can I check up on you?
Like different inquiries on this rundown, this requires the person to give you a reaction. Notwithstanding, this is very unique in relation to the others.
While different inquiries are finally and place which are fixed and can’t be constrained by the person, this one inquires as to whether you are permitted to determine the status of that person.
The solution to this question will think about the organization assuming it permits persons to visit. It will likewise think about the person on the off chance that the person in question believes you should visit.
The person may likewise inquire as to why you would need to investigate him/her and add that the person would be back ahead of schedule.
You can get some information about the person’s working environment first except if you definitely know the spot, then, at that point, you can get some information about visiting.
8. I wonder why I have to know that
This is very entertaining yet a negative significance can be credited to it. In the event that it isn’t what you mean, you probably shouldn’t utilize it. In any case, you can play a joke with it.
At the point when a person illuminates you about leaving for work, you can say you didn’t think you should be aware. This proposes that you are not connected with the person or the person doesn’t illuminate you about different things.
If that isn’t true, it might imply that you are irate with the person and you couldn’t care less about what the person says or where he/she goes.
The person will ask why you said that. On the off chance that the person pauses and gazes or asks what’s up, you can say you were simply joking and wish him the best of luck at work.
On the off chance that the person overlooks your remark, you can say [Goodbye. Be safe!]. This recommends that you are not furious and you care about him/her.
9. Should I come with you?
You can pose this inquiry as a joke. It won’t be treated in a serious way so you will not need to make sense of that you’re simply kidding.
It wouldn’t appear to be legit to be not kidding about this, be that as it may. Assuming that you seem serious with this inquiry, it will be found silly except if the person has proposed to take you to work prior.
It is extremely surprising to take a person with you while going to work except if the person is watching you leave for a point in the street.
At the point when you say this, it will be perceived as the joke that it is, then you can basically say [Good luck] and wish the person in question the best of luck at work.
10. Hold on. Let me see you off

This reaction demonstrates consideration however it might sound very unpleasant, contingent upon the connection among you. In the event that you have never seen the person in question off to work previously, it might sound weird.
Albeit the person may not inquire as to why you unexpectedly need to see the person in question off, you ought to give an explanation so it doesn’t appear to be off-kilter. You can say you intend to get something returned.
It is vastly improved if you’ve seen the person off previously. Like that, there won’t be a weird response and your walk together won’t be off-kilter.
It might likewise sound less odd assuming that you are new to the house. It would be viewed as a way you demonstrate consideration. For this situation, you needn’t bother with a reason. You can say you simply need to see that person off to work.
It will be absolutely common if you are dear companions, kin, or in a close connection.
11. See you by noon
This is fundamentally equivalent to saying you will see the person later. You can express this all things being equal on the off chance that you know the time the person will get back from work. If the person won’t be back by early afternoon, the person would illuminate you.
Assuming that you figure the person will be once again around evening time, you can say [See you by night]. Assuming the person will be back the following day, you can say [See you tomorrow]. This expression replaces [Goodbye] so you don’t need to say anything more.
12. Happy working!
This wears a surprising fervor. It will be viewed as an overstated joke. You won’t be not kidding about it all things considered. You can choose to utilize it if the person has recently continued work sooner or later or has found a new line of work in another organization.
The person might feel worried about their work so this remark will sound very entertaining. Remember to express Farewell after this.
13. Are you allowed to have visitors?
You can pose inquiries when a person illuminates you about leaving for work. Be that as it may, the inquiries must be connected with the subject and should not take the person’s time.
This question recommends that you consider visiting the person at work. On the off chance that you are not, this question would be futile except if you have a reason for inquiring.
The person will respond to your inquiry and pose on the off chance that you wish to visit the person in question. The person may likewise add whether your visit might hinder his/her work or not.
14. Put me in your bag. No one will know
On the off chance that you are searching for an interesting reaction, it’s this one. The person will find it amusing except if the person is behind schedule for work as of now and needs to rush out.
This suggests that you need to go to work with the person. You can communicate that you are kidding, then, at that point, bid farewell.
15. Okay. I will be home all day with you success
As referenced before, the significant reaction expected for this situation is an affirmation that you hear what the person said.
Accordingly, saying right may be sufficient. You just shouldn’t say OK just so you don’t seem like you are lighthearted.
The person has expressed where the person is going. You can likewise answer by saying where you will go or how you will respond. With this reaction, you are letting the person know that you will not be going at any rate.
16. Wish you success
This short reaction works fine and dandy when a person illuminates you about leaving for work. It recognizes that you heard what the person said.
The words in your explanation don’t exactly make any difference for however long they are not negative. Notwithstanding, it would matter if the person was going for a meeting or an agreement application.
[Wish you success] is in many cases utilized in rivalries, not circumstances where a person can win or lose. Nonetheless, it might likewise just mean [Goodbye].
17. Stay Alive
This sounds like you anticipate that a mishap should occur and you are cautioning the person to avoid inconvenience. This doesn’t need to be the situation before you think about this reaction. It won’t be viewed as serious.
The person might snicker about it and give an interesting reaction or simply consent to remain alive. You can express Farewell as the person leaves.
18. Good to know
Since everything necessary from you is an affirmation that you heard, you can essentially say OK. In any case, it sounds cavalier. It resembles saying [I have heard you].
This reaction isn’t better. You can utilize it on the off chance that you couldn’t care less about sounding pompous to the person.
19. My regards to the office
You can advise the person to pass your respects to the workplace. You don’t need to be not kidding about it.
The person doesn’t anticipate that you should be significant about it in any case and the message won’t be conveyed to the workplace except if you know certain persons at their office.
20. Where else would you go?
Assuming you are pissed with the person, you can think about this contemptuous reaction. In the event that you are not, this can be a joke. Simply make a point to bid farewell and wish that person the best of luck so the person doesn’t think that it is significant.
21. Wow. I didn’t know that
This will be viewed as wry. You ought to wear a wide grin so it seems like a joke. You can likewise poke fun at being venturing out from home alone. You shouldn’t drag it for a really long time. Simply bid farewell and wish that person karma.
22. Have a great day
You can recognize that you heard the person by advising the person in question to have an extraordinary day. It’s superior to utilizing a pompous reaction, despite the fact that no extraordinary importance is credited to it.
23. Don’t get stressed out
You can tell the person not to get worried prior to bidding farewell. This doesn’t just recognize what you heard, but it is likewise an impression of how caring you are.
24. Love you!
[Love] is normally valued. You ought to possibly say this in the event that you have a relationship with the person and the person is hustling to work.
25. Me too
In the event that you are likewise prepared to leave for work, you can just answer by saying you are additionally leaving for your working environment.