The question, “Are you high?” can be offensive, regardless of whether you are high from drinking alcohol or just acting like you are.
One of the most outstanding ways of soaking a somewhat tense circumstance is to have something entertaining to say in answer. Furthermore, if you are genuinely intoxicated, having something entertaining to answer to somebody who asks is certainly not a poorly conceived notion.
Assuming somebody asks, are you high, you can do any of the accompanying: no doubt, brother, I’m extremely excited nothing more, I’m not high, I’m simply in that frame of mind of marvelousness, or no, this is my genuine face and voice.
In this article, you will track down 20 amusing responses to give when somebody inquires, “Are you high?”

1. Bro, I’m Only High On Life
This is an incredible response if you are at a club or simply emerging from one and the police pull you to the side to inquire as to whether you’re high. It could also be anyone else. Simply say, brother, I’m just on the lap of luxury.
For example:
- Are you high
- No, bro. I’m just high on life, that’s all
- Are you high
- Yeah, I’m high on life, bro.
2. Yes, I’m High On Your On The Sight Of You.
If the person asking is your mate, accomplice, or companion, you can make them giggle by saying you’re high on their presence.
This is a legitimate comment on the off chance that you are a ridiculous person when you’re high. Or on the other hand on the off chance that you’re simply messed around and not extremely high, this will be a great answer.
For example:
- Are you high
- Yes, I’m high the sight of you
- Are you high
- Yes, the sight of you makes me high
3. Nope, It’s All Just Fun And The Good Times
Here you are flippantly putting any obvious intoxication on the great persons and games around you. This is a good one if you are at a party or the games.
Say this on the off chance that you are amidst companions and you’re all really living it up. If you are truly high, it will come across as funny.
For example:
- Are you high
- Nope, what you see is just the fun and good times
- Are you high
- No, it’s all just the fun and good times
4. Yes, That’s How I Can Talk To You.
Ideally, the person asking is into you as well. What’s more, the situation includes both of you at a bar where you have had a couple of as of now.
It very well may be that you’re not extremely high however this isn’t simply an answer. It is likewise a pickup line. They’ll laugh if the other person likes you.
For example:
- Are you high right now
- Yes, that’s how I can talk to you
- Are you high
- Yes. That’s how I would be able to say what I want to tell you
5. I’m Not High, I’m Only Experiencing A Heightened State Of Awesomeness.
This entertaining answer will prove to be useful whenever, whether you are high or claiming to be. With coated eyes and a suitable tone, you can pull off the uplifted condition of the mindfulness part.
For example:
- Are you high
- I’m not high, just experiencing a heightened state of awareness
- Are you high
- What you see is a heightened state of awareness that I’m in
6. Me High? Nah, I’m just levitating with happiness
This amusing response substitutes levitation for high. It proposes that you are not high on liquor. You can ease up the mindset by saying you are high since you are extremely happy.
For example:
- Are you high
- Me? No. I’m just levitating with happiness
- Are you high
- Me, high? Nah, I’m just levitating with happiness
7. I’m not high, I’m just on cloud nine because I’m talking to you.
This amusing response takes a romantic turn. Regardless of whether you are high, this answer would be amusing assuming that the person asking is your old flame. You concede that things aren’t typical with you.
The only difference is that this love interest has you on cloud nine.
For example:
- Are you high
- I’m not high, I’m just on cloud nine because I’m talking to you
- Are you high
- High, nope. I’m on cloud nine because I’m talking to you
8. Nope, I’m Just Naturally This Giggly And Goofy
This amusing answer proves to be useful in some genuine circumstances. You can be high seriously, acting giggly and silly. It is unrealistic to assume that you are naturally that way, but that is the point of many jokes—they are not based on reality.
For example:
- Are you high
- Nope, it’s just me, I’m giggly and goofy naturally
- Are you high
- Nope, I’m just naturally this giggly and goofy
9. I’m not high, but if you have some, I won’t say no.
Utilize this entertaining answer on the off chance that you are amidst companions or a drinking party and it is evident you are high. The other person is asking since they can see you are high.
Keep away from the abuse of liquor and just utilize this answer playfully without the goal of really drinking more assuming that you are genuinely high.
For example:
- Are you high
- I’m not high, but if you have some, I won’t say no
- Are you high
- No, I’m not. If you have some, I won’t say no
10. I’m not high, I’m just extra relaxed because of my yoga class.

This interesting answer proposes that yoga can make somebody unwind, causing them to show up high. This isn’t accurate in actuality.
In any case, an entertaining answer should evoke a snicker. You can involve this answer in a genuine drinking situation or at different times.
For example:
- Are you high
- I’m not high, just extra relaxed because of my yoga class
- Are you high
- No, I’m just relaxed because of all the yoga I’ve been doing
11. Nope, just naturally this spacey and absent-minded
This entertaining answer can be given assuming that you have been excessively calm while drinking or in different circumstances.
You are by yourself, staring into space, whereas others are lively. What makes this answer amusing is the point at which you say you are normally along these lines.
For example:
- Are you high
- Nope, just naturally this spacey and absent-minded
- Are you high
- No, I’m not. This is a natural thing for me, being spacey and absent-minded
12. High? No, I’m just channeling my inner Zen master
This entertaining answer ascribes your being high to the thoughtful tranquility that is related to the Buddhist act of harmony. You are expressing out loud whatever seems like being high, is your harmony second. Utilize this entertaining answer assuming that you are certain your audience comprehends what harmony implies.
For example:
- Are you high
- High? No way, this look is my zen-master moment
- Are you high
- High? No, I’m just channeling my inner Zen master
13. I’m not high, I’m just happy to be alive and breathing.
An over-the-top measure of extravagance can cause somebody to inquire as to whether you are high, contingent upon the circumstance. Perhaps you show up excessively cheerful or energetic. However, this answer would be more interesting assuming you are genuinely high.
For example:
- Are you high
- I’m not high, I’m just happy to be alive and breathing
- Are you high
- I’m not high, I’m only happy to be breathing and alive
14. Nope, just naturally this is chatty and outgoing.
At the point when certain persons are high, they become more garrulous. Others become strangely peaceful. This is because liquor wipes out restraints.
You can jokingly deny being high with this amusing response. It credits your loquaciousness to a characteristic propensity.
For example:
- Are you high
- Nope, I’m naturally chatty and outgoing
- Are you high
- Nope, I’m not. I’m a naturally chatty and outgoing person
15. High? No way, I’m just a natural comedian.
Besides, when certain persons are high, their ability to joke is elevated. Their comedic side emerges so anyone might see for themselves.
On the off chance that you are like this, somebody can inquire as to whether you are high. Your current attitude is attributed to being a natural comedian by your funny response.
For example:
- Are you high
- High? No way, I’m just a natural comedian
- Are you high
- Nope. What you see is the side of me who’s a comedian
16. I’m not high, I’m just experiencing a euphoric state of mind.
This entertaining answer is a decent one when with companions who offer interests to you. That is companions with whom you can sit and discuss anything.
The conveyance of this entertaining answer is with a casual tone. This response would be funny to talkative nerds. Additionally, activities like smoking marihuana and some hallucinogens induce euphoria.
This article isn’t empowering destructive ways of life yet the tomfoolery comes from hitting up a picture of you doing these things.
For example:
- Are you high
- I’m not high, I’m just experiencing a euphoric state of mind
- Are you high
- No, I’m not. This is me in my euphoric moment
17. High? No, I’m just naturally this creative and imaginative.
Assuming you are accomplishing something strange or character, somebody can inquire as to whether you are high. This interesting answer can make the person chuckle when you attribute the change to a characteristic propensity.
Hard as a general rule for somebody is high to be inventive or innovative because the person loses quite a bit of his restraint.
Also, here is where the joke is: crediting your unexpected inventiveness to being high.
For example:
- Are you high
- High? No, I’m just naturally this creative and imaginative
18. I’m not high, I’m just feeling good because I got a lot of sleep last night.
This is not obvious, however, it’s an interesting answer to being inquired as to whether you’re high. Here your quality is high to adequate rest when as a general rule, you might have had a couple.
Getting adequate rest has been known to animate the body, making you lively for the day’s exercises. So while utilizing this answer, you are drawing a line up among the rest and being high.
For example:
- Are you high
- No, I’m not high. I’m feeling good because I got a lot of sleep last night
- Are you high
- I’m not high, I’m only feeling because I’ve had enough sleep
19. High? Not me, I’m just buzzing with positive energy.
Additionally, when some are high, it appears that they have more energy for activities. This isn’t in their personality however liquor makes them cordial.
Assuming that you are this way, you might be inquired as to whether you are high. This question may be posed to you in various contexts.
For instance, if you are bizarre while at a party where liquor is being served, somebody will undoubtedly think you have had a couple.
For example:
- Are you high
- High? Not me, I’m just buzzing with positive energy
- Are you high
- No, I’m not. I’m just buzzing with positive energy
20. I’m not high, I’m just a little bit crazy all the time.
In this amusing answer, you suggest that anything you are doing or not doing right now is because you are insane constantly.
Presently what this implies will rely upon what you are doing, and the other person will probably be giggling as a result of his comprehension.
For example:
- Are you high
- I’m not high, I’m just a little crazy all the time.
- Are you high
- No, I’m not. This is my real self. I’m a little crazy all the time.