The expression ‘come sit on my face’ is one of those abnormal, yet frequently comical, minutes that can receive some conversational attention.
Whether they are attempting to be interesting or they are offering an improper remark, it means quite a bit to know how to answer.
In any case, never dread, as I have ordered 20 cunning reactions to this awkward expression that will assist you in handling what is going on with artfulness.

From clever counters to happy jokes, every one of these smart reactions will assist you with assuming command over the discussion and leave you feeling engaged and in charge of the circumstance.
Thus, the following time somebody tells you to come sit on my face, you’ll be prepared with your ideal reaction.
20 Respectful Responses To “Come Sit On My Face”
At the point when somebody tells you to come sit on my face, it very well may be a confounding and awkward circumstance.
Whether it’s a joke or a serious solicitation, it means quite a bit to know how to answer in a manner that is both conscious and suitable. The following are 20 shrewd reactions:
1. That’s not something I’m comfortable with.
This is a clear and genuine method for telling the other person that you’re not intrigued by the thing they’re proposing.
2. No, Thank you.
This reaction is appropriate for some reasons; it is immediate and direct and rules out disarray or error.
It likewise shows that the person is open to communicating their limits, and isn’t keen on taking part in exercises that don’t speak to them.
Furthermore, this reaction suggests that the person is sure about what their identity is and what they need, and isn’t willing to think twice about values or convictions.
3. I’m not into that kind of thing.
This reaction is appropriate for some reasons; it is immediate and direct and rules out disarray or distortion.
It likewise shows that the person is happy with communicating their limits, and isn’t keen on taking part in exercises that don’t engage them.
Furthermore, this reaction suggests that the person is positive about what their identity is and what they need, and isn’t willing to think twice about values or convictions.
4. That’s inappropriate.

This expression plainly conveys that the speaker accepts the solicitation is unseemly and shouldn’t happen.
It is a compelling reaction since it conveys dissatisfaction without being fierce and can be utilized by one or the other orientation or in a circumstance.
It is essential to utilize a proper reaction when somebody makes an improper or inadmissible solicitation.
This is particularly obvious when the solicitation is of a sexual or cozy nature and the speaker needs to clarify that they don’t overlook or support the way of behaving.
It is additionally critical to circle back to the person who made the improper solicitation and make sense of why it was unseemly and why it shouldn’t be repeated.
By utilizing the expression That is improper, the speaker can successfully convey their objection in a direct yet non-fierce manner.
5. I’m not into that sort of thing
This is a delicate method for telling the other person that you’re not intrigued.
6. I think I’ll keep my bum where it belongs, thanks.
This reaction is entertaining and infers that the person’s proposition is improper. It’s likewise an effective method for communicating your distress without causing them to feel terrible.
7. I don’t think that’s the kind of bonding I had in mind.
This reaction suggests that there is an alternate sort of holding that is more fitting.
8. That’s not my style.
This reaction passes on a firm and direct message that the idea is all the way beyond the field of play and not OK.
It is a respectful yet firm approach to saying that you don’t see the value in the idea and don’t wish to take part in it.
This expression likewise mirrors the feeling that there is a reasonable limit to what is suitable to say and do, and the idea that was made isn’t within this limit.
9. I’m not sure that would be very comfortable.
This reaction is cheerful and silly. It’s likewise an incredible method for communicating your inconvenience without straightforwardly dismissing the person’s deal.
10. No, I don’t think so.

This is a reasonable reaction to when somebody tells you to come sit on my face. It is a deferential method for declining the proposal as it passes on a reasonable message that you are not intrigued by.
It additionally shows that you esteem your own limits and are sufficiently agreeable to communicate them.
Moreover, this expression suggests that you are not trying to participate in a movement that you view as awkward or unseemly.
This reaction is significant in light of the fact that it permits the two players to keep up with shared regard for each other and guarantees that nobody is placed in an awkward or possibly hazardous circumstance.
It is a basic and clear method for saying no.
11. That’s not something I do.
“That’s not something I do” is a reasonable reaction to when somebody tells you to come sit on my face. This expression is a pleasant yet firm approach to considerately decline a solicitation that you are awkward with.
It passes on to the next person that you are not keen on taking part in the movement without being excessively angry.
Also, this expression doesn’t put the other person down or cause them to regret the solicitation, yet essentially expresses that you don’t wish to partake.
It is essential to have the option to express no to demands that cause you to feel awkward, and this expression is an extraordinary method for doing precisely that.
12. I’d rather not, but I’ll sit on your lap if that’s okay.
This is a reasonable reaction to when somebody tells you ‘Come sit on my face’ on the grounds that it recognizes a person’s limits and sentiments.
It is an approach to communicating a courteous refusal without culpable the other person. It is likewise an approach to clarifying that you are not keen on participating in the action they have recommended.
By offering this viewpoint in a pleasant and conscious way, almost certainly, the other person will regard your perspective and not pressure you into accomplishing something you are not happy with.
13. Oh wow, it’s really flattering that you want me to sit on your face, but we’re not close enough to do this.
Oh wow, it’s really flattering that you want me to sit on your face, but we’re not close enough to do this is a suitable response when someone tells you ‘Come sit on my face’.
It is a considerate yet firm approach to declining the greeting while showing appreciation for the motion.
It recognizes that the proposition was complimenting, and yet, it conveys that you two are too far off to take part in such a personal demonstration.
It likewise suggests that assuming you two were nearer, it might have been a choice that could be investigated.
The reaction is conscious and welcomes further investigation on the off chance that the relationship develops to a more private level.
14. Are you sure you know what you’re asking?
When somebody tells you to come sit on my face, the expression Would you say you are certain you understand what you’re inquiring? is a reasonable reaction.
This expression infers that the person making this solicitation probably won’t know about the ramifications of their solicitation, or may not understand the ungainliness of the circumstance.
Moreover, it very well may be deciphered as an advance notice to the asker that such a solicitation could be viewed as improper or hostile.
The expression likewise suggests that the person being asked ought to pause for a minute to consider on the off chance that this is genuinely the thing they are requesting, as well as whether it is proper or not.
At last, this expression fills in as a viable reaction to such an unforeseen solicitation, as it permits the asker to pause and think prior to going ahead with it.
15. I’m flattered, but no thank you
This is a considerate, yet firm reaction to when somebody tells you ‘Come sit on my face’. It is a proper method for dealing with a circumstance wherein somebody is making an unseemly solicitation, while as yet being deferential.
It conveys that you know about the solicitation, and that you are not happy with it, yet that you are not irritated by it by the same token.
This reaction is great for any circumstance in which somebody is making an idea or solicitation that you are not happy with, however, don’t wish to be discourteous by dismissing it out and out.
By conveying that you are complimented, it shows that you value the motion, while additionally communicating that you would rather not continue with it.
16. I’ll take a rain check on that offer.
The expression I’ll hold off for a while on that deal is a reasonable reaction to when somebody tells you to come sit on their face.
This well-mannered yet firm reaction infers that the person is declining the proposition, and furthermore communicates a craving to not insult the other person.
It is a pleasant method for clarifying that the proposition has been declined, while as yet keeping up with deference for the person who made the deal.
The expression likewise suggests that the deal might be acknowledged from now on, which can assist with keeping the discussion happy and deferential.
17. I’m sorry, but I will make a pass
This expression conveys that the speaker isn’t keen on the proposition and is declining it in a considerate way.
It is a pleasant method for dismissing the proposal while keeping up with deference and impressive skill between the two players.
This expression additionally suggests that the speaker isn’t happy with the deal and isn’t keen on chasing after it any further.
It is a conscious method for declining and dodging any ungainliness that could emerge from an excessively dull refusal.
It is a proper reaction to an unseemly deal and ought to be utilized at whatever point somebody is approached to accomplish something that they are not happy with.
18. I don’t think I’d be comfortable with that.
Hearing somebody tell you to come sit on my face can be very shaking, and having a reasonable response is significant.
A decent reaction in this present circumstance is I don’t think I’d be OK with that. This conveys your inconvenience with the solicitation without being fierce and offers the person a chance to make sense of their aims.
It likewise permits you to stay away from expected ponderousness assuming the solicitation was made jokingly.
Moreover, it is a well-mannered approach to expressing no to a possibly awkward circumstance, and furthermore gives you an opportunity to consider in the event that the solicitation is something you might want to do.
19. Well, I’d rather not, but I’ll sit on your couch if that’s okay.
The expression Well, I’d prefer not to, however, I’ll sit on your lounge chair assuming that is completely fine. is a reasonable reaction to when somebody tells you ‘Come sit on my face’.
This expression is exceptionally suitable in this present circumstance as it shows a comprehension of the other person’s sentiments while clarifying that the solicitation isn’t something that you are OK with.
It is well-mannered and conscious, yet in addition, shows that you are persevering and not giving a reaction that could be confused as understanding.
Proposing another option, for example, sitting on the sofa, permits the person to have their solicitation met such that you are both alright with it.
It is likewise an incredible method for showing that you are not open to additional exchange and that you regard their limits.
20. I don’t think I’m the right person for that job.
Because of the idea to ‘come to sit on my face’, it is a suitable reaction to say I don’t believe I’m the perfect person for that work.
This assertion permits the speaker to communicate their uneasiness with the idea in a courteous way, while likewise clarifying that the idea isn’t something they are keen on.
The expression infers that the speaker comprehends the setting of the idea and that they are not keen on chasing after it.
It additionally suggests that the speaker is attesting their own limits and values, and isn’t willing to think twice about them for the other person’s advantage.
Moreover, it starts a trend for the speaker to be viewed in a serious way later on, and that their perspectives and values ought to be regarded.
In Conclusion, while ‘come sit on my face’ is an expression that can be taken as a joke, it is critical to recollect that it can likewise be taken as a serious coital greeting.
Eventually, the best reaction to this expression is to require some investment to evaluate what is happening and conclude what the most proper reaction would be.
Whether it’s to ignore it, make a joke of it, or view it seriously, the decision ought to eventually be yours.
Anything you do, ensure it’s something that you feel OK with and that communicates your limits.
There’s no incorrect method for answering this kind of circumstance – as long as you have a good sense of reassurance and regard all the while.
Regardless of how you choose to answer, remember that rejecting any undesirable advances or invitations is your right. Monitoring your freedoms and limits is consistently the smartest idea.