The words “por qué,” “porque,” “por que,” and “el porqué” are essentially pronounced the same way, but their intonation and stress are different, and they convey distinct meanings.
English-speaking people frequently use these Spanish expressions.
The main word, por qué signifies ‘why’. Porque, the second word, means “because.” The third word, por que signifies ‘for which’ and the final word, el porqué signifies ‘the explanation’.
These words can be utilized as questions relying upon the event while talking with an English crowd. These are the best reactions when inquired “why?” ” Which one?” The explanation? Or then again “on the grounds that?”

How To Respond To Por qué – Why?
It very well may be irritating when you need to account for yourself to individuals everytime you settle on doing something specific. Suppose you’re inquired as to why you like to do a thing as such, “For what reason are you making it happen?” ” For what reason would you say you are as yet dating that kid?”
Seriously, I realize how baffling it very well may be to need to answer those questions when you don’t have a solution for them. Here are a few different ways:
1. “Why not?”
Yes! why not. Why can’t I complete it? For what reason would it be a good idea for me to pay attention to you? For what reason mightn’t it at any point be my direction? The most ideal way to lose individuals their curiosity is to ask them inquiries as well.
Tell them that you understand what you’re doing and you’re not adjusting your perspective. This ought to be to individuals who check out scrutinizing all your choices. They are deserving of no explanation.
Saying, “why not” will startle and they’ll not upset you in the future. Since they’ve seen that you’ve at last called boldness to confront them. All in all, what difference would it make?
2. “Because…”
Then again, you could choose to give a clarification on that thing. Without a doubt, there are individuals you can’t simply disregard however respond to them.
Thus, you ought to have a justification behind anything that you do so you can essentially say, “Because I truly believed it to be a good idea to do as such”. Assuming they trust your judgment, they’ll leave you alone.
“Because time was running out” can be a speedy clarification to the inquiry “why”. No one needs to sit around and if you can blame time, that is fine.
3. “What!”
In certain pieces of Africa like Nigeria, individuals are partial to addressing inquiries with questions. It’s practically similar to a culture. What’s more, that is a method for getting your examiners calm.
The last individual who runs out of inquiries to pose to back loses. On the off chance that you’re in such a game, you can answer “Why?” ” What! It’s not my issue.”
You can make it an exclamation to express your frustration with his incessant questions.
4. “That’s why!”
“That’s why” while highlighting the article being referred to. On the off chance that the justification behind doing a thing is simply nearby, you ought to go straight by bringing up it.
“I vowed not to uncover the key to anybody, that is the reason you can’t be aware of it.” You’re being earnest and it’s great.
While replying, you ought to be proud in regards to your response, paying little heed to how it will make you look. It’s your reality and assuming you should tell the truth, it must be said like that.
5. “That’s just how it is”
As of now, you are burnt out on providing more clarifications to make the individual see reason with you. This is a response option.
Obviously, this is assuming you should offer a response to that inquiry. On the off chance that you’re not ready to give out more data about the circumstance, simply resort to utilizing this assertion.
Allow your tone to be one of conclusion. “That’s how it is and I have nothing else to say to you.” You can make above and beyond by leaving.
6. “It’s ok”
Certain individuals pose the inquiry, “why” with worry for you. By saying, “it’s okay,” you might want to reassure them that you are fine. That is assuming you’re truly fine.
Some of the time, you may not be OK, yet you’re not simply prepared to converse with them at that point. Excusing them with this phrase is OK.
But don’t forget to acknowledge that they care and are concerned. For what reason did you leave him?” You can decide to reply, “it’s okay. I needed to”.
How To Respond To El Porqué – the Reason
Right now, you may be expected to give the motivation to a specific activity. You want to know when the individual is asking you this.
At the point when you’re asked this, you’re expected to delve into subtleties. This is more profound than simply inquiring “why”, it requires explicit insights about the topic of conversation. The response to this is as follows:
1. “I don’t know”
I frequently state this for myself. Not that I don’t really have the foggiest idea what to say, yet I’m not simply prepared to begin making sense of and giving the subtleties of the circumstance.
If you’re like me, you might want to use the straightforward phrase “I don’t know.” Be aware that not everyone will agree with you when you say this. Some will enquire further to guarantee you begin talking.
In this way, now and again, you could respon, “I don’t have the foggiest idea” since you don’t really have a clue. Try not to feel awful in light of the fact that you don’t have the foggiest idea. You don’t need to know it all.
2. “I can’t tell”
Okay. Presently you know, yet it’s difficult to tell. ” The phrase “I can’t tell” indicates that you possess the information but are unable to disclose it.
It is possible that you were cautioned not to tell or it isn’t in that frame of mind to tell. It could likewise be that you have decided not to tell that individual at that point. It’s your decision.
Thus, if you’re not happy giving out the justification behind an activity or occasion, go ahead and proclaim that you can’t tell, particularly when you’re at freedom to do as such. When you aren’t ready, don’t tell.
3. “What should I say? You know it already”.
You can suggest that the person already knows the answer if the reason is obvious to both parties and is known to them.
However, even if they have access to that information, there are some people who will still insist on hearing from you. You can decide to oblige them or not.
Saying, “what should I say” is a pointer that there are no more words to say. Perhaps you’ve sufficiently said and the individual is as yet requesting for more. Clarify that you have nothing more to say.
4. “This is it!”
Even better, you can feel free to give the explanation that is required. “This is it, I expected to do that since it was expected by the specialist”. That is a clear and concise explanation.
You can feel free to make sense of exhaustively. Alternately, you can state the reason in a single sentence if you wish. The point is that you can tell the truth.
Your tone and pitch will likewise play a part to play here. Is it true that you are making an interjection or would you say you are smoothly expressing a reality? Take that into account.
How To Respond To Porque – Because

“Because” isn’t much of the time utilized as an inquiry, yet it can act as one relying upon the event. You should be prepared to offer a response when you’re confronted with a circumstance where you need to answer “Because”… ?”
1. “It’s the truth”
“Because?” “Because it’s the truth”. You may be having a conversation with somebody expressing your realities and the individual is in uncertainty. Offering this response to clear that uncertainty is essential.
“Because you think you’re better?” “No! Because that’s the truth”. At the point when individuals question your honesty, the best thing to do is to safeguard it with reality.
Of couy, you would have no desire to say this on the off chance that you don’t know of what you said. You might want to remain silent in this situation if you are unsure of where that information came from.
2. “It’s the right thing to do”
For what reason does it seem like this is the most intelligent solution to give when somebody further inquiries the verification of your activities? Since it’s most certainly what you ought to say regardless of whether you’re certain.
Here, you’re not professing to make certain of the reality, however you’re sure that that was the best thing to do at that point. Be unashamed in answering that.
3. “It’s the best”
You did your best, not just the right thing at this point. The fact that you could only do your best is still true, regardless of how bad the situation as a whole turned out.
In a circumstance where you’re attempting to give a clarification to something and the individual asks further, “Because?” “Because it’s the best”.
If you somehow happened to pick either choices and you wind up picking one, you could address why you like it and you can answer that it’s the most ideal choice among others.
4. “You deserve it”
“You keep showing me kindness, Because?” “Because you deserve it”. You ought to express this to somebody you have interest in.
Rather than expressing many justifications for why it ought to be in any case, simply grin and make this executioner proclamation. In the event that the individual wasn’t offering you consideration before now, this will be a place of fascination for that individual.
5. “There’s nothing else I can do”.
Even if you believe there are the best choices, people will always question your choices. Thus, in some cases, when you have nothing else to say, simply let them know how restricted the choices are.
“You left John’s house, because?” “Because there’s nothing else I can do”. Earnestly, you had a go at getting through the overabundances of John and it doesn’t seem as though he’ll change at any point in the near future.
At that point, your only option is to leave. Leave and don’t be heartbroken about it.
6. “It’s your duty”
Your associate at work may be asking why you did a few undertakings and left one scattered. You can answer that you left that one since it’s his obligation to do that.
You might not have any desire to offer this response to somebody in a higher situation than you or an older individual. No one needs to be reminded that it’s their obligation to do a thing.
7. “You can do it”
You may be attempting to convince a companion to take up the type of opposition and he’s bustling questioning himself. He may be asking why you continue to demand. “Tell me, because?” “Because you can do it!” That is enough.
8. “I love you”
At times, while replying “porque”, the inquiry may not be guaranteed to end with “on the grounds that” in English. You would have a clear understanding of what he is saying if he were to use the Spanish translation.
You’ve been all over me nowadays, porque?” ” Yes! I love you!” What’s more, that settled it.
How To Respond To Por que which means “for which”
This expression may be utilized frequently in the shop or store. While you’re attempting to pay for something you purchased and you’ll be asked which you’re paying for. How about we see the best reactions to this.
1. “For this”
When the question asks you to point to the item you’re paying for and pay for it, you don’t want to start saying too much.
At times, you’re asked on the grounds that there are numerous things there and you want to browse them. If it’s more than one thing you’re paying for, you can answer with “for this”.
2. “For all/both”
In another instance, you can pay for all of the items or select all of them. You could have picked a ton of things that the businessperson is shocked and inquires “for which are you paying for?” “For all”.
Assuming there are two things in plain view, you can answer that you’re paying for the two things.
You ought to be know about Spanish to have the option to know when somebody is saying “why”, “the explanation”, “in light of the fact that”, and “for which” so you can give a befitting reaction.
You will effortlessly know the distinction if the discussion is in text. In this way, when next you’re inquired, “por que”, really look at any of these reactions and give them.