All that rebounds can be the contrast between an essential and forgettable experience. We as a whole expertise it feels when somebody hurls abuse at us.
It tends to be elusive to the right words seemingly out of the blue, yet having a couple of clever rebounds close by can assist you with answering with certainty and class.
No one enjoys being offended or tolerating somebody’s mockery. In any case, having a couple of clever rebounds at your disposal can reverse the situation and give you the high ground.
Whether you’re managing a companion, relative, or completely more bizarre, a rebound can assist you with keeping up with your poise despite difficulty. To take care of you, I’ve ordered 20 of the best rebounds to answer Cry About It.
From sharp jokes to entertaining answers, these rebounds will assist you with remaining one stride in front of the opposition and show your adversaries that you will not be pushed around. So the following time somebody expresses Cry About It, you’ll be good to go to answer with style.

20 Best Comebacks to ‘Cry About It’
Cry about it – a well-established counter that is much of the time utilized when somebody is attempting to deprecate another. It’s an endeavor to close down a contention or set somebody straight, however it generally crashes and burns.
Even though it is a common response, no one enjoys being told to cry about it. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for creative responses to people who cry about it.
The following are 20 of the best rebounds to answer ‘Cry about it.’
1. Cry about what? That I’m not taking your advice?
This response shows that you are not scared by the other person’s endeavor to put down you. It likewise suggests that you are in charge of the discussion.
2. I’m not crying, I’m laughing
This response shows that you are not impacted by their remark and that you think that it is amusing. It suggests that your rival’s remark isn’t serious and that you won’t view it seriously by the same token.
3. I’d rather use my energy to do something productive
This response suggests that you are not keen on taking part in a silly contention. It additionally infers that you have better activities with your time.
4. What’s the point of crying? That won’t solve anything
This response suggests that you are not keen on throwing away your life on something that will not go anywhere. It suggests that you are searching for arrangements as opposed to floundering in self-indulgence.
5. Why don’t you just allow me to do what’s right for me?
This response suggests that you don’t want to be told what to do. It additionally suggests that you are in charge of your own life and that you don’t require another person to guide you.
6. I’ll save my tears for something that matters
This response infers that you won’t squander your energy on something that isn’t significant. It suggests that you have standards and won’t be easily influenced by other people’s opinions.
7. I’m not going to cry, I’m going to fight.
This response suggests that you won’t take the path of least resistance. It suggests that you will go to bat for yourself and battle for what you put stock in.
8. That’ll never happen, so why stress it?
This response suggests that you won’t squander your energy on something that won’t have an effect. It suggests that you are searching for unmistakable outcomes as opposed to simply floundering in self-indulgence.
9. I don’t need to cry, I need to act.
This response infers that you won’t take the path of least resistance. It suggests that you will make a move to accomplish your objectives.
10. I’m not crying, I’m doing something about it

This response suggests that you won’t lounge around and sit idle. It suggests that you are ready to act to change things.
11. I’d rather laugh about it
This response is an extraordinary approach to showing that you won’t allow them to cut you down. It’s also a way to stop them from making you feel bad and turn the tables on them.
12. I’m not the one who needs to cry
This response is an extraordinary approach to moving the concentrate away from you and onto the person who said it. Additionally, it demonstrates your resistance to their demeaning comment.
13. I’m not the one who should be crying
Similar to the previous response, this one demonstrates that you are not the one who needs to cry and that you are not going to take their insult lightly.
14. I’m not the one with something to cry about
This response is an extraordinary rebound to answer cry about it since it puts the accentuation back on the other person with practically no extra show or feeling.
It infers that the other person has a genuine motivation to cry, while likewise unpretentiously proposing that anything they are going through is something that they ought to manage all alone, as opposed to expecting another person to come in and fix the issue.
By not crying or overemphasizing it, it additionally recommends that the person is solid and in charge of their feelings. This powerful message states, “I’m not here to take on your problems or be your emotional savior.”
I’m here to support you and offer other forms of assistance; however, you must resolve this on your own.
15. I’m not the one in need of a good cry
The expression I’m not the one with something to cry about is an extraordinary rebound to answer somebody who is crying about something. It infers that there is no great explanation for them to be crying since they have nothing to be resentful about.
This expression can be used in several different situations, such as when someone is attempting to persuade you to do something or when they are attempting to convey their point by crying. It fills in as an update that their tears are not supported and that you needn’t bother with them to be impacted by them.
This expression can likewise be engaging, as it mirrors your solidarity and strength even with somebody’s close-to-home control. It is a strong method for supporting yourself and keeping up with control of the circumstances.
16. I don’t need to cry, I’ve got this
The expression I don’t have to cry, I have this is an extraordinary rebound when somebody advises you to cry about it. It’s a powerful statement that shows courage and self-assurance, and it shows the other person that you can handle the situation without crying.
It likewise gives a feeling of pride to the speaker, letting the other person know that they need to regard their limits and that they are in charge of the circumstance.
It is an update that regardless of how hard something might appear, in some cases it’s ideal to make a stride back and assume command over the circumstance. With this expression, you can show that you are solid, strong, and fit to take care of your concerns.
This response is a great way to demonstrate that you have this and are not going to let them down. It’s likewise an approach to removing their ability to cause you to feel terrible.
17. I’ll laugh about it instead
I’ll laugh about it instead, which is a great response to a cry. It’s an approach to positively answering the circumstance, as opposed to harping on the negative.
It is an update that regardless of how hard life appears, there is continuously something to chuckle about and something to be thankful for. It is a method for assuming command over the circumstance and moving the concentrate away based on the thing is turning out badly, and checking the more splendid side out
It is likewise a method for showing flexibility, to have the option to continue from a tough spot, and to remain hopeful. It is an update that regardless of how extreme life can be, there is still euphoria to be found.
18. I don’t need to cry, I’ve got better things to do
The expression I don’t have to cry, I have better activities is an ideal rebound to answer cry about it when somebody is attempting to disturb you. It shows that you are not ready to sit around idly with pessimistic feelings and that you have better utilization of your time.
It also demonstrates that you will not allow the words of others to affect your mental or emotional health. By utilizing this expression, you are assuming command over the circumstance and championing yourself in a deferential and strong manner.
Furthermore, it suggests that you have other, more useful purposes for your time and assets than floundering in self-indulgence. By declining to cry, you are showing that you have the strength and versatility to remain fixed on what’s critical to you and that you can transcend any brief misfortunes.
19. I don’t need to cry, I’m too busy living my life
The expression I don’t have to cry, I’m too bustling carrying on with my life is an extraordinary rebound while answering somebody advising you to cry about it. A message passes on the possibility of versatility and strength, that even notwithstanding misfortune, one can decide to zero in on carrying on with an existence of direction and significance.
It suggests that as opposed to floundering in distress, one can rather zero in on the beneficial things throughout everyday life and take advantage of them. Moreover, it challenges that crying is the best way to communicate one’s feelings and on second thought urges one to assume command over their feelings and use them for their potential benefit.
This expression is particularly valuable in circumstances when one is confronted with a tough spot, like a separation or a contention with a companion, as it effectively advises one that albeit these minutes might be troublesome, one can in any case decide to carry on with a day to day existence that is exuberant and dynamic quality.
20. I don’t need to cry, I’m too busy being happy
This response is an engaging and inspiring expression that can be utilized as an incredible rebound to answer somebody advising you to cry about it.
It is an extraordinary method for showing that you will not be brought somewhere near bad conditions and will not permit yourself to be burdened by misery. All things considered, you decide to zero in on being content and thankful for what you have.
This expression is ideal for persons who are hoping to assume command over their feelings and pursue the more respectable option.
It serves as a reminder that we can choose to be happy and find joy in our lives regardless of the circumstances. You are deciding to take control of your life and not give in to sadness by responding with this phrase.
The force of the ideal rebound ought to never be undervalued, particularly concerning managing troublesome persons.
Having the right response can make all the difference in how a situation plays out, whether you choose one of the best 20 comebacks to respond to Cry About It or come up with your own.
In this way, next time you end up on the less-than-desirable finish of a Cry about it remark, make certain to answer with a rebound that will have an enduring effect.
With the responses I’ve shrouded in this article, you should rest assured that your response will be the one that hangs out at the time and will stay with those included.