Which one is right? My exams are finished My exams are done OR My exams are finished. Syntactically, these are right.
This message can likewise be passed in various ways. The following is a rundown of potential ways of telling somebody your exams are finished.

18 Ways To Say My Exams Are Over
1. My exams are over
At the point when a student is done with composing a test, a straightforward and right method for passing the message is to say his/her exams are finished.
These four words will always be understood for what they mean as long as someone understands English.
2. Done and dusted
If a student is playing football in the yard and you ask him why he isn’t studying for his exams, he can say that he has finished his exams.
Although the phrase “done and dusted” does not usually refer to examinations, it is a grammatically correct expression that means “completed with satisfaction.”
Done and cleaned can infer that the student has finished the test and is happy with what he/she has put down. It might allude to one test. It could also refer to the entire exam period.
Whenever utilized, Done, and tidied might be alluding to something you have wrapped up with and, surprisingly, disregarded. Done and cleaned may allude to a specific test that you finished quite some time ago and is currently a relic of days gone by.
Saying this expression after a test might seem like a distortion because the consequence of the exams isn’t yet out. Nonetheless, it infers that the student has finished his/her exams.
If a student is truly finished, he or she has completed the exams and received a satisfactory score, indicating that they will not be repeated.
3. Exams have ended
This is yet another way to inform someone that their exams are over. You can stroll over to a student playing ridiculously in the yard and inquire as to why he/she isn’t planning for the exams. The student may respond by stating that the exams are over.
exams have finished infers that the student is finished with composing their exams. It doesn’t state whether the outcomes are out yet. It doesn’t say if they can start relaxing yet after the exams.
But now that the exams are over, he or she doesn’t have to sit in the room and read over and over again to get ready for the papers.
exams have finished is entirely right yet it doesn’t allude to the exams of one person. It is feasible for a student to be finished composing their exams before others.
In certain schools, various classes have various spans of composing their exams. While some classes begin after a few days or even a week, others may have their exams written first.
Essentially, a few understudies might compose their last course exams while some need to hang tight for a couple of additional days or weeks before composing their last papers.
exams have finished proposes that the test period is over for everybody. That incorporates everybody and oneself. If everybody is finished with composing their exams, the person is additionally finished with the exams.
4. I have cleared my exams
Another way to indicate when you have finished writing your exams is to do this. Nonetheless, you ought to just involve it for what it implies.
If you approach a student playing generally in the back street and inquire as to why he’s not perusing hard for continuous exams, you can hear him answer by saying I have cleared my exams. Assuming that the student says this, it is syntactically right.
I have cleared my exams suggests that a student has breezed through their exams. It implies that the student has taken exams, finished them, and has gotten results. Likewise, it implies that the student has been effective in their exams.
However, when a student says this, he or she may not mean that they have passed their exams. It might simply infer that he has finished his exams and he accepts that he has passed regardless of whether the outcomes are not out yet.
5. I am finished with my exams
This is one more method for saying you have composed and finished your exams. This straightforwardly responds to the inquiry. It can allude to one test paper. It can likewise allude to an entire test period. Notwithstanding, it alludes to only one student and his test papers.
If you ask a student for what reason he’s messing about or resting while exams are going on, the student can answer by saying I’m done with my exams. It is syntactically right.
This assertion doesn’t suggest that no other person is composing a test right now. It implies that the student is through with every one of the exams that he needs to do. A few understudies might in any case need to peruse for exams on different courses that he isn’t taking.
As said before, this straightforwardly addresses the inquiry, dissimilar to explanations like I have cleared my exams which might imply that the outcomes are out as of now.
6. I am done with my exams
This is one more method for saying you have composed your exams and you have wrapped up with them. This, like the option above, provides a clear response to the question.
A student can allude to just a single course. It can likewise be utilized to allude to the whole test time frame for example he/she has composed every one of the exams for the courses he/she is taking. This doesn’t allude to the exams of others.
Saying I’m finished with my exams is syntactically right. If a student responds this way when asked about their exams, then the student has finished them.
Assuming you are certain that the test period is still on and a few understudies are as yet planning for exams, there are two prospects.
The student is either lying when he or she claims to be finished with the exams, or the student and possibly a few other students are finished with the exams, and only some students must prepare for some courses’ final exams.
7. My exams are finished
This is one more method for saying that you have composed your exams and you are finished composition. This, like a few of the options above, provides an answer to a student’s question but may not be the same as an answer for other students. A student can’t express this to allude to one test.
Rather, it alludes to an entire test period for example he has composed exams for the courses he is taking and, since he has composed for all, there are no more exams for him coming.
At the point when you ask a student for what good reason the person isn’t planning for exams, the student can answer by saying that their exams are done. It is straightforward and syntactically right.
You might be certain that exams are as yet happening right now. It is conceivable that the student is misleading you, uninformed about an approaching test, or absolutely fair with you.
Because of a few courses and the conceivable time distinction in the exams for each course, a few understudies can compose the exams for their last course while certain understudies are as yet getting ready for the exams of two last courses that will be composed following seven days.
For this situation, that student has finished his exams before certain understudies and is allowed to mess about.
8. Dealing with post-exam clarity

This is one more method for letting a person know that you are through with your exams. It doesn’t straightforwardly respond to the inquiry however it will pass the message. This can’t be utilized to allude to an entire test period. Rather, you can utilize it to allude to one test.
At the point when a student says the person is Managing post-test lucidity, it implies that the person in question is feeling misery or unexpected acknowledge concerning the exams that the person in question has composed and submitted.
This suggests that a few errors have been made during the exams and the student is just acknowledging it in the wake of presenting the test and unwinding.
At the point when you ask a student for what reason the person in question isn’t planning for a specific test, the student can tragically refer that he/she is managing post-test lucidity. To put it another way, the student did poorly on the exam you asked about.
9. I have completed my exams
This is one more right method for saying you have composed the exams that a person is getting some information about. It is frequently used to refer to the entire exam period, but it can be used to refer to just one exam.
When a student declares that they have completed the exams, this indicates that they do not need to prepare for any additional exams.
10. I gave up on my exams
This sounds a piece silly. Although it may not be correct, it is a means of conveying the message. At the point when you say you have abandoned your exams, a few considerations can enter a person’s thoughts as the person in question considers what you mean by that
It could imply that you composed your exams yet you’re not anticipating a decent outcome. It could imply that you chose to not compose the other exams. It could likewise mean anything that significance you provide for it.
Whoever is asking will be mistaken briefly, then you can make sense of that you are through with your exams.
11. My exams came to an end
To let somebody know that you are finished with your exams, you can say your exams reached a conclusion on a specific date.
It does not refer to a single exam; rather, it refers to a series of exams that you must take at a specific time.
12. I have roasted my exams
This assertion has been utilized allegorically. You can’t grammatically roast your exams. In any case, Broil implies the coercion of something to serious analysis or torching something.
For this situation, you are saying you didn’t just finish your exams however you had the option to significantly pass.
13. Exam time is over
You can also state that you have passed your exams this way. This alludes to an entire test period as opposed to one test.
At the point when a student says, it alludes to the test meeting. As such, nobody is composing or getting ready for a test right now on the grounds that no exams are just around the corner.
14. I am done writing my exams
This is one more method for saying you have finished your test in basic English. At the point when a student says this, it infers that the person has no exams to plan for regardless of whether others.
15. I have passed my exams
This doesn’t respond to the inquiry straightforwardly yet it tends to be reasoned that the student is finished with his/her exams.
A student may imply that the person is finished with the exams and is certain about having fantastic outcomes. It could likewise imply that the outcomes are out and the student passed.
16. I am through with my exams
This is one more syntactically right method for saying you have finished your exams and don’t have to peruse more test papers.
17. The results are on their way out
At the point when a person inquires as to whether you are finished with your exams, you can say The outcomes are on out.
This response does not imply that you are aware of the results or their release date. Nonetheless, it infers that you are through with your exams and it’s been long enough for the outcomes to be out very soon.
18. It is post-exam time
Nobody utilizes this condition except for the utilization of post-test will be obvious to anybody except if you truly have exams to plan for.
By saying Post-test time, you mean the exams are over as of now.