At the point when you hear this expression, what strikes a chord is a contention between a parent and a kid. Most guardians use it when they don’t have the foggiest idea what to say or they feel that the explanation they will give won’t sound good to the kid.
Others utilize this expression for similar reasons as others. Assuming that you are among the people who are informed of this sentence I have a couple of answers that you can utilize.
A significant number of them might be viewed as regard yet there are not many gentle ones. How about we look at them:

1. That’s not a good enough reason
Also, it isn’t because it doesn’t answer your request. They could feel you are being impolite however you merit a response, one that will help you understand the entire circumstance better.
They will be embarrassed by it, and it is an excellent barbaric response.
2. And who are you?
Do they have the right to control you if you don’t respect their authority or if they believe they are in a position of authority?
This will let them that you couldn’t mind saying whether they said it or not. They are not a sufficient wellspring of data for yourself and they ought to irritate you.
3. Fine
This answer can either be expressed furiously to imply that even though you would rather not do as they said because they said it, you will do it since you have no other decision or you simply need to try not to exasperate what is happening.
Even though it is not the correct response, if you say it calmly, you accept this phrase as a response to whatever you ask.
4. Then I am forced to act in this manner
You can express this with a sneer all over to get them furious or angrier because regardless of whether you do anything they desire you to do, you don’t regard them.
The following thing is to do anything that they advise you to do in such an overall quite courteous way that they begin to feel silly.
5. Well I don’t care what you said
This is a very risky response because if the person you’re speaking to is higher than you, you could get into a lot of trouble.
Assuming you truly are correct and attempting to show them you couldn’t care less about what their identity is, then you can utilize this answer and afterward proceed with what you were taking part in.
6. Okay let’s calm down
Perhaps one wrong line prompted this extremely stirred-up second or you attempted to pose an inquiry, “why” and they think you are testing them, not searching for a legitimate response. This answer will assist them with chilling.
At the point when you express quiet down, they will realize you would rather not start a quarrel for no obvious reason and that they are blowing up as of now. Assuming it is somebody able to be sensible, they would call down rapidly and you can work it out.
7. You are right. I am sorry for questioning you
This answer is very much like the one above except that it will promptly encourage the other person since it is impossible that this can turn out badly (all things considered, except if you express it in a discourteous tone).
Tolerating anything that they have said will cause them to feel like they have quite recently won a conflict, and permitting them to partake in that regardless of how senseless it might appear is simply being developed and allowing it to move away from you.
8. If you say so
This answer is a piece casual so it will be a detached answer. You just give in to what they say without considering how it will affect other people because you don’t want trouble or even want to be in that situation at all.
It’s additionally virtuoso since it is likewise “say” that was in the expression they say. If you express this with a shrug, they will receive the full message.
9. You’re the boss
Assuming that they at any point felt you were testing them, this will make them alter their perspectives.
This answer not only lets them know that you regard them as the chief or as somebody in a, strategic, influential place yet in addition says, I will do what you said because you expressed so as well as because the manager says so. This ought to calm them down if they had previously been enraged.
10. No problem
What might appear as though no joking matter for them is certainly not no joking matter for you. This answer appears to zero in on everything that you were said or requested to do as opposed to whether it’s set in stone.
It doesn’t matter if they asked you to move a mountain or light a candle; it doesn’t matter. The battle they should pick doesn’t concern you. Additionally, you can say “Yes, boss,” “Sure thing,” or “alright, I’m on it.”
11. Whatever makes you happy
This answer is utilized to say that you concur with what they are talking about however simply because harmony would rule and everything is good to go.
It likewise quietly lets them know that you are not content with the choice but rather you would proceed with it in any case. Assuming you say this muttering and irate, it will sound snide.
If you say it tragically, you could stand out and get everything you could want.
12. I fail to get the argument you are attempting to make

This response isn’t furious, it doesn’t simply acknowledge everything that you’ve been said to do. At the point when this isn’t the best game plan or choice, it is being addressed regarding the reason why they have settled on this decision.
It’s a truly sensible answer and anybody ready to listen will comprehend it entirely well.
Then again, if they would rather not tune in or comprehend – which doubtlessly got you to this present circumstance now – they would in any case be annoyed.
13. Now that’s just sus
Sus implies dubious, as in that explanation “since I said so” isn’t clear by any means and causes you to feel dubious.
Expressing it to them lets them know you have zero faith in them and you would kindly like a superior justification behind the thing they are requesting that you do.
They may not provide you with a better explanation—that’s why they used this response in the first place—but you have expressed your feelings and they will consider it.
14. Okay Boomer
To clarify, boomers are persons in their 50s, 60s, and 70s. This answer functions admirably on the off chance that you are a Gen Z or millennial youngster.
It lets them know that you feel they’re being definitive, and nonsensical and you could do without how they are acting and talking.
It will put on a show of being rude so prepare for a scene, yet you have to let them know how you feel regardless of whether you are doing what they requested that you do.
15. Really? Got nothing else?
A moronic explanation like “since I said so” is utilized when persons simply don’t have any idea what else to say or have no great explanation so this answer passes judgment on their explanation with disillusionment.
It is saying you feel they might have gone for something better regardless of how senseless it could have been.
16. Not an exact answer but okay
This is the sort of answer you share with yourself however boisterous enough so that they might be able to hear so it seems like you are verbally processing.
If you express it in a considering tone they won’t say you were testing or slighting them. It will appear as though you are pondering the undertaking more than why they ought to offer you that response.
While persons are urged not to utilize the expression, you can utilize a portion of those answers to let persons know that they can’t manage you around because they feel like it.
On the off chance that presence of mind won’t make them stop, the answers will and the world will be a more joyful spot.