I realize it damages to be known as a nerd since I was once from your perspective until I chose to have an effect. The thing is this; you may not be that uncovered, yet that doesn’t mean you’re idiotic.
In this way, whoever calls you a nerd disagreeably is attempting to say that you’re stupid and dumbfounded. I didn’t allow such people the opportunity during my time, and you shouldn’t allow them to do such to you as well.
Thus, the most effective way to remain above water with life as a nerd, you tie up for certain cool rebounds. In this article, I will examine 20 cunning rebounds to being known as a nerd. Continue to peruse for the subtleties.

16 Clever Comebacks to Being Called a Nerd
Any person who calls you a nerd is attempting to be discernible in the way that they could do without you.
They’re simply a lot of severe people and that is because you favor your organization to follow that of others most likely for the sake of approval. You really might be more smart than them and they’re unglued about that.
Indeed, since not your shortcoming you’re better you don’t need to be conciliatory to them. In such a manner, you’ll have to focus on and distribute the fitting rebounds to any person who calls you a nerd.
The following are the different lines of responses that you can use as savages when somebody calls you a nerd.
1. I Guess You Didn’t Hear That Nerd Is the New Cool
On the off chance that you take a gander at things between you and the person who called you a nerd, you’ll see that most instances of their profession were made from envy.
This implies that the person is envious of what you’ve accomplished without spending time with huge groups and they feel your separated life is odd and as such terrible.
Yet, there’s one more meaning of the expression “nerd” that makes it conceivable to be utilized to qualify somebody who’s unnecessarily independent and likes to pay blind eyes to their encompassing.
You can respond with this line if someone made fun of your social standing by calling you a nerd and praising your status.
In addition, this response suggests that you won’t be the only nerd for long because a lot of other people are beginning to express an interest in being nerds, making nerds the new trend.
2. No, I Am Not One. Perhaps, I’m Smarter than You
Could you surrender a straight “no” reply to the person and afterward explain to them for what reason you’d say as much? I suppose that is smart and you ought to give it an idea.
If that is what your arrangement resembles, you can unhesitatingly utilize this response to serve whoever it is that says you’re a nerd.
You’re stating that it may be the case that you’re the brilliant one since it’s obvious that a great deal of nerds are being desired as computerized, savvy, and calm rich. This response implies that you’re somewhat tolerating the person’s profession as obvious.
3. You’re just bitter because I’m better in All Grounds
Since we’ve reasoned that the person who called you a nerd is perhaps harsh, you can utilize this line of response to serve the person who attempts to disparage you by calling you a nerd. This term turns into a type of affront on the off chance that it was said with the tone and expectation that you’re ignorant regarding life.
Maybe, you’re superior to the speaker in moderately numerous things however miss the mark on friendly openness in which the speaker feels they’re knowledgeable.
Assuming that is the situation, you can confess all and tell the person straightforwardly that they’re simply “harsh”, and their sharpness comes from the way that you’re superior to them in many fields of try other than public activity.
4. You and I Know you’re just bluffing
Indeed, a feign for somebody knows short of what you do to attempt to cause you to regret what is happening by calling you a nerd. You don’t have to give in to the person’s pressure to make you feel excluded, even though the term may be derogatory.
On that note, you can do better by allowing the person to have at least some idea that they’re simply going on and on and incredible things about you, which are most likely determined by their feelings and misguided thinking.
How then could you at any point finish this? That is by utilizing this specific line of response at whatever point somebody hits you up as a nerd.
Tell them strikingly that they’re waste talking and that wouldn’t go down well for them. A short time later, you ought to leave the reason for that discussion to try not to hear more garbage discussed with you from the said person.
5. If that’ll make Your Sad Life Happy, Go on Then
Once in a while, the most ideal way to answer skeptics and menaces is by giving them the stage to talk their invalid part about you. What I mean is by acting all uninformed about what they’re talking about while you happen with your way of life.
There’s a truism that recommends obliviousness as the most fitting solution to a nitwit, and since the person blaming you for being a nerd could be playing an imbecile’s card on you, you can then utilize this response to overlook them from there on.
You’re requesting that the person continue if savaging your “tranquil” life would fulfill them. Since you are not showing any indications of protesting their remarks about you, the person would undoubtedly be left wondering what kind of human being you are.
6. We, nerds, Are the New Sexy
In case you missed it, today’s society regards weird people as sexy. This is a result of the extraordinary we’ll of information they probably have and the way that a greater part of them in cutting-edge nations have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of becoming wildly successful throughout everyday life.
Concerning quirky folks, they’re currently viewed as productive and serene rich by most young ladies, making them alluring to date which thus means provocativeness in most ladies’ way to express affection.
Larry Page and Imprint Zuckerberg are extraordinary instances of strong nerds. A female nerd, on the other hand, is seen as a positive asset in terms of relationships because she is not as exposed as the other normies, who have heard and seen everything.
In such a manner, we can say that this type of young lady is provocative and alluring to an at-risk man’s soul mate.
7. Because I Have Working Brain Cells and You Don’t, Doesn’t Mean You Can Call Me a Nerd
Have you been thinking about the ideal response which you can likewise use as a savage for any person who calls you a nerd yet nothing comes up?
On the off chance that that is thus, you can utilize this line of response to spread the word about it for the person who called you a nerd to realize that you’re finished with thinking and it’s currently time to dole out your savaging.
This is a suitable assertion, as the person who called you a nerd will lament their activities after you answer with this line of response ‘out in the open’.
Trust me, it’ll be one of the most clever rebounds for any person who calls you a nerd, as you attempt to declare that your working cerebrum against theirs gives them no option to disparage you.
8. A Nerd! Wow, Says the Jackass and Halfwit

I’ll cherish us to likewise give a unique tag to the speaker who says you’re a nerd. Think about what that would be… presto, the person is a moron. Yes, they are serious jackasses who try to blame other people for their foes, and you might have been their latest victim.
On that note, you can serve this response as an unobtrusive answer when somebody calls you a nerd. I’m certain the person will be significantly more ashamed to bear these exceptionally slanderous terms, as against upsettingly calling you a nerd.
9. And you’re as Proud as a peacock
Do you have at least some idea how menaces attempt to cause you to feel less of yourself back in school? Yes, that is unquestionably what the person aims to accomplish by calling you a nerd.
Be that as it may, we won’t permit them to push through with their arrangements, as we will be removing them by involving this line of response which labels them as the proudest jerk you’ve at any point known.
What strong language for a bully with a strong head?! I’m certain you’ll send the message that you’re not weak when somebody calls you a nerd.
10. Oh, Nice Work. I Knew It Wouldn’t Be Long Before You Realize I’m Smarter
Hehehe, I surmise you’ll be mostly joking with this line of response on anybody who might attempt to call you a nerd.
You’re saying that you’re happy the person didn’t need to consume a huge chunk of time to acknowledge you’re more intelligent than them. This line also indicates that you have chosen to attribute the person’s negative remarks to your intelligence.
11. Quit the Hate, and Give Me My Smart-Boy/Girl Flowers
Would you like to play the manager card at whatever point somebody calls you a nerd? On the off chance that that is what the aim resembles, you’re certain to utilize this sort of line to answer the person.
You’re requesting that the person quit loathing you and rather they ought to give you your shrewd kid/young lady blossoms. What the last sentence implies is that the person ought to do well to recognize you as a savvy person, conceivably more intelligent than they are.
12. Okay, I’m the Nerd and you’re what again?
I’m happy I imparted this line of the response to you because the last time I utilized it, it unleashed devastation on the person who attempted to call me a nerd. This line shows you professing not to know what or who the person is and I’m certain that will be an enormous lack of regard if the person is renowned.
13. I don’t need much thinking to know you’re a Dummy
Nerds are well-known for their capacity to absorb as much information as they can. They’re known for their sharp reasoning and dull activities.
Notwithstanding, you can salvage the person who calls you a nerd by letting them know that you don’t for a moment even need to think much before you reason that they’re fakers. That would proceed to be a major infringement on the person assuming they believe they’re socially dynamic more than you.
14. You Mean to Say; the Guy with the Straight As
It’s possible to be labeled a nerd if you’ve been doing well in school but still live a reverse lifestyle. If that ultimately transpires, you can immediately respond with this line.
15. I’m still better than Your Waiter/Ress Job
Do you know how servers/dresses think they know everything about the town since people frequently talk in the bar? Yes, that could be why someone would refer to you as a nerd.
They think their situation as a community worker makes them more knowledgeable socially than you. Indeed, they’re in for a major shock as you can salvage them utilizing this line of response.
16. Big Ups to You. You Finally Figured I Was the Smart One
With this line of response, you’ll compliment the speaker at long last conceding you’re more brilliant than them by calling you a nerd.
I don’t figure you ought to feel terrible when somebody calls you a nerd, and neither would it be a good idea for you to be cheerful about it.
I’d recommend you act apathetic regarding words like that yet assuming you’re intending to answer to the speaker, I take care of you. This article includes a rundown of 20 sharp rebounds for being known as a nerd and these lines are fantastic with that.
Remember to analyze your situation before utilizing any of them, and guarantee you let us in on your viewpoints about them in the remark box underneath.