Do you know anyone who, when asked about their day, responds with a straightforward “so-so”? I suppose you likely will consider what sort of answer that implies.
What about times you had an unsure outlook on a specific obligation/task and for the absence of words answer with a not terrible, but not great either? Did you simply not your head?
Whichever the case, whether it is you or another person the above situation connects with, all things considered, I have uplifting news; this article is for you.

What exactly is the meaning of so-so?
A person’s outburst is neither good nor bad when they say “so-so.” You can likewise say “so-so” assuming you are uninterested about specific issues or circumstances.
All in all, what better response is to a “not really good or bad” explanation? Simply unwind.
In this article, we’ll investigate 15 distinct ways of answering so-so and where the situation fits best either for you or somebody you pose an inquiry.
15 Best Replies to So-So
As expressed in the initial passage, various elements and circumstances warrant various responses with regards to the answer to provide for a not terrible, but not great either proclamation and this ought to be taken into light prior to giving any answer.
According to what I’ve observed, when someone says “so-so,” they typically respond with words of encouragement like “keep hanging in there,” “you are better than before,” or simply asking additional questions like “are you doing okay?” why not improve?”.
These responses are not a size fit all with regards to the best answers to provide for a not really good or bad assertion, however just cover what is happening in these responses fit.
Without with nothing to do, coming up next are the best answers to a not terrible, but not great either proclamation. Enjoy!
1. “Keep hanging in there”
The response of “Keep hanging in there” demonstrates that you are aware of your speaker’s struggle and that, despite their difficulties, they should not give up.
One who’s experienced an employment cutback for quite a while and after asking how they are faring response with a so-so, but not great either right now would require empowering words to assist them with keeping their mental stability.
This response likewise is reasonable for a lost a vital person character either through a heartbeat or a destruction, offering help will too go quite far to reinforce them.
Do recollect that this response works best with one who’s hit hard with life battles and is nearly tapping out.
2. Are you doing alright?
Like the response over, this straightforward and fair response shows your audience that you understand they may not be doing perfect, however aren’t doing by the same token.
You offer this response at a time when their silence is obvious and it is clear that they are beating themselves up without anyone noticing.
Their real activities are inconspicuous signs that they are scarcely scraping by, an infrequent drop of the head, a reliable speech, and needing to be separated from everyone else ought not be disregarded.
By answering with ” are you alright, ” you not just show them you care about their government assistance yet make them likewise continue pushing on and improving.
3. You’re better than before
This recommends to your audience that however they aren’t at their best, they are superior to you’ve met them. View it as something to spike their confidence.
Continuation of our model about the person who had lost their employment, in the event that after some time you find them and notice a critical improvement in their temperament then a “better-than-before” proclamation is the best answer to the not really good or bad assertion.
Another contextual investigation is of one battling with a dependence, through corn meal and an eagerness to part from such, saw a wellbeing improvement, commending these people would go far to their all out recuperation.
This gives trust and makes it simpler for them to continue onward. What’s more, it provides them with a superior condition of prosperity that their regard sees improvement for good.
4. Which do you prefer?
It is very irritating when it takes everlastingly for somebody to choose, more regrettable is when such an person continues changing choices pointlessly and continues to be not terrible, but not great either in their methodology.
To rescue what you can, it is relevant to know that answering with a “Which do you prefer” would call their consideration that they can’t stand detached perpetually attempting to choose.
At the point when next you go out on the town to shop, climbing, or only for a stroll with a hesitant person who continually runs between a specific viewpoint, put them at the time by asking them which they like.
5. I’ll do it without you
While this response might seem impolite, at times these ambivalent people need to know that regardless of them, you can continue on.
Envision let a companion know that you need to go out and would require them to give you a lift to your objective, then they think of a reason.
To conceal any hint of failure and your nobility, answer by saying you would do it without them.
You are not being inconsiderate when you concoct a response like this, it is about them realizing that they think you’d probably be abandoned, they are generally another option.
Additionally, doing this shows them you are autonomous and can deal with your end regardless of them helping you or not.
6. Be Bold
Presently you could should be delicate here.
Certain persons aren’t weak because they need to be. The thing is while being reprimanded frequently and with no consolation to fight this part of their life, they renege.
On the off chance that you know any person who squeezes into this class, make them realize they should be strong each opportunity they think of their not terrible, but not great either proclamation in regards to any exercises.
This would ultimately help them to stand firm even with a rival while as yet permitting them to communicate their thoughts.
7. Take your Time

Unwavering mindsets always win in the end, at any rate so they say.
One who is quick yet not careful enough to see that they do an errand well is probably going to give in a ton of reasons why they flop, save them this pressure by advising them to take as much time as necessary.
It very well may be they are attempting to fulfill up with a time constraint or simply being dispersed mind, anything it is the justification for being indiscreet, your best answer to their not really good or bad ought to be to take as much time as necessary.
8. Tell me the truth
You can perceive the awkward inclination from one who isn’t accustomed to lying. They are easily identifiable by their posture, avoidance of eye contact, and even stuttering.
You are more likely to notice that a particular statement is repeated when this occurs, and it may even be so-so.
One best response that would take them distracted and simultaneously make them come plain is the point at which you come clean with them to tell you.
9. Let me handle it
This is the thing a better would agree than their subordinate (am not talking just business).
Occasions could raise and one who isn’t sufficiently talented to deal with a social mess should move to one side for somebody more experienced, fortunate assuming you are that maestro.
At the point when you find that one who deals with specific circumstances is fumbling(especially when they offer confused expressions), you really want no conjecture to make you step into the matter. Let me handle it would suffice.
10. How can I Improve?
When subordinates are afraid of you and don’t want to call your bluff, you might get a so-so response every time you ask for a suggestion or the result of your work.
While not every person would see the unpretentious signs given by their subordinate or one lesser than them, it is to your greatest advantage to distinguish examples where the last option maintains that you should move along.
Perhaps you overdid it in an activity including one of your subordinates and when you asked about your activity, your other subordinates continued to stammer, that is the point at which you ought to immediately take advantage of the chance to ask where you can get to the next level.
11. I understand
Perhaps a speaker is finding it hard to make sense of a point and the more they attempt to do as such, the less the message correspondence.
Your capacity to seize what they need to say will make “I get it” an ideal response to provide for their not really good or bad assertion.
Answering with an: I get it, saves the speaker the pressure of attempting to come to their meaningful conclusion across particularly if you as the audience understand what they need to say.
When a speaker is unable to express the idea in their head, this situation arises.
Moreso, an answer like ” I Understand refutes the propensity to misrepresent, this embellishment happens when the speaker attempts to sound excessively persuading.
12. Can you do it?
If time is not on your side, respond to their hesitation with a: Someone who is unsure of the task at hand will stall just to buy time to decide if the task is worth executing or not. Can you manage it? will conserve valuable time.
This response prevents a delay in the job’s execution or required action and enables prompt decision-making. All the more thus, this response uncovers in the event that the said person is qualified or not.
13. How much is it?
You will find this response substantial when the main job requires spending or causes a forthright installment or some likeness thereof. Here is the reason the person included won’t tell you straightforwardly.
The idea of the gig might be trifling yet requires a little purchasing to launch the activity, and they understood you are one person who puts stock in taking care of business before getting compensated, odds are they will be reluctant about be perfect with you.
At the point when you notice they are awkward or unconventional in the way of their discourse, your best response is to ask them what it will cost to land the position moving.
14. Let’s Talk Later
You don’t want to be rushed during a conversation or over the phone, and in order to avoid this, you need to come up with the best response if you feel rushed.
This response is convenient when what is imparted is indispensable and the speaker is garbled or they appear to be not to have a grip of their inclination, it is simply legitimate to have them realize that you would address them later to keep away from deception.
Different cases where you can answer a not really good or bad assertion with a we should talk later is the point at which you are either occupied and incapable to take care of inquiries or any conversation while the setting or scene is tense and it isn’t possible to convey right now.
15. You should take a break
Irritation could negatively affect the mind of certain persons which causes them to convey or act unreasonably.
If you or a companion is experiencing this yet addresses you, then now is the right time to make them have some time off or you do.
Approaching this response takes a sort of artfulness so as not to make them see you as boisterous and being difficult for them.
You could begin with a joke or track down an ideal spot to hold a Heart to heart while as yet taking into discernment their psychological state.
Parting Words
One thing to recollect is that the assertion is not terrible, but not great either portrays an impartial and fairly befuddled expression a person is in, and contingent upon the degree of disarray, conditions, and so on, the best answer will vary.
The response to a person’s “so-so” statement will be different for someone who is struggling with self-doubt than it will be for someone who is purposefully lying around and avoiding duty.
By the by, this article has all that you want to offer the best answer to not really good or bad no matter what the condition and occasions in which the assertion is made.
Inform me as to whether you have further augmentations to our answers in the remark segment.