Squarely in the center of a live soccer match, while you watch your favorite group take it against their rival, somebody close by predicts the match result and you shout “You Think So”?
You’re uncertain about a specific game plan, then, at that point, somebody proposes a thought that sounds conceivable, and then, at that point, your comment: “You Think So”?
So, what makes this statement so unique?
The expression “I think not” is in many cases utilized as a response to communicate conflict or vulnerability.
It is an approach to communicating “questions” without being excessively immediate or when you are uncertain. It likewise leaves the discussion unassuming and frequently requires reinforcement questions or explanations.

15 Best Responses to “You Think So”
Answering “you think so” can be precarious, yet you can answer by saying real explanations like “no difference either way”, “goodness yes”, or further express questions by saying “I see your point, yet consider the possibility that… ?”, “you might be correct.”
You can likewise help further by answering with explanations like, “Let me make sense of further”, and additionally, “This is the way I got it done.”
Here are my main 15 responses to “You think so?”
1. Why not?
Save it for the ideal opportunity. “Why not” as an answer to, “you think so”does well to expound and simultaneously support a thought previously expressed.
Inquiring “What difference would it make?” is a polite, non-threatening way to get clarification while continuing the conversation.
For instance, answering with a “Why not” to somebody who inquires as to whether you think going to the exercise center merits the attempt, gives you adequate motivation to make sense of why you figure it would be really smart.
2. Let me explain
Here, the response given expects that you make sense of plainly what you had said that provoked the explanation “you think so”.
Explaining your proclamation shows that you are keen on their point of view and might want to help them.
It likewise gives an open door to you to give more subtleties and conceivably adjust your perspective.
Utilize this answer when you realize that the person being referred to banks is on your recommendation and will finish the idea given.
3. What makes you say that?
When you notice that there is a hint of incredulity from your speaker over an early explanation you have said and they inquire as to whether “you think so”, get to the base of the skepticism by asking them “What makes you say that”?
This unassuming inquiry permits you to make sense of your perspective. It likewise provides them with a more noteworthy comprehension of your reasoning and empowers them to acquire experiences in your protest.
4. I understand your concern but…
Best used when there is a contention of thoughts however you will surrender to their perspective.
Say a couple who are at lumberjack heard over a home loan plan with one needing to get the arrangement and the other declining, by answering “you think so” with a ” I understand what you are concerned about, however…” show that one of them is adaptable with his/her answer.
Make use of this response to not only acknowledge the viewpoint of the other person but also to make a counterargument. It’s a more strategic method for differing while at the same time pushing the discussion along.
5. Here’s how I did it
Moving toward the assertion “you think so” with a “here’s how I did it” or “this is the way I got it done” becomes relevant if the assertion involves you giving a careful portrayal of a cycle you have anticipated.
This approach encourages the other person to explain and comprehend your thinking process and acknowledges the other person’s perspective. It very well may be a fantastic chance to have an improving discussion.
Moreso, it likewise shows a specific way a thing is managed without essentially being immediate about it, this response is reasonable for a crowd of people that values security.
6. I see your point, but what if…
This response recognizes the other person’s point of view however presents an elective perspective. It’s an effective method for tracking down a center ground or proposing a split of the difference.
The answer given implies an acknowledgment and will to work with someone else’s philosophy yet the current reality might request that hands down the most ideal choice is given trustworthiness.
Kindly note that why this response merits providing for an “is that so “proclamation, it doesn’t cover the result of such a choice.
7. Let me explain that further

It makes it easier for others to understand what you mean if you offer to clarify your statement. It can assist with distinguishing the particular issue that necessities addressing to usefully proceed with the discussion.
In a class where a few understudies find your story extraordinary and afterward shout with a “you think so”, it is to your greatest advantage to answer with a let me make sense of further to get their explanation.
As a response to “you think so,” “Let me explain that further” highlights important points that aren’t covered in the main details and kind of cause a point of contention in the general points.
8. Do you want to know why?
At any point see the response on the substance of your audience members when you give out a response and go all on a mission to expand.
The warmness and fulfillment they get after you clarify a point they see as befuddling. Gratitude for the answer given previously.
This response tells you of the veritable interest your crowd has in your point of view and shows an eagerness to tune in.
It’s a solicitation to them to make sense of your position further and prompts a seriously enhancing discussion.
It considers the idea of the assertion and gives replies to a justification for why an activity is being done.
9. Can I help you understand my reasoning behind that statement?
Advising your crowd to permit you to assist them with understanding your point of view can assist them with seeing things according to your perspective. You can share your thinking and clarification, and they can proceed with the discussion from that point.
The preceding response should be used whenever a “you think so” statement is made so that you can connect with their reasoning and avoid having your point misunderstood.
With regards to causing one to comprehend an idea, it very well might be troublesome however more regrettable is assisting one with understanding your idea, this response requires artfulness and an able information on the feelings of the crowd.
10. Have you considered another perspective?
Like the past point, answering in this light opens space for the thought of others’ ideas, it dodges an uneven methodology and makes variety.
Utilizing this response recognizes a person’s perspective while featuring the chance of another perspective. It opens up the discourse and offers an opportunity for a different viewpoint.
When using this response, it is important to know that you should take your time convincing your audience to change their perspective.
11. You may be right
This response recognizes the other person’s viewpoint yet might offer a counter-contention.
It’s an approach to proceeding with the discussion while presenting different perspectives for thought as the response expressed previously.
Inseparable from thinking about your audience’s viewpoint anyway with basic examination to evaluate before going in for the thought or allowing it to go unnoticed.
“You might be right” is likewise utilized when the chances of the other person’s perspective contain a certain reality, for this situation, it could be executed.
12. We look at it from a different angle.
This answer recognizes the other person’s view yet presents another point of view. It exhibits that you’ve paid attention to their perspective however you have different considerations also or the other.
This response works best when the phrase “you think so” is used. It could be to adopt a new method of doing something or to rethink a part of your business that needs to be changed.
Typically used as a mild tactic to avoid confrontation and brewing disagreement, particularly when the statement “you think so” is delivered in a harsh tone.
13. Tell me more about your concerns.
The speaker is informed by this response that their concerns are being taken seriously and are being heard. It gives a chance to investigate the particulars of the issue they’re raising.
These particulars could be anything from looking for a court change to persuading somebody powerful to get involved with a task thought.
14. It’s interesting
It sounds interesting, could you please explain how you arrived at that conclusion?
It is best to respond with “That’s interesting” when someone says “You think so in a way that suggests feedback.”
This response demonstrates that you are curious about their reasoning process and interested in what they have to say. It’s a call to continue the conversation and gain new perspectives.
15. Let’s explore that further
When the “you think so” explanation seems like a greeting for additional thoughts/commitments then replying with a we should investigate that further would be a fitting response. Here’s the reason:
This answer is an encouragement to proceed with the discussion, dive further into the subject, and find new bits of knowledge. It shows a readiness to make a big difference in the conversation and a receptiveness to novel thoughts.