14 Fantastic Ways to Respond When Someone Says “It’s Been A Minute”

It’s been a minute since we’ve seen one another. This expression is much of the time used to communicate both shock and bliss in seeing a tragically missing companion or relative.

While the expression might appear to be carefree and bright, it can likewise be marginally scary and overpowering.

It can make a person freeze up and consider what the legitimate reaction ought to be. In the event that you’ve at any point ended up in such a circumstance and don’t have any idea how to answer, relax!

14 Fantastic Ways to Respond When Someone Says "It’s Been A Minute"

This article will furnish you with tips and deceives on the most proficient method to answer It’s been a minute in a manner that is both significant and veritable.

We’ll talk about how to make a big difference in the discussion, how to cause the person to feel great, and how to show that you truly care.

14 Best Responses to ‘It’s Been a Minute’

It’s been a minute since you’ve heard from your companions, relatives, friends, and family. Whether it’s been half a month, months, or even years, it tends to be hard to reconnect after such an extensive stretch of time.

However, with the right reaction, you can overcome any issues, regardless of whether it seems like it’s been until the end of time. The following are 14 of the most ideal ways to answer It’s been a minute.

1. I know, I’ve been so busy! 

I know, I’ve been so busy

This is a reasonable reaction when somebody lets you know it’s been a minute since it communicates comprehension of the circumstance without making light of the effect of time that has elapsed.

This reaction shows that you know about the significance existing apart from everything else and the worth of your relationship.

It likewise shows that you know about the requests of life that can keep us occupied, however, you actually have the investment to reconnect with the person who has been away from your life for some time.

A reaction recognizes the time separated yet conveys that you realize your relationship is as yet significant and that you will set aside a few minutes for it.

This reaction recognizes the significant stretch of time that has elapsed and offers you the chance to share what you’ve been doing. This can be an extraordinary method for loosening things up and getting the discussion streaming.

2. It sure has! I’ve been meaning to reach out. 

It sure has! I’ve been important to connect is a reasonable reaction when somebody lets you know it’s been a minute since it shows that you recall the person and that you care about them.

It’s a method for telling them that in spite of the fact that you haven’t been in touch for some time, you actually contemplate them and need to stay in contact.

It likewise shows that you esteem their presence in your life and that you will try to connect and check in with them.

It’s a sort and smart method for showing you give it a second thought and that you are keen on proceeding with the association.

This reaction shows that you’ve been pondering the person and recognizing the time that has elapsed. It’s an incredible method for showing that you give it a second thought and that you’ve been contemplating it.

3. It feels like forever! Let’s catch up. 

It seems like always since we last talked, so we should get up to speed! Those five words pass a certified opinion of energy and expectation to reconnect with somebody you haven’t seen or heard from in some time.

It infers that you’ve missed them and need to revive the companionship, regardless of whether it has just been a moment since you last talked.

A warm and welcoming expression shows the other person that you genuinely care about them and are anxious to hear what they’ve been doing since the last time you talked.

It likewise communicates an urge to keep moving and genuineness, as though you’re restless to figure out every one of the subtleties of what’s been happening in their lives and get up to speed with any news you might have missed.

An expression conveys fellowship, understanding, and a longing to reconnect and get the ball really rolling.

4. It’s been too long! How have you been? 

It’s the ideal reaction for when somebody lets you know it’s been a minute. It conveys your energy for reconnecting, your consideration for the other person, and your advantage in catching wind of their life.

This reaction shows that you perceive the time that has elapsed and are anxious to get up to speed. It likewise conveys a feeling of warmth, as though you are truly glad to have the chance to visit with them once more.

It’s an incredible method for beginning a discussion, and it assists with starting off the discussion with a light and well-disposed tone that urges the other person to open up and discuss their life.

This reaction recognizes the extensive stretch of time that has elapsed and offers the person the chance to share what they’ve been doing. This can be an extraordinary method for getting to know how the person is doing.

5. I know! I’ve been thinking about you. 

At the point when somebody lets you know it’s been a minute, a reasonable reaction is I know! I’ve been contemplating you. This is a sincere reaction that conveys your appreciation for the person and the relationship you share.

It shows that despite the fact that you haven’t seen one another or spoken in some time, you actually think about them and care about them.

This reaction likewise passes your enthusiasm on to reconnect and get up to speed, while likewise approving their sensations of having not seen or addressed each other in some time.

It very well may be a strong method for showing your appreciation for somebody and telling them that despite the fact that time has elapsed, you actually think about them and care.

This reaction shows that you’ve been contemplating the person and that you care about them. It’s an extraordinary method for showing that you’re keen on making up for lost time and reconnecting.

6. It sure has! Let’s make a plan to catch up. 

At the point when somebody lets you know that it’s been a minute, it’s a well-mannered approach to saying that you haven’t been in contact for some time.

A reasonable reaction to this is All there is to it certainly has! We should make an arrangement to get up to speed. This shows that you understand that it has been some time since you last talked and that you will step up and make time to get up to speed.

It likewise shows that you esteem your relationship and need to try to keep up with it, which will be enormously valuable.

This reaction recognizes the time that has elapsed and offers you the chance to make an arrangement to reconnect. It’s an extraordinary method for showing that you’re keen on talking and getting up to speed.

7. It sure feels like it! What have you been up to? 

It sure feels like it! What have you been up to? 

At the point when somebody lets you know that it’s been a minute, it’s a well-mannered approach to saying that you haven’t been in contact for some time.

A reasonable reaction to this is All there is to it certainly has! We should make an arrangement to get up to speed. This shows that you understand that it has been some time since you last talked and that you will step up and make time to get up to speed.

It likewise shows that you esteem your relationship and need to try to keep up with it, which will be enormously valuable.

This reaction recognizes the time that has elapsed and offers you the chance to make an arrangement to reconnect. It’s an extraordinary method for showing that you’re keen on talking and getting up to speed.

8. It sure has been! What have you been up to lately? 

This reaction suggests that you care about what the other person has been doing and that you are keen on proceeding with the discussion.

It is likewise an extraordinary method for showing that you are thankful for the time that has elapsed and that you are eager to find them.

It is a cheerful, cordial expression that conveys warmth and certifiable interest. It offers the person the chance to share what they’ve been doing and offers you the chance to get to realize them better.

It’s an incredible method for beginning the discussion and getting to know how the person is doing.

9. It sure has! How have things been going? 

At the point when somebody lets you know it’s been a minute, answer with, ‘It sure has!’ How are things turning out? is an extraordinary method for showing that you are keen on the other person’s life.

It conveys a feeling of interest and real worry for the other person’s prosperity.

It is a reasonable reaction since it doesn’t simply recognize the time span that has elapsed – it likewise urges the other person to discuss what’s been going on in their life since you last talked.

This reaction conveys a sensation of care as well as permits you to find the other person and find out about the progressions that have occurred in their life since you last talked.

10. It’s been too long! How have you been? 

At the point when somebody lets you know it’s been a minute, answer with, ‘It sure has!’ How are things turning out? is an extraordinary method for showing that you are keen on the other person’s life.

It conveys a feeling of interest and real worry for the other person’s prosperity.

It is a reasonable reaction since it doesn’t simply recognize the time span that has elapsed – it likewise urges the other person to discuss what’s been going on in their life since you last talked.

This reaction conveys a sensation of care as well as permits you to find the other person and find out about the progressions that have occurred in their life since you last talked.

11. It feels like it’s been longer than just a minute!

This reaction is an incredible method for showing that you’ve been pondering the person and that you’ve missed them.

It’s an unpretentious approach to communicating your satisfaction at being brought together with them, without saying it inside and out.

12. I know, it’s been too long! Where have you been?

This reaction shows that you’ve been counting the time until you saw each other once more.

It’s an incredible method for showing your energy at being brought together with the other person and can be an extraordinary ice breaker.

13. It feels like we just saw each other yesterday!

This reaction is one more incredible method for showing that you’ve been contemplating the person and that you’ve missed them.

It’s an unpretentious method for communicating your bliss at being brought together with them, without saying it inside and out.

14. It definitely has, but that just means we have more to catch up on!

This reaction is one more incredible method for showing that you’ve been contemplating the person and that you’ve missed them.

It’s an unpretentious method for communicating your bliss at being brought together with them, without saying it inside and out.


It’s been a moment is an expression that can be utilized in different circumstances, whether you’re finding a close buddy or conversing with a collaborator about an undertaking.

While it might appear as though an easygoing expression, it has the potential for more profound significance since it can infer that a ton of time has elapsed since the last communication.

How you answer the expression can be vital to establishing the vibe and heading of the discussion. The most ideal way to answer is to recognize the time that has elapsed in addition to communicating energy for what’s in store.

You can do this by raising past recollections in a positive light and anticipating additional time together.

Moreover, you can involve the expression as a chance to clarify some pressing issues and to get a report on what the other person has been doing.

By answering mindfully, you can set out a freedom for association and significant discussion.

We’ve discussed the most effective ways to answer this expression and I trust this article makes a difference!