Mami is a Spanish shoptalk term for Mama, an appealing lady, or a nearby female companion.
You can utilize it depending on the setting you are involved in. Persons additionally use it for pet names.
Most times, men who love their ladies will quite often call them mami, not on the grounds that the lady is their mom, but since he needs to call her mami as a pet name.
It is now and again used to play with appealing ladies. In some cases, when you hit up a party and you see that men are calling you mami, simply realize that some of them are attempting to play with you.

At the point when somebody calls you mami, it could likewise imply that the person truly thinks that you are appealing and might need to have a thing with you.
Assuming you are an alluring female and you don’t have the foggiest idea what answers to give when somebody calls you Mami, this article will direct you on the various ways that you can answer assuming somebody calls you Mami.
Take a look at the 19 best responses to “Mami”
1. I’m not your Mami
You might answer along these lines on the off chance that you don’t find it appealing when he calls you this. This is likewise an immediate answer that you can utilize.
Like that, the person will comprehend that you could do without it when he calls you mami.
2. Sounds so cute
Let him know this when you see this as so charming and you feel so cheerful he called you mami, it’s great to tell him you find the name adorable, particularly so you can hear it from him more regularly.
It may be the case that the person didn’t realize that you loved the name a lot and you let the person know that the name sounds so charming. It shows you like it.
3. OK, Thank you
This is you valuing him for calling you mami, you can continuously say this when you don’t have anything, specifically, to give as an answer, or you are shy of words and don’t have the foggiest idea how best to communicate your sentiments.
It’s anything but something terrible assuming you let the person know that you like that he called you charming.
Say thanks to him for it. That, since he definitely realizes that you like it, he will call you mami next time you like it.
4. Hey I don’t like it
Not every person might want to be called mami, it sounds sort of hostile to certain persons, on the off chance that you fall in this class, this clearly is a decent answer. On the off chance that you could do without it, just let him in on your answer.
That, since you have proactively let him know that you could do without it, he won’t call you that next time.
That is the means by which it works when you notice that somebody could do without something, you would stop it as long as the person has previously let you know that you could do without it. In the event that you could do without something
5. Quit trying to flirt with me
Many folks call women mami as an approach to playing with them, and if you suspect a person is calling you mami in a bid to play with you too, this is the ideal reaction you can provide for such a person.
On the off chance that you could do without the manner in which the person calls you mami, go on to advise the person to stop calling you mami. Like that, the person will comprehend that you could do without the manner in which the person called you mami.
6. Can’t you call me something better?

Mami probably won’t sound so interesting to everybody, and presumably, you need to be called something different, yet this is most certainly a decent answer.
Rather than totally telling the person to not call you mami, you can propose that the person ought to call you something that sounds better to you.
If you both are so close you could in fact suggest a charming name that you will jump at the chance to be called if you could do without the manner in which the person called you.
The person will go on to call you a sweet name that you will like.
7. I love it when you call me that
I love the name and I’m happy you called me that, kindly might you at any point proceed, I feel a debt of gratitude.
Since it is now so obvious that you love it when he calls you mami, he will keep on calling you mami on a more regular basis. At the point when he needs to make you grin or cheerful, he can call you mami just
8. Don’t you think this is quite inappropriate
Mami is shoptalk for children or provocative and this could appear or sound very inciting and you would have zero desire to be tended to this way, particularly openly. You can let him know this to perceive how he feels about it.
Assuming that he is calling you mami in a spot that you could do without or in a spot that you consider improper, you can basically let him know in your answer that it isn’t fitting.
Like that, he will receive the message and he will decide to not call you that any longer.
9. Wow that’s so sweet
At the point when you feel so energized and you need to become flushed you can let the person know this, and value how sweet of a person he is.
Assuming you think it is sweet, you can go on to let him know that it was so sweet of him to call you that.
Since you have made an impression on him that you have such a lot of affection for what he tells you and that he calls you mami, he will keep on doing that constantly.
10. You’re so romantic
Let him know you’re so heartfelt to show that you truly think that it is alluring and decent. Assuming the person is calling you mami in light of the fact that he needs to play with you, you can let him know that he is so heartfelt if you love what he told you.
You can say the person is heartfelt on the off chance that you feel weak at the knees over the person or on the other hand assuming you believe the person to be simply heartfelt.
Here and there, people will quite often like you so much when you call them sweet names. Assuming that is what is going on, let the person know that it was so heartfelt of him to call you that.
11. Thank you I appreciate
You are satisfied with the name and you have nothing to express except to value him for the decent commendation.
Telling the person thank you is a clear answer that you can give the person assuming that you like the way that he calls you mami.
The person will likewise be glad that you loved the way that you said thanks to him for what he shared with you.
Since you have said thanks to the person, in the future he won’t hold back to call you mami sometime later.
12. Sorry that word makes me feel really weird
Potentially you could do without the sound of mami and you would rather not be called that more regularly, in light of the fact that it sounds abnormal and you don’t feel so OK with it. You most certainly need to give this answer.
Assuming it causes you to feel peculiar, you shouldn’t hold back from letting the person know that you feel odd when he calls you mami.
Since it is now so obvious, he won’t call you mami again in light of the fact that he doesn’t believe you should feel odd.
13. You sound like my husband
You can utilize this answer in the event that your significant other has been the one calling you mami as a pet name and no other person could possibly do that.
Assuming someone else calls you mami and it causes you to recall your significant other, let the person in on that he seems like your better half and helps you to remember your significant other.
I really want to believe that you don’t confuse the person with your significant other on the grounds that they sound the same.
14. You can say that again
You can utilize this answer assuming you like the manner in which the person calls you mami and you believe the person should say it frequently, express it in your answer so he can say that once more. Assuming he goes on to say it again you will feel better about it.
At the point when people do things you love and they notice that you love it, they will do it next time just to encourage you. ” No doubt” can be utilized for different things too when you need to impart to somebody the amount you like something.
15. I feel like that name is too delicate
This is an answer you can utilize on the off chance that you feel the person called you mami and it is excessively fragile for him to have called you that. Assuming that is what you feel ensure you let the person in on that in your answer.
Like that, you pass a message to the person.
Like that, the person will quit calling you mami. On the off chance that you are alright with it, you let the person know.
16. You only get to place a call when you need something

You can utilize this answer provided that the person calls you sweet names when the person needs something from you.
Assuming the person does this frequently and you don’t believe the person should call you that next time, let him that it is just when he really wants something from you that he would call you that.
On the off chance that it isn’t correct, the person can protect himself, yet most times, people are generally mindful of what they did, you can basically let the person know that you saw he possibly calls you sweet names when he needs something from you.
17. Where did you hear that from?
You can utilize this answer assuming you find that the person has just begun utilizing this name frequently in light of the fact that he just knew about it now. That could be the situation.
You can likewise ask the person where he hears that from. On the off chance that he just heard it now, he would tell you.
18. Do not call me that, we are not so close yet
Assuming you possibly like it when somebody near fiascoes you sweet names when the person is near you, let the person in on your answer.
In the event that you both are not as yet close, tell him to not call you that since you both are not as yet close.
Like that, he will comprehend that you just need persons who are near you to call you pet names.
19. You call me that too much, can you take a break?
You can utilize this answer assuming you notice that the person calls you mami to an extreme and it is getting excessively incessant. Let him know in your answer that he wants to have some time off from calling you that name. You have heard it to an extreme.
At the point when somebody calls you names that you could do without, it is all around as simple as telling the person to not call your cap once more.
Notwithstanding, assuming you like it when the person considers you that name, let him in on in your answer that you like it, like that, he will call you that name on a more regular basis.