Have you heard somebody say the expression “Dios te bendiga”, yet didn’t know what it implied or how to answer? Assuming this is the case, this blog article is for you!
The importance of the expression is very straightforward and it is often utilized in English. This makes it more straightforward to find an answer once we understand what it implies.

Dios Te Bendiga is a Spanish expression that in a real sense means “God Favor You,” and is regularly used to pass wants for prosperity onto somebody. Offering concern or thanks is likewise frequently utilized.
In that capacity, a proper reaction would be “Gracias” or “Muchas Gracias”, which both mean expressing gratitude toward the other person for their thoughtful words.
12 Clever Responses to “Dios Te Bendiga”
1. Blessings
Blessings is a typical reaction to the Spanish expression; Dios te bendiga. A Spanish word means Favor or blessing in English.
It alludes to a conjuring requesting heavenly assurance, direction, and favor frequently said prior to eating or participating in different exercises.
It can likewise be given as a type of compliment or articulation of appreciation.
This can be viewed as a more limited of saying Dios te bendiga. At the point when a person has wished you blessings, you don’t have to consider the right methods for answering.
You can basically wish the person the equivalent. If you have any desire to answer in Spanish without saying exactly the same thing back to the person, you can essentially say Bendicion or blessings.
2. Thank you
One more exceptionally normal reaction to Dios te bendiga is Thank you. Thank you is another Spanish word that means “Thank you” in the English language.
It is a typical social civility to offer appreciation or thanks when somebody works on something for us. To utilize Gracias accurately, it ought to be said with a tone of genuine appreciation.
For instance, assuming somebody plays out a thoughtful gesture for you, offering thanks with “Gracias” would be suitable and frequently appreciated.
At the point when a person says Dios te bendiga, the person has hoped everything would turn out great for you so answering with your appreciation would be OK.
While “Thank you” is the right reaction, you might need to answer in Spanish since the person has moved toward you in Spanish. Then, at that point, “Gracias” would be the best word in communicating your thoughts.
3. Amen
“Amen” started from the Hebrew language signifying ‘Let it be so’. It shows up toward the finish of different supplications and songs.
It was initially a type of consent or understanding; a type of confirmation with which admirers all in all concurred with the items in a request or rule.
In present times, “Amen” holds its unique significance and may likewise be viewed as a piece of regular discourse.
There are comparative articulations in various dialects including Greek (amēn), Arabic (amin), and Latin Amen).
In English-talking settings, it is frequently utilized toward the finish of petitions or even utilized as a contribution to add accentuation to something somebody has said.
God favor you is generally utilized by Christians so it very well might be required from you to answer like a Christian would. Consequently, saying Amen would be a decent choice.
4. Equally
You might have heard Igualmente a few times in the event that you’ve been in a Spanish-talking country. It is deciphered as “Equally” in English and might be the most plausible reaction you’d get in the wake of saying a commendation.
Equally o Igualmente shows consent to something that a person has said. At the point when you say this, you are suggesting that you feel the same way that a person feels.
Notwithstanding, this relies upon the setting wherein the word is utilized. At the point when you are answering a person’s remark, you are inferring that you share a similar thought.
For this situation, answering with Equally suggests that you wish the person the equivalent. The person wishes you God’s blessings. You likewise wish that person exactly the same thing.
5. Thank you for your kind wishes

Answering in English is absolutely fine and it might try and be better assuming you find it hard to articulate Spanish. It is smarter to involve the language with which you are generally familiar.
You can express this rather than trying to say Thank you. At the point when you have been wished God’s favors, you have the choice of wishing the person exactly the same thing or simply valuing what the person has said.
Saying this much shows that you genuinely esteem it.
Not every person would be alright with expressing this because of the length of the assertion. Likewise, it might sound all in all too official yet that doesn’t prevent it from being a reasonable reaction to Dios te bendiga.
6. I appreciate it
You may likewise think about this choice assuming you think English is the best approach. This implies exactly the same thing as the English choice recommended previously.
Here, you will likewise be showing appreciation for what the person has told you.
This is like saying Gracias or Thank you however you would articulate your thoughts in English. This choice might be preferable over the English choice proposed before for certain persons. It is more limited and long.
Besides that, it sounds like less authority. You might feel more happy with expressing this in light of a companion or a partner.
At the point when you are wishing God’s gifts, appreciating the great wishes is the correct approach.
7. Me too
This short choice is an interesting method for answering and getting the person entertained. The standard reactions given to great wishes and petitions to heaven like Dios te bendiga are generally ‘Same to you’ and different explanations that recommend saying a request or great wish back. This is more similar to the inverse.
At the point when you say Me too with a grin, the person will in all probability grin back and say the request for oneself (for example the person would agree to Me too accordingly), in the wake of giving you a prod or a fighter’s final blow on your jaw.
8. You as well
We have considered different ways of valuing great wishes from a person. We may likewise think about wishing the person a similar in English.
This is basically the same as Igualmente (and that signifies ‘Equally’ or ‘In like manner’). It might try and be viewed as a promotion of an English interpretation of Igualmente.
At the point when you say this, you are wishing a person the very that the person has wished you. You can likewise express this to return guidance that a person has quite recently given to you.
At the point when a person says God favors you, you can just see the value in it by saying Thank you or wishing the person God’s blessings too.
9. Same to you
This is an equivalent word of the choice that is straight above. This is a utilization of various words so you might have the option to pick the one you are more OK with saying.
The vast majority might need to go with this choice since it is in many cases utilized in everyday discussions.
At the point when you express the Same to you, you let the person know that you wish the person exactly the same thing that the person has wished you.
This is in many cases said during happy seasons when you wish a person a Happy holidays. The person can answer by expressing the Same to you.
It functions admirably as a reaction to Dios te bendiga. Since you have been wished well, you can just wish the person well as well.
10. God bless you too

This is considerably more like deciphering what the other person has said yet what stops you. A person can welcome you What’s up you might answer by talking about exactly the same thing in an alternate language.
The expression has been utilized as a hello and the two players will comprehend except if the other person doesn’t comprehend the language you decided to use in your discussion.
At the point when you have been welcomed Dios te bendiga, the person has said God favor you to you.
Rather than answering in Spanish without being familiar, you can answer in English or in anything that language you are conversant in and say God bless you to you.
You would wish the person exactly the same thing that the person has wished you. This is a vastly improved choice since you will say the significant words rather than just saying ‘Wish you the equivalent’ or ‘Moreover’.
11. Peace be with you
This sounds like something a Christian would agree however Dios te bendiga additionally seems like that.
This reaction is very interesting, being unique in relation to different ideas on the rundown which center around valuing great wishes and wishing the person exactly the same thing.
This doesn’t straightforwardly show appreciation. Neither does it toss similar wishes back to the person.
By saying this, you are wishing the person Harmony.
12. God bless us
A pleasant reaction to ‘God favor you’ is ‘God favor us’. With this reaction, you are embracing the request that has been told you however summing it up.
However excessive, this kind of reaction is frequently utilized by persons who are battling.
They will generally sum up petitions for everybody in the gathering, with the expectation that one or every one of them will find lasting success sometime and God answers their prayers.
This reaction may likewise recommend unobtrusiveness.
Top 12 Clever Comebacks When Someone Says “Dios Te Bendiga” |
Have you heard somebody say the expression “Dios te bendiga”, yet didn’t know what it implied or how to answer? Assuming this is the case, this blog article is for you!
The importance of the expression is very straightforward and it is often utilized in English. This makes it more straightforward to find an answer once we understand what it implies.
Dios Te Bendiga is a Spanish expression that in a real sense means “God Favor You,” and is regularly used to pass wants for prosperity onto somebody. Offering concern or thanks is likewise frequently utilized.
In that capacity, a proper reaction would be “Gracias” or “Muchas Gracias”, which both mean expressing gratitude toward the other person for their thoughtful words.
12 Correct Responses to “Dios Te Bendiga”
1. Blessings
Blessings is a typical reaction to the Spanish expression; Dios te bendiga. A Spanish word means Favor or blessing in English.
It alludes to a conjuring requesting heavenly assurance, direction, and favor frequently said prior to eating or participating in different exercises.
It can likewise be given as a type of compliment or articulation of appreciation.
This can be viewed as a more limited of saying Dios te bendiga. At the point when a person has wished you blessings, you don’t have to consider the right methods for answering.
You can basically wish the person the equivalent. If you have any desire to answer in Spanish without saying exactly the same thing back to the person, you can essentially say Bendicion or blessings.
2. Thank you
One more exceptionally normal reaction to Dios te bendiga is Thank you. Thank you is another Spanish word that means “Thank you” in the English language.
It is a typical social civility to offer appreciation or thanks when somebody works on something for us. To utilize Gracias accurately, it ought to be said with a tone of genuine appreciation.
For instance, assuming somebody plays out a thoughtful gesture for you, offering thanks with “Gracias” would be suitable and frequently appreciated.
At the point when a person says Dios te bendiga, the person has hoped everything would turn out great for you so answering with your appreciation would be OK.
While “Thank you” is the right reaction, you might need to answer in Spanish since the person has moved toward you in Spanish. Then, at that point, “Gracias” would be the best word in communicating your thoughts.
3. Amen
“Amen” started from the Hebrew language signifying ‘Let it be so’. It shows up toward the finish of different supplications and songs.
It was initially a type of consent or understanding; a type of confirmation with which admirers all in all concurred with the items in a request or rule.
In present times, “Amen” holds its unique significance and may likewise be viewed as a piece of regular discourse.
There are comparative articulations in various dialects including Greek (amēn), Arabic (amin), and Latin Amen).
In English-talking settings, it is frequently utilized toward the finish of petitions or even utilized as a contribution to add accentuation to something somebody has said.
God favor you is generally utilized by Christians so it very well might be required from you to answer like a Christian would. Consequently, saying Amen would be a decent choice.
4. Equally
You might have heard Igualmente a few times in the event that you’ve been in a Spanish-talking country. It is deciphered as “Equally” in English and might be the most plausible reaction you’d get in the wake of saying a commendation.
Equally o Igualmente shows consent to something that a person has said. At the point when you say this, you are suggesting that you feel the same way that a person feels.
Notwithstanding, this relies upon the setting wherein the word is utilized. At the point when you are answering a person’s remark, you are inferring that you share a similar thought.
For this situation, answering with Equally suggests that you wish the person the equivalent. The person wishes you God’s blessings. You likewise wish that person exactly the same thing.
5. Thank you for your kind wishes
Answering in English is absolutely fine and it might try and be better assuming you find it hard to articulate Spanish. It is smarter to involve the language with which you are generally familiar.
You can express this rather than trying to say Thank you. At the point when you have been wished God’s favors, you have the choice of wishing the person exactly the same thing or simply valuing what the person has said.
Saying this much shows that you genuinely esteem it.
Not every person would be alright with expressing this because of the length of the assertion. Likewise, it might sound all in all too official yet that doesn’t prevent it from being a reasonable reaction to Dios te bendiga.
6. I appreciate it
You may likewise think about this choice assuming you think English is the best approach. This implies exactly the same thing as the English choice recommended previously.
Here, you will likewise be showing appreciation for what the person has told you.
This is like saying Gracias or Thank you however you would articulate your thoughts in English. This choice might be preferable over the English choice proposed before for certain persons. It is more limited and long.
Besides that, it sounds like less authority. You might feel more happy with expressing this in light of a companion or a partner.
At the point when you are wishing God’s gifts, appreciating the great wishes is the correct approach.
7. Me too
This short choice is an interesting method for answering and getting the person entertained. The standard reactions given to great wishes and petitions to heaven like Dios te bendiga are generally ‘Same to you’ and different explanations that recommend saying a request or great wish back. This is more similar to the inverse.
At the point when you say Me too with a grin, the person will in all probability grin back and say the request for oneself (for example the person would agree to Me too accordingly), in the wake of giving you a prod or a fighter’s final blow on your jaw.
8. You as well
We have considered different ways of valuing great wishes from a person. We may likewise think about wishing the person a similar in English.
This is basically the same as Igualmente (and that signifies ‘Equally’ or ‘In like manner’). It might try and be viewed as a promotion of an English interpretation of Igualmente.
At the point when you say this, you are wishing a person the very that the person has wished you. You can likewise express this to return guidance that a person has quite recently given to you.
At the point when a person says God favors you, you can just see the value in it by saying Thank you or wishing the person God’s blessings too.
9. Same to you
This is an equivalent word of the choice that is straight above. This is a utilization of various words so you might have the option to pick the one you are more OK with saying.
The vast majority might need to go with this choice since it is in many cases utilized in everyday discussions.
At the point when you express the Same to you, you let the person know that you wish the person exactly the same thing that the person has wished you.
This is in many cases said during happy seasons when you wish a person a Happy holidays. The person can answer by expressing the Same to you.
It functions admirably as a reaction to Dios te bendiga. Since you have been wished well, you can just wish the person well as well.
10. God bless you too
This is considerably more like deciphering what the other person has said yet what stops you. A person can welcome you What’s up you might answer by talking about exactly the same thing in an alternate language.
The expression has been utilized as a hello and the two players will comprehend except if the other person doesn’t comprehend the language you decided to use in your discussion.
At the point when you have been welcomed Dios te bendiga, the person has said God favor you to you.
Rather than answering in Spanish without being familiar, you can answer in English or in anything that language you are conversant in and say God bless you to you.
You would wish the person exactly the same thing that the person has wished you. This is a vastly improved choice since you will say the significant words rather than just saying ‘Wish you the equivalent‘ or ‘Moreover’.
11. Peace be with you
This sounds like something a Christian would agree however Dios te bendiga additionally seems like that.
This reaction is very interesting, being unique in relation to different ideas on the rundown which center around valuing great wishes and wishing the person exactly the same thing.
This doesn’t straightforwardly show appreciation. Neither does it toss similar wishes back to the person.
By saying this, you are wishing the person Harmony.
12. God bless us
A pleasant reaction to ‘God favor you’ is ‘God favor us’. With this reaction, you are embracing the request that has been told you however summing it up.
However excessive, this kind of reaction is frequently utilized by persons who are battling.
They will generally sum up petitions for everybody in the gathering, with the expectation that one or every one of them will find lasting success sometime and God answers their prayers.
This reaction may likewise recommend unobtrusiveness.