What precisely does “No Cap” mean? No cap is shoptalk that signifies “no untruths”, it likewise signifies “seriously”. This is an approach to saying that the person isn’t lying.
It is often utilized in discussions among companions or for the most part while messaging via web-based entertainment. You can utilize it to tell somebody that you are not lying or that what you are talking about is reality.
At the point when next you are in a discussion with your companions and they don’t really accept what you are talking about, you can stress by saying “no cap”.

Like that, they would comprehend that you are coming clean and they will more often than not trust you.
Assuming that you are in a circumstance where somebody lets you know no cap and you don’t know how to answer, these answers that I have written in this article will assist you with knowing the best sort of reactions that you can give.
15 Best Responses to “No Cap”
1. That’s Right
Assuming the person says No Cap, and you are certain that what the person is talking about is valid and he is correct, you can just answer by saying “That’s right”.
Like that, the person comprehends that you comprehend that what he is talking about is valid and you trust him.
2. You are on point
This is an approach to saying that the person is on point. Like that, you trust the person, and the person is known for making statements that matter and are on point.
This is one more approach to saying that you trust the person. This is. The basic answer is straightforward.
3. You seem to say the truth always

This is an answer you can give assuming that person is known for saying reality constantly. It very well may be others that could affirm it, or then again assuming you know the person, you ought to have the option to affirm it yourself.
Assuming that it happens that the person comes clean a great deal, you can go on to tell him in this answer. That way you are in a roundabout way letting him know that what he says is valid, and he comprehends that you accept him regardless of whether you say it straightforwardly.
4. How sure are you?
This shows that you don’t completely accept that person and you might want to be aware assuming the person makes certain about what he is talking about.
At the point when you ask the person how sure he is, you will actually want to tell from his reaction. This is a decent answer that you can give. It will assist the person with sifting what he says and not making statements that he isn’t certain of.
5. I don’t believe you
This is an answer you can give when you are certain that the person isn’t saying reality.
Indeed, even after he says no cap, you can go on to let him know that you don’t accept him since you realize he isn’t coming clean.
Like that, he realizes that he can never again delude persons or even lie to them in the wake of saying no cap. This answer will likewise assist you with knowing whether the person is saying reality or not.
6. If you say so
This is an unbiased response that you have. You neither accept nor question the person and for that reason, you said as much.
On the off chance that the person said no cap and you don’t know whether you are to trust the person or not, just let him know if you say as much.
Like that, you are not uncovering on the off chance that you trust him or not, it is like you are impartial.
7. Let me believe you
This is an answer to let the person know that you simply need to trust him. It may be the case that you simply need to accept him in light of the fact that others scarcely accept him and you need to be the main person to in light of the fact that you trust him.
This answer will here and there give the person certainty and permit him to say reality in any event, when others don’t trust him.
8. I will give you the benefit of the doubt

Assuming you provide somebody with the advantage of uncertainty, you imagine that you accept the person or that they realize that what he is talking about is valid in any event, when you don’t know of it.
In a circumstance like this, you possibly need to test in the event that the person says reality. Subsequent to providing him with the advantage of uncertainty you find that he is saying reality. In the event that he was coming clean, you can start to trust him.
9. Sorry, I can’t believe you, you tell lies a lot
This is an answer you can give assuming you notice that the person lies and there isn’t anything the person can say for you to accept.
On the off chance that he says no cap, basically, let him know that you can’t accept him since he lies. Like that, he will comprehend the gravity of what he has done.
10. I will only believe you’re not capping when I see it
This answer says that you will possibly trust the person assuming you see the proof. At the point when the person lets you know no cap, it isn’t enough for you to accept, you actually need to see with your eyes for you to accept.
Like that, the person should show you confirmation that he isn’t covering since that is the main way you will actually want to trust him.
11. You have a track record of honesty, so I believe you
This shows that the person says reality a great deal and he likewise has a history of coming clean before.
Like that, you can undoubtedly trust the person with no iota of uncertainty. Along these lines, when the person lets you know no cap, you will handily trust him.
12. Nobody likes being lied to
This is an answer to let the person know that no one prefers being deceived and it will be better on the off chance that he comes clean with you.
That way he is attempting to lie since you have let him know that no one prefers being misled, and he will be constrained to not mislead you.
The second he lets you know no cap, you might trust him.
13. Even if you are not capping, no one will believe you
This could be on the grounds that this person has lied to the degree that regardless of whether he is coming clean nobody will in any case trust him.
At the point when he says, no cap, let him know that nobody will accept him regardless of whether he isn’t covering, this shows his awful history of lies previously. It has returned to cause major problems for him.
14. If it happens to be a lie, I’m sure you know the consequences
This way you are compromising the person in a manner to ensure that he is coming clean. At the point when he says no cap, you are supposed to accept that he is coming clean.
Assuming he says no cap, let him know that there are ramifications in the event that what he expresses is obviously false, and let him know of these results. Like that, he will be constrained to say reality.
15. People tend to believe everything you say, how do you do it?
This is an approach to let the person know that people will generally trust him a ton. In this answer, you are asking him the way that he can cause people to trust him.
Not every person has this capacity, to that end it is significant you ask him so he can tell you. At the point when he tells you, you will have a clearer image of how he does it to cause people to accept what he says.
Summing Up
Whichever answer you decide to utilize works, you can likewise utilize answers in light of assuming you realize that person is lying or not.
On the off chance that you end up being in a circumstance where somebody lets you know no cap and you have no clue about what to answer, basically utilize any of these answers, it makes it more straightforward for you. You don’t have to contemplate what to say.
These answers will likewise assist you with knowing when the person is saying reality or not. It works constantly.