We generally see the casual abbreviation “HBU” in texts. It implies What about You (We mostly see the informal acronym “HBU” in texts. It means How About You (well it’s really how ’bout you).
When you are asked this, it’s because there’s already a conversation going and they are trying to get your opinion on the subject matter being discussed.
In that case, you will have to find a suitable reply to keep the conversation going without killing the vibe.

Today I have a few replies based on the possible meanings those letters might have. Let’s begin:).
At the point when you are asked this, this is on the grounds that there’s as of now a discussion going and they are attempting to hear your point of view on the topic being examined.
All things considered, you should track down a reasonable answer to push the discussion along without killing the energy.
Today I have a couple of answers in light of the potential implications those letters could mean. How about we start:
16 Cool Responses to “I’m good, HBU?”

To start with, this inquiry can come up after you ask somebody how their day went or how they are doing. This question is polite and permits you to address a similar inquiry you most likely posed to them.
Presently relying upon how you believe, you can reply with any of the answers beneath. They are in classifications beginning from blissful and lively ones:
1. I am good
How about we get going with something straightforward? If you would rather not cross the line or disregard the inquiry completely you can say “I’m great”. You can likewise say “I’m well”, or “I’m fine”.
You can likewise add “doing” for a kind of accentuation, or on the other hand in the event that the underlying inquiry has “doing”. For instance,
A: Hello Jim. Long time. How is it with you?
B: Yeah. I’m doing perfectly. What about you?
A: I’m doing well indeed. How is the family?
2. Nothing Much
Typically, when somebody says not a lot it implies that something is just things continuing yet they don’t feel it’s of much worth or it’s vital or intriguing so they say not a lot.
It’s like you’re attempting to abstain from exhausting yourself with their insignificant unexciting business. In the event that you’re still up for a general answer so you don’t need to try not to respond to the inquiry totally then this answer is OK.
3. Fresh as a daisy
At the point when somebody says they are new and full of life it implies they are exceptionally sound and loaded with bunches of energy. You can utilize this energetic answer on the off chance that you awakened on the right side toward the end and you simply need to spread satisfaction and let others know how you are doing.
On the off chance that they are utilized for basic comments, you will get a few cocked eyebrows and will be approached to give a clarification. You can likewise utilize different examinations like, “content as can be” or “all right”.
The rhyme is messy however it’s more confirmation that you are cheerful.
4. My day has been great so far
In the event that it’s noontime then you can utilize this answer in light of the fact that the day isn’t finished and you have utilized a piece of it. You can supplant “amazing” with “grow”, “fabulous”, “lovely OK”, “great”, “okay” and some other modifier that requests you.
If you would rather not utilize the entire sentence, you can substitute it with “everything looks OK”, or in a more blunt way, “uap until this point no terrible”.
5. Couldn’t have been better
An answer like this is only the prologue to a full story of your day. It’s a merry method for saying, “My day was great and from start to finish I delighted in it.” It’s more fundamental that you live it up than whether your day was awesome.
Then you hang tight for them to say, “Truly? Let me know all that and forget about nothing, or “That is incredible. Before you start, “Will you share?
6. Very productive. I finally got some real work done
On the off chance that you have been conversing with this person for some time they will truly realize you so sharing this shouldn’t astound them. Likewise, an answer doesn’t cross the line despite everything that responds to the inquiry.
What’s more, between you and I, in no way like at last helping through a work heap that we have procrastinated on however long for eternity.
7. You will never guess what happened today!

This is an interesting answer that quickly tosses one into tension. Perhaps you are too glad to even consider going through the ordinary everyday practice of hanging tight for them to request that you share so you simply bounce right in with an inquiry and begin educating them regarding the things that happened that make the day remarkable.
For example:
A: I’m great. What about you?
B: You won’t ever think about what occurred.
A: You didn’t respond to the inquiry however what? Let me know what occurred.
On the off chance that you had a customary day where nothing invigorating occurred or are feeling clearheaded and clenched down, you can attempt these answers:
8. Same
While this answer isn’t precisely bright, it is a nonpartisan answer for whether you are cheerful or miserable. In the event that the person who asks you HBU says that they are OK, you can say “same” since you are additionally OK.
It’s not the most ideal answer in the event that you are searching for a discussion supporter and you are attempting to put yourself out there.
You can utilize this reaction to continue toward the genuine subject if you would rather not harp on merriments and comforts toward the start of a discussion. You can utilize the full answer, “same old same old”.
It implies that you have the ordinary that you for the most part have with the same old thing.
9. Not too bad
Suppose you’re doing fine, you had a typical day at home with only an ordinary daily practice and nothing in the end occurred.
You can utilize this to answer since you had an everyday day with business as usual. You can attempt to add a line so you don’t stress anybody. Here is a model:
A: How was your day?
B: Not really awful. I was home day in and day out.
10. Could have been worse
This answer is the less cheerful adaptation of the one above. We as a whole know those persons who generally have this comical look and discourse.
They are like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh. They view the hourglass as half void not half full. Indeed, if you need to talk like that, this answer is something they can utilize and you can utilize.
You are not exactly griping however you won’t care either way if things went better. You can likewise say “could be more terrible.”
11. Well I am alive
A companion used to give me this answer when he had a truly ordinary day.
Right away, I figured he would have rather not been alive however at that point I comprehended he was attempting to say, “Not the most thrilling day yet I’m alive and it’s the most un-chance I must be thankful for.”
Furthermore, for the persons who had a terrible day or are simply not feeling far better, you can utilize these answers to say exactly the way in which you feel.
12. Oh, just a little blue
If you had a harsh day or circumstances didn’t pan out fine and dandy for you, you can utilize this answer to say you are exceptionally upset
On the off chance that you are likewise not in that frame of mind for the discussion, this answer ought to tell them so you will get additional inquiries from the people who need to have a lot of familiarity with it or how they can help.
13. I have been better
Right away, it sounds great on account of the word better however when you consider it, you are simply saying, that today wasn’t an awesome of days yet I’m shaking it off to attempt once more tomorrow.
Anybody who doesn’t peruse this cautiously while continuing to talk fails to see what you have said. An unpretentious method for putting yourself out there without crossing the line.
14. Down in the dumps
This is an old expression and it is utilized to say you feel exceptionally awful or miserable. It very well may be on the grounds that you lost something or it came down or you had a messy hair day or something like that.
It will tell whoever you are conversing with that you don’t have a lot of interest in the discussion and they will let you be.
15. I am just glad this day is almost over
It’s anything but a straight answer to “How is it with you?/how was your day?” in any case, it’s a method for conveying that you had a horrendous day, are not feeling great, and are excited for it to end.
To discuss it, don’t utilize this answer. It will appear to be discourteous to utilize this yet not explain to them why you said that or how your day went.
16. Not good. Today was a burst
This answer works for the two inquiries. Assuming you had a terrible day or you are not feeling too well, this answer tells whoever is asking that much. I would be miserable assuming that I get this answer from somebody yet I would be more troubled to need to utilize this answer.
3 Flirty Responses to “I’m good, HBU?”
If your crush texts you and answers, “I’m OK. HBU?”, you might need to be coy so you can show them how you feel. This, thus, will make the convo vivacious to such an extent that they are content with you.
Now that you get it, think about these reactions:
1. How about you become a part and find out
OK, I know this sounds cheesy, yet when you asked them how their day was, they answered; ” I’m OK HBU? “ utilizing this reaction to say, “We should accomplish something fun together so I can use whatever might remain of the day with you would be significantly more tomfoolery.”
2. Taking a turn for the better since we started talking
This can be said verbally or recorded as a hard copy. The information that they are fulfilling somebody will cause them to feel regarded. Look at this model:
A: Hello, what’s going on with you?
B: I’m great. HBU?
A: I have improved since I began conversing with you
3. It’s been very hectic. I have been busy thinking of you all day.
This one is my #1 since it starts as a commonplace reaction, yet the turn comes in the following sentence, making the person who asked grin.
They show up unbelievably broken down when you say this, and they don’t smile until you drive them to. Works impeccably.
7 Great responses to “I’m good, HBU” if you want something
If you were in a gathering of three and they were asking who needs a martini, one fella could go, “No, I’m great”, then, at that point, go to you and inquire, “HBU?” The following are a couple of answers that you can utilize:
1. I will pass
It’s an easygoing method for saying no. I’m certain you have heard it previously. Emits this cool adolescent energy. Bear in mind, do whatever it takes not to involve it with persons who are more established than you so you don’t appear to be discourteous.
2. None for me. Thanks
You decline anything like this. However, it appears as though it’s not their issue, you simply don’t need one and you are thankful they asked.
3. I think I will have one
On the off chance that you don’t actually need one however it will cause you no damage, you can entertain yourself with this unsure answer. They will comprehend that you are amiable, and you will not need to stress over them.
4. Maybe next time
On the off chance that you say no, you are letting them know that the entryway is consistently open for them to attempt to offer once more. Who knows, perhaps you could say no once more.
5. This will do
In case you say no, you are telling them that the doorway is reliably open for them to endeavor to offer again. Yet again who knows, maybe you could say no.
6. No Thank You
Affable and considerate. You might sound rich however this is a decent answer to dismiss something, even by opulent guidelines.
7. Don’t mind if I do
If you are serving yourself or taking your own piece, this answer is alright. Likewise, for a situation where you weren’t asked previously and you take or get an offer, you can utilize this answer.
I accept this overall article ought to take care of each and every inquiry you could have. While you are utilizing any of these answers, ensure that they are proper for the circumstance and to whom you are telling them.
In the event that you have some other answers drop them in the remarks segment and have a decent day.