Have you been designated to gather cash for a partner’s goodbye gift? The most effective way to go about it is to think of them as an email.
Be that as it may, you’re finding it hard to tell what to write in your message. Asking partners for cash is certainly not a delicious undertaking. You need to certainly stand out and make them see motivations to send in their commitments on time.

Thus, if you’re finding it hard to create a succulent email to request that your partners contribute cash for a goodbye gift, you’re perfectly positioned.
In this article, I’ll be giving 15 example messages you can use to make your email ship off your partners requesting a goodbye gift.
15 Sample Emails to Collect Money for Farewell Gift

While creating the main email to ship off your partners, the subject ought to be named, “Goodbye gift for (Name).” You ought to then feel free to momentarily express the motivation behind the message.
Here are test messages you can follow:
1. Hello colleagues,
Our dear colleague, Bella, is being moved to Chicago and she’d leave one week from now Friday. We’d express goodbye with a gift, and we settled on $7 per person. You can send in yours when you can…
This is a genuine illustration of the main email you can ship off to your colleagues, mentioning cash for a goodbye gift.
It’s a considerate solicitation expressing when they’d leave and the sum for commitment. For this situation, since they’d leave in up to seven days depending upon when you send the email, you’re not pushing for a cutoff time for the commitment.
Likewise, expressing the sum to contribute makes it more straightforward for your colleagues to send in theirs, without stressing on the off chance that it’s nearly nothing or to an extreme.
Furthermore, advising them to send in their commitment when they can gives them breathing space.
2. Dear colleagues,
This Tuesday, our adored director, Stacy, will pass on us to proceed with her investigations. Therefore, we’re contributing a goodbye gift.
We’re passing on commitments to any sum, so you can meet me in my office with your money or move to…
Here is another example email mentioning cash for a goodbye gift for your colleague. For this situation, you’re requesting a commitment from your director.
Here, you’re permitting them to send in anything that they would be able to. It’s a decent strategy likewise, particularly in the event that you realize your colleagues are hard in making commitments like this.
Along these lines, requesting them to make commitments from any sum makes it simpler for them to send in what they’ve.
What’s more, since the date of her leaving is Tuesday of that week, something would be unrehearsed for some people. In this manner, requesting any sum can likewise forestall postpones in answering.
You ought to utilize this arrangement on the off chance that you want to make unrehearsed commitments in the workplace.
3. Hi Coworkers,
One of us, Steve, will leave this Friday and we’ll meet that very day to express farewell to him. Nonetheless, we will not be sending him away without a gift.
Hence, we’re contributing $10 per person, however, you can send in more.
Likewise, send in ideas for a gift we can get him as we haven’t made game plans yet.
Here is one more way to deal with requesting assets for a goodbye gift for a colleague. It’s a well-mannered and exceptionally direct message, telling your colleagues the need to express goodbye with a gift.
For this situation, you’ve fixed a specific sum they ought to send in for their commitment. In any case, you didn’t stop there, requesting that they send more if they can will propel those who’ve more to send in.
Nonetheless, since the partner would leave on Friday of that week, you ought to send the email on Sunday or Monday of the week to make it simpler for them to send in their commitments without feeling constrained.
Furthermore, you ought to utilize this example assuming you’re yet to settle on the gift to get the said partner; makes it more straightforward for everybody.
4. Dear Colleagues,
As we are mindful, Nancy leaves us for The US one week from now. Also, with that impact, we will be giving her something to constantly help her to remember us. You can send in whatever you’ve to my office from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You can leave it with my secretary on the off chance that I’m not on seat.
This is another brilliant configuration you can follow to request commitments for a goodbye gift.
Utilizing this approach can contact your colleagues and make them anxious to get a goodbye gift for the person leaving. Saying you really want to make her something to constantly help her remember her colleagues is a decent strategy.
Furthermore, this arrangement makes it simpler for them to create their commitment as they can send in any sum within that period to your office.
Thus, regardless of whether you’re on the seat, they ought to have the option to make their commitments.
5. Hi Coworkers,

Our chief, Mary, is being moved, and with that impact, we’re sorting out a little goodbye party this Thursday. Likewise, we’re organizing a little bundle to say thank you to her. We’re asking everybody for $8 each. Generously send in yours straightaway.
This is another great example email to use to fund-raise for a goodbye gift to your chief. If it’s your desired case to coordinate a little party, here’s an organization to follow.
Here, you’re persuading them that the goodbye gift is to say thank you to her for all that she has done. This message ought to urge them to send in something assuming she’s meriting it.
Additionally, requesting that they send in their commitments at whatever point they can, won’t pressure them.
6. Dear Coworkers,
Darlington has accomplished such a great deal for us here at Leeds Correspondences. Tragically, he’d leave us this Tuesday for additional investigations. To make that day vital for him, we’re expressing farewell with a gift. Generously make your commitment of any sum through a move to this record…
This is one more incredible organization to follow to fund-raise for a colleague’s goodbye present.
Here, beginning with saying how much the collector has done can urge them to make commitments assuming that they concur with you.
Furthermore, expressing “It’ll make that day vital by getting the person a gift” is another great move that sounds empowering.
At long last, requesting any sum will cause them to answer rapidly, particularly if it’s an off-the-cuff plan.
7. Hi Teammates,
One of us, Landon, is leaving for London one week from now. He has been a great piece of us. We need to make that day unique for him by getting him a gift. We will be contributing $12 per person. Send in your commitment to my office straightaway.
On the off chance that you have one of your colleagues leaving, you can likewise get them a goodbye gift. It doesn’t need to be a group working. It very well may be in school, in chapel, or in a non-benefit or benefit association.
Regardless, you can request cash for a goodbye gift with this configuration. Besides, advising them that the person was an astounding piece of the group will urge them to make their commitments.
Likewise, sending them messages early enough while requesting a predefined sum will not be a lot for them. Thus, you ought to send an email on time if you’re following this configuration.
8. Hello Teammates,
Lucy, our information investigator, is leaving us next Thursday. It’s very miserable yet we’re blissful she’s making an extraordinary stride in her vocation. We will say thank you to her with a goodbye gift. Send in whatever you’ve through…
This is one more straightforward method for expressing your solicitation while sending an email to fund-raise for a colleague’s goodbye gift.
Telling them the gift is an approach to saying thank you will propel them to make commitments. Additionally, requesting that they contribute what they can is another great strategy you can attempt.
In the situation that your colleagues don’t answer your email as needed, you can send one more email to remind them. It may be the case that they got excessively occupied and overlooked your previous solicitation.
Thus, sending them an update email will assist you with accomplishing your motivation. Likewise, your email subject ought to be the point of the email. For instance, “Update: Goodbye Gift for Mary’
Along these lines, here’s an illustration of test update messages to follow:
9. Hello Colleagues,
I trust you’re doing perfectly. This is only an update email concerning our goodbye gift for our dear colleague who might be leaving us soon. We still need your commitment. Generously answer appropriately as we’re using up all available time. We settled on any sum.
This is a direct and courteous method for helping your colleague remember their commitment to the goodbye gift.
Getting some information about how they’re doing first is an effective method for beginning. Likewise, telling them that they’re using up all available time is an effective method for empowering them to settle up.
10. Hi Teammates,
Our goodbye party for Steve is tomorrow and we’re yet to get together with our objective. We have just from this point until tomorrow at 8:00 pm to conclude what we’d get him. Generously make your commitment of $7 today to assist us with arranging great.
You can likewise let them know that their commitment will make arranging effective.
Likewise, help them to remember the amount they’re to contribute again to help them assume they’ve neglected.
Thus, this is a decent configuration you can follow while coordinating a goodbye party.
11. Hello Colleagues,
Concerning our colleague, Mary, who’s leaving us, I’m yet to get your commitment concerning the goodbye gift. We’re now using up all available time, so sympathetically send in your standard quickly to assist us with giving her an essential goodbye. It’s still $12 per person.
Here is one more straightforward arrangement to follow to help your colleagues remember the commitment they should make.
It’s a courteous approach to telling them that they’re yet to make their commitments while advising them that things are falling into place for them.
12. Hello Teammates,
This is only a sign of our commitment to a goodbye present for one of us, Lucy, who’s leaving us this Friday. We’re yet to meet our objective and your commitment will help us. Benevolently send yours to my office whenever from now. My secretary will be able to get it if I’m not on seat.
Here is another great example email you can follow to help your colleagues remember the cash they should contribute for a colleague’s goodbye gift.
Telling them you’re yet to meet the objective ought to urge them to rapidly make their commitments. Additionally, telling them your secretary will be accessible to get from them is one more method for empowering installment.
13. Hello Coworkers,
How are you getting along today? We’re actually requesting your assistance to get a gift for Landon who’s leaving us for additional examinations in a couple of days. Mercifully answer with any sum you’ve in a hurry. You can make your exchange by means of…
You can utilize this configuration to remind your colleagues when they’re yet to answer their installment. Helping them again to remember who’s leaving and the justification for it can attempt to propel them to do the needful.
Likewise, you can make installment more straightforward for them by requesting that they make an exchange.
14. Hi Colleagues,
How are you getting along today? I want to believe that you received my most memorable email about our dear supervisor leaving us on the move. Generously send in your commitment today, as we just have today to design. It’s still $8 per person.
Let your colleagues know that they just have today to plan to hurry them to get their commitment.
Along these lines, this is another great configuration you can use to get cash from your colleagues who defer in answering. Likewise, helps them to remember the sum they should make.
15. Hello Teammates,
Concerning Lucy who’s leaving us tomorrow, we’re actually gathering $10 to get her a goodbye present. Compassionately answer fittingly. We just have today to design.
This is one more short and considerate method for helping your colleagues remember their commitment to a goodbye gift.
Here, you’re helping them to remember the sum and furthermore telling them you just have today to design.
Final Note
It’s good to get a goodbye gift for your colleague or colleague who’s leaving. What’s more, these example messages I’ve examined above are great ways you can make your solicitation to different colleagues by means of email.
In this way, utilize any of them as it suits you to gather cash for a goodbye gift.