As we start the week, it means a lot to pause for a minute to perceive the significance of Shavua Tov – and to ponder how we can best answer.
This blog entry will investigate the conventional meaning of this Jewish expression, as well as plunge into ways that we can involve it in our lives.

Peruse on to more deeply study how you can appreciate and answer the gift of Shavua Tov!
Shavua Tov is a Jewish expression that generally means ‘great week’ and fills in as a casual hello among Jews and those in the Jewish people group.
You may not be Jewish and that doesn’t prevent you from involving this in your discussions, nonetheless.
At the point when one person says ‘Shavua Tov,’ the suitable reaction is to return the opinion by wishing them a ‘Shavua Tov’ back or utilizing one more articulation of generosity, for example, ‘B’Shalom.’
20 Correct Responses to “Shavua Tov”

1. Shavua Tov
Saying this would mean you are wishing the person exactly the same thing that the person has wished you.
This might be perhaps the most ideal choice, for however long you are OK with saying ‘Shavua Tov’ back as a reaction to ‘Shavua Tov.
The expression ‘Shavua Tov is in many cases utilized as a pleasant reaction to recognize the person who started the discussion.
We might add a slight expression toward the finish of the expression to bring out the warmth and kind disposition. It has forever been utilized to express welcome in friendly circumstances, including meeting somebody or saying goodbye, and frequently starts casual discussions between two persons.
‘Shavua Tov’ conveys regard and great wishes among people and is along these lines a proper reaction for any circumstance where courteousness is wanted.
2. Have a great week too
Shavua Tov implies Have a great week, as referenced prior. It is an approach to wishing a person a magnificent week ahead.
At the point when a person expresses this to you, the person is certainly expecting to have an incredible week as well. Thus, it will be great in the event that you can wish the person in question something similar.
Rather than basically saying Wish you the equivalent, you can say it completely for example Have a great week too.
It is like petitioning God for somebody or having a person appeal to God for you. At the point when a person petitions God for another, the person would likewise be glad to know that another person is recollecting that person in supplications.
3. The same goes for you
This is a basic approach to wishing a person exactly the same thing that you have been wished for. This assertion can mean a few things in various settings.
We can utilize this explanation while conversing with two distinct persons to whom we have comparable messages to pass.
At the point when you offer guidance or an admonition to one of them, you can go to the subsequent one and basically say ‘‘The same goes for you’.
This suggests that similar guidance or cautioning you have given to the main person applies to the subsequent one.
At the point when a person says Shavua tov, this reaction can be utilized to wish that person exactly the same thing about the week.
4. Thank you very much
This is a method for showing appreciation in English. You can say Thank you to nearly anything. The expression could in fact be utilized to answer mockingly to affronts. The expression functions admirably for this situation as well.
At the point when a person has offered something wonderful to you or hoped everything would turn out great for you, you can say Thank you or Thank you very much.
Answering with Thank you kindly show that you care about persons who offer consideration and show that they care about your government assistance.
At the point when a person has wished you an extraordinary week in front of you, you ought to be content with the requests that have been made for your sake.
A far superior option in contrast to this choice is Todah Rabah. It implies exactly the same thing however saying this would evoke an extraordinary response in the event that you are conversing with a Hebrew.
This is on the grounds that Todah Rabah is a Jewish word and the person would see the value in your work in attempting to communicate in their language.
5. In peace
Saying ‘In peace’ would suggest that you trust or appeal to spend the week in peace.
Likewise, one of the most widely recognized reactions to Shavua Tov among the Jews is B’Shalom which means ‘in peace’ or ‘with harmony.’
B’Shalom doesn’t just have the capability of a satisfactory reaction to Shavua Tov. It is likewise an articulation of hello among Jews.
It is regularly utilized for both formal and casual events, for example, while bidding farewell or while hello to somebody.
B’Shalom can likewise be utilized to communicate altruism and to want gifts for someone else or a gathering.
The utilization of the customary articulation communicates appreciation and creates a quiet environment between parties engaged in discussion or collaboration.
This term has been utilized by strict Jews since antiquated times, yet it has extended past strict gatherings throughout the long term.
The expression can be utilized for any season or event, including the beginning of another week, occasions, birthday events, or other exceptional events.
6. Wish you the same

This is one more approach to tossing a commendation or a request back in a well-disposed manner. You would be tolerating the commendation while likewise expressing it to the person who has said it first.
‘Shavua Tov’ is a customary Jewish hello that in a real sense means ‘a decent week’ or ‘has a good week.’
Thus, one of the most proper reactions is ‘Wish you the equivalent’, which demonstrates that you wish them a good week as well.
7. Thanks! Hope yours goes well
This consolidates appreciation and kind words. The expression ‘Hope your week goes well’ is a positive articulation that can be utilized as a consolation or to hope everything works out for somebody.
It conveys the opinion of trusting that the singular will have an effective week, brimming with positive encounters and results.
The thought behind this wishing expression is established in the idea of confidence, underlining that we ought to work every day with a confident standpoint to play out our best and accomplish our objectives.
Hence, this expression exemplifies looking forward with energy toward what could be accomplished during some random week.
8. I appreciate It
This is one more arrangement of words to offer your thanks for the great wish. At the point when a person has wished you an extraordinary week, the reaction of ‘I feel a debt of gratitude’ is a proper method for offering one’s thanks for the opinion, as it suggests affirmation and enthusiasm for the benevolent expressions of another.
9. All the best
This has no specific importance. It tends to be connected to ‘Wish you all the best’ which is utilized to show support for a person.
The expression ‘all the best’ regularly fills in as amazing good fortune or support to somebody who has a tremendous errand or challenge ahead; for this situation, it would communicate your great wishes for progress during the impending week.
It very well might be utilized as a demonstration of help to console and support certainty in the midst of the difficulties that the person might face over time.
The expression can likewise be deciphered as communicating trust that anything potential open doors come their direction, they capitalize on them.
Accordingly, ‘all the best’ advises us that we are in good company and that there are persons around us wanting for our prosperity.
10. I have no choice
This is an interesting choice. You might think about this on the off chance that you are conversing with a companion or a partner.
This infers that you have no other choice than to have an incredible week and you can’t decide to have something besides that.
This assertion would be found entertaining. It shows your brain. The person would presumably have anticipated that you should answer as every other person does (for example saying Thank you or wishing the person a decent week as well).
The person may simply grin and continue to walk or attempt to answer in a similarly clever manner. Anticipate that the person should recommend different choices that discredit your essentially ‘great’ week.
The person in question might even set out a heavenly proposal to destroy your week.
11. I will! You too
‘Shavua Tov metaphorically fills in as a gift that the forthcoming week will bring great news.
Accordingly, saying ‘I will’ suggests that one wishes for something very similar, communicating expectation and generosity for the forthcoming seven days.
This expression is a typical reaction in many societies when somebody gives someone else kind words, as it shows appreciation and affirmation of the feeling.
In addition to the fact that you are tolerating the gift wishing the other person similar great wishes.
12. Likewise
Assuming it sounds odd to say Shavua Tov back to the person yet you need to wish that person the equivalent, this might be the choice you’ve been searching for.
‘Shavua Tov or ‘Have a decent week’ is for the most part used to communicate all the best for one’s impending week.
A reaction of ‘similarly’ shows that the speaker responds to this feeling and wants the other person to have a decent week too.
13. Will do
Short reactions might appear to be pretentious yet that doesn’t make them wrong. This reaction is thoroughly right. By saying this, you are tolerating the request or great wish that has been told you.
In the English language, ‘will do’ is a casual approach to saying that a person will make the mentioned move.
In this specific setting, it communicates affirmation and concurrence with the solicitation and an expectation to go along.
It conveys a feeling of energy which adds an extra degree of good opinion to the trade.
14. Cheers
Cheers has a few implications, contingent upon the setting where the word is utilized. Cheers might be utilized to mean Much appreciated. Meaning Congratulations can be utilized. It might likewise be utilized to mean Farewell.
At the point when you express Cheers as a reaction to Shavua tov, it will probably be taken as Farewell.
If you have any desire to thank the person, you might need to consider another word that doesn’t all the while mean Farewell.
15. I’ll try
This is an amusing approach to tolerating great wishes. You can express this in the wake of saying ‘Thank you’ to the person. Saying I will attempt will seem like you question whether your week will go perfectly.
In any case, you can express this as a joke.
16. See you
Shavua Tov might be a kind of gift yet it is likewise something we may possibly hear when two persons are separating.
Accordingly, other hello articulations for a flight ought to normally fit in as the right reactions to Shavua Tov.
While one person is saying Shavua Tov is a type of Farewell, you can likewise say Consider you to be a type of Farewell.
17. Sure! I will
This ought to sound very energetic of you. By saying this, you are suggesting that you are certain you will have an incredible week. You can likewise wish the person an extraordinary week ahead in the wake of saying this.
18. Catch you later
This is one more method for bidding farewell when a person says ‘Shavua Tov’ to you. This infers that you both will meet again soon however neither of you makes certain of when.
19. Hopefully, I will
This is another very suspicious choice. This might be really the way that you feel. You may likewise decide to express it as a joke.
Saying this infers that you don’t know how your week will go yet you desire to get astonished.
20. Have a wonderful week too
You can answer Shavua Tov with this assertion. At the point when a person wishes you an extraordinary week, you can thank the person and wish that person an incredible week as well.