Has anybody at any point expressed this to you? It seems like it might go limit yet that is very uncommon if you were to ask me. ‘ The phrase “Your wish is my command” frequently implies that one will submit to another. By saying this, you are suggesting that you will do precisely the exact thing a person requests from you.
Different expressions might be utilized rather than this. One of them is Anything for you. This has its slight distinction which will be tended to in the article, alongside 19 different expressions with comparable implications.

21 “Your Wish Is My Command” Similar Phrases
1. No problem
We might be more acquainted with this choice than the lay on the rundown. What do you believe the expression “No problem” implies? The expression can be utilized in more than one way.
A person can say ‘No problems’ to let you know there is no issue that needs dire consideration. ‘ It’s possible that “no problem” means there’s nothing to worry about. It tends to be utilized to say ‘I pardon you’ or ‘Just drop it. These rely upon the setting where a person says ‘No issue’.
‘Don’t sweat it’ can likewise be utilized to oblige to a person’s solicitation. A person can say ‘No problems’ to many you make your solicitation. The person makes it clear that he or she is confident that your request will be granted.
2. Consider it done
We are without a doubt exceptionally acquainted with this expression. There is little room for error when someone says, “Consider it done.” It either has no subsequent significance or I simply haven’t found out about its different implications.
‘Consider it done’ consistently comes as a response to a solicitation and, as it in a real sense proposes, it implies your desire will be conceded. It has fundamentally a similar significance when you say ‘Your wish is my command’.
However, “Your wish is my command” can be utilized in various ways. A person can express this before you even make your solicitation. The previous conversation might be tied in with settling on a choice and this explanation will be an approach to advising the other person to pursue the choice exclusively and you will acknowledge it eagerly.
You can also use “Consider it done” this way, but you have to be careful not to sound ridiculous. For example, You simply express whatever you might be thinking and consider it done.
3. I’m within easy reach
At least once or twice in our lives, we must have heard this clause. It isn’t the ideal swap for the provision it is being contrasted with however it is practically the same in significance and might be utilized in similar circumstances.
At the point when you say a person’s desire is your order, you are letting the person know that you will accept their solicitations as a request and an obligation. You are saying you will be compelled to do it since you are exposing yourself to the person’s position just to satisfy the person.
At the point when you say you are inside a person’s simple reach, you are letting the person know that the person in question can continuously demand your assistance and consideration at whatever point you are required.
At the point when you say this, you are promising to satisfy the person in any way you can when the solicitation is made.
4. Right away
This is one more very unique however very comparable expression to ‘Your wish is my command’. It’s possible that we discussed the usage of the statement.
‘Your wish is my command’ can be utilized in two unique ways. You can express this to cause a person to go ahead and make a solicitation from you. You can likewise express this after a person has made a solicitation to show that you have no complaints and you are prepared to submit to their will.
‘Immediately’ can be utilized similarly as the second significance of ‘Your wish is my command’. You can say this after someone asks you something.
You are suggesting that you will make it happen right away. You are in a roundabout way saying you have no protests and you will do as the person has directed or mentioned.
5. I’m at your service
This condition is one more typical equivalent for ‘Your wish is my command’. At the point when you say you are at a person’s disposal, you are letting the person know that you are there to serve the person in question and you will not be protesting their solicitations from you.
Although people frequently have limits when they say this, it simply means that you are submissive to the person’s will and pleasure.
Although restaurant waitstaff may claim otherwise, their sole purpose is to provide you with whatever you request. On the off chance that they can’t take care of you, then, at that point, they can’t. They additionally will do nothing external to their sets of responsibilities just to satisfy you.
While there might be cutoff points to how this assertion is frequently utilized, it implies more. You can express this without being a server in an eatery.
6. Prontissimo
This may be the main word or expression we are odd to on this rundown except if you are Italian or Spanish. The superlative word for “Pronto,” which means “Ready” or “Quick,” is this. The English word “Pronto” is also frequently used in Italian and Spanish. “Extremely ready” can be translated as “Prontissimo.”
At the point when a person demands your assistance, you can say ‘Prontissimo’ to the person in question. This is one more method for advising the person to express out loud whatever the person needs and you will do it ‘immediately’. You are suggesting that you are ‘exceptionally prepared’ to do as the person longings.
7. Ready to go
The phrase “ready to go” is more familiar to us than the phrase “Prontissimo.” Both expressions can be utilized in the same context.
At the point when a person calls you and is going to make a solicitation from you, expressing ‘All set’ infers you have nothing else to do and you will utilize that opportunity to fulfill the person. To put it another way, if someone asks you something, you will do it without a second thought and make sure to do it right away.
8. As you wish
We are likewise intimately acquainted with this expression and we use it frequently. It implies equivalent to ‘Your wish is my command’ yet it’s rarely utilized similarly. At the point when a person says ‘As you wish’, it suggests that you will have no issues with what the person picks. You will do similarly as the person solicitations of you.
At the point when persons utilize this expression, they are frequently uninterested. They say ‘as you wish’ when the choice the other person makes doesn’t influence them in any unique manner. Be that as it may, you can likewise involve it in a circumstance where you are both impacted.
In a circumstance where both of you intend to pursue a choice that you are both OK with, you can advise the person to settle on a decision that suits the person in question and you will be exposed to their desire with no complaints.
9. If that’s what you want.
This is the sort of thing you say after a person has made a solicitation from you and you won’t protest it for the wellbeing of your own. At the point when persons say this, it frequently implies they have complaints however it isn’t as a rule about themselves.
You might be making a request that isn’t the best choice. Even though you need the other person’s assistance to complete it, you are still free to make your own decision, although the other person may initially attempt to persuade you not to.
At the point when the person says ‘if it is what you want’, the person has given up to your will. Because you stuck to your decision, he or she will comply and no longer have an objection.
10. I’m ready, willing, and able.

Simply stating that you are capable of fulfilling the request, that you will fulfill the request, and that you will do so as soon as possible is all that is meant by this.
This takes it somewhat further than that. ‘ Your wish is my command. You are promising to be up to the challenge here. Notwithstanding, you can decide to say this solely after you have heard what is being mentioned to you.
Aside from promising to have the option to do what you have been asked, you are professing to fulfill the person and professing to be prepared to do as the person says.
11. Ask away
You can express this after a person lets you know the person in question is going to make a solicitation. This isn’t the nearest to ‘Your wish is my command’ yet it is very close and you can in any case involve it in comparable cases.
At the point when you say this, you are advising the person to feel free to make the solicitation from you. You are not promising to have the option to make it happen. You are not straightforwardly saying you will make it happen or that you are prepared.
Notwithstanding, this assertion will in a roundabout way suggest that you will give your opportunity to the person. While you are still extremely allowed to decline the solicitation afterthought, this explanation will induce that you will satisfy the person.
12. I’m at your disposal
This is one more typical proviso that is utilized instead of ‘Your wish is my command’ yet many may not precisely understand what it implies. It is the very same as ‘I’m at your service’.
At the point when you say you are at somebody’s beck and call, it implies you are devoting the ongoing chance to serve the person. At the point when you say you are available to a person, you are advising the person that you will permit yourself to be utilized for the interim. As such, you will do as the person solicitations of you without protesting.
13. I’m yours for the asking.
This is a lot nearer to ‘inside simple reach’ than it is to ‘Your wish is my command’. Nonetheless, it might try and be more serious than basically saying ‘inside simple reach’.
You are implying that you can be called at any time and are willing to submit to the person’s desires whenever you are called by saying this.
The importance isn’t generally fully trusted, taking into account how far the psyche and a person’s solicitations can go. Be that as it may, when you say this, you are promising to do the person’s will without any reason.
14. I’m at your fingertips
This is like ‘Within easy reach’. We can infer that it implies the same thing.
At the point when you say this, you are letting the person know that you are not far. You are suggesting that the person is allowed to require your assistance at whatever point you are required.
15. I’m happy to help
At the point when you say you are eager to assist, you are letting the person know that you will offer your help to fulfill the person…
16. Anything for you
This is many times utilized in heartfelt settings however not consistently. At the point when you say this, you are inferring that you can do anything for the well-being of the person.
17. At your orders
By saying you are at a person’s request, you are letting the person know that the person in question can order you to do their will.
18. On it
Most of the time, this is used in place of “Right away.” You can state this as soon as the person makes a request. By saying this, you are letting the person know that you will be dealing with their solicitation immediately.
19. Say no more
This expression is many times used to imply ‘I understand’. When someone tells you to stop, it indicates that they have comprehended your requests, do not require any further explanation, and will immediately begin working on it.
20. As you please
“As you wish” and “as you please” are the same thing. Saying this implies you will successfully satisfy the person.
21. I will do as you say.
This doesn’t need any more explanation because it sounds like common English. At the point when you say you will do as a person says, it implies you will find no uneasiness in the person’s solicitations and you will make no changes in completing them.