The best responses to give when persons demonstrate consideration and concern are to show our appreciation and express our joy when fitting.
For example, when somebody shows bliss at our return, it’s suitable to answer with a similar energy.
Notwithstanding, when somebody expresses, “glad to have you back,” certain persons might find it hard to in like manner answer.
Generally, persons express this to communicate their satisfaction or as a component of kindness when they’ve been missing for some time and recently returned.
Anyway, what do you say when somebody offers this comment? Let’s get right into it, as I’ll go over the 20 best responses to “glad to have you back” from people.

20 Best Responses to “Glad to Have You Back”
1. Thank You
As I had before laid out, It’s in every case great to show our appreciation when people give a little graciousness or show concern.
Saying “thank you” is the simplest way to respond to “glad to have you back.” In this way, when somebody expresses, “glad to have you back,” either as a politeness or real concern, “Thank you” is extremely suitable.
It’s one of the answers you give when you wish to return a good thought without joining any sentiments to it.
Be that as it may, while answering a friend or family member, it’d be ideal to be more personal by adding charms or giving a few embraces.
2. Thanks a Lot
At the point when you feel profoundly thankful, this response can assist with showing how you feel. ” Thanks a lot” is an incredible method for communicating your thanks when somebody expresses “glad to have you back.”
Maybe the person exceeded everyone’s expectations to invite you, or you can detect their authentic energy at your return; this is a legitimate response to give.
You can always address it to a friend or coworker at work. It’s a decent method for showing them how thankful you are.
3. Thanks. I Appreciate the Warm Welcome
Aside from saying they’re happy at your return, how heartily did they get you? Did they offer an embrace or give a real grin? Did they offer blossoms?
If they invited you heartily, recognize it. A decent response is “Thanks. I appreciate the warm welcome”.
Not only does it express appreciation for their happiness and comment about your return, but it also acknowledges their efforts to welcome you warmly.
4. I’m Grateful for the Reception
This is one more awesome approach to valuing the endeavors of somebody who gets you energetically after your extended stay away.
You should express your gratitude appropriately by saying, “Glad to have you back,” when someone expresses their happiness.
Maybe they set up a little party or coordinated an unexpected gladly received; you shouldn’t just recognize their assertion but in addition the gathering.
5. Thanks for Looking Out for Me
If the person didn’t just say they’re glad you’re back, this response will be needed.
Which job did they play during your nonattendance? Did they connect?
Perhaps they covered your absence from work because you were sick and they kept calling; this answer will offer them the amount you value their grace.
Thus, you ought to give such a response to persons who helped out you during your nonappearance.
6. Thank You for Being There
This is one more superb approach to recognizing great persons in your day-to-day existence.
Assuming it’s the situation that they were with you all through your nonattendance, either through calls, cards, texts, or visits, this response will show your appreciation well.
Whether they’re family or friends and family, or associates at work or a colleague, this answer is especially appropriate.
7. It Feels Amazing To Be Back Here

A decent response that communicates your euphoria at being back is, “It feels amazing to be back here.”
If you feel the same way when someone expresses joy at your return after a long absence, you should respond accordingly.
Also, this assertion shows that you’ve missed being around them and the climate. Likewise, it communicates the adoration you’ve generally felt when you’re with them.
Therefore, this is a good way to express your joy at meeting them again.
8. It’s Good to Be Back
This is one more magnificent response that shows your energy at being back.
You ought to say this when you feel cheerful at seeing the person, or on the other hand if you’ve avoided work for quite a while and couldn’t stand by to return.
What’s more, if it’s a workplace, “it’s good to be back” shows your excitement and preparation to return to work is great.”
Your supervisor or coworkers should be more appreciative of your response to this one.
9. I’m Glad Myself
When someone tells you they’re glad to have you back, this response will demonstrate that you feel the same way.
It shows you value their presence excessively however much they love yours. It’s a decent response when you share a decent connection with the person.
However, you can also respond in this manner when someone says they are glad to have you back.
With your tone, you can communicate your detachment if they’re somebody you couldn’t care less about, or you feel they’re just being courteous.
10. Aww! I Feel Loved
You can be somewhat more sensational with your response. If you have any desire to prod the person, this response will work fittingly.
You can say this and go with it with an embrace, a wide grin, or something emotional; the person ought to presumably get the humor and you both ought to giggle over it.
This response is an extremely decent method for easing pressure or easing up the temperament, particularly if you are old buddies.
In addition, if they did something extra to welcome you, it would be nice of them to do so; presumably set up a party or offer blossoms.
11. This is So Sweet
This is another response that works like the abovementioned. You can express this accordingly when somebody says they’re glad to have you back only for a sensational impact.
It would be ideal if they were a friend of yours or someone you adore. Likewise, let them know how sweet they’re on the off chance that they go with their comment with a sweet gladly received.
12. You’re Lovely
A decent response to a friend or family member who has been with you through terrible times is telling them that they’re exquisite.
At the point when somebody who accomplished something uniquely great for you or upheld you during your nonattendance, says they’re glad to have you back, this is a decent response for them.
Likewise, you can express this to a partner who invites you energetically, either with a blossom, card, or an impromptu get-together. Praising them will cause them to feel cherished as well.
13. I’m Honored
If you feel they overdid it to invite you, you ought to tell them you feel regarded.
Assuming it’s the situation that your partners at work or your gathering of companions accomplished something exceptional you weren’t hoping to invite you, “I’m honored” will communicate how cheerful you feel.
It will demonstrate your appreciation for their warm welcome and surprise at how they received you.
14. It’s Good to See You Too
You should let them know if it’s someone you like to see. It’s in every case great to cause persons to feel esteemed the same way they cause you to feel
Thus, when somebody says they’re glad to have you back, seeing you implies they’re cheerful. Please let them know if you feel the same way.
It very well may be an old buddy or a partner; Say that you’re glad to see them as well, rather than just saying “thank you.”
15. Yep! Feels Good
This is an interjection that communicates how blissful you’re tied in with returning.
Perhaps you’ve been missing for quite a while or you’ve recently missed being near, this response will communicate your state of mind well.
16. Yes! Stronger and Better
This is another satisfactory response that will communicate your cheerful state of mind upon your return.
Additionally, this response will be very appropriate if your absence was caused by illness or a challenge.
Also, here and there we go through specific difficulties and an uplifting outlook might be all we want to scale through. Thus, this response is birthed out of certain energy, which ought to continuously fill us.
Moreover, if it’s in a work setting, this response likewise shows your preparation to get everything rolling, which is the thing everybody would be holding back to see.
17. Thank You. What Did I Miss?
At the point when you’re so anxious to return to what you could have missed during your nonappearance, you can express this accordingly.
“Thank you” will relate your appreciation appropriately and “What did I miss?” will communicate your energy to begin something.
Furthermore, you can give this response when you’re not especially inspired by the person commenting.
You probably think they aren’t real; this response will function admirably. You can say it and afterward, get going with something to show your apathy.
18. Don’t Feel the Same
You don’t need to feel happy because somebody is. You can say that you’re not happy to be back for a variety of reasons in your response.
Also, if you don’t like the person you’re talking to, don’t try to hide it; instead, let them know in your response.
Nonetheless, you shouldn’t show this ill will assuming there are others around, Along these lines, you ought to be conciliatory while utilizing this response.
Likewise, this is a decent response when you want to share your weight. If you don’t have a blissful outlook on returning, saying this will cause the person to get clarification on some pressing issues.
19. I Hope I Feel It Too
This is one more method for answering when you’re not especially happy about your return. Yet, what is different about this response is that you can utilize it to show your preparation to attempt.
Assuming you’re confronting the difficulties that have fended you off for quite a while, this response will communicate how you feel.
Additionally, you can state this when you are willing to discuss any difficulties you may be experiencing.
20. Thanks. I Hope for the Best
This is another great response that will show your uncertainty about how you feel.
Perhaps you believe you’re not prepared to return, yet you have to, this response will let the person know how you feel.
It’s also a good way to show your gratitude for their concern and keep going when things get tough.
Final Words
At the point when somebody lets you know they’re delighted to have you back, it shows they’re glad to have you around. Notwithstanding, it very well may be a civility comment by a partner or colleague.
In this way, your response will rely upon assuming that you feel they’re really blissful or simply being pleasant. For the most part, it is proper to show appreciation; whether they are content or being polite.
Be that as it may, you ought to recognize the people who upheld you or invited you uncommonly.
Likewise, on the off chance that you don’t feel significantly better about returning, you can say it, and assuming you feel perfect at seeing them as well, you can answer with how you feel.