It is frequently utilized toward the week’s end or the end of work. This article will recognize the best answers you can provide for this expression, to assist you with understanding how you can utilize it appropriately.
Have you been looking for multiple ways of answering “Have a nice weekend”? This expression is utilized to wish that you partake in your end of the week in the most effective way conceivable.
The phrases “You too,” “Same to you,” and “Thank you so much” are among the best responses you can give to the question “Have a nice weekend.” These answers are straightforward and amenable and can be utilized both officially and casually. There are other decent responses too which would be given in this article.

30 Best Replies To “Happy Weekend”
1. You Too!
This is a straightforward and exemplary answer. This answer turns out impeccably for any sort of circumstance. It can either be utilized in a formal or casual circumstance.
It is a pleasant approach to returning the opinion or turning the feeling around on a person. It additionally shows that you care for them similarly as they care for you. It sounds affable and grateful.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “You too. Enjoy yourself”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “You too. Have a great time.”
2. Same To You
This answer shows that you wish the person a happy weekend as well. It is an approach to returning the feeling. It implies that you wish the person well similarly as they have hoped everything would turn out great for you. It’s one more approach to telling them “Have a nice weekend too”.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Same to you. I can hardly stand by.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Same to you. Fare thee well.”
3. Thanks
This reply is brief and straightforward. It is an approach to valuing everything has been said to you in the easiest manner conceivable. It is a pleasant response that you can utilize when you would rather not take the discussion any further.
You simply need to be pretty much as straightforward and immediate as could really be expected. It is an approach to answering normally to somebody without stressing over saying much else.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thanks. That’s very kind of you.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thanks. I will”
4. Thank You So Much
Here, you’re additionally valuing what has been told you. It is an extremely basic response and in some cases, straightforward responses are typically powerful. It is an approach to turning the feeling and too valuing the first speaker.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thank you so much. I love you so much.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thank you so much.That’s what i’ll do.”
5. Thanks! I will
This answer shows that you’re valuing the person and simultaneously guaranteeing the person that you would have a nice weekend. This response can be used on a Friday before the weekend, but it works best when you haven’t had very good weekends, as you will this time.
The statement that you would have a wonderful time is reassuring. This answer can likewise be utilized when you would rather not take the discussion any further or you have nothing else to converse with the person about.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thanks! I will. You as well”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thanks!I will. Live it up too.”
6. I Already Did
This answer shows that you’re attempting to let the person know that your weekend is nice already. It may be the case that you’ve begun your weekend or an occasion that occurred makes it currently decent for you. It is an incredible response assuming that you’ve had an extraordinary weekend, it very well may be an occasion that made your weekend nice even before it finished.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I already did, a gander at this.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I already did, My mum came in the previous evening.”
7. That’s Nice Of You To Say
This shows that you recognize what the person told you as a pleasant explanation. Presumably, you were not anticipating something as pleasant as him/her wishing you a nice weekend, yet the person did.
You can utilize this assertion if you’re shocked or shocked by what has been said (Have a nice weekend). This answer is a pleasant approach to showing your shock.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “That’s nice of you to say. I truly feel a debt of gratitude.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “That’s nice of you to say. Didn’t see that coming.”
8. I Wish You A Nice Weekend Too
Here, you’re essentially wishing the person back what he/she wanted for you. It shows that you have a comparable expectation towards the person.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I wish you a nice weekend too. Thanks.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I wish you a nice weekend too. Try not to be late on Monday.”
9. Thank You
You are only expressing appreciation here, not wishing the person a happy return. It can likewise be utilized when you would rather not proceed with the discussion. It is one more straightforward approach to answering “have a nice weekend” without broadening the discussion.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thank you. I most certainly will.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Thank you. Remember to do that as well”
10. I Appreciate You Saying That
This answer shows that you like the remark. You’re also saying “thank you” in a different way when you use this response. It demonstrates your appreciation for their well wishes. An immediate approach to telling somebody you’re happy such kind words is coming from them.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I appreciate you saying that. Thank a great deal.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I appreciate you saying that. You are truly great.”
11. Yeah! Thanks
This response is likewise pretty much as basic as could be expected. You can also use it if you want to end the conversation. Since you’re also thanking someone for wishing you well, it sounds very polite.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Yeah! Thanks. Deal with yourself.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Yeah! Thanks. Remember to have some good times as well.”
12. Thanks But Work Never Stops Here

This answer shows that you value what the person has said however a nice weekend won’t be imaginable. It’s one more approach to let somebody know that your timetable is tight and that you’re generally occupied. Additionally, it suggests that you are a workaholic and are not at all less busy.
Then again, this response can be a clever one that can be comical. It can sound a piece interesting, contingent upon who it is being said to. This answer can likewise be utilized when you have something else to say, presumably you might want to discuss work or make sense of the justification for why work won’t ever stop.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I truly wish I can. Much obliged however work won’t ever stop here.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Much appreciated however work won’t ever stop here. So no pleasant end of the week till my timetable is cleared.”
13. Great! Thanks
You can utilize “Great! Thanks” to answer to a person who desires you a nice weekend. It is the best answer when you have nothing else to say.
You can likewise utilize it when you would rather not happen with the discussion or you’re not keen on having a discussion right now. It’s a straightforward response that also sounds very polite. This is on the grounds that you’re valuing the person’s benevolent words, however in a short and basic way.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Great! Thanks. Ensure that you do the same.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Great! Thanks. See you one week from now.”
14. Oh! That’s Kind Of You
Here, you are recognizing the caring words to you. It could also convey your surprise at the person’s request. Most likely you were not anticipating such kind words from them.
This expression can be used to describe someone who isn’t as close to you or who hasn’t been very nice to you but decides for some reason to wish you a happy weekend.
This can be a truly astounding second for anybody and all together not to sound impolite, you can utilize this expression to sound as considerate as could be expected.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Oh! That’s kind of you. I will.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Oh! That’s kind of you. I didn’t realize you were so agreeable.”
15. A Nice Weekend To You Too My Friend
This kind of response is frequently given to friends. It shows that you consider the person to be your companion.
It is likewise an approach to recognizing the thoughtful expressions of somebody and to returning the opinion. It works best for showing friends, acquaintances, and even coworkers that you share your feelings for them.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “A nice weekend to you too my friend, have a good time.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “A nice weekend to you too my friend, we should party.”
16. Have a nice weekend as well
This is one more magnificent approach to answering somebody and to returning the opinion of “Have a nice weekend”. It is a decent approach to valuing somebody without saying “bless your heart” straightforwardly.
You can utilize this expression to answer somebody in the wake of being told to have a nice weekend. It very well may be utilized both for formal and casual circumstances.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “You as well. Have a nice weekend as well”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Goodness! I will. Have a nice weekend as well”
17. I Wish You A Great Weekend Too
This shows that you acknowledge the caring wishes of a person. It likewise shows that you believe they should live it up during the weekend. This answer works best in a workplace, it just demonstrates the way that you can partake in some quality time away from work.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I wish you a great weekend too. Be sure to get some sleep.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “You’ve buckled down today, “I wish you a great weekend too.
18. And You Too. Thanks
This answer is a basic and enjoyable method for answering to somebody while that is no joke “Have a nice weekend”.
It implies you believe they should encounter comparative happiness and have some good times as you. It is a straightforward response and a decent approach to tolerating somebody’s kind words. You can likewise utilize this expression either officially or casually as you wish.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “And you too. Thanks, darling”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “And you too. Thanks, everyone.”
19. Thanks A Lot
Saying “Thanks a lot” is one more basic approach to tolerating somebody’s caring words. You can also use it whenever you want to express gratitude to someone for something they did or said, such as “Have a nice weekend,” to them. At the point when “a lot” is utilized later “Thanks” it shows that it is what is happening.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Better believe it. Thanks a lot.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “This implies such a great amount to me. Thanks a lot.”
20. Have A Pleasant Weekend Too
Here, you’re returning the opinion to the first speaker when you answer along these lines, it shows that you believe they should partake in the weekend in the absolute most lovely manner. This answer is best utilized in a proper circumstance. You can express it to your chief or your partner when you’re going to end work on a Friday.
- “Have a nice weekend.”
- “Oh! Thank you. Have a pleasant weekend too.”
- “Have a nice weekend.”
- “I will. Have a pleasant weekend too.”
21. I Will Do That
This response conveys a great deal of self-assurance and reassurance. It shows that regardless, you will make some decent memories.
It lets a person know that there’s no question that you wouldn’t partake in your weekend. It’s a sort of commitment or an assurance that you would partake in your weekend.
- “Have a nice weekend.”
- “Sure. I will do that”
- “Have a nice weekend.”
- “Since it’s coming from you, I will do that”
22. I’ll Try
When you say, “I’ll try,” you mean that you’ll try to do something. It may be the case that something could prevent you from living it up yet you’ll attempt to defeat it.
It shows that you will endeavor to make some pleasant memories come what may. However, it’s anything but a sure response it shows that you’d try and do all that can be expected.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “My timetable is tight yet I’ll try.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- I’ll try.” simply that I have a great deal to do.”
23. I Wish I Can
At the point when you utilize this answer, you’re essentially expressing that there is a high opportunity of you not having a good time this weekend.
It likewise shows that you need to or you couldn’t want anything more than to have a nice weekend however because of work or an extremely bustling timetable, it probably won’t be imaginable.
This response demonstrates your disappointment in what you are unable to achieve or obtain due to one or more obstacles.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “My dear, I wish I could.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Have a decent end of the week? wish I could.”
24. The Weekend Feels Nice Already
This response is utilized to let somebody know that your weekend has begun well. Here, you’re not appreciating or returning the opinion, you’re just recognizing the way that your weekend would be pleasant as it has begun being decent from that second.
Additionally, this response performs best on Friday, particularly in the evening. It may be the case that you got a call that Friday or an occasion occurred that causes you to feel truly energized for the weekend and good that being good is going.
It’s an extraordinary method for telling your companion or pal that you will make some decent memories this weekend. Look at the delineation underneath.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “My dear, the weekend feels nice already.”
25. It Wouldn’t Be Nice Without You
This expression would generally be utilized while you’re feeling the loss of a person, particularly somebody truly near you.
It’s an approach to let a person know that the weekend has forever been decent when the person was near however now that they’re gone the weekend can as of now not be great.
It tends to be utilized for a dearest companion, a mate, a kin, or a collaborator you’re exceptionally near. This answer is an approach to letting a person know that your weekend wouldn’t go excessively well and can’t be fun since they’re not with you.
It ought to just be utilized casually as infers that the person you’re alluding to is somebody you truly like and thus, it wouldn’t suit a conventional setting.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “I can’t. It wouldn’t be nice without you.”
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “It wouldn’t be nice without you. Please stay”
26. Sure, I Will
Your response demonstrates that you are looking forward to a wonderful weekend. It guarantees somebody that you will have a nice weekend. It additionally shows that you have plans of your own for the weekend and in addition to that, you can do them and partake in your weekend as you ought to.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Sure, I will. Thanks”
27. Of Course, I Will
The previous response is also a lot like this one. You can utilize both of them to guarantee a companion that you’ll make some pleasant memories this weekend.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Of course, I will. Thank”
28. Isn’t It Nice Already?
This answer seems like an inquiry. It shows that you’re expressing the conspicuous which is the weekend is great. It’s likewise an approach to letting them know that your weekend is now.
It is best utilized in a casual circumstance while you’re attempting to make somebody see the way that you’re living it up even before they ask you to. This response demonstrates that you have begun your weekend successfully.
- “Have a nice weekend”
- “Of course. Isn’t it nice already?”
29. I Wish You Well
This answer is likewise a casual approach to valuing somebody’s caring words to you. It shows that you believe the person should encounter the very nice weekend and fun that you’re additionally going to encounter.
It is likewise an approach to returning the feeling to show that you believe the person should have a nice weekend as well.
30. Cheers!
Saying “Cheers!” is one more casual approach to showing that you truly value a person’s benevolent words. You can involve it for persons you’re truly almost as it is best for casual environments, so you ought to try not to involve it in that frame of mind of formal circumstance.
In the interim, you can involve it for your companions, buddies, and amigos. It’s also a way to show your friends that you’re just as excited about the weekend as they are.
- “Have a nice weekend.”
- “Cheers. Enjoy the weekend.”
Wrapping Up
“Have a nice weekend” is only an approach to advising a person to have some good times during the weekend and there isn’t anything as decent as giving a cool response back.
You will find the best answers that you can give at whatever point this expression comes up. This article has inspected various answers that you can utilize both officially and casually, close by delineations for a superior getting it.