We have every single heard praise and we know how we answer it. There are also flattering statements that ought to be made, but we respond differently for reasons that are certainly understandable.
Complimenting a person’s characteristics and expressing your feelings about them are two very different things.
Our responses to sentimental statements are influenced by how we feel about the speaker.
There are a few potential responses you can give when a person says ‘You are my everything’. An ordinary response to “You are my everything” is “Hahaha, this is entertaining”, which is more similar to recommend that you don’t trust the assertion.
The following is a list of 25 different responses from various minds to the question, “You are my everything.”

25 Best Responses to You Are My Everything
1. Aww. Thanks.
One method for answering when somebody says ‘You are my everything’ is ‘Aww. Thanks. The explanation it’s simpler to answer a commendation than a charming assertion like ‘You are my everything’ is that charming assertions have to do with the two persons in the discussion.
At the point when you are answering this, you need to consider who is expressing it to you and if you truly accept what the person is talking about.
You must also decide whether you want to be everything to them. Whoever is expressing this to you is requesting more than kinship. It might potentially come from a parent, notwithstanding.
This response suggests that you agree with the statement, but it may hurt the speaker’s feelings that you aren’t responding with a more sympathetic response.
2. That means so much to me
This response concurs with the explanation that has been made to you. You are not guaranteeing that you are genuinely some person’s beginning and end. Rather, you are trusting it and responding.
You ought to possibly say this if it is coming from a parent or a person you are sincerely keen on.
Saying ‘You are my everything’ is like saying ‘I need to use whatever might remain of my existence with you’.
While you can without much of a stretch transform ‘I love you’ into a joke, there are sure charm terms that straightforwardly allude to a close connection. You ought to make a choice and make it understood.
3. Am I? Really?
Whatever the reasons, this response disagrees with the statement. Be that as it may, it additionally doesn’t offer the expression that appears to be an inconceivability.
Asking ‘Am I?’ also ‘Really?’ is a sign that you don’t believe what someone says about you.
You could express this to your darling as a joke. You may likewise say it assuming you think the person has others in the relationship. This merely suggests doubt so that you can express it for whatever reason you want.
Additionally, it may not be your sweetheart talking. It very well may be somebody you are not keen on. You would rather not make them extremely upset with a sudden response. You likewise don’t have any desire to support that thought in their brain.
4. How many people do you say that to?
You can likewise express this to show your uncertainty about what the person has said. Nonetheless, this is somewhat not quite the same as the choice referenced before.
While the other one communicates a question and can undoubtedly imply ‘No’, this communicates a question yet suggests ‘Desire’.
It seems as if you are just showing questions since you think the speaker is unbridled and doesn’t intend what the person has shared with you.
This could be a response you give to your lover, who might try to persuade you that you are the only one.
Nonetheless, expressing this to somebody you are not inspired by may appear to be a consolation. The person will likewise continue to attempt to persuade you. Clarify that you would require or prefer not to be persuaded.
5. Only me? Flattering
This is another that communicates a question, very much like the one expressed before. You can likewise involve this as a joke while conversing with your darling.
The person in question most likely maintains that you should offer something charming back and this explanation isn’t it. Your sweetheart will attempt to persuade you that the assertion was not a joke. You ought to just involve this as a bother for a brief time.
On the off chance that you are conversing with somebody you are not inspired by, don’t simply say this and end the discussion except if you previously dismissed a relationship with the person.
You ought to likewise add that a connection between the both of you can’t occur.
6. Ha-ha. Funny you
Very much like the response recommended before, this communicates questions and can be utilized to address your sweetheart who you think might be undermining you.
While this might be utilized as a joke, it will sound wry and may appear as though you are stung.
Utilize this while conversing with somebody you are not intrigued by. This will show that you question the assertion or you don’t share the opinion.
Just to get your point across, you can verbally express that you are not keen on a relationship with the person.
7. Do you mean that?
This is a frequently redundant confirmation question. Assuming the speaker was lying, posing this inquiry may not get that person to say reality.
Notwithstanding, you might have the option to let when a person implies to know the person saying.
This response doesn’t show that you accept what the person has said yet it shows that you will trust it.
You are just being hesitant about the apprehension of getting misled and shattered. Say this just to somebody you are keen on.
If you are not keen on the person talking, simply make that reasonable as opposed to giving the person in question misleading expectations.
8. I don’t believe you
This is an immediate method for communicating questions yet it doesn’t drive the thought away. You can express this to your sweetheart assuming you suspect that the person might be undermining you.
This response doesn’t communicate outrage so it may not mean you make certain of your position. In the wake of saying this, your darling will attempt to show off his abilities or herself to you.
If you say this to anyone else, you must be interested in them. If you are not keen on the person you are expressing this to, you are just uplifting the person to attempt to persuade you. Rather, make your disinterest clear to that person.
Express this to somebody you are keen on to make sure you rest assured on the off chance that the person is really intrigued by you or simply playing a joke with you.
9. We just met. Ha-ha.
Great. You can likewise communicate the purposes behind your uncertainty. How simple or quick can experiencing passionate feelings be? Does it work out so rapidly?
Whoever lets you know that you are their beginning and end, the person is attempting to communicate love to you. In any case, it might just be fascination and you need to take it gradually so it doesn’t end rapidly.
You might be similarly inspired by the person when you say this. This response doesn’t dismiss the person, and neither does it reject the thought.
On the other hand, you are providing evidence that would cast doubt on that assertion. You can show your advantage in the person and give time for genuine love to develop.
10. Are you playing with me?
Expressing this to your darling means you don’t know the amount the person in question values you any longer. The person might have been giving indications that make you suspect cheating or aversion towards you.
At the point when you say this, you can say why you assume you are being played by the person in question.
You could also say this to a friend with whom you don’t want a relationship. Make it clear that you don’t want to have a more intimate relationship with them.
11. Try again
This is an approach to saying the technique for charming isn’t working for you. It is something young ladies can tell somebody who is simply attempting to begin a relationship.
You ought to possibly say this if you are not keen on the person conversing with you.
It is feasible to just spend time with a person to simply have a great time while he is creating affection for you.
At the point when you say this, you are not straightforwardly expressing that it can’t end up working. If you figure it won’t end up working, you can say that straightforwardly. This response may simply make him continue to attempt to prevail upon you.
12. Can you not say that?
This is the kind of thing you can say when you are harmed. You can express this to your sweetheart who isn’t dealing with you like a darling any longer.
On occasion, connections can feel like a game being played with the psyche. At the point when there are clear signs that highlight the inverse, your accomplice’s words may just continue to make you extremely upset since they sound like untruths.
You can likewise express this to somebody you are keen on yet can’t be with. Each notice of adoration between both of you will keep you from disposing of remaining together.
13. What an honor! What are you then?

You can tell someone interested in you this. This response doesn’t show your advantage in the person talking yet it likewise doesn’t preclude preferring the person.
You can give this response to the person talking and express your abhorrence towards the thought later.
You could also say this and then say that you are interested. You may likewise express this while allowing yourself an opportunity to go gaga for the person in question.
14. You don’t even know me
Yes. You know who you can express this to. Does it sound odd that an outsider can say ‘You are my everything’ to you?
There’s nothing that outsiders can’t say. On occasion, it very well may be a joke. In some cases, it could simply be a strategy for charming you.
You can bring up the way that neither of you realizes the other, and then you can hear what the person in question needs to say straightaway. On the off chance that you are keen on the person, simply cooperate till you realize whether it is a joke or you are being charmed.
15. Do you even believe what you say?
Tell your lover, who you suspect is having an affair with someone else, this. It might likewise not be an issue.
The person may simply not deal with you like a sweetheart. When you say this, highlight the evidence that contradicts their claims.
16. What else could I be?
Here is a method for answering with a joke. You are embracing your lover’s statement with this response.
You are straightforwardly asserting that you are their beginning and end. What else might you at any point be if not ‘My everything’?
Try not to express this to a companion you are not keen on except if you are allowed the opportunity of getting intrigued later.
While this assertion won’t be interpreted as meaning equivalent interest, it shows you are not unwilling to the thought.
17. LOL. You probably say that to everyone.
This shows that you don’t accept what the person has said. Say this assuming your sweetheart is unbridled. You are directly claiming that he or she has relationships with other people.
You can likewise express this to a companion of yours who shows interest in you yet in addition has different young ladies. With this, you have serious areas of strength for showing and it might require a significant period to persuade you in any case
18. Swe^r on your pee thing
Here is a joke you can tell your darling when the person says ‘You are my everything’. You are telling your darling to swear on their genit^ls to show that you don’t trust the assertion.
You can likewise express this to the person charming you. You shouldn’t make a joke if you could do without the person conversing with you.
This joke will show that you don’t feel something very similar however it might seem like you are allowing an opportunity to the thought.
19. Of course, I am
Embrace your darling’s assertion with this. You can fold your arms over that person and give a sweet embrace.
While allowing your eyes and body language to speak for you, this could also be a sarcastic response to someone you don’t care about.
20. You expect me to believe that?
Express this to your sweetheart when the person doesn’t show love to you any longer. This assertion might imply that the person is arriving at the place of understanding and you just may get a conciliatory sentiment for all that you have persevered.
You can likewise express this to an unbridled person who has all the earmarks of being keen on you.
21. Pretty sure you have others in line
On the off chance that a person calls you their beginning and end, you might have the option to make when it’s a wisecrack and when it’s not. You may likewise have the option to tell when you are being deceived.
On the off chance that the person in question is unbridled, you can answer with this. This doesn’t mean you will be allowing the person an opportunity or not. However, because it does not say “No” to the idea, the person will attempt to persuade you.
22. Tell me more
Here is one more approach to saying ‘I realize you are lying’. You will express this like you are being recounted to a story that you appreciate.
You can straightforwardly say ‘No’ on the off chance that you don’t figure a relationship will work out.
23. Obviously, I am
This is one more approach to embracing the possibility of you being their beginning and end. Be that as it may, this is a joke.
This is not how the expression is received. Express this to your darling and give the person in question an embrace.
24. Do I know you?
As referenced before, the assertion can emerge out of an outsider. No more interesting beginnings a discussion with just ‘You are my beginning and end’ so you can perceive that the person in question is simply kidding or attempting to trick you.
You can decide to cooperate or end the joke there.
25. You can no longer reply to this conversation
Text this back assuming that you are talking via web-based entertainment. You can message this to your darling as a joke and chuckle about it later. You can likewise message this to somebody you are not keen on and decline to answer later instant messages.
This is like the message the person ought to get when you block that person on a few web-based entertainment stages.
This doesn’t mean anybody will accept they have been obstructed. The distinction will be clear.