Okay! you’re messaging or visiting with a companion or that young lady or fellow you truly like and only minutes into the text, you get an “I don’t know” text and you don’t have the foggiest idea what to do.
There are numerous many justifications for why people would answer with “I don’t know” during a discussion, one may be that they fear the outcomes of reality.
It is possible that they would rather not recognize what is truly happening, and the change they need to go through assuming they acknowledge the truth.
Perhaps, they fear what their basic companions could tell them. They probably shouldn’t frustrate you – not prepared to make that stride.

It could likewise be that they are excessively consistent and sane and may think their response is ludicrous, silly, or juvenile, such as imagining that the young lady won’t really care for them any longer assuming that they said their brain.
In any case, the second we don’t recognize what we’re really thinking, we are dismissing a reality about ourselves. That makes us more centered around who we ought to be than who we truly are as a general rule.
Also, when you do this, you in a real sense block yourself from pushing ahead, on the grounds that what you’re talking about is – I’m embarrassed/humiliated/scared of that piece of me.
What IDK Means
Idk basically signifies “I don’t know.” Idk is generally regularly utilized during virtual entertainment interchanges.
There are no set rules for the utilization of IDK. It is possible that you’re anxious, silenced, or having a “cerebrum fart,” it means quite a bit to know what to say at such times.
Assuming you’re in a heartfelt connection with somebody, knowing how to impart in a relationship is one of the key abilities that will permit you to move past the special night stage and feel sure about turning out to be completely bound — or perhaps foster a more serious, dependable association.
Yet, while you’re giving your beginning and end while conveying and the other person isn’t showing a lot of interest, that is sufficient to deter you and question what the person feels for you.
Beginning discussions in the wake of getting an “I don’t know” text can be quite troublesome yet there are ways of taking care of the issue. The following are the 25 best reactions to idk text
The Best 25 Responses to IDK Text

1. “Chill!”
Above all else, you need to comprehend that such reactions are normal. The person you are talking with might have had a terrible day at work or isn’t in that frame of mind for discussions particularly assuming it’s a woman you’re having a discussion with. So unwind and act naturally.
A discussion is tied in with invigorating feelings and getting to know one another better. An “I don’t know text” could truly be deterring yet hello! try not to lose trust at this time. You got this!
2. “I love your hair”
On the off chance that it’s a woman, track down something about her to commend. It very well may be her profile picture, her Bio-data, or her announcement.
For example, if she has another haircut, you could say “I truly love your hair”. Praises will assist with getting the person in question energized and more keen on speaking with you.
On the off chance that it’s a person, you could commend his shirt or his grin. You can likewise say “I have such a lot of affection dim, tall folks. Your profile picture is lit!”. Or on the other hand, you could say “You’re a decent audience” or “You’re my number one person to converse with”.
Explanations like this will make them say a thank you or send a blush emoticon. It’s a sign you’re keen on the person you are visiting with.
In any case, ensure you’re not commending that person constantly. This can turn out to be truly exhausting and can make the relationship turn cold.
3. “I should tease you, then”
One more approach to answering an idk text is prodding the person you’re visiting with.
You could say these words back, “You’re so strong, I thought you were Dwayne Johnson”, which is assuming a person is a person. In the event that you’re a person talking with a woman, you could say “Your hair is on fire!!!”.
Yet, try not to overproduce the person so you don’t wind up deriding or offending her during the time spent bantering with her.
For example, if she cherishes felines, you can refer to her as “Feline girl”, “Cat lady” or “Katie”. Simply be mindful so as not to irritate the person you’re visiting with.
4. “You’re so amazing”
You can utilize this assertion assuming that you expect to make the person blush. This implies that you’re more worried about the person you are visiting with and not simply yourself.
One of the approaches to reinforcing a relationship is benevolence and remarks, for example, this shows that you are thinking about the person. Try not to over-make it happen.
5. “You’re one funny guy”
You can utilize this assertion in the event that you mean to make the person chuckle. This brings what we call a lighthearted element. It’ll assist with facilitating your nerves as well as that of the person you’re talking with.
There’s a high inclination for the discussion to happen for quite a while subsequent to giving such a remark. You could consider the person an “idk girl” or “idk boy”. It will draw in a response from them.
6. “Like don’t know, don’t know?”
This is one more approach to delivering ease in your discussion. It’ll undoubtedly make the person snicker. There’s power in giggling. The following point will make sense of that.
“Don’t know, don’t know” is an approach to affirming on the off chance that the person doesn’t actually have the foggiest idea or on the other hand to talk. Regardless of whether it’s intended to be interesting, it additionally appears to be legit.
7. “This is funny, right?”
As indicated by research, giggling serious area of strength, and you certainly believe the person should chuckle while being free with you to talk.
You can share an extremely entertaining video of you stumbling over a banana strip, Confusing a piece of cake with red meat, or doing an insidious chuckle like a bad guy. So if you have any desire to push that discussion along, then make them giggle
8. “Can we hang out sometime?”
In the event that you’re keen on the person. This will be a great opportunity to request a date. It very well may be the person, A woman I mean, was enthusiastically hanging tight for you to ask her out and not simply text her like clockwork.
In the event that you’re a person, you can ask her out for lunch or to see a film or walk together after school. Perhaps, she would know the solution to give you subsequent to doing any of these.
9. “What’s your hobby?”
Once more, this moves the concentration from you to the person. Women particularly, love consideration. Getting some information about their lives shows they make a difference to you and you’re keen on them.
This additionally shows that past anything you asked the person, you are keen on different things you want to be aware of the person.
10. “Who’s your celebrity crush?”

This could assist with knowing a couple of things about persons the person you are visiting with respect and might in fact assist you with beginning discussions later on.
In the event that you have an interest in the person, it’s anything but a poorly conceived notion of knowing who they respect via web-based entertainment. In the wake of getting this data, you could go back to the past inquiry you posed.
11. “Who’s your favorite artist?”
Same as the past point. It’ll assist you with finding out about what the person loves and loathes. You could likewise get some information about their #1 toy, their number one film, their #1 game, their #1 creature, or even their #1 food.
Get that person to talk by getting some information about what requests to them. The unexpected difference in the train of discussion will let the person know that you’re not especially keen on the past discussion.
12. “I’m looking for a book on Anthropology. Any ideas?”
This will be perfect in the event that the person you’re visiting with is to some degree a”nerd” meaning somebody who loves understanding books. This could be a decent method of killing the weariness as well as learning new things.
It doesn’t need to be a book that concerns human sciences. It very well may be a certain something: writing, science, or history. You could likewise request his or her help in searching for which library to go to for personal or gathering study.
13. “Smiles ”
This will show the person you’re visiting with that her abnormal reaction is absolutely OK by you and it’ll make the person in question probably open up more to you.
Clearly, you can involve this reaction in a composed discussion, particularly while you’re visiting. It shows that you’re not irritated by the person’s reaction.
This could help when you need to prod or make somebody snicker. Furthermore, please, do not over-make it happen. It can become overpowering for the beneficiary of the message.
14. “By the way…”
You additionally fill in the clear with these digression phrases. The motivation behind these expressions is to handily present another line of discussion. A portion of these expressions incorporate :
- “By the way…”
- “Gracious, I have been significant to specify… “
- “This is so arbitrary, yet today I was simply pondering… “. Also, you can continue forever to dismiss the past discussion.
- At the point when the person is more loose, you can bring back the past inquiry or you can choose to pose to the person one more day. This will help a ton in getting you what you need.
15. “Are you okay?”
You could pose inquiries like “Are you OK?”, ” Hello, would you say you are OK? It’s been a moment.” on the other hand you could inquire “How’s the week been for you?” That’s what by saying, the person will be calm and the person could let you know something.
In some cases, what people need is only a tad of sympathy and mind to have the option to relax and help others. Do this assuming that you’re attempting to get data concerning your examination.
16. “I prefer not to talk now”
Essentially use quietness. This might sound discourteous however it’s a decent approach to seeing whether the person is as yet keen on having a discussion with you. It may be the case that the person became restricted by something like a task or crisis.
Try not to be apprehensive. Be still and hang tight for their reaction. Also, on the off chance that it requires hours or days, no issue. Recall the objective of the discussion is to fortify your relationship. Thus, no rush! No tension!
17. “I feel that too, sometimes.”
This likewise shows that you’re patient and obliging and you’re decided to the person. Everybody will concur that there are certain minutes where they don’t have the foggiest idea what to say.
Here and there, you don’t think you understand what to do in certain circumstances and it’s completely considered common. In this way, to not cause that person to feel awful, let him or them know that the inclination is shared.
18. “What if you secretly knew the answer?”
This assertion would almost certainly set off giggling from the beneficiary of the message. Furthermore, once more, it’ll acquire facilitate your discussion. Secret, being that the person in question isn’t permitted to share.
Thus, it’s conceivable that the person knows what to say yet can’t say it since it’s confidential. On the off chance that what you’re asking is really confidential, you should likely not test further.
19. “So, what’s underneath the ‘I don’t know? What are you avoiding?”
This sounds a piece severe. This will be more reasonable assuming you have a committed relationship with that person. Doubtlessly, you would have zero desire to utilize this with somebody you’re attempting to ask out.
On the off chance that you are having a showdown with your accomplice and the person is saying “I don’t have the foggiest idea” to an inquiry you posed, you ought to likely express this accordingly.
I’m sure that the person will ultimately open up and let you know what’s happening. Nobody needs to be viewed as a quitter.
20. “What is it like for you to not know?”
This question sounds pretty odd. It’s fitting to not utilize this while you’re visiting with the person interestingly. It additionally shows that you’re worried about the person.
This likewise suggests that you are basic in your reasoning and that you are curious about the idea of things. On second thought, how is it not to know a thing?
21. “Approximately, what’s your answer?”
You can utilize this if the inquiry you’re posing is truly difficult or formal like the numerical recipe or condition. This is an approach to advising the person to make the clarification brief.
This can remove the weight of the person expressing out loud whatever precisely is in their brain. Advise the person to make it short and direct. That will go far in assisting the person with opening dependent upon you.
22. “Do you know what’s trending?”
One more approach to resuscitating your discussion is to share an in-vogue story. You can discuss things like the most recent Grammy grants or a VIP having a tattoo.
You’ll get her perspectives on the issue as well and you’ll inspire her to talk. This is on the grounds that we people are social creatures and finding a subject that you can draw in the person in question with will be perfect.
23. “A poem for you?”
In the event that you’re a person visiting with a woman who answers with an idk text, an effective method for changing flow is to compose a sonnet.
A decent sonnet can have more significance to numerous ladies, and when they go gaga for the sonnet you send, you will have a spot in their hearts.
24. “OK. It’s cool”
This would imply that you’re not in that frame of mind to get an answer from the person and that the issue can sit tight for one more day. It additionally shows persistence and obviously, development.
You would rather not be somebody who misreads them? Furthermore, that could try and cause the person to be quiet to give you a more intricate answer.
25. “Alright then… Take care”
Rather than leaving the discussion impolitely. You could end the Discussion obligingly. It may be the case that the person you are chatting with needs downtime or a decent rest yet doesn’t have any idea how to tell you.
You might say “I’m set for bed, do have a wonderful night’s rest”. Or on the other hand, you might say, “I believe you’re worried right now. Perhaps we can proceed with this discussion tomorrow”. You end the discussion courteously.
Why leave without finishing it well? This shows development and care. Finishing discussions can be a precarious business. I realize you would rather not seem discourteous, however at times, you can’t get away from it.
You’re not going to message her until the end of time. It’s continuously going to sting a little when somebody doesn’t give a decent answer to your text, however, it isn’t generally a deliberate offense.
Also, in spite of the fact that it tends to be precarious to recognize what’s private and so forth, focusing on how the person you’re talking with treats you, by and large, can assist you with discovering some lucidity.
Toward the day’s end, in the event that they’re truly intrigued, they’ll answer pleasantly sometime later. If not, another person will.