There is seldom a need to inquire as to why a person is calling you since the person in question needs to be focused. Why not, at any rate? It costs money.
Nonetheless, you might want to focus on a discussion. You might be occupied so you might need to stop the welcome so the discussion doesn’t endure longer than you can persevere.
It could be exceptionally difficult to stop welcoming and keep your guest focused while remaining pleasant.
Saying “You rarely call me” is one of the best ways to inquire about the call. What’s wrong? You may likewise essentially express ‘What’s up’ right away.
The following are 20 methods for asking what your business calls or personal calls are about.

20 Ways To Ask What The Call Is Regarding
1. How may I help you?
This is an immediate question to pose to what your guest needs. Even though this should be an acceptable question, asking it to a friend will come across as dismissive. It is prudent to not express this during personal calls.
This question is stated in a style that is reasonable for business calls. Business calls are intended to be focused in any case so this is a common question for inquisitive about the reason for a business call.
This can be used in personal calls, but only with a stranger. You might have gotten a call from an odd number.
When the person presents oneself, you can inquire as to why the person is calling with this question.
2. You called me.
Even though this isn’t a question, it still asks about the call. You can say this assuming the person has called before yet you missed it. You can say this when you call back to avoid wasting time with salutations.
At the point when you get back to and offer this expression, the person will affirm it and provide their explanation or motivation to call you.
It’s possible that the person only called to say hello. On the off chance that you don’t believe it should take excessively long, you can flippantly specify that you were occupied with something.
3. It’s strange to receive your call.
This likewise is not a genuine question however it will offer the response to the question you mean to pose on the call.
The issue with this suggestion is that the call may not be peculiar, and the statement may be the only peculiar aspect of the circumstance.
At the point when you say this, there is a high opportunity for the person will naturally give their explanations behind calling you before requesting some other thing.
If you don’t want to waste time, you can quickly respond to the person’s questions.
4. Is there a problem?
This is another question that will lead your guest focused yet you would rather not express this to your companions. You just may sound impolite.
This response is the thing a supervisor can share with their representative. In any case, you can likewise express this to a coworker or just somebody who’s chipping away at a task with you.
At the point when the person calls you, you can straightforwardly inquire as to whether it is about your task. On the off chance that it isn’t, the person will be letting you know the call about right away.
At the point when you attempt to think about what’s going on with the call, you are setting the guest in a position where he needs to validate your premonitions. The person will either say OK or express out loud whatever the call is about.
5. What is this call about?
You can pose this question if you have been talking with a companion for a long time on the telephone and you figure the person might have required another explanation. During a phone call, almost everyone can get bored talking, but it can be difficult to just end the call.
Posing this question might come out sudden and inconsiderate. By explaining why you are asking the question, you can make it more understandable.
You can say you are occupied right now and you just acknowledged the call to take care of that person first. You can likewise vow to get back to the person in question when you’re finished.
6. Why are we having this call?
On a phone call, this statement is used to cut down on unnecessary discussions. It is typical to have unnecessarily lengthy greetings while conversing with a companion.
Aside from welcome, you may likewise have conversations that appear to be so pointless over a call. You might feel a subject can be examined anyplace and whenever.
You may likewise be having what is intended to be a business call however it is getting going way too nonchalantly.
There is almost no requirement for welcome-in business calls. It is simply formal to go focused while staying amiable.
7. What exactly is the webinar about?
This ought to be utilized for online classes as it were. This question suggests that you are unaware of the webinar’s topic.
While this is very interesting, it is as yet conceivable to not comprehend what an online course is really about before deciding to join.
Additionally, you can pose inquiries when you are permitted to utilize your amplifier. Otherwise, you will be essentially conversing with yourself.
8. You beeped me. Why?
On the off chance that your companion is continuously upsetting you with superfluous calls, you can utilize this system to keep away from pointless conversations when next the person calls you.
Saying you are exceptionally occupied may not be adequately acceptable so you might need to add barely sufficient show.
You can answer the phone when your friend calls you until it rings. Whenever it has quit ringing, get the telephone and get back to it.
You could claim that your friend beeped at you and inquire as to why. You will allow for superfluous conversations so the person in question will either convince you to continue talking or discuss simply needing to welcome you.
Presently, you can profess to be occupied and you will be accepted.
9. What can I do for you?
You ought to express this as a client support delegate. At the point when you get a call from a client, you can welcome and ask how the client needs you to help that person.
Expressing this on the telephone with your companion might sound unusual and pompous. Most calls with companions are for easygoing conversations and dismissing such calls may truly hurt your companion.
You can state how occupied you are and recommend some other time for a relaxed conversation.
10. Have you got any updates?
This is another question reasonable for business communications and it likewise makes your guest go focused.
As was mentioned earlier, assuming the wrong information about the call can prompt the caller to immediately provide you with the appropriate explanations for their call.
You can pose this question to your companion on the off chance that you are anticipating any data from the person in question.
At the point when you pose this question, the response is either Yes or No. Notwithstanding, you will understand what’s going on with the call by what the guest says straightaway.
11. Do you want to come see me with a gift?

You can be direct when you ask about a call, but there are ways to say it without offending the person who answers. Perhaps of the most ideal way to do this is to begin with a joke.
Promptly you pick up the call, you can inquire as to whether the person needs to come see you with a gift. There’s a zero percent chance that this is the justification behind the call. It is excessively exact.
You can switch from your joke to a direct question regarding the call’s purpose. On the off chance that it is something significant, the person in question would go focused.
12. Why did you call?
Here is a basic method for stating your question and you can abstain from sounding discourteous and contemptuous by permitting the joke to happen for some time.
This question will undoubtedly convey dismissiveness when asked at the beginning of the call. You will appear to be uninterested in talking with the guest and that may simply be deplorable and discourteous.
Nonetheless, you can hose this inclination by allowing the jokes to happen for some time. Whenever you are given sufficient energy for a relaxed conversation, you can pose this question without sounding so serious.
13. May I ask what you are calling about?
If you get a call from someone you didn’t expect, you can ask this question after greeting them. There are persons whom you are not near and don’t anticipate being called by.
It will be justifiable if you believe the discussion should go focused. As a result, this question is perfectly acceptable. However, it might not come off as very cool to say this to a close friend.
14. What can I help you with?
This is one of the manners in which client care delegates answer when we call them. As long as the call is formal, asking what the call is about is correct.
Since casual greetings and conversations are not expected, the caller will recognize the need to be precise.
In any case, expressing this to a companion will sound peculiar.
15. You rarely call me. What’s up?
Here is another that poses the question obtusely yet it gives the justification for the dull question.
You are expressing this to somebody who seldom calls you since you know or accept the person in question won’t call you just to visit. You are implying that you want them to get right to the point.
16. May I ask what the call is regarding?
You can pose this question if you are getting a call from somebody who just came for your assistance. The person might begin with superfluous greetings so you can simply pose his question so the person goes focused.
It might likewise be a business call. This question is alright if the discussion isn’t going focused.
17. Why are we having a video call?
Pose this question if you think there are preferable ways of talking over a video call. A call might appear to be unnecessary or insignificant. Even worse will be a video call.
You can pose your guest this question and recommend a typical voice call with the person in question.
18. What do you need?
Pose this question if you are getting a call from a more youthful kin or somebody with whom you are working. You could also say that you have been busy. This will make sense of why the question is coming so rapidly.
19. You only ever call for money
You can express this to a more youthful kin or a companion. Here is an instance of making an off-base supposition so you can find the right solution.
Assuming the person generally calls for cash, the person may just be requiring the same thing. The person will explain the reason for their call if your guess is incorrect.
20. Do you need my help with something?
When you get a call from a friend with whom you are not very close, here is a polite way to ask a question.
You ought to express this in the wake of hello to each other heartily. By doing this, you will try not to sound uninterested and cavalier.