At the point when somebody advises you to keep your fingers crossed, it’s generally a sign that they are hoping everything works out for you of karma in some undertaking.
It’s a way for them to show you that they are remaining in your corner, rooting for you, and staying cautiously optimistic about conceivable results.
It’s a token of help, and it’s ideal to realize that you have others pulling for you. Be that as it may, what is the most ideal way to answer somebody who urges you to keep your fingers crossed?
Whether somebody expresses it to you face to face, via telephone, or through a message, showing your appreciation for the gesture is significant.
A straightforward thank you is an incredible method for beginning. It shows that you comprehend the feeling and that you are appreciative of their help.
Furthermore, it’s smart to show that you are positive about your capacities and that you’re doing whatever it may take to succeed.
For this reason in this article, I’ve gathered a rundown of 20 of the best answers to ‘keep your fingers crossed’.

What Does ‘Keep Your Fingers Crossed’ Mean?
The expression “keep your fingers crossed” is established in an old notion that assuming you cross your fingers, you will have the best of luck.
The conviction is that when you cross your fingers, it makes a cross-like shape, and this shape is remembered to avert misfortune or malicious spirits.
It is accepted to have begun in Europe and the Unified Realm, and today is utilized by many societies.
The demonstration of crossing one’s fingers has likewise become related to making a wish.
By crossing your fingers and wanting something, it is accepted that your desire will work out. This is one more way that the expression has been utilized throughout the long term.
In present-day times, ‘keep your fingers crossed’ is in many cases utilized as a token of best of luck. It is a simple method for showing your help, and it is a method for communicating positive thinking in a circumstance.
An expression is utilized by many persons all over the planet and an expression can be utilized in a wide range of settings.
So the following time somebody says to keep your fingers crossed, recollect that it is their approach to wishing you karma or expecting a positive result
An old notion is as yet utilized today, and it is a token of the best of luck and energy. Therefore, hold out hope and keep your fingers crossed!
20 Best Replies to “Keep Your Fingers Crossed”
1. Will do
A basic, clear response that is certain to put a grin on the essence of whomever you’re talking with.
2. Crossing my toes, too
A tomfoolery, happy response is ideal for any circumstance.
3. Let’s hope for the best
A positive response shows your idealism and readiness to help.
4. I’ll try my best and keep it positive
The articulation ‘I’ll do my best and keep my fingers crossed’ is a reasonable method for answering ‘keep your fingers crossed’ while wishing somebody karma in a difficult circumstance.
This articulation conveys a feeling of help and good faith that the person will find lasting success
5. Fingers crossed and a positive attitude
A supportive and motivating response to the question “keep your fingers crossed” is to respond with “fingers crossed” and a positive attitude.
It is a method for communicating your expectations and idealism that something will sort out in a specific circumstance.
6. I appreciate the support and I’ll be sure to keep my fingers crossed
This response is an approach to communicating appreciation for the help that somebody has offered, while likewise recognizing the unsure idea of the circumstance.
The expression is a colloquial articulation that suggests a wish for good karma or a positive result from here on out.
By adding I’ll make certain to the expression, you are inferring that the person is acknowledging the steady words and can likewise do their part to assist with making what is going on a triumph.
7. That’s kind of you, I sure hope everything works out
That is somewhat you, I certainly expect all that works out is a reasonable method for answering to ‘keep your fingers crossed.’
This response recognizes the other person’s opinion, while likewise underscoring the expectation that the person has for a positive goal to the circumstance.
It communicates a steady opinion, which can assist with causing the other person to feel appreciated and esteemed.
8. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best
I’ll keep my fingers crossed and stay optimistic is a reasonable method for answering ‘keep your fingers crossed’.
This expression is frequently used to express solidarity during times of uncertainty and to convey support and best wishes for a successful outcome.
9. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my faith high
At the point when somebody says ‘keep your fingers crossed’, it is generally an indication of consolation and trust.
By answering with I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my confidence high, it suggests that the person is looking forward with positive thinking and confidence that things will turn out in the most ideal manner.
It is likewise a suggestion to continue to have confidence in the force of positive reasoning, even in troublesome times
10. Crossing my fingers for a positive outcome
At the point when somebody says to keep your fingers crossed, the response of crossing my fingers for a positive result is suitable.
The person is actively wishing for a favorable outcome and acknowledging the power of luck and the universe in achieving that outcome through this gesture.
It is a straightforward method for demonstrating one’s commitment to the outcome while still allowing for the possibility that it may not be entirely under one’s control.
11. I’m feeling hopeful, Thanks for the reminder to keep my fingers crossed

The expression ‘I’m feeling hopeful, Thanks for the reminder to keep my fingers crossed’ is an extraordinary method for answering the idea to ‘keep your fingers crossed.’
It communicates an inspirational perspective and a feeling of appreciation for the suggestion to keep a hopeful disposition.
12. Thanks, I need all the positivity in life right now
This is a reasonable response to the expression ‘keep your fingers crossed’.
This expression conveys appreciation for the other person’s help, while additionally recognizing the requirement for karma in the circumstance.
It suggests that the speaker has listened to the other person and is hoping for the best.
The expression features the speaker’s acknowledgment of the questionable idea of the circumstance and their requirement for karma to accomplish a positive result.
The expression likewise fills in as a suggestion to the next person that the speaker is relying on them to loan their help as sure considerations and wants for good karma.
13. Will do, Here’s hoping
Will do, Here’s hoping! is a suitable response to the phrase “keep your fingers crossed” because it evokes optimism and comprehension.
It recognizes the significance of staying optimistic results, while likewise underlining the need to make a move to get it going.
The expression infers that the speaker will give their very best to ensure that their expectations are understood.
It communicates an eagerness to invest the energy and to do whatever it may take to accomplish the ideal result.
14. Crossing my fingers and sending good vibes
Crossing my fingers and sending good vibes is an excited, positive approach to answering somebody who has requested that you keep your fingers crossed for them.
This answer suggests that you are not just hoping everything turns out great for the person of karma and remaining cautiously optimistic result yet that you are effectively sending positive energy and energies their way.
It is an approach to communicating fortitude and backing and empowering the other person to stay confident and hopeful.
It suggests that you are actively involved in their endeavors and doing everything in your power to assist them in succeeding rather than just supporting them passively.
15. Thanks for the reminder, I’ll keep my fingers crossed
The expression ‘keep your fingers crossed’ is utilized to demonstrate that you are expecting a specific result.
By answering with Thanks for the reminder, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, you are communicating that you are thankful for the update and that you will give your best to ensure that the ideal result is accomplished.
It is a method for showing that you are seriously viewing the matter and that you will give your very best to ensure that all that works out is true to form.
16. Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll have my fingers crossed
Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll have my fingers crossed, this is a reasonable method for answering to keep your fingers crossed.
The expression “keep your fingers” crossed is normally utilized when somebody is wishing someone else karma.
It is an act of sending good vibes and wishing for a good outcome. It represents the intersection of fingers, which is an old notion intended to bring the best of luck.
By answering with I’ll have my fingers crossed, the beneficiary is showing that they value the motion and will look for the best of luck.
17. I’m feeling positive, My Fingers crossed!
I’m feeling good, My Fingers crossed! is a reasonable method for answering ‘keep your fingers crossed’ as it is an approach to communicating idealism for a positive result in a circumstance.
This expression can likewise be utilized as a token of best of luck to urge achievement or to avert misfortune.
By saying I’m feeling positive, Fingers crossed! The speaker is communicating their expectation and confidence that the circumstance will turn out in support of themselves, while additionally conveying that they are having a decent outlook on the result.
18. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep pushing forward
This expression is an appearance of consolation and idealism even with affliction. It is a suggestion to the beneficiary to remain confident while still up in the air chasing their objectives.
The expression ‘keep your fingers crossed’ can be deciphered as wanting for karma and favorable luck.
By answering ‘I’ll keep my fingers crossed and continue pushing forward’, the speaker is conveying that besides the fact that their wishing is the beneficiary karma, they are likewise reassuring them to stay ardent and keep taking a stab at their objectives, regardless of what difficulties might emerge.
19. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep my chin up
A good way to respond to “keep your fingers crossed” is to say, “I’ll keep my chin up.” This is especially helpful when someone requires luck or support.
This expression has a double reason, as it not only proposes the demonstration of crossing one’s fingers for karma but additionally gives a hopeful feeling to the circumstance.
It fills in as a consolation to the person, as it suggests that they ought to stay confident and remain positive, regardless of whether the result is questionable.
20. Thanks for the good wishes, I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my spirits high
The expression keeps my fingers crossed is a motion customarily used to communicate the craving for a positive result and is in many cases utilized as a method for showing trust and backing despite dubious circumstances.
By answering with the expression Keep my fingers crossed and my spirits high, the speaker isn’t just recognizing the best of luck feeling of ‘keep your fingers crossed’, but additionally communicating their obligation to remain confident and good.
This response is a method for showing appreciation for the kind words, while likewise exhibiting an inspirational perspective for what’s to come.
Regardless of what the circumstance is, a suggestion to keep your fingers crossed can be an incredible method for communicating your help to somebody.
Whether you’re the one saying it or the one getting it, being reminded to remain positive and confident is generally something to be thankful for.