At the point when somebody lets you know sweet dreams, the person is attempting to advise you to have a great night’s rest.
It may be the case that you both went through the entire day together and it was getting dim, nearly sleep time, then the person let you know sweet dreams since he realized you were at that point hitting the hay.
Or on the other hand, it may be the case that you both were visiting late around evening time and you let him know you were going to hit the hay, then, at that point, he let you know sweet dreams.
In a circumstance like this, you want to answer the person in light of what you feel at that point and who the person is to you.
To that end I composed this article, to show you the best responses that you can give when somebody lets you know sweetwonderful dreams.
After perusing this article, you will continuously know what to say when somebody lets you know sweet dreams.

20 Best Replies to “Sweet Dreams”
1. I wish you the same
This is an answer you can give on the off chance that the person isn’t so near you and you both offer no bond. Perhaps it very well may be a companion you recently met and you both were visiting and he let you know sweet dreams.
In a circumstance like this, you can essentially say ”I wish you the same”. This implies that you likewise wish him sweet dreams the same way he wished you sweet dreams.
This is a decent answer that you can give assuming the person lets you know sweet dreams.
2. Thank you
This is a clear answer you can likewise give. Simply tell the person Thank You. Like that, the person will comprehend that you value the way that he let you know sweet dreams.
Since he realizes that you feel a debt of gratitude, in the future he won’t hold back to let you know sweet dreams before you hit the sack.
The beneficial thing about this answer is that you can utilize it when you don’t have a clue about the person and when you realize the person well. It is effective both ways.
3. You are such a nice person
It takes a pleasant person to wish you sweet dreams. The person needs to hope everything works out for you as you nod off. This implies that the person means well to you.
In your response, let the person know that you appreciate his kindness and that you appreciate his kindness.
You can utilize this answer if you think a person is a pleasant person. This answer likewise shows appreciation.
4. I would have a sweet dream if you came to sing me a lullaby
Even though the other person has advised you to sleep well, this demonstrates that you would like to spend more time with them.
Assuming that you believe the person should invest energy with you more regularly, you can advise the person to come to sing you a cradlesong, that would be the most ideal way you will have sweet dreams.
This answer is in a manner convincing the person that you would simply prefer not to have sweet dreams, you would cherish the person to remain around you that evening.
Perhaps you like the person, that is the very thing this answer makes sense of. Or you’re just flirtatious.
5. Sleep tight
This is likewise a basic approach to advising the person to have a decent night’s rest too. In this manner, the person will comprehend that you are also wishing him and him well.
Rest tight is an approach to advising the person to have a decent night’s rest. You can utilize this answer to rehash precisely the exact thing the person said.
This answer functions admirably and the person will likewise receive the message as it is passed across.
6. I am not going to bed yet
You can utilize this answer whenever somebody lets you know sweet wonderful dreams when you are not hitting the hay yet. This answer functions admirably and you won’t need to clarify for the person why you are utilizing such an answer.
Just let the person in on that you are not heading to sleep yet and the person will reclaim his assertion. It’s possible that he misunderstood you or that you sent the wrong message to give the impression that you were going to bed.
That isn’t an issue, the length of you have previously passed the message that you are not heading to sleep soon.
7. I am not sleeping till you are ready to sleep
This is an answer that you can use for somebody who is your life partner and somebody that you generally rested close by previously.
It’s possible that the person was so preoccupied with work that he was unable to sleep by your side that he told you to go to bed so that he could join you later.
You can inform him in your response that you won’t go to sleep until he is ready. That way he will receive the message that you would rather not rest without him. This will impart that he is so extraordinary to you.
If you respond in this way, the person might feel compelled to finish what he’s doing and sleep with you.
8. I would appreciate it if you come put me to sleep
This shows you believe a person should come put you to bed by snuggling till you both nod off.
This is an answer you can give on the off chance that the person is your companion or a sweetheart. It must be somebody you have heartfelt affection for or somebody you are as of now hitched to.
This will likewise convey a message to your desired person to have the person around you as you rest. You can use this as another good response.
9. Well, I had a sweet dream yesterday, thanks

This is an answer you can give the person on the off chance that you had a decent night’s rest a day before the person advised you to have a sweet dream. You can essentially say that you had sweet dreams yesterday and go on to thank the person.
This way, the other person will know that you already get a good night’s sleep, so when he tells you to, you already know that you will.
Possibly utilize this answer if the person advised you to have sweet dreams a day before you had a great rest.
10. That is so sweet of you
This is an approach to let the person know that it was so sweet of him to wish you sweet dreams.
It may be the case that you both have been companions for some time and the person has not advised you to have sweet dreams, then you need to tell the person that it was so sweet of him.
Like that, the person will realize that you value him and you like how he wished you sweet dreams. He won’t hesitate to do it again if he knows that you appreciate it.
11. People barely tell me that
If you notice that this is the first time someone has told you to have sweet dreams, you can respond with this. Perhaps somebody has not let you know that previously and you like how it felt for the person to let you know sweet dreams.
It is ideal to utilize this answer assuming you are certain that persons scarcely let you know that or it is whenever somebody first is advising you to have sweet dreams.
12. Goodnight
This is a basic and short answer that you can utilize. Tell the person goodnight. This way, the person understands that you are also wishing him a restful night’s sleep.
Saying goodnight is a straightforward way you can use to wish the person sweet dreams without really telling the person ”sweet dreams”.
This is a good response because it can be applied to anyone who wishes you well. You can involve it for those you are near and those you are not so near.
13. I will dream of you
This is a coquettish answer that you can give. Perhaps you like the person and you need to tell the person by implication in your answer.
Simply say “I will dream of you,” and the person might conclude that you are flirtatious and attempting to get close to him.
It might sound interesting to the person, however, yet this answer is ideal assuming you find that person appealing and perhaps you need to draw near to the person.
14. You are free to be at my place
If somebody you just met lets you know sweet dreams, you can’t give the person this answer since you don’t have a clue about the person excessively well. It is ideal to utilize this answer on somebody you are truly near and somebody you like.
You could utilize it to answer your beau as an approach to welcoming him to your place around evening time. If he will be accessible, he will tell you.
This demonstrates that you want his company and do not want to be alone that night. He will receive the message.
15. I hope I will be in your dreams too
This is an entertaining answer you can give. The person will likewise receive the message that you are simply attempting to make a joke.
If he gets the message, it might make him laugh. Possibly utilize this answer on the off chance that you are attempting to joke or make the person chuckle with your answer.
Yet, guarantee the person receives the message that you are simply attempting to joke in your answer.
16. Bye, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow
If you have an appointment with the person tomorrow and are about to go to bed, you can use this response.
Assuming the person lets you know sweet dreams, answer by letting the person know that you can hardly hold on to see him tomorrow.
17. I hope to dream of you
Another amusing response is this one. This will make an impression on your desired person to see him in your dreams, yet you are just kidding about it.
18. Thank you for being kind
You can provide a good response to this. It will urge the person to continue to be a caring person.
19. I would prefer it if you were beside me tonight
Utilize this answer on the off chance that you love the person or on the other hand assuming the person is your companion. Simply let the person know that you will incline toward it assuming the person were adjacent to you. Perhaps you will have a superior rest that way.
20. I will miss you badly after tonight
At the point when the person lets you know sweet dreams, on the off chance that you truly miss the person, don’t neglect to tell the person how seriously you miss him after this evening.