Assuming anybody has expressed this to you previously, how could you answer it? This expression sounds very clear. In its literal sense, it can be used. It might likewise be utilized to mean something different; something we frequently try not to name however others frequently comprehend when we derive.
We will address the implications of this expression, both exacting and metaphorical, and we will examine potential responses relying on how you feel about the importance and what was planned.

Meaning of “Let’s Do It”
As referenced before, the expression can be utilized in its strict significance. This phrase could also have a figurative meaning to someone.
“Let’s do it” simply means that you and the speaker have agreed to carry out a specific action. It could be something that you have said before and the speaker is saying you both ought to make it happen’.
It is feasible for this assertion to be made while both of you have not bantered on any activity before. You can just ask what is being alluded to… or you can investigate the person’s eyes and tell that the person is alluding to the next significance of the expression.
A person can say ‘Let’s do it’ to allude to a tomfoolery cavort. It’s that unpleasant play two persons of inverse sexes frequently do on the bed regardless of assurance. We as a whole understand everything it means and you can say when it’s the thing a person is requesting.
20 Great Responses to “Let’s do it”
1. I thought you’d never ask.
We can determine what this one alludes to. It shows you are particularly intrigued. In the event that it were a subject that you both have examined before, this response shows that you might have disregarded it or you might have abandoned getting it done.
This response shows that you are extremely keen on doing the activity, despite the fact that you may simply drop it assuming the other person contradicts you.
You can likewise say this if the person was requesting arousing intercourse. This response infers that you additionally need it yet you couldn’t say whether your accomplice would be intrigued.
- “Let’s do it, Jake.”
- “I thought you’d never ask.”
2. Do what?
It’s generally very intriguing when you act ignorant. To start with, you may really have no clue about what the person is referring to. In the event that you don’t, you most likely wouldn’t realize how fascinating this is. Nonetheless, you can pose this inquiry so the person expresses out loud whatever the person implies.
On the off chance that the person won’t get out whatever ‘it’ is, you ought to realize that your accomplice is requesting exotic intercourse with you… except if it’s somebody you never hope to hear it from.
If you have previously discussed the action and the person appears to be in disagreement, you can also use this to torture them. Simply say this and make the person get out whatever the person implies completely.
- “Let’s do it, Jenny.”
- “Do what?”
3. I’m not down for that, right now.
This may not be an activity you recommended. Answering with this would sound very bizarre on the off chance that you were the person who recommended what the person has quite recently consented to do with you. Notwithstanding, you can say this and say when you think both about you can make it happen.
You can likewise say this if it is an outsider’s idea. It wasn’t your thought so you actually have a say regardless of whether you will take it. This response can likewise be utilized on the off chance that the expression had an erotic importance.
Assuming your accomplice approaches you and says the expression while offering you sexy hints, this response would recommend that you are either occupied with something different or basically not intrigued.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “I’m not down for that, right now.”
4. Didn’t think you’d agree.
You might have carried an idea to somebody in any event, whenever you know the possibilities making it happen are low. It occurs by and large. Even though we are aware of the response we will receive, we nonetheless perform the action in the hope of receiving a different response that is appropriate for us. We luck out, now and again..
This response recommends that you just took a stab by raising that thought and you didn’t figure the person would consent to take it.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Wow. Yes. I didn’t think you’d agree.”
5. Are you sure?
As was mentioned earlier, there are times when we voice our thoughts and opinions despite knowing that they are likely to be rejected.
We simply feel free to get out whatever we need to say for whoever will tune in. Some of the time, you simply realize that there are countless elements the other person needs to consider prior to concurring with you.
This response proposes that you care about the person’s perspectives and government assistance. It could be a thought that you suspect the person in question might be awkward with. This question infers that you will be OK if the person decides to not acknowledge your thoughts.
It might likewise not be your idea. It could be an outsider idea that you don’t know anything about. Posing this inquiry would show that you don’t have an assessment since you know nothing about it.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Are you sure you want us to do it?”
6. Not here, at least.
This response proposes that the activity can be performed right away or even where you are. The expression might be alluding to an idea you made, an outsider idea, or the other significance of the expression we discussed.
Your response straightforwardly lets the person know that you are not unwilling to playing out the activity however you are not able to do it where you are. Even though this could be anything like dancing or singing, most of the time it sounds like someone is talking about sexual encounters, and you are interested; only not there.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Not here, at least.”
7. Not now.
This response is like the previous one yet there is an unmistakable distinction. It suggests that it is a procedure that can be carried out at that precise time. However, for one reason or another, you are unwilling to carry it out right now.
It could be alluding to any movement and it isn’t be guaranteed to must be an actual one. You might be discussing starting a business. This response implies you are not prepared to get into the cycle however you are keen on it and may do it later.
The person may likewise be discussing arousing intercourse. You can say this on the off chance that you are not intrigued at that point or on the other hand assuming there are things you want to do prior to getting into that.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Not now.”
8. I was kidding.
You might have raised an idea as a joke. It might be an absurd one that you absolutely do not care about. It might likewise be one that you are keen on but didn’t figure you could at any point attempt to execute.
At the point when the person consents to such a thought, you can communicate that you just raised the idea or thought as a joke. Then, at that point, you can hear what the person needs to say and you both can consider the potential outcomes of making it happen.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “ I was kidding”
9. I’m not in the mood for that.

A person might raise an idea that you don’t find good and someone else considers both you ought to get it done together. You can communicate how you feel about the idea as well. If you don’t believe it’s a decent one, you can say why you suspect as much. You can likewise essentially specify if you simply are not keen on getting it done.
The expression may likewise be alluding to arousing intercourse. On the off chance that you are not inspired by a cavort, you can answer with this.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “I’m not in the mood for that.”
10. That’s a bad idea.
This response recommends that the thought was most certainly not yours and you don’t believe it’s a decent one. Either a third party or the same person who has asked you both to do it is responsible. Notwithstanding, it truly may have been your thought yet you are simply acknowledging the amount of an impractical notion it is.
If the expression alluded to sexy intercourse, it implies you don’t think it is on the right track to lie down with the person talking. The person may not be your accomplice… or you both might be where you can’t make it happen.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “That’s a bad idea.”
11. Let’s go.
This response shows your excitement to complete the thought. You might have quite recently been standing by to hear the person express yes to the thought so you can both make it happen.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Let’s go.”
12. We should.
After the person has consented to the thought, you can likewise show that you concur with the thought. This is bound to allude to an outsider’s idea. This response shows that you will make it happen.
This response can also be used to hint at something sexual. This response demonstrates that you are also interested in the person’s request for sensual contact.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “We should”
13. Which one?
You can pose this inquiry if you don’t know which thought the person is alluding to. Both of you might have brought numerous thoughts up in your previous conversations. For this situation, you can’t tell which of the thoughts ‘it’ alludes to so you simply need to ask what the person means by ‘it’.
For this situation, it should be one of the thoughts you previously concurred with.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Which one?”
14. Can you make yourself clear?
This inquiry poses what the person means by ‘it’. Although it sounds more like you are making fun of the person, this response is similar to the one that came before it.
You might have previously had a conversation with the person about why they didn’t like the idea. You can pose this inquiry so the person is compelled to express out loud whatever ‘it’ signifies.
- “Let’s do it”
- “What exactly? Can you make yourself clear?”
15. I don’t think we should.
This response straightforwardly recommends that you don’t or never again concur with the thought. It very well might be an outsider’s idea which the other person consents to. Saying ‘you don’t think’ infers that you might have your explanations behind believing it’s anything but smart to acknowledge the idea.
It might likewise have been your idea which you are simply acknowledging may not be positive.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “I don’t think we should.”
16. Come again.
This is one more approach to getting the person to get out whatever the person implies by ‘it’. The person might be requesting exotic intercourse and you can simply make your accomplice rehash the assertion similarly as a bother.
This might be considerably more entertaining than advising the person to get his point across. This will seem like you can’t hear what the person has told you.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Come again. I didn’t get that.”
17. It’s not right.
This response recommends that you don’t think the idea is smart, regardless of regardless of whether it was raised by you.
It could also be a response to a sensual request made by someone you shouldn’t be asking or in an inappropriate setting.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “It’s not right.”
18. Where?
This question recommends that an activity can be acted in many spots and you are requesting that the person pick where you might make it happen.
It also suggests that you are interested, provided that you can agree on a location.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Where should we?”
19. I knew you’d be up for it.
You can express this to recognize that you realize the person would consent to take your thought or an outsider’s thought which you are likewise intrigued by.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “I knew you’d be up for it.”
20. Perfect. When should we start?
This response shows your enthusiasm. It might have been your thought or an outsider thought that you concur with. This asks the person when the person believes the activity should start.
- “Let’s do it.”
- “Perfect. When should we start?”