Have you at any point asked somebody how they are and they answered with, “Living the dream!? “Living the dream” is a typical answer people give when somebody asks how they’re doing.
persons utilize this expression to mean they’re carrying on with the existence they love-it could mean they have a truly amazing job, dream vehicle, house, and whatever it’s they’ve yearned for.
However, this expression is frequently used in a sarcastic and humorous manner, which may indicate that the person is not living the dream.
Also, in the event that you’re not ready, you might end up asking why people are snickering and considering what to say in answer.
Thus, in this article, I’ll assist you with 20 entertaining responses to “living the dream!”

20 Funny Replies to “Living the Dream”
The best way to respond to people who use this phrase in a humorous and sarcastic manner is to come up with something equally amusing to say.
A portion of these responses include: ‘Wow! “I see,” “Aww!,” The American dream, then, is something you should keep striving for. and a lot more. I’ll talk about some more funny responses below.
1. Wow! I See
Once in a while it very well may be challenging to distinguish mockery, hence, driving you to wrongly answer.
In any case, in the event that you ask your companion how they’re and they answer with, “living the dream,” when you know genuinely they’re not, this is an answer you can utilize.
This response shows you simply need to cooperate with them while they’re attempting to be mocking or amusing.
2. Aww! You Should Keep Dreaming, Then
This is another pleasant way you can answer to your companion or somebody who says they’re living the dream when you ask how they’re doing.
At the point when you realize the person is being amusing with the expression, you ought to advise them to continue to dream for no reason in particular as well.
3. Live On!
When someone tells you they’re living the dream, you can respond in this funny way.
A decent answer to somebody’s being snide with their answer. What’s more, you can give this answer to a companion or partner when you need to be interesting, regardless of regardless of whether they’re entertaining.
“Live on!” is an uplifting proclamation. Thus, you can utilize this answer mockingly to seem as though you’re empowering the person.
4. The American Dream?
The American dream is cherished and desired by all Americans. Thus, you can give this response to somebody who says they’re living the dream to make some humor.
This is an inquiry expected for entertainment only. You’re requesting to be aware on the off chance that it’s the Pursuit of happiness they’re living or something different.
Normally, this is a facetious inquiry that means to get some chuckling out of the speaker. In any case, they could give a few responses and make a big difference in the discussion.
5. You’re Missing a Lot Over Here
When someone tells you they’re living the dream, you can respond in this manner as well.
This is a humorous response designed to misunderstand the phrase. Obviously, somebody who’s living the dream is with you and not in the fantasy land.
However, with this response, you mean for it to seem as though they’re not in that frame of mind of the world. This response lets them know that since they’re not where you are, they’re feeling the loss of a ton.
6. No Wonder You Are Never Available
You can likewise give this response to prod your companion or partner when they say they’re living the dream.
It’s an entertaining response that you can utilize, particularly with somebody you realize has not forever been accessible.
Here, you’re prodding the person, making it sound like you accept they’re without a doubt living the dream and that is the reason they’re not accessible to see you.
7. Wake up! Man
Awaken, man is another amusing answer you can give when somebody says they’re living the dream.
With your response, you are letting them know that you are aware that they are joking.
8. You Sure Don’t Look It
Another fun way to respond to someone who claims to be living the dream is to do this. When someone says they are living the dream, you would normally assume that they appear to be; probably appear content and have everything they want.
In any case, when somebody you realize says they’re living the dream, and you can see that they’re not genuinely living the dream, you can give this answer to prod them.
Furthermore, you can likewise utilize this answer to prod your companion whom you know really is living the dream yet doesn’t appear as though it is per you.
In any case, this response can likewise come out discourteous, contingent upon your tone. In this way, regardless of whether you need to be snide, you ought to mind your tone.
9. Wow! That’s lovely
This is another amusing answer that sounds like you concur with them and are glad for them.
However, you can respond to someone who you know isn’t serious when they say they’re living the dream by using the phrase “sarcastically.”
10. Aww! I’m Happy for You
This is one more fun approach to answering when somebody says they’re living the dream whom you know isn’t.
In the event that your companion is being funny with their answer, this is another way you can cooperate with them.
“Aww!” makes it more exciting and dramatic.
11. You Must Be in Heaven Now

You can likewise prod somebody who says they’re living the dream with this response.
This is an interesting approach to letting them know that since they’re living the dream, then, at that point, they ought to be carrying on with a life that is like paradise.
Here, you’re telling them in the event that really they’re carrying on with the life, to be sure you ought to see it. This is a response that demonstrates that you are aware that they are joking or sarcastic about living the dream.
12. We Should Throw a Party, Then
This is one more amusing response to give somebody who says they’re living the dream.
When you ask someone who claims to be living their dream if you should throw a party, their response smacks of excitement.
Here, you’re making it sound like you’re saluting them, that to be sure living the dream merits celebrating. In any case, they’d realize that you’re just prodding them.
13. Congratulations!
“Congratulations” is another way you can answer somebody who says they’re living the dream.
It’s another pleasant way you can prod somebody who says they’re carrying on with the existence they need amusingly.
When someone you know claims to be living the dream, you should respond in this manner.
Here, you’re saluting them to cooperate and cause it to appear as though you’re glad for them.
14. I Love It, Keep Living
At the point when you let somebody know who says they’re experiencing the fantasy that you love it, it seems as though you’re glad for them.
Be that as it may, you can utilize this answer to prod them assuming that you realize they’re being snide about carrying on with the existence they need.
With “Keep living” you’re empowering them to go on with their mockery. It shows that you comprehend them impeccably.
15. You Don’t Know What You Are Missing Here
This is another way you can answer somebody who says they’re carrying on with the existence they need.
An answer deliberately makes it seem as though they’re not in that frame of mind of the world since they’re living the dream.
Likewise, you can utilize this answer to prod them about missing the things you’re appreciating. It’s an ideal response you can use to intrigue your companion about where they could veer off-track.
16. Can I Join You?
You’re just playing along here as though you think they’re living the life they want.
At the point when somebody says they’re living the dream, you can inquire as to whether you can go along with them just to prod them. This is a fun response you can give, regardless of whether they are being serious or sarcastic.
It’s not your intention to join them; it’s just a way to make you both laugh.
17. Indeed You Are!
This is one more fun approach to answering somebody who says they’re carrying on with the existence they need.
“Indeed you are” is a wry answer that lets them know you realize they’re kidding about their response. It’s a decent response to use with a companion a partner, or somebody you’re intimately acquainted with.
Thus, you ought to utilize this answer with somebody you know is kidding, and ideally somebody you know, so it wouldn’t sound annoying.
18. I Want to Be Like You
This is one more approach to answering somebody who says they’re living the dream.
It’s an entertaining answer that you can use to triumph ultimately out of your companion whom you know is being snide. Likewise, you can give this response to somebody who for sure is living the dream.
Assuming you ask somebody how they’re and they say, “living the dream” with all reality, you can playfully let them know you might want to be like them.
Here, you’d need to add humor in your voice to show that you’re just prodding them.
19. Now, I’m Jealous
Another funny response for someone who claims to be living the dream is this one.
At the point when you ask somebody how they’re fairing and they answer ” living the dream” with all earnestness, you can give this answer for entertainment only.
Additionally, assuming the person is being entertained with their response, you can utilize this response to make it sound like you trust them.
You ought to involve this answer with humor in your voice.
20. And You Have Never Invited Me to Live It with You
This is one more amusing response for somebody who lets you know they’re living the dream when you ask them how they’re.
This assertion seems as though you’re harmed, yet your companion or whoever you’re answering would comprehend that you’re just prodding them.
Nonetheless, you ought to say this softly, as somebody would view you in a serious way.
In Conclusion, people would utilize this expression, “living the dream” with humor when somebody asks them how they’re fairing.
Thus, having an interesting response means a lot to the progression of the discussion. You can utilize any of these responses to prod a companion or partner who’s being snide when they say they’re living the dream.
Additionally, you can prod somebody serious with their response to a portion of these expressions. When you can, you should never be afraid to have fun.