Offering responses or answers to specific solicitations or explanations can be troublesome in some cases.
It doesn’t just happen to people who are socially withdrawn, even a cordial person may not know what to say in specific circumstances.
For example, “let me know how it goes” is a typical solicitation persons use frequently, nonetheless, realizing the right response isn’t generally simple.
So what answer do you give when somebody asks that you let them in on how things go?
I’ll go over 20 correct responses to “let me know how it goes” to help you when people say that to you.

20 Correct Answers to “Let Me Know How It Goes“
When someone asks you to “let me know how it goes,” they want confirmation that you understand and agree with them.
However, you have the option of accepting or declining the request. There is no standard concerning what’s a right response or not. Your response relies upon what you need.
Therefore, you have the option of responding positively or negatively. If you sound confident and assertive, either of these responses to the question is correct.
That being said, here are the 20 right responses to “Let me know how it goes.” They’re intended to fill anything need you want them for.
1. Okay, I Will
At the point when somebody makes a solicitation, one of the positive answers to provide to show that you concur is, “Okay.”
“Okay” is an agreed word that relies upon the tone and can mean various things. Nonetheless, in this situation, saying “Okay, I will” shows your consent to what’s been told.
At the point when you answer with “Okay, I will” to somebody who requests that you let them in on how things end up, it implies you’re guaranteeing them totally that you’ll do as they asked you.
As a result, they have faith in your ability to carry out your promises. Along these lines, you ought to utilize this answer just when you plan to stay true to your promises, whatever they may be.
2. Alright, Wait to Hear from Me
Even though it can mean various things, “okay” is another word that works very much like “alright.”
At the point when you use it as an agreed response, it implies equivalent to “okay,” in that you’re consenting to what was told.
Therefore, when you respond with something like “All alright, wait to hear from me,” you not only reassure them that you comprehended the request but also promise to get in touch with them.
Here, you’re advising them to rely on you when you add “Hold on to hear from me.”
3. I Will Communicate with You soon
One more solution to “let me know how it goes is “I will communicate with you soon.”
You can get this answer in different circumstances. You could, for instance, inform the requester that you will communicate with them soon if you intend to grant their request.
Another occasion is the point at which you mean to connect yet not proposing to allow their solicitation, you could give this answer just to end the discussion.
The person could inquire “When?” However, you may continue to provide the same response or, if possible, a time. Thus, this response is cool to utilize when you would rather not make any commitments.
4. That’s Fine
If you’re good with the solicitation, you can state it in the response you give. ” That is fine” is a basic approach to saying you consent to the solicitation and plan to satisfy it.
In a casual setting, you can respond with “That’s fine.” While utilizing it with your friends and family, you can utilize charms to communicate your sentiments like, “That is fine, dear.”
This answer is consoling and ought to make whoever is over-restless or anxious to hear from you, quiet.
5. You Have No Problem
“You have no problem” is another ideal response you can use for “let me see how it goes.”
This assertion works like the above answer, in that it’s consoling and attempts to cause the person to comprehend that you’re willing to concede their solicitation.
Likewise, it’s a clever response, especially in a casual environment, however, it can likewise work with your partners or chief.
6. It’s Not a Big Deal
Another wonderful response that you can give when somebody asks that you report later on a specific issue is Another beautiful answer that you can give when someone asks that you report later on a certain issue is “It’s not a big deal.”
This is an affirmative reply that guarantees the person that it’s not a difficult task for you to carry out.
“It’s not a big deal” should be used with your friends or family and not in a formal setting. It’s an informal way of reassuring the requester.
This is a certifiable answer that ensures the person that it’s anything but a troublesome undertaking for you to complete.
“It’s anything but no joking matter” ought to be utilized with your companions or family and not in a proper setting. It’s a casual approach to consoling the requester.
7. Sure, You Have My Words
At the point when you’re a dependably truthful man, it’s exceptionally simple for people to believe you and even vouch for you.
So additionally when you vow to keep to your word, persons will quite often hold you firmly to that commitment.
In this manner, an answer like “Sure you have my words” is a commitment that people will clutch. At the point when you let somebody know that they’ve your words, they’ll be feeling significantly better that you’ll do as you say.
Therefore, this response will help calm down whoever is eager to see you. Subsequently, you ought to possibly offer this response on the off chance that you expect to satisfy it.
8. Positive
“Positive” is a basic answer or answer you can give. It tells the person you grasp the solicitation and mean to concede it.
You can offer this response to your companions.
9. As Soon as I Can
One of the appropriate responses you can give is, “as soon as I can.” At the point when you say “as soon as I can.” it implies you don’t have any idea when you can concede the solicitation, however, you plan to.
So when somebody asks that you let them in on how things end up, you can offer this response if you don’t know precisely when you can answer them.
This is a decent answer that ought to quiet the person for some time and prevent them from constraining you since you gave them no specific date.
10. I Will Call You
At the point when somebody requests that you let them in on how things go, putting a call through is one of the resources to speak with them.
Thus, if you plan to call them, you can offer that as a response. This is a reasonable answer that can serve two goals.
To begin, it is an appropriate response if you intend to call to either meet with them in person to relay the message or to do so over the phone.
Also, you could say you’ll call to end the conversation if you don’t want to promise anything, especially if the person insists.
In this way, you don’t owe them anything just to call.
11. We Will Talk Later
“We will talk later” is another response you can give when you would rather not guarantee anything.
At the point when somebody requests that you let them know how things go, on the off chance that you’ve no aim of doing as such, “we will talk later” is a clever response to give.
It works very much like the past answer, in that you can the answer to excuse the person regardless would whatever you’ve in care.
12. I Will Text You the Result

One more method by which you can allow the solicitation of somebody who asks that you let them in on how things go is by messaging them.
Thus, If you need to allow the solicitation through text, you ought to offer that in your response.
13. Call Me Later
At the point when somebody demands that you give them a report on something later, there are two approaches. You either connect with them later or request that they contact you.
Maybe, you generally have a tight timetable, and it’s truly conceivable to neglect and request that they connect themselves.
In this way, advise them to call you later so you can pass on the message. Be that as it may, this answer isn’t reasonable for everybody.
You shouldn’t ask your chief or somebody in a higher situation to call you. This is an answer for your companion, an outsider, or your collaborator.
14. Send Me a Reminder
Another way you can request that somebody connect is to request that they send an update.
This is another response you can give when you’re the bustling kind that is probably going to neglect. They could send the update through a call, a message, or through anybody.
15. I’m Not Sure About That
There are certain circumstances in which you will be unable to do as mentioned.
For instance, if you are unable to disclose any information without the approval of a higher authority.
Thus, for this situation, rather than promising what you don’t know of, you can offer a response that tells them you will most likely be unable to do as said.
Subsequently, a reasonable answer is “I’m not certain.” At the point when you say this, they’d comprehend and not put such a lot of faith in you.
Furthermore, this response is appropriate when you would rather not give any commitments, in any event, when you’re in the situation to do as such.
16. I’m Not Promising
Another response you can give when you don’t know whether you can concede the solicitation is “I’m not promising.”
Here, you’re telling them you’re reasonably not going to do as they need. Also, if you don’t want to be blunt about it but don’t want to do as they want, this is a good response.
17. I’m Sorry, That Can’t Happen
There are certain circumstances in which you will not have the option to give the solicitation. Perhaps because you’re not in that frame of mind to do as such, or it’s against a strategy.
Additionally, you can tell them directly if you do not wish to comply with the request.
Therefore, you can tell someone, “I’m sorry, that can’t happen,” if they ask you to “let me know how it goes” but you either won’t be able to or don’t want to.
18. It Won’t Be Possible
“It won’t be possible” is one more answer to utilize when you would rather not do as you’ve been told or you will not have the option to.
The person making the request should comprehend when you say it won’t be possible and not rely on you.
19. That Would Be a Problem
“That would be a problem” is another response you can give on the off chance that you will not have the option to concede their solicitation.
At the point when somebody asks that you let them in on how things go and you give this answer, the person is probably going to inquire as to why.
But you don’t have to give them an explanation unless it comes from someone in authority or if you won’t break an oath by doing so.
20. Wait to Hear from Those in Charge
At the point when somebody requests that you let them in on how things go and there are those in control, you can request that they hang tight for the perfect person.
Along these lines, you don’t need to do anything or commit anything.
Final Words
At the point when somebody asks that you let them in on how things go, they anticipate that you should give them a positive answer. Nonetheless, it depends on you to offer the response you need.
You can use any of the positive responses above to inform them. You can express categorically that you are unable to fulfill the request when you are unsure of your ability to do so.
Furthermore, when you don’t plan to do as they’ve educated you or you’re not in that frame of mind to, you can see you will not have the option to.