When someone says that he’s not looking for anything serious, he’s just trying to tell you to get ready for a breakup.
You both might be dating, yet it is conceivable that you are not the one he needs to use whatever is left of his existence with.
If he tells you this, you need to respond in the best possible way. The answer you give depends on the relationship that you both offer.
That is something you should be aware of. I will make sense of the best 20 responses you can give when somebody says I’m not searching for anything serious.
You will be able to determine exactly what the person wants and what his plan is if you respond in any of these ways. Check out these responses.

20 Best Responses to “I’m Not Looking For Anything Serious”
1. Are you trying to break up with me?
This is the principal thing that will strike a chord when the person lets you know that he isn’t searching for anything serious.
Yet, you can’t simply make assumptions, you need to hear from the person to know precisely the exact thing he needs to do.
At the point when you inquire as to whether the person is attempting to say a final farewell to you, the person will actually want to offer you a decent response.
It is smarter to ask this way than for you to continue to expect that the person is attempting to say a final farewell to you.
2. Wait, what exactly do you mean?
This is an immediate approach to asking the person what precisely he implies by what he said.
Along these lines, you would have no need to have outlandish guesses, you can sit tight for him to answer then you can go on to hold him by his words.
Allow him to account for himself, then you will clutch what he expressed in view of the answer he gave. At the point when you ask him what precisely he implies, he will actually want to let you know everything he desires to accomplish with what he said to you.
3. Are you saying I am not your type?
Perhaps the person is in a roundabout way attempting to let you know that you are not his sort and that he would prefer to invest energy with somebody who he thinks about his sort.
He must have observed that you are not the kind of person he would like in the long run after being with you for some time.
He needed to come upright and let you know that he isn’t searching for anything serious. That might just be a way for him to get rid of you.
4. Are we friends with benefits?
Friends with benefits are people you hang out with for a while because you can get something from them or they can get something from you.
The person’s high priority has gotten all he could from you and he thouht it is the perfect opportunity to tell you that you both are only companions with benefits.
Aks first, in the event that the person affirms it, you can accept that it is what you both are. It is not wise to make hasty assumptions.
5. So what are we now?
This answer shows that you have no clue about what you both are. You need to ask in your answer what that person is, like that, you will actually want to be aware.
It shows you both have recently been streaming along with practically no appropriate information on what you both are.
Ask the person this question and let them tell you who you really are. Like that, you won’t be confounded or you won’t need to ponder what you both are.
6. I should have defined this relationship from the start
This shows you both didn’t characterize the relationship from start. When a relationship is defined, both parties are aware of who they are from the beginning, and it will be clear whether or not they are friends.
Assuming it was said from the outset that he needs nothing serious, you both won’t have been in such a circumstance around then.
It would have appeared to be legit provided that you both characterized the relationship and made sense of your assumptions.
7. I will rather save myself time and move on
The person’s high priority hurt you the second he let you know that he wasn’t searching for anything serious.
With this, you already know that he doesn’t want anything intimate to happen with you in the long run. While it might hurt, you can just say in your response that you’ll save yourself the time and have to move on to avoid it hurting too much.
This demonstrates your straightforwardness and your desire to avoid excessive time wastage.
8. Why did you allow me to go through all this stress?
This is a basic approach to let the person know that he ought to have let you know this from the start. You must have spent so much time together that you thought the other person had plans for you. The other person then told you he wasn’t looking for anything serious.
Simply reply and inquire as to why the person permitted you to experience this stress from the beginning and never made his intentions clear to you.
Assuming the person told you from the very beginning you could never have expected to go through this profound pressure.
9. No problem, I will hang out with my other friends
This shows that you definitely approve of what the person said and you can undoubtedly find new companions to spend time with in the event that the person needs nothing serious with you.
Since this person does not wish to have anything serious to do with you, you should proceed with someone else if you have other plans to get serious with them.
This is an approach to letting him know that regardless of whether he need anything serious with you, you actually have different choices. It’s a great response.
10. You are free to chase other women then
This shows that you couldn’t care less and that regardless of whether the person says that he needs nothing serious to do with you, you are less concerned. Let him know that he is allowed to pursue different ladies.
Likewise, if he sees one more lady that he needs to have something serious with, he can proceed with her. You will without a doubt continue living your life.
11. Thank you for being straightforward
When someone is straightforward, it can be beneficial at times. It assists with saving time and stress.
Even though you don’t like what happened, you can appreciate him for being honest and appreciate that he was able to tell you the truth.
12. Any other thing you want to tell me before I leave?

Because he stated that he does not have anything serious to do with you, this is a way to indicate that you wish to leave.
Before you leave, find out if he has any other information for you.
It might hurt him that you are leaving, however, at that point, you are going to leave and he needs to manage it.
13. Then what exactly do you want?
It is a straight approach to asking the person what he needs, this will assist you with knowing precisely the exact thing he needs. If you listen to him gently when you ask this question, you will get exactly what he wants.
You’ll be able to tell if you fit in with his plans this way.
14. Do you want us to wait or do we go our separate ways?
This shows you are prepared to make the following stride without having nothing to do. Ask if he wants you to part ways or if you should continue being friends.
There is no reason to remain together when you realize without a doubt that you both don’t have plans of being together in the long haul.
If you ask him if he wants to proceed independently, you can act based on his response and learn what he intends or plans to do.
15. You knew this all along and you made me leave my previous relationship
You can utilize this answer if you need to leave a past relationship due to this person, just for him to let you know that he isn’t searching for anything serious.
This shows you have burned through a ton of time and you likewise lost a potential relationship due to that person.
16. That means we can’t see anymore
This is an answer that shows you could do without squandering valuable energy on frivolities. If he says he isn’t looking for anything serious, just let him know that you can’t see each other anymore to save time.
17. Ok, let us prepare for break up
This is basic, on the off chance that he doesn’t have plans for you both to get together, then you both ought to get ready for separate. Like that, you won’t need to sit around idly remaining together when it isn’t productive.
18. I guess you are just using me for emotional support
It’s possible that the person just recently relied on you for emotional support throughout your relationship. Tell the person this in your answer. He is free to acknowledge it if it is true. Inform him that you’ve moved on.
19. You probably have not found the real one yet
Let him know that you are aware that he has not yet located the genuine one. That is definitely not an impractical notion, want him to enjoy all that life has to offer. It is alright to continue on.
20. Life is too short to be with someone who is not interested in me
Let the person know that life is too short, that you don’t want to spend that short time with someone who doesn’t care about you, and that you also don’t want to lose your heart.
That way, they’ll understand what you mean, and you’ll prefer to spend time with someone who cares about you. This shows you esteem yourself a great deal and you have such a lot of regard for yourself.
Final Words
In a circumstance like this, you need to continue on, on the grounds that it is useless to remain with somebody who cares very little about investing energy with you and who needs nothing serious from you.
You might wind up burning through your valuable time and in any event, getting injured from here on out.
The best thing to do is to acknowledge it and allow the person to continue on with his personal business while you continue on with yours. You both will head out in a different direction, yet if you decide to remain companions, it is your decision.