Have you heard somebody say “Hasta La Vista” and considered what they implied? Hasta La Vista, which means “Until I See You Again” in English, is a common phrase in many countries that speak Spanish.
While this expression can be utilized to bid farewell, there are a couple of different implications and settings it can take on contingent upon the specific situation.

Is It Rude To Say Hasta La Vista?
The expression ‘Hasta La Vista’ is a Spanish expression meaning generally “until we meet once more”.
It can be used to say goodbye in a rhetorical way or more permanently. In this sense, hasta la vista might be regarded as impolite.
However, it generally depends on the relationship between the two people and the context in which it is said.
For instance, if two long-lasting companions are expressing farewell once and for all before one maneuvers away for good, then Hasta La Vista may be a fitting method for bidding farewell.
In many settings, it isn’t viewed as impolite to say “Hasta La Vista. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that the specific circumstance or manner of speaking utilized while saying this expression infers irreverence or aggression, then it might be deciphered as discourteous.
17 Correct Replies to Hasta La Vista
1. That’s great. Looking forward to it
The expression “looking forward to it” is much of the time utilized as a respectful approach to communicating energy about a looming occasion or movement.
It tends to be utilized to show expectation and enthusiasm for something expected to happen soon. It is by and large seen as a positive articulation and conveys excitement from the speaker towards the other party.
While Hasta la Vista ought to be utilized for definite takeoffs just, persons frequently use it nonchalantly. This response can only be effective in a rare instance.
By saying this, you are suggesting that you are excited about gathering the person once more. This response should only be taken into consideration if the person has specified a specific time when they hope to see you.
You can express this to an associate yet it would sound pretty odd to say ‘That is perfect’.
You would wind up showing a lot of unnatural enthusiasm except if you have truly significant motivations to see the person once more and there is an arrangement for both of you to meet.
2. Catch you later
‘Catch you later’ is an expression frequently said during takeoff and generally utilized among companions. From the strict significance of the words, it suggests that you will meet with the person sometime in the future.
The use of the word “later” implies that you will meet again, despite not having any plans to do so. It could also imply that you have plans to meet, but you are uncertain when.
This is an ideal response to Hasta la vista if the Spanish expression has been utilized nonchalantly.
Since Hasta La Vista is intended to be utilized while leaving behind a colleague and saying one last Farewell, this response might be very inaccurate.
Notwithstanding, if Hasta La Vista has been told to you by a companion or somebody you will meet in the future, you can just answer with this.
3. Take care
This expression has a few implications however that relies upon the setting where the expression is utilized. ‘ Take care’ can be utilized rather than ‘Sorry’ in showing compassion.
In certain spots, ‘Sorry’ is accepted to possibly be right when you have had an impact in causing torment for the person you are conversing with. ‘ Take care’ can likewise be utilized while withdrawing. It tends to be extended as ‘Deal with yourself’.
This response is wonderful because you can constantly answer with this. At the point when a person says Hasta la Vista as one last Farewell, you can say ‘Fare thee well’.
At the point when it’s a companion saying Hasta la Vista, you can likewise say ‘Be careful’, however, it sounds extremely formal.
4. See you around
‘See you around’ is one of the most regularly utilized separating words yet is just utilized casually. You won’t be hearing this in a casual discussion.
From the strict understanding of the expression, consolidating this in a proper conversation is mistaken.
The expression suggests that you are conversing with a close by person or will be close by for some time.
By saying this, you are letting the person know that you desire to meet with the person by chance again since you are extremely close.
This is the right response when you are finishing a discussion with a companion yet it will be wrong on the off chance that you or the person is heading off to some place far off from where you both are right now in the discussion.
If you think the person will still be nearby after you end the conversation, you can also say this to an acquaintance.
In any case, when you are conversing with somebody you may not see once more or somebody who is voyaging, this response will be erroneous.
5. Alright then
‘Alright then’ is an expression whose significance can be gotten from the setting wherein it is utilized.
This can be said as you part. By saying this, you might be inferring that the discussion is finished and you both may not have anything else to discuss. You can express this to suggest that you concur with what a person has said.
At the point when a discussion closes with Hasta la Vista, saying ‘OK then’ signifies you concur that the discussion has finished and the time has come to leave. It works perfectly in every Hasta la Vista-related setting.
6. See you then
This is particularly like the response proposed before however there is a major contrast. Very much like Okay then, at that point, saying this implies you concur with what the other person has said.
Even though Alright then can be used in any situation where Hasta La Vista can be used, it only works if you and the other person have agreed on a time to meet.
When you say “See you then,” you are implying that you and the other person will meet at a location or time that you have previously agreed upon.
You can express this to anybody, whether a colleague or a dear companion, however, there possesses to be a concurred energy for you both to meet.
On the off chance that you are leaving a person without any expectation of seeing the person in question once more, this would be wrong or it would seem like a joke.
7. Sounds good
This response is certainly mocking, regardless of the circumstance where Hasta La Vista has been utilized.
In a proper circumstance, it is clear to both of you that you will not be gathering in the future. Saying this might seem like you would rather not meet with the person at any point in the future.
This might appear to be unfriendly yet it is subject to how you say it. On the off chance that you say it properly, you may simply get the person to chuckle or poke comparative fun at their flight.
The literal meaning of Hasta La Vista will come to mind in a casual setting. You can consider this snide when somebody you see consistently says [See you in Heaven] or [Till the afterlife].
You can respond with the sarcastic phrase “Sounds good.” You might try and make it more entertaining by adding [Go sit tight for me].
8. Hope it’s soon
Whether a person says Hasta La Vista nonchalantly or officially, this response ought to fit completely in. Notwithstanding, it might in any case be mistaken or odd assuming there is now a concurred time for both of you to meet once more.
Assuming Hasta La Vista is utilized as it in a real sense implies, saying ‘Trust it’s soon’ suggests that you might want to meet the person again regardless of whether there is no expectation that it will at any point work out.
This response will only be correct if the time for you to meet has not been agreed upon if a friend uses Hasta La Vista on a casual basis. Nonetheless, if a period has proactively been expressed, you might be sounding ludicrous.
9. Ok Bye
This is another response that recommends understanding. It works in every Hasta La Vista-related setting.
You can say “OK Bye” after the person says “Hasta La Vista” if you are saying goodbye to someone you may never see again.
On the off chance that you are leaving somebody you realize you will see in the future, saying alright-bye will likewise work impeccably.
10. Later Bye
This is an authoritative response See you later and Goodbye. This can be used when you don’t know when you’ll see the other person again but know you’ll meet again soon.
This response would be wrong if Hasta La Vista is utilized formally. While expressing Farewell to somebody you realize you might very well at no point ever meet in the future, you don’t figure you would be seeing the person later so this response won’t be squeezing into the circumstance.
11. Farewell
This is an English equivalent word for Farewell. While you can bid farewell while isolating from anybody and in essentially any circumstance, this is generally utilized in ventures. You can decide to express this to a companion whom you will without a doubt meet in the future. You can also say this to a person with whom you may never again interact.
In any case, this is much of the time used to mean [Wish you progress in your journey] so you ought to possibly utilize this when the other person is leaving. On the off chance that you are the one voyaging, the other person can say Farewell.
Likewise, you ought to possibly say this if you are certain that the other person is going on a long excursion and may not return early or may not meet with you at any point down the road.
12. See you soon

Spanish residents should get to bid farewell a ton to have such countless articulations that are extraordinarily for takeoffs. Nos Vemos, which translates to “See you soon” in Spanish, is one of them.
You can always say “See you soon,” but most of the time it is correct when you are getting close to or about to meet the person with whom you are speaking.
Be that as it may, nothing prevents you from expressing this while leaving a person. All things considered, it would mean you would be seeing the person again at a known or obscure time.
You might think about utilizing the Spanish articulation; Nos Vemos.
13. See you later
Another Spanish word that means “goodbye” in English is here once more; Until next time.
It in a real sense implies See you later which is not the same as Hasta La Vista which implies Until I see you once more or Until we meet once more.
This ought to possibly be utilized when you realize you will meet the person in the future, even though neither of you has plans of meeting.
While Before long means the hour of the meeting is exceptionally close, Later means the time or meeting is either far or obscure
14. Have a good day
You can express this in Spanish; I hope you have a good day. You ought to answer Hasta La Vista with this if you are certain that you will not be gathering with the person any longer on that day.
If you think you will never meet again, you can also say this.
Saying Have a good day to a companion can sound cavalier on the off chance that the person in question thinks you both have the opportunity and energy to hang out. Utilizing the Spanish interpretation rather would be more enjoyable.
15. Wish you success
The Spanish interpretation of this is Te deseo exito. You can always respond to Hasta la Vista with this, but if you’re talking to a friend you might see again in a few minutes, it might sound weird.
It is more reasonable when you are conversing with somebody who is going on an excursion. It very well might be an associate whom you won’t ever meet from this point onward. It might likewise be a companion.
16. It was nice seeing you
This separating articulation is no information to the vast majority. We say this to friends we meet on the street.
On the off chance that you run over a companion whom you haven’t met in quite a while, you can express this because of Hasta la Vista, regardless of whether you might in all likelihood at no point ever meet in the future after that time.
17. Until then
This is like the English interpretation of Hasta La Vista (Until we meet once more). By answering with Up to that point, you are suggesting that you concur with what the person has said.
If Hasta La Vista is coming from a close friend or someone you may never meet again, you can use this.