Could it be said that you are thinking about the most ideal way to answer when somebody tells you, “Ya tu sabe”? A Spanish expression signifies “you definitely know” or “you know” when converted into English.
The best reaction you’d need to provide for this comment will rely upon the setting since Spanish speakers use ‘ya tu sabe’ to convey various articulations. The tone of the voice and non-verbal communication likewise assume a part in the translation.
Generally speaking, a person would utilize “ya tu sabes” in an obvious truth tone for which a clear reaction, for example, “Of course, I comprehend” would be more proper.

Notwithstanding, on the off chance that the person proposes “ya tu sabes” in a mocking setting, you can answer with a nasty answer, for example, “Is that so?”
Regardless of being overall information that “Ya sabes” in a real sense signifies “You know,” it very well may be utilized and deciphered in countless ways, contingent upon the sense you need to give it.
So how about we first gander at every one of the most widely recognized implications and circumstances where somebody would utilize “Ya tu sabes.”
“Ya tu sabes” meaning in English

You can utilize the Spanish adage, “Ya tu sabes,” to help somebody that they’re mindful to remember something, which is then deciphered as “you definitely know” or used to confirm in the event that somebody comprehends what is being discussed. The last circumstance is best deciphered as “you understand what I mean.”
Yet, in most discussion situations, Spanish speakers say “Ya tu sabes” to suggest that you comprehend the embodiment of what is being said, regardless of whether they illuminate every one of the subtleties.
For instance, they can tell you: ” A saqué a bailar… ya tu sabes!” and that signifies “I took her out to move… you definitely realize it goes!”
In light of this, it checks out why Spanish speakers utilize this expression while chatting with companions or relatives or giving headings to somebody acquainted with the course.
It is likewise usually utilized while examining plans in a social scene or in any event while offering mocking remarks that they accept audience members ought to get the catch.
It isn’t sufficient to gesture when somebody says, “Ya tu sabes.” Here are probably the best-fitting reactions I suggest you use:
1. “Yes, I know.”
The most well-known way you can answer the Spanish adage, “Ya tu sabes,” is to say, “OK, I know,” since you are affirming that you comprehend the essence of what they are referring to without expecting them to delve into subtleties.
“Ya tu sabes” signifies “you definitely know,” so you can answer with “indeed, I know” to make all the difference in the discussion.
Statement: Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Indeed, I know. So what occurred straightaway?
On the other hand, you can utilize “got it,” particularly when they say Ya tu sabes over and over inside the discussion.
2. “Oh, okay”
Another suitable reaction you can utilize while answering to Ya tu sabes is to say a basic “Oh, OK” It implies you have recently gotten the light second on the thing they are examining, and there won’t be any requirement for them to enlarge.
“Gracious” in the expression summons immediacy, persuading the person that you definitely understand what they are referring to.
Statement: Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Goodness, OK. I grasp you currently, man.
3. “Right, I’m familiar”
This reaction is best utilized when the person proposes Ya tu sabes while attempting to portray something to you. Eg. A course, plan, story, or undertaking.
I’ve invested sufficient energy with Spanish speakers to know that the “Ya tu sabes” state is predominantly used to affirm assuming that you knew all about a spot they depict.
Statement: Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Right, I’m recognizable. I realize that region well. Thanks.
4. “Really?”
I use “truly?” to answer Ya tu sabes when I suspect that the person is offering a mocking remark.
Statement: I’m the most splendid person in that area, Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Truly? Is that so?
The reaction helps loosen up the discussion and makes the person more focused on the discussion assuming they were, by any opportunity, making jokes.
5. “Exactly, I’m with you.”
At the point when persons use Ya tu sabes, they need to accept they comprehend what they are making sense of.
One of the most fitting reactions is to assist them with affirming that you follow. By saying “Exactly,” it implies you concur with the comprehension of that specific situation, and “I’m with you” suggests that you get the significance and are not confounded.
Statement: Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Precisely, I’m with you.
6. “Sure thing, I understand.”
“Sure thing, I understand” is one more suitable method for answering when somebody says Ya tu sabes.
It is best utilized when somebody makes an attestation and finishes the assertion with “you definitely know.”
You can utilize this answer to affirm that you have drawn an obvious conclusion and understood the data. Notwithstanding, it might be ideal to assume you thought about the setting before utilizing this answer.
7. “Of course, I’m aware”

You can likewise say, “Of course, I’m aware,” when a Spanish speaker says, “Ya tu sabes.”
“Of course” is an expression that communicates the conviction of something. Adding “I’m mindful” signifies you comprehend the line of conversation and recoveries the other person the issue of making sense of from the base.
Statement: Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Obviously, I’m mindful. Yep, no doubt.
8. “That’s right, I’ve got it ”
“believe it or not” signifies the person has recently said something accurately.
For instance, assuming they have an assessment of the best ball club and say, “Navarra is the best ball club, Ya tu sabes,” you can answer with, “Indeed, that is right.”
It is best utilized when you concur with the person’s attestation while keeping up with the discussion’s situation.
Statement: Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Believe it or not. I have it.
9. “No problem, I’m following”
At the point when somebody says “Ya tu sabes” to affirm on the off chance that you figure out their portrayal or line of articulation, answering with “No issue, I’m following” is the best proper reaction.
Here, “no problem” signifies you’re not experiencing issues understanding what they mean, and afterward “I’m following” suggests that you definitely know. This is the way you can involve this reaction as an articulation:
Statement: the shopping center is constantly packed; Ya tu sabes so you can go during work days. You tu sabes.
Your response: Don’t sweat it, I’m following.
10. “Well, I’ll be darned, I do know!”
“Well, I’ll be darned, I do know!” is a proper reaction when somebody says “Ya tu sabes” in a mocking way, and you need to answer with a comparative tone.
Darned is utilized to show that you’re shocked about something. Yet, comparing it with “I do be aware” strikes mockery.
For example, they could express something implausible, and you need to answer with a snide hint while sounding considerate.
Statement: I’m the best person Jane has at any point met, Ya tu sabes.
Your response: All things considered, I’ll be darned, I do be aware.
11. “Of course I do; I have a Ph.D. in knowing things”
To answer “Ya tu sabes” in a fairly hilarious way, you can say, “Of course I do; I have a Ph.D. in knowing things”.
It is a proper reaction when you need to keep the discussion on a carefree note. It likewise inconspicuously brings out fearlessness and information on things.
12. “Understood”
Spanish speakers are enamored with utilizing the expression “Ya tu sabes,” signifying “you understood” while offering their viewpoints basically because they expect to guarantee you’re following. One of the most proper reactions is to affirm that position.
You can say “comprehended” however many times as it’s been said “Ya tu sabes.”
It is short and clear. It conveys the way that you figure out their point.
13. “Sorry, I’m not sure I follow.”
Assuming you believe that the person should explain the subtleties of what they are depicting, you can answer with “sorry, and I am not sure I follow” at whatever point they say “Ya tu sabes.”
It assists them with understanding that you don’t get the total image of what they’re hinting at, provoking them to make sense of it in more detail.
This is the most proper reaction for “Ya tu sabes” when you don’t have the foggiest idea of what they mean in the conversation.
14. “Can you explain that a bit more?”
Like the first answer choice, you can request that the person make sense of a smidgen more on the essence that they expect you definitely know.
Statement: Ya tu sabes.
Your response: Might you at any point make sense of that a smidgen more? This doesn’t really make sense.
15. “Yep”
“Yep” is a non-standard method for saying “OK,” and it’s more powerful when articulated than spelled. You can answer with “that’s right” when somebody tells you “Ya tu sabes,” particularly assuming it’s in a casual environment.
Statement: We will get rich; Ya tu sabes.
Your response: That’s right, we will get rich.
16. “ah ha”
“ah ha” is the sort of sound persons use in a discussion to communicate shock or fulfillment about data or events.
Here, it addresses a suitable reaction for “Ya tu sabes” when words bomb you.
The interesting part is that you don’t need to say anything. At the point when somebody says “Ya tu sabes,” you can utter this sound to infer that you are either happy with their appearance, you get the significance, or you are astonished by it.
“Ok ha” as a reaction is adaptable to such an extent that it supernaturally and successfully conveys your contemplations for your response at that point.
The bottom line
To get done, let me emphasize that the most fitting reaction to “Ya tu sabes” in English will rely upon the tone, non-verbal communication, and setting in which the expression is utilized in light of the fact that “you definitely know” can be utilized in more ways than one to communicate various implications.
In any case, persons utilize this Spanish articulation predominantly to suggest that you definitely know the essence of what they are referring to, then the most proper reaction will be to attest to that impression by saying, “Of course, I get.” It is short, basic, and direct.