Have you at any point considered calling a person but got come by the possibility of upsetting him/her? There are times when you are occupied to the point that you are not ready to accept any calls.
Nonetheless, there are likewise times when a person calls you and you talk for seemingly forever. There are times when you are not occupied at all yet you are not able to talk.
A person might feel awkward advising you to get back to or lie about being occupied. You might want to inquire as to whether the person is available for a phone conversation if you do not want to coerce them into doing so.

15 Polite Ways To Ask If You Can Call Someone
1. Can I give you a call?
With this question, you can request a call from a person. This question can be told to anybody. This works perfectly when speaking with a junior. On the off chance that you are talking with a senior, this works impeccably.
On the off chance that you are talking with a companion, this works impeccably. On the off chance that you are talking with the contrary orientation, this works impeccably. You can utilize this for essentially everybody including your chief.
At the point when you pose this question, you give the person the choice to say OK or No. Be that as it may, the vast majority like to give reasons assuming that they say No. Certain persons can be entirely awkward with lying.
This can cause a person to feel compelled to say OK when the person in question is excessively worn out to partake in a call. Certain persons are possibly good with saying No when they can unhesitatingly profess to be excessively occupied with the call
If you don’t believe anybody should feel compelled to accept your calls, you can pose your question in more than one way. Continue to peruse.
2. Are you up for a call?
With this question, you can ask a close friend to call you. This question can be utilized with a few groups who are near you and persons with whom you are OK with utilizing casual words. This works with your companion.
You can utilize this while chatting with your far-off companion. This is ideal if you are speaking with a junior. In any case, it might sound very odd if you are addressing a senior, however the person may not call you out for it. It will sound crazy to say this while talking with your chief.
At the point when you pose this question, you are inquiring as to whether the person is accessible. You are inquiring as to whether the person needs to have a call with you since you need to have a call with him/her.
This ought to offer a person the chance to say No however certain persons find it hard to express No to that. There’s no ideal answer for that. This question causes a person to go ahead and express No with no further inquiries posed to about why the person wouldn’t be accepting calls.
3. Do you have a second?
You can ask to call anybody with this question however you might need to express that you are going to call the person at times. This is a good question to ask a close friend.
At times, you don’t for a moment even need to let the companion know that you are going to call yet that doesn’t fix the issue of having persons compelled to have a call with you. Assuming that you are chatting with the contrary orientation, you can utilize this.
You can utilize this while conversing with a lesser and a senior. You might involve this for your chief. In these circumstances except that of your dear companion, you need to express that you are going to call the person.
At the point when you pose this question, you are inquiring as to whether the person is accessible. On the other hand, you are not implying that you are going to call. That needs to be added right after. The motivation behind saying this underlying question is to pose if the person is accessible.
In a roundabout way, this question likewise proposes that the call will be short since you just requested a second. Hence, the discussion must be kept as brief as could be expected.
4. Are you available?
You can request to call a companion or a lesser with this question. At times, you don’t need to ask your companion yet if you are expecting to have a long visit, you might need to ask so you cause no distress. By saying this, you can ask a junior to call you. You can likewise ask a senior however you need to give your justification for needing to call the person.
You are inquiring as to whether the person is accessible however you are not expressing that you are going to call. The person might ask what you want or for what reason you are asking, then, at that point, you can inform the person about the call before calling. The person can say he/she is occupied or may recommend that you should message him/her.
5. Can I phone you?
You can request to call a person with this question. You can utilize this for essentially everybody. You can inquire as to whether you can telephone your chief yet you need to express your explanation or reason for needing to do as such.
You can ask a lesser and, surprisingly, a senior and you should state what you need to discuss. If it’s a friend, you can explain why. You will know if he or she is not up for a lengthy phone conversation because they may be expecting you to talk for a long time.
This question is exceptionally fitting and it assists the person with effectively saying No if he is she isn’t willing to talk via telephone.
6. Can we talk over the phone?
You can request to call a person with this question and you might get a response like No, we should continue to talk on the off chance that the person isn’t intrigued. This sounds ridiculous on the off chance that you are conversing with your chief or a senior except if you have valid justifications to make the solicitation
7. Are you free?
You can request to call a person with this question. You can utilize this while conversing with a companion, the contrary orientation, or a lesser one. You shouldn’t utilize this while conversing with your chief.
This question, in any case, doesn’t recommend that you intend to call so it is critical to inquire as to whether you can shout toward you pose this question. The person might be less occupied yet reluctant to accept calls.
On the off chance that you call following a person who says the person in question is free, the person might be compelled to continue to talk even though the person isn’t intrigued.
8. Can I have a moment with you?

This is like saying Could I at any point have a second with you? You can request to call a companion, the contrary orientation, or a lesser. On the off chance that you will utilize this question while conversing with a senior or your chief, you need to ensure you have a valid justification to demand consideration.
This question doesn’t straightforwardly express that you will call the person. Be that as it may, when the person concurs and you call, the person can acknowledge the call and persevere till the discussion is over regardless of whether he/she isn’t willing to have the call. This is because you requested a second.
This proposes that the discussion will be short. Along these lines, you need to keep it as brief as could be expected.
9. I want to call you. Should I?
You can pose this question however it doesn’t make it simpler to say No. It sounds unusual to ask a senior or a manager this question. You ought to possibly utilize this question assuming that you are considering having an easygoing discussion and your supervisor may not be keen on that.
As referenced before, the person might be reluctant to say No because you might feel disappointed. The person, be that as it may, may say No and recommend a favored method for discussing with you.
10. Permit me to call you
You can pose this question if you are conversing with your chief or a senior. If you say this to a friend, it will sound very absurd because you can always call them without asking.
You should only use this question to have an official conversation because it comes across as being very formal. If you are conversing with the contrary orientation or somebody you need to have an easygoing talk with, this solicitation will be ill-advised.
Your chief or your senior can constantly answer uninhibitedly. Thus, you will be aware if they maintain that you should call or not.
11. Are you busy?
This is like asking Would you say you are free? Nonetheless, this question might be seen unexpectedly. You can address anybody with this question. You can express this to your chief however you need to be focused.
A similar applies if you are conversing with a senior except if you both frequently have easygoing discussions. You can express this to your companion and just say you need to talk on the telephone. When conversing with people of a different gender, the same holds.
You can respond that you want to call when the person asks you what you want. The person can without much of a stretch say he/she would rather not get a call.
12. May I call you when you’re free?
This is one of the most incredible ways of inquiring as to whether you can call somebody. You can ask your chief, a senior, and the contrary orientation. It might sound somewhat bizarre while conversing with a companion since you most likely have simple admittance to one another.
This gives the person a chance to pick a time when you can talk for a long time together. It isn’t the most effective way to inquire as to whether you need to converse with the person immediately.
In any case, on the off chance that the person is free, he/she could without much of a stretch say so and you can have your discussion. If the person is not, he or she may select a different time, and you will be aware that you are not required to compel them to speak.
Assuming the person becomes reluctant to talk at the time that he/she had planned a call with you, then he/she will be compelled to talk or give another reason.
13. Will you be willing to talk over the phone?
This is a question you can pose in front of existing apart from everything else you intend to call. The person can without much of a stretch say I don’t know whether I will be accessible. Text them. At the point when the person says this, he/she will not be lying since it very well may be erratic.
This is not a question you should ask your boss. It sounds ridiculous.
14. Tell me whenever you’re up for a call
This is one more extraordinary method for requesting a call. This ought to possibly be utilized when you intend to have a relaxed discussion.
By saying this, you are allowing the person to choose when you ought to call. The person is also not required to provide you with a specific time. This makes it the most ideal choice because the person will illuminate you the second he/she needs to talk and you can have your discussion.
On the off chance that the person gives you a period prior, he/she could be reluctant before then. In any case, this assertion allows the person just to request the call when he/she is prepared. This additionally allows the person to disregard your solicitation and never request your call.
15. What time can I call you?
This makes it more straightforward for the person to pursue a choice. The person will pick what time you can call. The person can likewise just say I don’t have the foggiest idea when I will be free. I will illuminate you when I’m free. At the point when the person says this, he/she will not be lying since it tends to be flighty.
You can likewise address your supervisor with this question yet there must be an explanation or a reason for the call.