At the point when somebody tells you, “I like your lips,” what you answer will rely upon your relationship with the person and how you feel about the commendation.
The two most normal implications behind this comment are that it very well may be a commendation on the presence of somebody’s lips or it could have sexual undercurrents.
The best response is to say, “They feel more pleasant than they look,” particularly on the off chance that you need to energetically and coquettishly suggest your readiness to participate in a cheerful and coy discussion.
Nonetheless, on the off chance that you are not able to take part in cheerful talk or playing with the person, you can utilize answers like “Much obliged, however how about we keep the commendations rigorously PG.” as the ideal response.
The compliment “I like your lips” typically indicates the beginning of a more intimate or flirtatious conversation.
However, when somebody lets you know this, it is ideal to decipher cautiously prior to answering, as it could just suggest a genuine fascination or esteem.
Regardless, the accompanying responses will assist you with understanding what to say and how to communicate your response in words when somebody utilizes this pickup line on you.

Here are 15 Best Responses to “I Like Your Lips”
1. “They feel nicer than they look”
A playful and flirtatious response, “They feel nicer than they look,” is effective when you are willing to continue engaging in lighthearted conversation or flirtation. Likewise, it summons certainty and a positive mental self portrait.
You can utilize this to answer assuming that you like the person who offered the commendation. For example:
Statement: I like your lips
Your response: Thank you. They feel nicer than they look.
Assuming you will take it to another level, you can add an inquiry that pinpoints the close activity. For example:
Statement: I like your lips
Your response: Thank you. They feel nicer than they look, and there’s only one way to find out.
2. “I like your lips too.”
In some cases, returning commendations is the most effective way to answer. By including “too,” it implies you respect the person however much they appreciate you. This is a brain response, however, it very well may be deciphered as a sign that you will additionally take part in whatever comes straightaway — in all likelihood a kiss with the person.
For this response, the message vigorously depends on your resonance.
Statement: Hello, I like your lips.
Your response: Thanks for the compliment. You know what; I like your lips too.
3. “Maybe we can do something about that later.”
I suggest you answer with “Maybe we can do something about that later” when you are not prepared to get private with the person by then. Somebody praising your lips could mean a ton of things, yet this response assists with conveying your eagerness to connect further, yet not by then.
It very well may be a partner who has eyes for you who says the expression in the workplace or when you’re occupied. This is the appropriate response.
Statement: You know what, I like your lips
Your response: Maybe we can do something about that later. What are you doing this evening?
This initiates the process. However, you would have zero desire to utilize this with somebody you would rather not get coquettish with.
4. “Thanks, I think they’re more fun to use than just look at.”
When someone compliments you, a polite response is to say “Thank you.” Yet, to raise the private connotation of the lips praise, you can give the feeling that you will kiss the person by adding, “I think they’re more fun to use than just look at.”
It may not be guaranteed to suggest that you believe the person should kiss you. It’s a smart method for making a big difference for the cheerful tease.
Statement: You look perfect, I like your lips
Your response: Oh, thanks; I think they’re more fun to use than just look at.
5. “Glad to know someone appreciates them.”
You’d concur with me that certified commendations help our confidence and certainty. They likewise keep us persuaded and blissful. “Glad to know someone appreciates them” is a method for valuing the person for thinking that you are praiseworthy.
Even though the comment can propose a ton of things, it by and large means the person is attempting to show fascination and care. This response implies you are appreciative of that.
6. “Maybe you can show me how much.”
Answering with “Maybe you can show me how much” when somebody says they like your lips is a coquettish method for opening the entryways for additional silly and nosy discussions. Be that as it may, assuming things go excessively quickly, it could prompt a satisfying kiss between you both.
You must be certain this is the thing you will draw in with before utilizing this response.
While it readies the floor for what’s coming, it could likewise be a guiltless clever method for answering, without you fundamentally anticipating any close movement
7. “I’m glad you noticed; I have been told they have a way with words.”

This is a response that summons your degree of self-assurance. “I’m glad you noticed,” infers that you are complimented by the commendation, though “I’ve been informed they have special insight with words” suggests that your lips impart through activity, for example, tasting, talking, or in any event, kissing, and you are glad for your capacity to do as such.
It is a brilliant method for answering when somebody praises your lips without exposing the discussion to its private undercurrents.
For example:
Statement: I do like your lips
Your response: I’m glad you noticed, I have been told they have a way with words
8. “Lips don’t lie.”
Assuming you comprehend what the person is attempting to get at with the commendation and you’re complimented by it, you can utilize this response to infer that what your lips express to the person is veritable and genuine.
It is a remark on certain mental self-views. In any case, in fewer words, you are participating in an elevated degree of repartee.
9. “Kisses on the way!”
“Kisses on the way!” is a response to approve and affirm anything that close activity is supposed to trail behind the lip praise. It implies you are keen on the commendation, and giving a kiss is not a terrible suggestion to show that.
If you feel a type of fondness towards the person, and that second seems like the ideal time, then this is the ideal response.
10. “I’ll take that as a compliment, thanks!”
At the point when you see the comment as a commendation and that’s it, ideally, let’s put the answer that way as well.
The fact that you have chosen to ignore the compliment and keep everything formal does not imply that you are not aware of the messages it is sending.
11. “It’s okay to like what you may never taste”
Assuming you consider the commendation unseemly, you can utilize this response to answer to the person without causing them to feel awful. “It’s okay to like what you may never taste” has a dismissal feeling, anything that the plan behind the commendation is.
I suggest utilizing this when you don’t think the setting and setting are proper for a particularly coy discussion.
It is likewise a clever rebound to give when you act shy.
12. “Thanks, but compliments should be strictly PG.”
By saying “thanks” first, you show that you appreciate the compliment. Then encouraging the person to keep the commendations rigorously PG implies that you would like assuming the association among you stayed fitting or relaxed.
This is the ideal response for when you need to suggest your inclination for keeping a specific degree of impressive skill in your discussion with the person.
Statement: I like your lips
Your response: Thanks, but let’s keep the compliments strictly PG. Nice try.
13. “Thank you, but I know where this is going.”
“Thank you, but I know where this is going” is an extraordinary response to the lip praise when you know about the expected ramifications or close meaning of the comment. It is likewise a considerate method for communicating your uneasiness about the course of the discussion.
Statement: I like your lips
Your response: Thank you, but I know where this is going. Let’s talk about something else.
The answer can be utilized to cleverly control the discussion away from whatever might be improper.
14. “Lips have feelings too, you know.”
When said mistakenly, the lip’s commendation can appear to be discourteous. On the off chance that you don’t value being generalized or diminished to only an actual property, you can convey that by utilizing this response.
By saying “lips have feelings,” you let the person in that you might want to be treated with deference and responsiveness.
Statement: I like your lips.
Your response: Lips have feelings too, you know. Can’t you compliment me on my values?
Many persons utilize the “lips” praise as a conversation starter, however, it frequently puts on a show of being irritating. If you feel as such, this is the right response.
15. “What do you mean?”
I referenced before that somebody saying “I like your lips” can recommend a great deal of things. Assuming that you are uncertain about the specific situation or purpose behind the commendation about your lips, there is no damage in inquiring.
Statement: I like your lips
Your response: You like my lips? What do you mean?
The person’s response to your inquiry will most likely give you a more clear thought of how to answer.
The Takeaway
Generally speaking, “I like your lips” can be viewed as a commendation. This indicates that they admire your appearance.
But when you think about how specific that compliment is, it could have sexual undertones or suggest that the person is setting up the right conversational environment for a kiss.
Consider the relationship you have with the person, the context, and the tone of the person before using any of the aforementioned responses.