When someone says, “Give my regards to the family,” do you wonder what to say? This is one of the articulations that don’t need an extraordinary response. It is much of the time utilized on flight so you can decide to answer with Farewell or say whatever other word that is utilized on takeoff.
You can likewise address the message in the articulation. Since you have been approached to stretch out a person’s respect to the family, you can give a strict response or even say OK.
Whichever response you give won’t be viewed as ridiculous except if it is off-point.
A list of well-chosen responses to the expression and their usage is provided below.

How to Respond to “Give My Regards To The Family”
1. Okay
On the off chance that a person requests that you give their respects to your family, you can just say OK. You need to comprehend that the person isn’t anticipating a unique response from you so no explanation is completely utilized for this situation.
The assertion is a message to your loved ones. By saying “OK,” you are indicating to the other person that you have listened to what they have to say. It doesn’t mean you will do what the person has asked yet the person isn’t requesting that you guarantee.
The person isn’t questioning that you will pass the message on to one or the other so OK is a wonderful response all things considered.
Most of the time, people use the phrase without checking to see if you sent the message. In this way, on the off chance that you don’t figure you will want to pass on the message, you don’t for even a moment need to say it.
2. I certainly will
You can simply respond, “I certainly will,” when someone asks you to send them a message of support to your family. As referenced before, the person anticipates no exceptional response from you. You simply need to show that you have heard the person.
Nevertheless, by stating this, you are promising to convey the message. Much of the time, the person may not make sure to check if you pass on the message or not. You can respond this way even if you think you won’t.
This response reassures the recipient that you will forward the message, increasing the likelihood that they will later inquire if you did so.
3. I have to take it first
You can respond in a funny way like this when someone asks you to convey their love to your family. I need to take it first. The person will consider what you implied by that articulation.
There is a high opportunity that the person will rehash what he/she has expressed just to ensure you heard information exchanged before and that you are answering accurately.
You can get the person to giggle with this however you need to stop it so the second doesn’t get off-kilter. You can say okay after saying this and laughing about it for a few seconds. I will. Then both of you can isolate.
4. They will hear it.
Assuming a person requests that you give their respects to your family, you can answer by saying that They will hear it or They will hear from you.
At the point when a person advises you to stretch out their respects to someone else, no unique response is normal. You have been approached to illuminate another person that a person has welcomed him/her.
You only need to inform the person that you have listened to what they have asked. Now and again, the person will say that you should tell your family that the person in question has respected them. Then, at that point, you might need to guarantee that you will convey the message.
At the point when you give this response, it fills in as an affirmation that you will give the message to your family as the person has inquired.
5. My regards to…
If a person requests that you give their respects to your family or another person, you can likewise respect their family or anybody near the person.
You might wonder if this is the response you expected. Be that as it may, there is no normal response to this situation. If you say OK or give another response that sounds casual, there is a high opportunity that the person will believe you should vow to pass on the message.
Nonetheless, assuming you request that the person stretch out your respects to another person as well, he/she might neglect to make you vow to pass on the message while he/she is answering you.
This response may not sound sufficient on the off chance that you are not near the person you are alluding to.
6. Of course
On the off chance that a person requests that you give their respects to your family, you can essentially say obviously. You are indicating that you have listened to the person by saying this. You are likewise encouraging that you will give the message to your loved ones.
This response is one of the most mind-blowing since you are showing a degree of energy for the message. You can use it if it’s someone you haven’t seen in a long time or someone you think would be happy to hear from your family.
This response guarantees the person that you will stretch out their respects to your loved ones.
The response shows a degree of energy that will be unnecessary at times so you shouldn’t utilize this response assuming you are conversing with a person that isn’t near your loved ones.
7. I plan to forget

You can respond by saying “I plan to forget” when someone asks you to send them a message of support to your family. It’s silly and funny, but it changes the subject.
As a rule, you have been approached to stretch out a person’s respects to your family or another person yet you neglect to pass on the message.
It might have happened so often that at whatever point a person requests that you give their respects to another person, you simply recollect that you would in all probability neglect to do as such. You can speak the truth about that.
The person will think that it is entertaining and you can make sense of that you question assuming you will recollect. It is critical to add that you will make an honest effort to recollect.
If the person is close to you, you can always use this response. The joke might not be heard otherwise.
8. If I remember
You can respond by saying “If I remember” when someone asks you to send them a message of support to your family. It is like the response referenced before; I intend to neglect.
However, it is preferable to use this response if the person you are speaking with may not understand the joke. It will directly transmit the same message.
It becomes natural for you to forget to remember people’s messages when you frequently forget to pass them on to other people.
In this situation, when the person advises you to give their respects to your family, there is a high opportunity that you will drive the thought away quickly because you realize you will neglect it.
If the person insists that you must convey the message, you should explain that you may forget, but you must justify not remembering.
9. I will keep that in mind
Assuming that a person requests that you give their respects to your family, you can answer by saying that you Will remember it. This certifies that you have heard what the person mentioned. It also demonstrates that you intend to convey the person’s message.
It doesn’t guarantee the person that you will pass on the message. Rather, it lets the person know that you will attempt to make sure to get it done. If the person responds, they will most likely remind you not to forget. Before you part ways, you can simply state, “I won’t.”
Even if you don’t intend to convey the message, this works perfectly because there is no special response to the expression.
10. I can’t
You can respond by saying I can’t if someone asks you to send them a message of support to your family. As a rule, persons utilize the articulation however they couldn’t care less if you pass on the message or not. They just express it as a distinction to the person or simply expressions of takeoff.
Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you say I can’t, there is a high opportunity for the person will inquire as to why regardless of whether he/she couldn’t care less. You can involve it as a joke, then say you are simply joking before you part.
You may likewise mean it, then, at that point, you should make sense of why you won’t be giving the person’s respects to your loved ones. Your justification for saying this must be appealing except if you are messing with the person.
11. Do you want to give it out?
You can respond with this question if someone asks you to send their best wishes to your family. Just make sure the person is listening.
Now and again, persons utilize this articulation without being mindful assuming the message is passed or even heard. All things considered, posing this inquiry might sound off-kilter, particularly if the person doesn’t answer.
To keep the conversation going for a short time, this is a funny question. If you think the person is hurrying out, you can utilize a straightforward response.
You may not need to say anything. Be that as it may, assuming the person is standing by listening to you, you can pose this inquiry. The person will chuckle about it for a couple of moments. Then, you can essentially say you will pass on the message before you head out in different directions.
12. I don’t think I have it
If a person requests that you give their respects to your family, you can answer by saying I don’t think I have it. This is an interesting response if you are conversing with a person who is near you.
There is a high opportunity that the person will rehash what he/she expressed just to be certain you heard right. On the off chance that you say it once more, the person will snicker about it. Then, at that point, you can give a straightforward response.
On the off chance that the person is leaving rapidly, this response might sound a piece idiotic since the person will be unable to respond well.
13. I will pass the message on
On the off chance that a person requests that you give their respects to your family, you can answer by saying that you Will pass the message on.
At the point when a person advises you to stretch out their respects to someone else, no exceptional response is normal. You have been approached to illuminate your family or another person that a person has welcomed him/her.
You just need to tell the person that you have heard the solicitation and you will do as inquired. Now and again, the person will rehash that you should tell your family that the person has respected them.
Then maybe you’ll have to say you’ll get the message.
14. Alright. Goodbye
If a person requests that you give their respects to your family, you can say Alright, Goodbye. You need to comprehend that the person isn’t expecting an exceptional response from you so no explanation is completely utilized for this situation.
By saying right, you are letting the person know that you have heard what the person said. It doesn’t mean you will do what the person has asked. You can essentially express Farewell after that.
The articulation is in many cases utilized on flight so you can express Farewell without saying anything more.